#include "lm/builder/combine_counts.hh" #include "lm/builder/corpus_count.hh" #include "lm/common/compare.hh" #include "util/stream/chain.hh" #include "util/stream/io.hh" #include "util/stream/sort.hh" #include "util/file.hh" #include "util/file_piece.hh" #include "util/usage.hh" #include #include namespace { class SizeNotify { public: SizeNotify(std::size_t &out) : behind_(out) {} void operator()(const std::string &from) { behind_ = util::ParseSize(from); } private: std::size_t &behind_; }; boost::program_options::typed_value *SizeOption(std::size_t &to, const char *default_value) { return boost::program_options::value()->notifier(SizeNotify(to))->default_value(default_value); } } // namespace int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { namespace po = boost::program_options; unsigned order; std::size_t ram; std::string temp_prefix, vocab_table, vocab_list; po::options_description options("corpus count"); options.add_options() ("help,h", po::bool_switch(), "Show this help message") ("order,o", po::value(&order)->required(), "Order") ("temp_prefix,T", po::value(&temp_prefix)->default_value(util::DefaultTempDirectory()), "Temporary file prefix") ("memory,S", SizeOption(ram, "80%"), "RAM") ("read_vocab_table", po::value(&vocab_table), "Vocabulary hash table to read. This should be a probing hash table with size at the beginning.") ("write_vocab_list", po::value(&vocab_list), "Vocabulary list to write as null-delimited strings."); po::variables_map vm; po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, options), vm); if (argc == 1 || vm["help"].as()) { std::cerr << "Counts n-grams from standard input.\n" << options << std::endl; return 1; } po::notify(vm); if (!(vocab_table.empty() ^ vocab_list.empty())) { std::cerr << "Specify one of --read_vocab_table or --write_vocab_list for vocabulary handling." << std::endl; return 1; } util::NormalizeTempPrefix(temp_prefix); util::scoped_fd vocab_file(vocab_table.empty() ? util::CreateOrThrow(vocab_list.c_str()) : util::OpenReadOrThrow(vocab_table.c_str())); std::size_t blocks = 2; std::size_t remaining_size = ram - util::SizeOrThrow(vocab_file.get()); std::size_t memory_for_chain = // This much memory to work with after vocab hash table. static_cast(remaining_size) / // Solve for block size including the dedupe multiplier for one block. (static_cast(blocks) + lm::builder::CorpusCount::DedupeMultiplier(order)) * // Chain likes memory expressed in terms of total memory. static_cast(blocks); std::cerr << "Using " << memory_for_chain << " for chains." << std::endl; util::stream::Chain chain(util::stream::ChainConfig(lm::NGram::TotalSize(order), blocks, memory_for_chain)); util::FilePiece f(0, NULL, &std::cerr); uint64_t token_count = 0; lm::WordIndex type_count = 0; std::vector empty_prune; std::string empty_string; lm::builder::CorpusCount counter(f, vocab_file.get(), vocab_table.empty(), token_count, type_count, empty_prune, empty_string, chain.BlockSize() / chain.EntrySize(), lm::THROW_UP); chain >> boost::ref(counter); util::stream::SortConfig sort_config; sort_config.temp_prefix = temp_prefix; sort_config.buffer_size = 64 * 1024 * 1024; // Intended to run in parallel. sort_config.total_memory = remaining_size; util::stream::Sort sorted(chain, sort_config, lm::SuffixOrder(order), lm::builder::CombineCounts()); chain.Wait(true); util::stream::Chain chain2(util::stream::ChainConfig(lm::NGram::TotalSize(order), blocks, sort_config.buffer_size)); sorted.Output(chain2); // Inefficiently copies if there's only one block. chain2 >> util::stream::WriteAndRecycle(1); chain2.Wait(true); return 0; }