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A GPT2-tokenizer for English and German with a vocabulary size of 88,301.

This tokenizer is created by merging the original GPT2 tokenizer (English) with a German tokenizer.

Steps to reproduce

from transformers import AutoTokenizer

a_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2')
b_tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('malteos/gpt2-xl-wechsel-german')

a_vocab = set(a_tokenizer.vocab.keys())  # len(a_vocab)=50257
b_vocab = set(b_tokenizer.vocab.keys())  # len(b_vocab)=50257

missing_tokens_in_a = b_vocab - a_vocab  # len = 38044 


a_tokenizer.save('opengptx-en-de') # len = 88301

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