--- pipeline_tag: summarization datasets: - samsum language: - en metrics: - rouge library_name: transformers widget: - text: | John: Hey! I've been thinking about getting a PlayStation 5. Do you think it is worth it? Dan: Idk man. R u sure ur going to have enough free time to play it? John: Yeah, that's why I'm not sure if I should buy one or not. I've been working so much lately idk if I'm gonna be able to play it as much as I'd like. - text: | Sarah: Do you think it's a good idea to invest in Bitcoin? Emily: I'm skeptical. The market is very volatile, and you could lose money. Sarah: True. But there's also a high upside, right? - text: | Madison: Hello Lawrence are you through with the article? Lawrence: Not yet sir. Lawrence: But i will be in a few. Madison: Okay. But make it quick. Madison: The piece is needed by today Lawrence: Sure thing Lawrence: I will get back to you once i am through." model-index: - name: bart-finetuned-samsum results: - task: name: Text Summarization type: summarization dataset: name: SamSum type: samsum metrics: - name: Validation ROUGE-1 type: rouge-1 value: 53.8804 - name: Validation ROUGE-2 type: rouge-2 value: 29.2329 - name: Validation ROUGE-L type: rougeL value: 44.774 - name: Validation ROUGE-L Sum type: rougeLsum value: 49.8255 - name: Test ROUGE-1 type: rouge-1 value: 52.8156 - name: Test ROUGE-2 type: rouge-2 value: 28.1259 - name: Test ROUGE-L type: rougeL value: 43.7147 - name: Test ROUGE-L Sum type: rougeLsum value: 48.5712 --- # Description This model is a specialized adaptation of the facebook/bart-large-xsum, fine-tuned for enhanced performance on dialogue summarization using the SamSum dataset. ## Development - Kaggle Notebook: [Text Summarization with Large Language Models](https://www.kaggle.com/code/lusfernandotorres/text-summarization-with-large-language-models) ## Usage ```python from transformers import pipeline model = pipeline("summarization", model="luisotorres/bart-finetuned-samsum") conversation = '''Sarah: Do you think it's a good idea to invest in Bitcoin? Emily: I'm skeptical. The market is very volatile, and you could lose money. Sarah: True. But there's also a high upside, right? ''' model(conversation) ``` ## Training Parameters ```python evaluation_strategy = "epoch", save_strategy = 'epoch', load_best_model_at_end = True, metric_for_best_model = 'eval_loss', seed = 42, learning_rate=2e-5, per_device_train_batch_size=4, per_device_eval_batch_size=4, gradient_accumulation_steps=2, weight_decay=0.01, save_total_limit=2, num_train_epochs=4, predict_with_generate=True, fp16=True, report_to="none" ``` ## Reference This model is based on the original BART architecture, as detailed in: Lewis et al. (2019). BART: Denoising Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training for Natural Language Generation, Translation, and Comprehension. [arXiv:1910.13461](https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.13461)