#include "lm/interpolate/tune_derivatives.hh" #include "lm/interpolate/tune_instances.hh" #include "lm/interpolate/tune_matrix.hh" #include "util/stream/chain.hh" #include "util/stream/typed_stream.hh" #include namespace lm { namespace interpolate { Accum Derivatives(Instances &in, const Vector &weights, Vector &gradient, Matrix &hessian) { gradient = in.CorrectGradientTerm(); hessian = Matrix::Zero(weights.rows(), weights.rows()); // TODO: loop instead to force low-memory evaluation? // Compute p_I(x)*Z_{\epsilon} i.e. the unnormalized probabilities Vector weighted_uni((in.LNUnigrams() * weights).array().exp()); // Even -inf doesn't work for because weights can be negative. Manually set it to zero. weighted_uni(in.BOS()) = 0.0; Accum Z_epsilon = weighted_uni.sum(); // unigram_cross(i) = \sum_{all x} p_I(x) ln p_i(x) Vector unigram_cross(in.LNUnigrams().transpose() * weighted_uni / Z_epsilon); Accum sum_B_I = 0.0; Accum sum_ln_Z_context = 0.0; // Temporaries used each cycle of the loop. Matrix convolve; Vector full_cross; Matrix hessian_missing_Z_context; // Backed off ln p_i(x)B_i(context) Vector ln_p_i_backed; // Full ln p_i(x | context) Vector ln_p_i_full; // TODO make configurable memory size. util::stream::Chain chain(util::stream::ChainConfig(in.ReadExtensionsEntrySize(), 2, 64 << 20)); chain.ActivateProgress(); in.ReadExtensions(chain); util::stream::TypedStream extensions(chain.Add()); chain >> util::stream::kRecycle; // Loop over instances (words in the tuning data). for (InstanceIndex n = 0; n < in.NumInstances(); ++n) { assert(extensions); Accum weighted_backoffs = exp(in.LNBackoffs(n).dot(weights)); // Compute \sum_{x: model does not back off to unigram} p_I(x)Z(epsilon) Accum unnormalized_sum_x_p_I = 0.0; // Compute \sum_{x: model does not back off to unigram} p_I(x | context)Z(context) Accum unnormalized_sum_x_p_I_full = 0.0; // This should be divided by Z_context then added to the Hessian. hessian_missing_Z_context = Matrix::Zero(weights.rows(), weights.rows()); full_cross = Vector::Zero(weights.rows()); // Loop over words within an instance for which extension exists. An extension happens when any model matches more than a unigram in the tuning instance. while (extensions && extensions->instance == n) { const WordIndex word = extensions->word; unnormalized_sum_x_p_I += weighted_uni(word); ln_p_i_backed = in.LNUnigrams().row(word) + in.LNBackoffs(n); // Calculate ln_p_i_full(i) = ln p_i(word | context) by filling in unigrams then overwriting with extensions. ln_p_i_full = ln_p_i_backed; // Loop over all models that have an extension for the same word namely p_i(word | context) matches at least a bigram. for (; extensions && extensions->word == word && extensions->instance == n; ++extensions) { ln_p_i_full(extensions->model) = extensions->ln_prob; } // This is the weighted product of probabilities. In other words, p_I(word | context) * Z(context) = exp(\sum_i w_i * p_i(word | context)). Accum weighted = exp(ln_p_i_full.dot(weights)); unnormalized_sum_x_p_I_full += weighted; // These aren't normalized by Z_context (happens later) full_cross.noalias() += weighted * ln_p_i_full - weighted_uni(word) * weighted_backoffs /* we'll divide by Z_context later to form B_I */ * in.LNUnigrams().row(word).transpose(); // This will get multiplied by Z_context then added to the Hessian. hessian_missing_Z_context.noalias() += // Replacement terms. weighted * ln_p_i_full * ln_p_i_full.transpose() // Presumed unigrams. Z_epsilon * weighted_backoffs will turn into B_I once all of this is divided by Z_context. - weighted_uni(word) * weighted_backoffs * ln_p_i_backed * ln_p_i_backed.transpose(); } Accum Z_context = weighted_backoffs * (Z_epsilon - unnormalized_sum_x_p_I) // Back off and unnormalize the unigrams for which there is no extension. + unnormalized_sum_x_p_I_full; // Add the extensions. sum_ln_Z_context += log(Z_context); Accum B_I = Z_epsilon / Z_context * weighted_backoffs; sum_B_I += B_I; // This is the gradient term for this instance except for -log p_i(w_n | w_1^{n-1}) which was accounted for as part of neg_correct_sum_. // full_cross(i) is \sum_{all x} p_I(x | context) log p_i(x | context) // Prior terms excluded dividing by Z_context because it wasn't known at the time. full_cross /= Z_context; full_cross += // Uncorrected term B_I * (in.LNBackoffs(n).transpose() + unigram_cross) // Subtract values that should not have been charged. - unnormalized_sum_x_p_I / Z_epsilon * B_I * in.LNBackoffs(n).transpose(); gradient += full_cross; convolve = unigram_cross * in.LNBackoffs(n); // There's one missing term here, which is independent of context and done at the end. hessian.noalias() += // First term of Hessian, assuming all models back off to unigram. B_I * (convolve + convolve.transpose() + in.LNBackoffs(n).transpose() * in.LNBackoffs(n)) // Error in the first term, correcting from unigram to full probabilities. + hessian_missing_Z_context / Z_context // Second term of Hessian, with correct full probabilities. - full_cross * full_cross.transpose(); } for (Matrix::Index x = 0; x < weighted_uni.rows(); ++x) { // \sum_{contexts} B_I(context) \sum_x p_I(x) log p_i(x) log p_j(x) // TODO can this be optimized? It's summing over the entire vocab which should be a matrix operation. hessian.noalias() += sum_B_I * weighted_uni(x) / Z_epsilon * in.LNUnigrams().row(x).transpose() * in.LNUnigrams().row(x); } return exp((in.CorrectGradientTerm().dot(weights) + sum_ln_Z_context) / static_cast(in.NumInstances())); } }} // namespaces