# !pip install diffusers transformers import requests import cv2 import numpy as np import PIL from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from segment_anything import sam_model_registry, SamPredictor from lama_cleaner.model.lama import LaMa from lama_cleaner.schema import Config """ Step 1: Download and preprocess demo images """ def download_image(url): image = PIL.Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) image = PIL.ImageOps.exif_transpose(image) image = image.convert("RGB") return image img_url = "https://github.com/IDEA-Research/detrex-storage/blob/main/assets/grounded_sam/paint_by_example/input_image.png?raw=true" init_image = download_image(img_url) init_image = np.asarray(init_image) """ Step 2: Initialize SAM and LaMa models """ DEVICE = "cuda:1" # SAM SAM_ENCODER_VERSION = "vit_h" SAM_CHECKPOINT_PATH = "/comp_robot/rentianhe/code/Grounded-Segment-Anything/sam_vit_h_4b8939.pth" sam = sam_model_registry[SAM_ENCODER_VERSION](checkpoint=SAM_CHECKPOINT_PATH).to(device=DEVICE) sam_predictor = SamPredictor(sam) sam_predictor.set_image(init_image) # LaMa model = LaMa(DEVICE) """ Step 3: Get masks with SAM by prompt (box or point) and inpaint the mask region by example image. """ input_point = np.array([[350, 256]]) input_label = np.array([1]) # positive label masks, _, _ = sam_predictor.predict( point_coords=input_point, point_labels=input_label, multimask_output=False ) masks = masks.astype(np.uint8) * 255 # mask_pil = Image.fromarray(masks[0]) # simply save the first mask """ Step 4: Dilate Mask to make it more suitable for LaMa inpainting The idea behind dilate mask is to mask a larger region which will be better for inpainting. Borrowed from Inpaint-Anything: https://github.com/geekyutao/Inpaint-Anything/blob/main/utils/utils.py#L18 """ def dilate_mask(mask, dilate_factor=15): mask = mask.astype(np.uint8) mask = cv2.dilate( mask, np.ones((dilate_factor, dilate_factor), np.uint8), iterations=1 ) return mask def save_array_to_img(img_arr, img_p): Image.fromarray(img_arr.astype(np.uint8)).save(img_p) # [1, 512, 512] to [512, 512] and save mask save_array_to_img(masks[0], "./mask.png") mask = dilate_mask(masks[0], dilate_factor=15) save_array_to_img(mask, "./dilated_mask.png") """ Step 5: Run LaMa inpaint model """ result = model(init_image, mask, Config(hd_strategy="Original", ldm_steps=20, hd_strategy_crop_margin=128, hd_strategy_crop_trigger_size=800, hd_strategy_resize_limit=800)) cv2.imwrite("sam_lama_demo.jpg", result)