# This is the tutorial of data processing of REC-MV. The data pre-processing part includes img, mask, normal, parsing (garment segmentation), camera, smpl parameters (beta & theta), featurelines, skinning weight. ## Step0 set up the environment (or you can directly use REC-MV environment) ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Step1 You should make directory to save all processed data, named, to say, xiaoming. And you turn the video into images: ``` encodepngffmpeg() { # $1: target folder # $2: save video name ffmpeg -r ${1} -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' -vcodec libx264 -crf 18 -vf "pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2" -pix_fmt yuv420p ${2} } encodepngffmpeg 30 ./xiaoming.mp4 ``` Then, your data directory: ``` xiaoming/ └── imgs ``` ## Step2 Normal, Parsing, and Mask Get the normal map, parsing mask, masks. ``` python prcess_data_all.py --gid --root --gender # example python prcess_data_all.py --gid 0 --root /data/xiaoming --gender male ``` Your data directory: ``` xiaoming/ ├── imgs ├── masks ├── normals └── parsing_SCH_ATR ``` ## Step3 SMPL & Camera To get smpl paramaters (pose and shape), here we use [videoavatar](https://github.com/thmoa/videoavatars): - Set up the env (**Note it use python2**) - Prepare keypoints files for each frame in the video and put them under `xiaoming/openpose`, which I use [Openpose](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose). - Run three python files in videoavatars/prepare_data, you'll get `keypoints.hdf5, masks.hdf5, camera.hdf5.` Or you can just use my script: ```cd videoavatars; python get_reconstructed_poses.py --root xiaoming --out xiaoming --gender male``` - `bash run_step1.sh` After you run through videoavatar, you will get `camera.pkl, reconstructed_poses.hdf5`. Put it also under the root(xiaoming). You can get `smpl_rec.npz, camera.npz` by running: ``` python get_smpl_rec_camera.py --root xiaoming --save_root xiaoming --gender male ``` **Note: You can use any other smpl estimation algorithm, but you should follow the way how smpl_rec.npz save pose, shape, and trans.** ## Step4 Skining Weight We follow [fite](https://github.com/jsnln/fite) to get the lbs skinning weight to prevent artifacts. In fite's readme, you'll get a skining weight cube after finishing 3.Diffused Skinning. Name it `diffused_skinning_weights.npy` and put it under xiaoming.