--- language: - sv-SE license: cc0-1.0 tags: - automatic-speech-recognition - mozilla-foundation/common_voice_8_0 - generated_from_trainer - sv - robust-speech-event - model_for_talk datasets: - mozilla-foundation/common_voice_8_0 - marinone94/nst_sv model-index: - name: XLS-R-300M - Swedish results: - task: name: Automatic Speech Recognition type: automatic-speech-recognition dataset: name: mozilla-foundation/common_voice_8_0 type: mozilla-foundation/common_voice_8_0 args: sv-SE metrics: - name: Test WER type: wer value: 16.98 - name: Test CER type: cer value: 5.66 - task: name: Automatic Speech Recognition type: automatic-speech-recognition dataset: name: speech-recognition-community-v2/dev_data type: speech-recognition-community-v2/dev_data args: sv metrics: - name: Test WER type: wer value: 27.01 - name: Test CER type: cer value: 13.14 --- This model is a fine-tuned version of [KBLab/wav2vec2-large-voxrex](https://huggingface.co/KBLab/wav2vec2-large-voxrex) on 2 epochs of the MARINONE94/NST_SV - SV dataset (80% random split with seed 42 as the dataset for now has only the "train" split), and then on 50 epochs of the the MOZILLA-FOUNDATION/COMMON_VOICE_8_0 - SV-SE dataset ("train+validation" split). See run.sh to have a complete overview of all the training steps. NOTE: the first training for now didn't work as expected, so it might be useless or even degrade performance. Further investigation and development is needed. d73da225cfdc57213ea4ab67b24bb87ac41f4392 is the commit at the end of the first training: ``` sh run.sh ```