--- language: - es - fr - ru - en - it tags: - token-classification - fill-mask license: mit datasets: - iit-cdip --- This model is the pretrained infoxlm checkpoint from the paper "LiLT: A Simple yet Effective Language-Independent Layout Transformer for Structured Document Understanding". Original repository: https://github.com/jpWang/LiLT To use it, it is necessary to fork the modeling and configuration files from the original repository, and load the pretrained model from the corresponding classes (LiLTRobertaLikeConfig, LiLTRobertaLikeForRelationExtraction, LiLTRobertaLikeForTokenClassification, LiLTRobertaLikeModel). They can also be preloaded with the AutoConfig/model factories as such: ```python from transformers import AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoConfig from path_to_custom_classes import ( LiLTRobertaLikeConfig, LiLTRobertaLikeForRelationExtraction, LiLTRobertaLikeForTokenClassification, LiLTRobertaLikeModel ) def patch_transformers(): AutoConfig.register("liltrobertalike", LiLTRobertaLikeConfig) AutoModel.register(LiLTRobertaLikeConfig, LiLTRobertaLikeModel) AutoModelForTokenClassification.register(LiLTRobertaLikeConfig, LiLTRobertaLikeForTokenClassification) # etc... ``` To load the model, it is then possible to use: ```python # patch_transformers() must have been executed beforehand tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(self.tokenizer_name, use_auth_token=self.use_auth_token) model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("manu/lilt-infoxlm-base") model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("manu/lilt-infoxlm-base") # to be fine-tuned on a token classification task ```