--- datasets: - marcelhuber/KermanyV3_flattened_postprocessed language: - en tags: - medical --- # KermanyV3 GAN Model ## Description The KermanyV3 GAN is a Generative Adversarial Network trained on the KermanyV3_flattened_posptrocessed dataset to generate synthetic medical images. ## Files Included - `fakes000840.png`: Sample of synthetic images generated by the GAN at snapshot 000840. - `log.txt`: Log file containing training progress and details. - `metric-fid50k_full.jsonl`: JSONL file with FID (Fréchet Inception Distance) metric scores for evaluating image quality. - `metric-kid50k_full.jsonl`: JSONL file with KID (Kernel Inception Distance) metric scores for evaluating image quality. - `network-snapshot-000840.pkl`: Snapshot of the GAN's trained parameters at iteration 000840. - `stats.jsonl`: JSONL file containing statistics and metrics related to the training process. - `training_options.json`: JSON file detailing the training hyperparameters and options. ## Dataset Used KermanyV3_flattened_posptrocessed ## Model Performance - FID Score: 4.954847615273339 - KID Score: 0.003050379662162 ## Training Details - Training Iterations: 840 - Training Time: 8h 40m - Architecture: StyleGAN2-ADA-PyTorch - Batch Size: 16 ## Usage Instructions 1. Load the pre-trained GAN parameters from `network-snapshot-000840.pkl`. 2. Use the generator to generate synthetic images. 3. To evaluate image quality, refer to `metric-fid50k_full.jsonl` for FID scores and `metric-kid50k_full.jsonl` for KID scores. 4. For additional training information, refer to `log.txt`, `stats.jsonl`, and `training_options.json`. ![Generated Image](fakes000840.png)