import re import sys import textwrap from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from num2words import num2words class Normalizer: """A general normalizer for every language""" _whitelist = r"[0-9a-zádðéíóúýþæö]+" _dictionary = {} _text_key_name: str = "sentence" _do_lowercase: bool = True def __init__( self, whitelist: str = None, dictionary: Dict[str, str] = None, lang: str = None ) -> None: self.text_key_name = self._text_key_name self.whitelist = whitelist if whitelist and isinstance(whitelist, str) else self._whitelist self.dictionary = dictionary if dictionary and isinstance(dictionary, dict) else self._dictionary self.do_lowercase = self._do_lowercase self.lang = lang def chars_to_map(self, sentence: str) -> str: """Maps every character, words, and phrase into a proper one. Args: sentence (str): A piece of text. """ if not len(self.dictionary) > 0: return sentence pattern = "|".join(map(re.escape, self.dictionary.keys())) return re.sub(pattern, lambda m: self.dictionary[], str(sentence)) def chars_to_preserve( self, sentence: str, ) -> str: """Keeps specified characters from sentence Args: sentence (str): A piece of text. """ try: tokenized = re.findall(self.whitelist, sentence, re.IGNORECASE) return " ".join(tokenized) except Exception as error: print( textwrap.dedent( f""" Bad characters range {self.whitelist}, {error} """ ) ) raise def text_level_normalizer(self, sentence: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """A text level of normalization. It is handy for some languages that need to add a hierarchy of normalization and filtering at the text level. Args: sentence (str): A piece of text. """ text = sentence if not self.lang: return text _text = [] for word in text.split(): try: word = int(word) word = str(num2words(word, lang=self.lang)) except: word = str(word) _text.append(word) return " ".join(_text) def __call__( self, batch: Dict, return_dict: bool = True, do_lastspace_removing: bool = False, text_key_name: Optional[str] = None, do_lowercase: Optional[bool] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Any: """Normalization caller Args: batch (Dict): A batch of input. text_key_name (str, optional): The key name of text in the batch input. return_dict (bool, optional): Whether to return dictionary of batch or not just the text. Defaults to True. do_lastspace_removing (bool, optional): Whether to add extra space at the end of text or not. Defaults to True. do_lowercase (bool, optional): Whether to do lowercase or not. Defaults to None. """ text_key_name = text_key_name if text_key_name else self.text_key_name do_lowercase = do_lowercase if isinstance(do_lowercase, bool) else self.do_lowercase if text_key_name not in batch: raise KeyError( textwrap.dedent( f""" keyname {text_key_name} not existed in the batch dictionary, the batch dictionary consists of the following keys {list(batch.keys())}, you can easily add a new keyname by passing the `text_key_name` into Normalizer. """ ) ) text = batch[text_key_name].strip() if do_lowercase: text = text.lower() text = self.chars_to_map(text) text = self.chars_to_preserve(text) text = self.text_level_normalizer(text, *args, **kwargs) text = text.strip() if not do_lastspace_removing: text = text + " " if not return_dict: return text batch[text_key_name] = text return batch