# This CMake file was created by Lane Schwartz # Explicitly list the source files for this subdirectory # # If you add any source files to this subdirectory # that should be included in the kenlm library, # (this excludes any unit test files) # you should add them to the following list: # # In order to set correct paths to these files # in case this variable is referenced by CMake files in the parent directory, # we prefix all files with ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}. # set(KENLM_FILTER_SOURCE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/arpa_io.cc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/phrase.cc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/vocab.cc ) # Group these objects together for later use. # # Given add_library(foo OBJECT ${my_foo_sources}), # refer to these objects as $ # add_library(kenlm_filter ${KENLM_FILTER_SOURCE}) target_link_libraries(kenlm_filter PUBLIC kenlm_util) AddExes(EXES filter phrase_table_vocab LIBRARIES kenlm_filter kenlm)