# Explicitly list the source files for this subdirectory # # If you add any source files to this subdirectory # that should be included in the kenlm library, # (this excludes any unit test files) # you should add them to the following list: set(KENLM_LM_SOURCE bhiksha.cc binary_format.cc config.cc lm_exception.cc model.cc quantize.cc read_arpa.cc search_hashed.cc search_trie.cc sizes.cc trie.cc trie_sort.cc value_build.cc virtual_interface.cc vocab.cc ) # Group these objects together for later use. # # Given add_library(foo OBJECT ${my_foo_sources}), # refer to these objects as $ # add_subdirectory(common) add_library(kenlm ${KENLM_LM_SOURCE} ${KENLM_LM_COMMON_SOURCE}) set_target_properties(kenlm PROPERTIES POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE ON) target_link_libraries(kenlm PUBLIC kenlm_util ${Boost_LIBRARIES} Threads::Threads) set(KENLM_MAX_ORDER 6 CACHE STRING "Maximum supported ngram order") target_compile_definitions(kenlm PUBLIC -DKENLM_MAX_ORDER=${KENLM_MAX_ORDER}) install(TARGETS kenlm RUNTIME DESTINATION bin LIBRARY DESTINATION lib ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib ) # This directory has children that need to be processed add_subdirectory(builder) add_subdirectory(filter) add_subdirectory(interpolate) # Explicitly list the executable files to be compiled set(EXE_LIST query fragment build_binary kenlm_benchmark ) set(LM_LIBS kenlm kenlm_util ${Boost_LIBRARIES} Threads::Threads) AddExes(EXES ${EXE_LIST} LIBRARIES ${LM_LIBS}) if(BUILD_TESTING) set(KENLM_BOOST_TESTS_LIST left_test partial_test) AddTests(TESTS ${KENLM_BOOST_TESTS_LIST} LIBRARIES ${LM_LIBS} TEST_ARGS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test.arpa) # model_test requires an extra command line parameter KenLMAddTest(TEST model_test LIBRARIES ${LM_LIBS} TEST_ARGS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test.arpa ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/test_nounk.arpa) endif()