from deepfloyd_if.modules import IFStageI, IFStageII, StableStageIII from deepfloyd_if.modules.t5 import T5Embedder from deepfloyd_if.pipelines import dream # Run locally device = 'cuda' cache_dir = "/path/to/storage/IF" if_I = IFStageI('IF-I-L-v1.0', device=device, cache_dir=cache_dir) if_II = IFStageII('IF-II-L-v1.0', device=device, cache_dir=cache_dir) if_III = StableStageIII('stable-diffusion-x4-upscaler', device=device, cache_dir=cache_dir) t5 = T5Embedder(device=device, cache_dir=cache_dir) prompt = "In the heart of the wilderness, an enchanting forest reveals itself. \ Towering trees, their trunks sturdy and thick, reach skyward, their leafy canopies \ forming a natural cathedral. Verdant moss clings to bark, and tendrils of ivy climb ambitiously towards the sun-dappled treetops. \ The forest floor is a tapestry of fallen leaves, sprinkled with delicate wildflowers. The soft chatter of wildlife resonates, while a nearby brook babbles, its clear waters winking in the dappled light. \ Sunrays filter through the foliage, casting an emerald glow that dances on the woodland floor. Amidst the tranquility, the forest teems with life, whispering ancient secrets on the breeze." count = 1 result = dream( t5=t5, if_I=if_I, if_II=if_II, if_III=if_III, prompt=[prompt]*count, seed=42, if_I_kwargs={ "guidance_scale": 7.0, "sample_timestep_respacing": "smart100", }, if_II_kwargs={ "guidance_scale": 4.0, "sample_timestep_respacing": "smart50", }, if_III_kwargs={ "guidance_scale": 9.0, "noise_level": 20, "sample_timestep_respacing": "75", }, ) result['III'][0].save("./dream_figure.jpg")