--- tags: - bertopic library_name: bertopic pipeline_tag: text-classification --- # transformers_issues_topics This is a [BERTopic](https://github.com/MaartenGr/BERTopic) model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets. ## Usage To use this model, please install BERTopic: ``` pip install -U bertopic ``` You can use the model as follows: ```python from bertopic import BERTopic topic_model = BERTopic.load("mark230271/transformers_issues_topics") topic_model.get_topic_info() ``` ## Topic overview * Number of topics: 30 * Number of training documents: 9000
Click here for an overview of all topics. | Topic ID | Topic Keywords | Topic Frequency | Label | |----------|----------------|-----------------|-------| | -1 | tokenizer - bert - tokenizers - pytorch - tensorflow | 11 | -1_tokenizer_bert_tokenizers_pytorch | | 0 | tokenizer - tokenizers - tokenization - berttokenizer - bart | 2376 | 0_tokenizer_tokenizers_tokenization_berttokenizer | | 1 | cuda - gpt2 - gpt - gpus - gpu | 1879 | 1_cuda_gpt2_gpt_gpus | | 2 | modelcard - modelcards - card - model - models | 735 | 2_modelcard_modelcards_card_model | | 3 | transformerscli - transformers - transformer - transformerxl - importerror | 412 | 3_transformerscli_transformers_transformer_transformerxl | | 4 | typeerror - attributeerror - valueerror - error - errors | 385 | 4_typeerror_attributeerror_valueerror_error | | 5 | trainertrain - trainer - trainerevaluate - trainers - training | 330 | 5_trainertrain_trainer_trainerevaluate_trainers | | 6 | seq2seq - seq2seqtrainer - s2s - runseq2seq - seq2seqdataset | 319 | 6_seq2seq_seq2seqtrainer_s2s_runseq2seq | | 7 | typos - typo - fix - correction - fixed | 306 | 7_typos_typo_fix_correction | | 8 | ci - testing - test - tests - circleci | 282 | 8_ci_testing_test_tests | | 9 | readmemd - readmetxt - readme - file - camembertbasereadmemd | 255 | 9_readmemd_readmetxt_readme_file | | 10 | t5 - t5model - tf - t5base - t5large | 255 | 10_t5_t5model_tf_t5base | | 11 | generationbeamsearchpy - beamsearch - groupbeamsearch - beam - search | 218 | 11_generationbeamsearchpy_beamsearch_groupbeamsearch_beam | | 12 | flax - distilbertmodel - flaubert - deberta - model | 185 | 12_flax_distilbertmodel_flaubert_deberta | | 13 | ner - pipeline - pipelines - nerpipeline - fillmaskpipeline | 177 | 13_ner_pipeline_pipelines_nerpipeline | | 14 | questionansweringpipeline - tfalbertforquestionanswering - questionanswering - distilbertforquestionanswering - answering | 161 | 14_questionansweringpipeline_tfalbertforquestionanswering_questionanswering_distilbertforquestionanswering | | 15 | huggingfacetransformers - huggingface - hugging - gluepy - gluebenchmarkcom | 133 | 15_huggingfacetransformers_huggingface_hugging_gluepy | | 16 | onnx - onnxonnxruntime - onnxexport - 04onnxexport - 04onnxexportipynb | 130 | 16_onnx_onnxonnxruntime_onnxexport_04onnxexport | | 17 | labelsmoothednllloss - labelsmoothingfactor - label - labels - labelsmoothing | 96 | 17_labelsmoothednllloss_labelsmoothingfactor_label_labels | | 18 | longformer - longformers - longform - longformerlayer - longformermodel | 73 | 18_longformer_longformers_longform_longformerlayer | | 19 | configpath - configs - config - configuration - modelconfigs | 59 | 19_configpath_configs_config_configuration | | 20 | wandbproject - wandb - sagemaker - sagemakertrainer - wandbcallback | 45 | 20_wandbproject_wandb_sagemaker_sagemakertrainer | | 21 | cachedir - cache - cachedpath - caching - cached | 33 | 21_cachedir_cache_cachedpath_caching | | 22 | notebook - notebooks - community - colab - t5 | 33 | 22_notebook_notebooks_community_colab | | 23 | electra - electrapretrainedmodel - electraformaskedlm - electraformultiplechoice - electrafortokenclassification | 30 | 23_electra_electrapretrainedmodel_electraformaskedlm_electraformultiplechoice | | 24 | layoutlm - layout - layoutlmtokenizer - layoutlmbaseuncased - tf | 24 | 24_layoutlm_layout_layoutlmtokenizer_layoutlmbaseuncased | | 25 | isort - blackisortflake8 - github - repo - version | 18 | 25_isort_blackisortflake8_github_repo | | 26 | pplm - pr - deprecated - variable - ppl | 14 | 26_pplm_pr_deprecated_variable | | 27 | indexerror - index - missingindex - indices - runtimeerror | 14 | 27_indexerror_index_missingindex_indices | | 28 | ga - fork - forks - forked - push | 12 | 28_ga_fork_forks_forked |
## Training hyperparameters * calculate_probabilities: False * language: english * low_memory: False * min_topic_size: 10 * n_gram_range: (1, 1) * nr_topics: 30 * seed_topic_list: None * top_n_words: 10 * verbose: True * zeroshot_min_similarity: 0.7 * zeroshot_topic_list: None ## Framework versions * Numpy: 1.25.2 * HDBSCAN: 0.8.33 * UMAP: 0.5.6 * Pandas: 2.0.3 * Scikit-Learn: 1.2.2 * Sentence-transformers: 2.6.1 * Transformers: 4.38.2 * Numba: 0.58.1 * Plotly: 5.15.0 * Python: 3.10.12