from io import BytesIO import torch import PIL import requests from diffusers import RePaintPipeline, RePaintScheduler def download_image(url): response = requests.get(url) return"RGB") img_url = "" mask_url = "" # Load the original image and the mask as PIL images original_image = download_image(img_url).resize((256, 256)) mask_image = download_image(mask_url).resize((256, 256)) # Load the RePaint scheduler and pipeline based on a pretrained DDPM model DEVICE = "cuda:1" CACHE_DIR = "/comp_robot/rentianhe/weights/diffusers/" scheduler = RePaintScheduler.from_pretrained("google/ddpm-ema-celebahq-256", cache_dir=CACHE_DIR) pipe = RePaintPipeline.from_pretrained("google/ddpm-ema-celebahq-256", scheduler=scheduler, cache_dir=CACHE_DIR) pipe = generator = torch.Generator(device=DEVICE).manual_seed(0) output = pipe( image=original_image, mask_image=mask_image, num_inference_steps=250, eta=0.0, jump_length=10, jump_n_sample=10, generator=generator, ) inpainted_image = output.images[0]"./repaint_demo.jpg")