[{"video": "test_humor/H_T_1227_0000_0191.mp4", "question": "What unusual action is the man next to the table tennis players performing?", "candidates": ["He is trying to catch the ping pong ball with his mouth.", "He is tapping his own abdomen.", "He is trying to balance a paddle on his nose.", "He is hitting a ping pong ball with his elbow."], "answer": "He is tapping his own abdomen."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_471_0340_0411.mp4", "question": "What surprising action did the dog do to the snake in the video?", "candidates": ["The dog barked at the snake, startling it.", "The dog pulled the snake towards itself, making it jump.", "The dog bit the snake, causing it to hiss.", "The dog stepped on the snake, making it squirm."], "answer": "The dog pulled the snake towards itself, making it jump."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_31_1484_1703.mp4", "question": "What unusual action did the man perform on the swing?", "candidates": ["He fell off the swing.", "He started to sing loudly.", "He was tossing his shoes into the air.", "His scarf flew away with the wind."], "answer": "He was tossing his shoes into the air."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_121_3397_3512.mp4", "question": "What amusing action does the person do to engage with the dog in the video?", "candidates": ["The person is jumping around like a kangaroo.", "The person is mimicking a cat.", "The person is shaking their buttocks amusingly.", "The person is pretending to be a tree."], "answer": "The person is shaking their buttocks amusingly."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_41_1853_1959.mp4", "question": "What unusual item is being received by the hand emerged from beneath the toilet door panel?", "candidates": ["A set of keys.", "A roll of tissue paper.", "Chopsticks and a spoon.", "A bottle of water."], "answer": "Chopsticks and a spoon."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_256_1314_1489.mp4", "question": "What is the reaction of the man sitting on the sofa in the KTV?", "candidates": ["He is singing along with his friend and smiling.", "He is cheering and clapping for the singer.", "He is looking at the singer with disdain and a grimace.", "He is asleep and not interested in what is happening."], "answer": "He is looking at the singer with disdain and a grimace."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_814_0031_0310.mp4", "question": "What unexpected action did the pedestrian take in response to being sprayed with water?", "candidates": ["The pedestrian removed the car door and pulled out the passenger.", "The pedestrian called the police and reported the incident.", "The pedestrian ignored the incident and continued walking.", "The pedestrian retaliated by throwing a rock at the car."], "answer": "The pedestrian removed the car door and pulled out the passenger."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_165_4617_4709.mp4", "question": "What actions led to the humorous event in the snowy setting?", "candidates": ["Child tossed a snowball and adult poured snow from shovel onto kid.", "Kid slipped in snow trying to hit adult.", "Adult retaliated to a kid's snowball with a shovel full of snow.", "Kid kicked a snowball onto the adult."], "answer": "Child tossed a snowball and adult poured snow from shovel onto kid."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_193_2012_2100.mp4", "question": "What happens in the peculiar scene of the video?", "candidates": ["A person wearing a teddy bear outfit grabs a balloon and spins around.", "A man wearing a magician costume performs a trick with a balloon.", "A person in a clown suit juggles several balloons.", "An individual in a bunny suit hops towards a balloon."], "answer": "A person wearing a teddy bear outfit grabs a balloon and spins around."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_103_0920_1010.mp4", "question": "What humorous action does the elderly man perform in the video?", "candidates": ["The man has the woman speak into a stethoscope.", "The man gives the stethoscope to the woman.", "The man listens to the woman's heartbeat.", "The man checks his own heartbeat."], "answer": "The man has the woman speak into a stethoscope."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_132_1393_1497.mp4", "question": "What unexpected event happens in the video?", "candidates": ["A man tries to lift the brick but it is too heavy.", "The pedestal breaks under the weight of the man.", "A man on a pedestal kicks another man.", "The brick shifts causing the man on the pedestal to fall."], "answer": "The brick shifts causing the man on the pedestal to fall."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_258_4389_4472.mp4", "question": "What amusing action does the kid in the video perform?", "candidates": ["The youngster swims energetically in a pool.", "The child jumps off a high bridge.", "The kid, in orange, tumbles left, grasping a pole.", "The kid performs gymnastics on a bar."], "answer": "The kid, in orange, tumbles left, grasping a pole."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_20_3372_3540.mp4", "question": "How did the man enter the lavatory in the video?", "candidates": ["The man unlocked the door with a key.", "The man used a code to unlock the door.", "The man politely knocked before entering.", "The man pushed the door open."], "answer": "The man pushed the door open."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_286_0000_0278.mp4", "question": "What did the couple do when they heard their child cry in the video?", "candidates": ["They started to argue with each other.", "They ignored the child and continued eating.", "They rushed the ice cream back to the fridge.", "They quickly hid the ice cream inside the man's shirt."], "answer": "They quickly hid the ice cream inside the man's shirt."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_95_0700_0801.mp4", "question": "Who did the child unintentionally pour snow on in the video?", "candidates": ["His best friend.", "His own face.", "His mother.", "His pet dog."], "answer": "His own face."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_192_0304_0384.mp4", "question": "What unusual event was captured in the video?", "candidates": ["A dog is pulling a person dressed in a panda costume.", "A person in a panda costume wrestling with a dog.", "A man running after a dog dressed as a panda.", "A panda chasing a dog on foot."], "answer": "A dog is pulling a person dressed in a panda costume."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_312_3848_3972.mp4", "question": "What caused the woman to respond without looking away from her computer screen?", "candidates": ["A voice calling out to her.", "A pop-up ad on her computer.", "Her phone ringing off to the side.", "A loud noise outside the window."], "answer": "A voice calling out to her."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_256_2755_2849.mp4", "question": "What actions are the three males performing at the KTV in the video?", "candidates": ["Making paddling gestures and moving in sync.", "Enjoying snacks while having casual chats.", "Engaging in a heated karaoke song debate.", "Singing different songs in a jovial mood."], "answer": "Making paddling gestures and moving in sync."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_647_0000_0312.mp4", "question": "What causes the amusing shadows in the video?", "candidates": ["The tunnel has a built-in light show.", "The cement truck ladder interacts with tunnel lights.", "Several passing cars produce varying shadows.", "The truck driver uses a flashlight."], "answer": "The cement truck ladder interacts with tunnel lights."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_112_0436_0691.mp4", "question": "What unexpected action did the dog make in the video?", "candidates": ["The dog started barking at the child.", "The dog raised its paw and pushed the kid.", "The dog retreated when it saw the child.", "The dog started chasing its tail."], "answer": "The dog raised its paw and pushed the kid."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_32_2136_2435.mp4", "question": "What unusual event occurred in the video?", "candidates": ["A car hit an e-bike, another e-bike fell.", "An automobile raced with an e-bike.", "A pedestrian slipped on a banana peel.", "A car collided with a lamp post."], "answer": "A car hit an e-bike, another e-bike fell."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_199_1990_2259.mp4", "question": "What unusual action does the person in the video perform with their cleaning cloth?", "candidates": ["The person throws it at the soap dispenser.", "They use it to dry off a table.", "The person uses it to polish the floor.", "They use it to wipe down a mirror."], "answer": "The person throws it at the soap dispenser."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_386_0000_0256.mp4", "question": "What caused the amusing surprise in the video?", "candidates": ["The car was actually much closer to the bushes than expected.", "The bushes magically moved away when the car owner approached.", "The reversing camera showed a false proximity to the bushes.", "The car owner found a hidden treasure in the bushes."], "answer": "The reversing camera showed a false proximity to the bushes."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_106_2022_2224.mp4", "question": "What was the amusing mistake made during the synchronized 3m springboard dive in the video?", "candidates": ["One of the men fumbled his jump, causing a big splash.", "Both men performed a flawless dive together.", "The two divers collided mid-air.", "One of the men hit the diving board while jumping."], "answer": "One of the men fumbled his jump, causing a big splash."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_258_3519_3609.mp4", "question": "What are the characters doing in the video?", "candidates": ["Both are dancing with their fingers moving.", "Girl is adjusting her face, boy is shaking head.", "Girl is spinning rapidly, boy is just nodding.", "Boy is making a funny face, girl is nodding."], "answer": "Girl is adjusting her face, boy is shaking head."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_617_0290_0344.mp4", "question": "What event causes the humor in the video?", "candidates": ["The man playfully teases the dog with the chew toy.", "The dog successfully retrieves its fallen chew toy.", "The dog inadvertently bites the man in a sensitive area.", "The man unexpectedly throws the chew toy away."], "answer": "The dog inadvertently bites the man in a sensitive area."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_135_3404_3567.mp4", "question": "What causes the dog to stumble and fall in the snowy landscape?", "candidates": ["A cat distracts it, causing it to trip.", "It gets caught on a branch and falls.", "A swing impedes its progress.", "The dog slips due to the snow."], "answer": "A swing impedes its progress."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_295_0000_0165.mp4", "question": "What unusual action does the black dog perform after drinking water?", "candidates": ["It runs away from the water dish.", "It starts barking at the other dogs.", "It lies down beside the water dish.", "It begins to paw at the water dish."], "answer": "It begins to paw at the water dish."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_848_0000_0538.mp4", "question": "What happens to the person standing behind the speaker in the video?", "candidates": ["He is handed a second microphone from someone else.", "He fails to reclaim the microphone once handed to the speaker.", "He successfully retrieves the microphone from the speaker.", "He stumbles and loses his balance while reaching for the microphone."], "answer": "He fails to reclaim the microphone once handed to the speaker."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_3_0709_0916.mp4", "question": "What happens to the man as he tries to free himself from the narrow gap in the chair?", "candidates": ["He manages to escape effortlessly.", "He fixes the broken chair and sits back down.", "He calmly calls for help and waits.", "He gets his head stuck and spins around fruitlessly."], "answer": "He gets his head stuck and spins around fruitlessly."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_259_0848_0931.mp4", "question": "What is the man wearing in the humorous segment of the video during his exercise?", "candidates": ["A red jacket with green trousers.", "A white suit and red tie.", "A blue shirt and black pants.", "A black coat and gray jeans."], "answer": "A blue shirt and black pants."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_179_1690_1815.mp4", "question": "What is the unusual behavior of the dogs in the cage?", "candidates": ["A dog runs around while another one sleeps.", "A dog grips bars and swings as another sleeps below.", "A dog sits quietly as another one eats.", "One dog chases its tail while another barks."], "answer": "A dog grips bars and swings as another sleeps below."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_23_2825_3046.mp4", "question": "What unexpected action did the blindfolded donkey take in the video?", "candidates": ["The donkey starts munching on the grains on the plate.", "The donkey jumped over the grinding stone.", "The donkey began singing alongside a rooster.", "The donkey started to roll on the ground."], "answer": "The donkey starts munching on the grains on the plate."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_2_3370_3451.mp4", "question": "What happens to the man in the video after the dog jumps?", "candidates": ["The man jumps into the water.", "The man starts laughing uncontrollably.", "The man runs away from the dog.", "The man bends over, holding his groin."], "answer": "The man bends over, holding his groin."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_135_3404_3567.mp4", "question": "What event in the video contributes to its comedy?", "candidates": ["Bird flies, swing twirls and humorously descends.", "Cat jumps, swing spins and topples down.", "Dog trips, swing rotates and falls hilariously.", "Child bumps, swing twists and amusingly drops."], "answer": "Dog trips, swing rotates and falls hilariously."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_101_1433_1631.mp4", "question": "What elements in the video create a comedic effect?", "candidates": ["The dog is chasing its tail playfully.", "The cat is flailing after cup entrapment.", "A mouse is swiftly skittering around the room.", "The cat is napping calmly on the couch."], "answer": "The cat is flailing after cup entrapment."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_132_1393_1497.mp4", "question": "What makes the ending of the video unexpectedly funny?", "candidates": ["The audience was startled by a sudden jump scare.", "The man delivers an unexpected punchline.", "The video concludes with a surprising plot twist.", "The man ends up falling down in a hilarious position."], "answer": "The man ends up falling down in a hilarious position."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_39_2925_3134.mp4", "question": "What makes the hairdressing scene in the video funny?", "candidates": ["Hairdresser uses oversized scissors.", "Customer is satisfied with hairstyle.", "Hairdresser is wearing a stylish outfit.", "Hairdresser accidentally makes customer bald."], "answer": "Hairdresser accidentally makes customer bald."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_848_0000_0538.mp4", "question": "What made the interaction between the speaker and the person at the back amusing?", "candidates": ["The speaker was making funny faces.", "Both were trying to grab the same object.", "They were constantly arguing.", "The location of item presentation kept shifting."], "answer": "The location of item presentation kept shifting."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_138_0681_0955.mp4", "question": "What adds humor to the video according to the description?", "candidates": ["The man is dancing in a peculiar style.", "The dog is performing amusing tricks.", "The man is impersonating an ostrich, and it's hilarious.", "The man is impersonating an elephant with grandeur."], "answer": "The man is impersonating an ostrich, and it's hilarious."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_203_2846_3053.mp4", "question": "What is the peculiar action of the woman in the video that amuses viewers?", "candidates": ["The woman is dancing wildly while holding an umbrella.", "She's running around aimlessly across the field.", "She is coming down with her head directly facing the earth.", "She is ascending to the sky with her feet facing upward."], "answer": "She is coming down with her head directly facing the earth."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_135_0315_0478.mp4", "question": "What elements add an unexpected twist to the video?", "candidates": ["The humor came from the exaggerated reactions of the crowd.", "The comedy was influenced by the background music.", "The funny part was due to the clumsy actions of the main character.", "The individual was startled by the person hiding under the cover."], "answer": "The individual was startled by the person hiding under the cover."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_101_2970_3120.mp4", "question": "What element contributes to the comical nature of the video?", "candidates": ["The appearance of unexpected characters in the video.", "The high-quality resolution of the video.", "The woman's obvious struggle and facial expressions.", "The serene background setting of the video."], "answer": "The woman's obvious struggle and facial expressions."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_136_2847_2993.mp4", "question": "What was the amusing event in the video involving the dog?", "candidates": ["The dog transformed into a cat after it drank water.", "The dog started to float in air when it touched the water.", "The dog's fur stood straight up like a porcupine when it got wet.", "After swimming, the dog's fur turned blue."], "answer": "The dog's fur stood straight up like a porcupine when it got wet."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_3_0760_0950.mp4", "question": "What unusual behavior did the puppy display in the video?", "candidates": ["The puppy barked loudly at the person playing with it.", "The puppy quickly escaped after being restrained.", "The puppy was afraid of the elastic rope.", "The puppy stayed still and helped play elastic rope."], "answer": "The puppy stayed still and helped play elastic rope."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_580_0000_0770.mp4", "question": "What is the comical element presented in the video?", "candidates": ["Someone trying to cook but accidentally setting off the fire alarm.", "A character misses his bus due to oversleeping.", "Someone struggling to find a broom that they themselves stored.", "A person is confused about where they placed a mop."], "answer": "Someone struggling to find a broom that they themselves stored."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_630_0000_0160.mp4", "question": "What surprising action does the girl perform after falling off the bench?", "candidates": ["She starts laughing uncontrollably.", "She starts crying loudly.", "She smells her own feet.", "She immediately stands up and runs away."], "answer": "She smells her own feet."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_31_0442_0688.mp4", "question": "What element of the video makes it humorous?", "candidates": ["Expert dancing skills of the third woman.", "Incompetence of first two women.", "Third woman repeatedly gets her head stuck.", "Comedic music in the video."], "answer": "Third woman repeatedly gets her head stuck."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_779_0000_0149.mp4", "question": "What element in the video creates a comical surprise?", "candidates": ["The legs belong to an athletic male.", "The legs surprisingly belong to a balding old man.", "The legs are revealed to be from a young child.", "The legs are of a famous model."], "answer": "The legs surprisingly belong to a balding old man."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_84_2310_2408.mp4", "question": "What makes the girl's appearance in the video amusing?", "candidates": ["Her calm and serene expression.", "Her hair and wild upper body movements.", "The color of her dress.", "Her use of eccentric makeup."], "answer": "Her hair and wild upper body movements."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_260_0697_0794.mp4", "question": "What makes the man's dance moves in the video funny?", "candidates": ["The fusion of different dance styles.", "The serious uniform he wears while dancing.", "The intricate steps he performs.", "His flawless rhythm and timing."], "answer": "The serious uniform he wears while dancing."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_1230_0000_0285.mp4", "question": "What created the comic effect in the video?", "candidates": ["He stumbled over objects intentionally.", "The man sang a comedic song.", "He performed a hilarious magic trick.", "He mimicked mirror-gazing with swapped hands."], "answer": "He mimicked mirror-gazing with swapped hands."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_15_0000_0224.mp4", "question": "What unexpected event occurred that made the video entertaining?", "candidates": ["The dog successfully leapt over the glass on its first try.", "The dog comfortably passed through the glass on its second attempt.", "The dog hit the glass on its second try.", "The dog decided to stop attempting after the first success."], "answer": "The dog hit the glass on its second try."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_127_1628_1761.mp4", "question": "Why did the man in the video become a source of amusement?", "candidates": ["The man made no attempts to jump and stayed still.", "The man jumped incredibly high right from the start.", "His jump was flawless with no stumbles or errors.", "He tried numerous times, then jumped low and stumbled."], "answer": "He tried numerous times, then jumped low and stumbled."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_8_2919_3025.mp4", "question": "What makes the sight of a person and dog dancing together amusing?", "candidates": ["Both are wearing matching outfits.", "The dog appears composed and confident.", "The dog seems bewildered and disoriented.", "The dance routine is perfectly synchronized."], "answer": "The dog seems bewildered and disoriented."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_42_0000_0826.mp4", "question": "What unexpected twist adds to the humorous aspect of the video?", "candidates": ["The girl realizes her head has already been split by looking in a mirror.", "The narrative reveals that the membrane is a figment of her imagination.", "The girl successfully avoids the membrane.", "The protagonist actually controls the transparent membrane."], "answer": "The girl realizes her head has already been split by looking in a mirror."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_1273_0010_0640.mp4", "question": "What incidents in the video incite laughter?", "candidates": ["The man accidentally hitting the car door generates fun.", "The background music contributes to the comic timing.", "The interactions between the characters are hilarious.", "The funny dialogue delivered by the characters."], "answer": "The man accidentally hitting the car door generates fun."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_196_0303_0504.mp4", "question": "What elements in the video contribute to its comedic nature?", "candidates": ["The man uses water to style his hair and he has a full head of hair.", "The man is using a comb to style his hair and is completely bald.", "Using flames to style his hair and the man's partial baldness.", "The scene features a man cutting his own hair with scissors."], "answer": "Using flames to style his hair and the man's partial baldness."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_246_0293_0390.mp4", "question": "What specific incident made the video amusing?", "candidates": ["A student eating noodles and making funny face.", "A funny video clip accidentally played in class.", "A student found sleeping in class.", "A teacher was reciting a humorous poem."], "answer": "A student eating noodles and making funny face."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_888_0000_0173.mp4", "question": "What unexpected object was found on the character's head that caused laughter?", "candidates": ["A soccer ball causing a strange silhouette.", "A stuck basketball making a funny look.", "A quickly thrown frisbee stuck in hair.", "An oddly placed baseball cap."], "answer": "A stuck basketball making a funny look."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_258_4389_4472.mp4", "question": "What made the scene of the child falling funny in the video?", "candidates": ["The child was running too fast and collided with his friend.", "The child missed catching the ball and looked surprised.", "His left hand did not offer support during the fall, surprising him.", "The child was playing a prank on his siblings."], "answer": "His left hand did not offer support during the fall, surprising him."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_99_0000_0315.mp4", "question": "What unexpected event contributes to the humor in the video?", "candidates": ["The man left without dancing.", "Two women hugged each other at the end.", "The man finally danced with the woman.", "Two men hugged each other unexpectedly."], "answer": "Two men hugged each other unexpectedly."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_471_0280_0336.mp4", "question": "What unique action did the dog undertake that was entertaining?", "candidates": ["A cat chased its tail in a playful manner.", "A child performed an unexpected backflip.", "A bird imitated human speech with surprising accuracy.", "The dog jumped high, its long tail spinning like a propeller."], "answer": "The dog jumped high, its long tail spinning like a propeller."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_T_568_0000_0500.mp4", "question": "What aspect of the video makes it amusing?", "candidates": ["The girlfriend getting angry at her boyfriend for missing the kisscam moment.", "The boyfriend not noticing his girlfriend kissing a stranger on kisscam.", "The girlfriend pranking her boyfriend by kissing a celebrity.", "The couple having a heated argument after the kisscam incident."], "answer": "The boyfriend not noticing his girlfriend kissing a stranger on kisscam."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_A_125_2078_2286.mp4", "question": "What is an unusual behavior of parrots in the video that leads to its comedic element?", "candidates": ["Parrots using sticks to build nests.", "Parrots singing a melodious tune.", "Parrots flying in a coordinated pattern.", "Parrots utilizing sticks to scratch their heads."], "answer": "Parrots utilizing sticks to scratch their heads."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_125_2858_3029.mp4", "question": "What action in the video led to a comedic outcome?", "candidates": ["The wall was unexpectedly strong.", "The worker was unable to use the hammer effectively.", "The wall was surprisingly knocked down with ease.", "The worker decided to quit his job."], "answer": "The wall was surprisingly knocked down with ease."}, {"video": "test_humor/H_H_95_0700_0801.mp4", "question": "What event in the video causes an unexpected and funny outcome?", "candidates": ["The father dodged when the child tried to pour the snow on him.", "The snow fell back onto the child's face unexpectedly.", "The child lost her balance while carrying the basin of snow.", "The child successfully poured the snow over her father."], "answer": "The snow fell back onto the child's face unexpectedly."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_18_3028_3042.mp4", "question": "What happens to the actors when they topple the cardboard boxes?", "candidates": ["They kneel down and start eating hamburgers and fries.", "They dance around them wearing yellow socks.", "They disappear and only their white hats are visible.", "They crawl into a container marked with a \"W\"."], "answer": "They crawl into a container marked with a \"W\"."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_14_3500_3554.mp4", "question": "What was the unexpected event in the video?", "candidates": ["A child in a green waistband costume, with orange pants and yellow sleeves, quickly hid.", "An individual wearing a vibrant orange and red kimono bellowed \"waistband\".", "A child dressed as a green waistband ran out and hopped onto the woman\u2019s back.", "The woman turned to show off her expensive jewelry to the camera."], "answer": "A child dressed as a green waistband ran out and hopped onto the woman\u2019s back."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_97_6421_6500.mp4", "question": "What surprising action does the man perform during his golf game?", "candidates": ["He hits the ball with a tennis racket instead of a golf club.", "He starts dancing after hitting the ball.", "He falls over while swinging his golf club.", "He catches the ball in his mouth after hitting it from his feet."], "answer": "He catches the ball in his mouth after hitting it from his feet."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_17_3643_3725.mp4", "question": "What is the distinctive feature of the person standing in the center of the design?", "candidates": ["There is a red mark on their chest.", "There is a green mark on their back.", "They are wearing blue clothes.", "They are making bird chirping sounds."], "answer": "There is a red mark on their chest."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_21_8758_8835.mp4", "question": "What happens after the switch of the ice cream machine is turned on in the video?", "candidates": ["The stage suddenly collapses due to the weight.", "A blue pair of pants emerges from the machine.", "A person starts eating the pink ice cream.", "A pink pair of pants covers the person's head."], "answer": "A pink pair of pants covers the person's head."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_12_1452_1602.mp4", "question": "What does the small girl do after lighting a match in the video?", "candidates": ["She runs back to where she lit the match and curls up.", "She begins to dance around the stage.", "She climbs into a carriage pulled by a brown horse.", "She removes her blue headscarf and blue coat."], "answer": "She removes her blue headscarf and blue coat."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_24_0623_0722.mp4", "question": "What prop does the second performer reveal from the primary performer?", "candidates": ["A red costume.", "A watermelon prop.", "A fireworks prop.", "A green leaf."], "answer": "A watermelon prop."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_14_7911_8000.mp4", "question": "Describe the actions of the two individuals in the imaginative scene.", "candidates": ["The man in front creates a circle while the person behind performs intricate maneuvers.", "Both individuals are simply standing and observing something.", "The individual behind forms a circle with hands and the man in front dances skillfully.", "The person behind is dancing while the one in front makes a circular shape."], "answer": "The individual behind forms a circle with hands and the man in front dances skillfully."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_17_11125_11232.mp4", "question": "What is the central element in the video scene?", "candidates": ["Transparent plastic threads scattered on the ground.", "A little girl scattering red dots.", "An adult holding two plates.", "A square cardboard spinning with plastic threads."], "answer": "A square cardboard spinning with plastic threads."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_12_8039_8155.mp4", "question": "What is the central action in the video?", "candidates": ["Flicking a lighter with thumb repeatedly to ignite it.", "Shifting a cigarette between a human head-shaped object and an ashtray.", "Turning a lightbulb using two fingers in a circular motion.", "Waving back and forth an open palm in front of a burning candle."], "answer": "Shifting a cigarette between a human head-shaped object and an ashtray."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_24_3028_3048.mp4", "question": "How does the girl in the video demonstrate her creativity under time pressure?", "candidates": ["She recites a poem before making a desk out of thin air.", "She uses origami to transform a sheet of paper into a cardboard desk.", "She quickly turns a piece of cardboard into a functional desk with paper legs.", "She sings a song while turning a cardboard into a desk."], "answer": "She quickly turns a piece of cardboard into a functional desk with paper legs."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_16_1059_1115.mp4", "question": "Who is the individual in the baseball jersey in the video?", "candidates": ["A sports commentator.", "A mascot for a baseball team.", "An adult professional player.", "A child."], "answer": "A child."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_12_5112_5200.mp4", "question": "What pattern does the video depict?", "candidates": ["A black hexagon displayed various colored hands.", "A red circle showed multiple green feet.", "A blue pentagon portrayed different colored heads.", "A yellow square showed various purple arms."], "answer": "A black hexagon displayed various colored hands."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_97_2145_2248.mp4", "question": "What happens when the orange object falls from the cardboard in the video?", "candidates": ["Two people start a discussion about it.", "Two people begin to fight for it.", "Two people start to dance around it.", "Two people ignore it and continue to lie on the ground."], "answer": "Two people begin to fight for it."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_18_7649_7708.mp4", "question": "What unusual act does the performer in the video execute?", "candidates": ["Actor mimics a bird flying over the audience.", "Performer embodies a weeping tree at stage edge.", "Dancer impersonates a snake, moving across stage.", "Performer, dressed as a cactus, blooms and sings."], "answer": "Performer, dressed as a cactus, blooms and sings."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_9_0255_0333.mp4", "question": "What do the children do after performing somersaults on the stage?", "candidates": ["They start dancing in a circle.", "Four of them enter the white cloth bags.", "They all sit down to rest.", "They jump off the stage."], "answer": "Four of them enter the white cloth bags."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_21_2648_2732.mp4", "question": "What actions does the child perform that demonstrate imagination in the video?", "candidates": ["The child is kneeling and blowing on a pinwheel.", "The child is drawing pictures on a sketchbook.", "The child is running around with a toy airplane.", "The child is playing with building blocks."], "answer": "The child is kneeling and blowing on a pinwheel."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_17_8120_8159.mp4", "question": "What are the outfits worn by the individuals in the video?", "candidates": ["All are appearing in their traditional cultural costumes.", "One child in green and brown attire, another in red, adult in patterned dress.", "Child in printed outfit, another in white, adult in black suit.", "Child in orange-white-grey leather, another in white-orange, adult in black."], "answer": "Child in orange-white-grey leather, another in white-orange, adult in black."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_23_3426_3515.mp4", "question": "What is the unexpected material used for the racecar in the video?", "candidates": ["Made entirely of wood.", "Constructed from metal and plastic.", "Fabricated from paper.", "Built using cardboard and recyclables."], "answer": "Fabricated from paper."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_97_6143_6339.mp4", "question": "What was the final object that appeared on the airplane's display screen in the video?", "candidates": ["A drawing with orange dots appeared and settled down.", "A picture with purple spots showed up and moved.", "A painting with red spots swayed left and right.", "A painting with yellow spots emerged and swayed."], "answer": "A painting with yellow spots emerged and swayed."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_22_0147_0212.mp4", "question": "What unusual event took place in the video?", "candidates": ["The woman and the child exchanged their outfits on stage.", "The stool in the center of the stage disappeared.", "The woman and child used their fans to fly.", "The woman's head detached from her body and reattached seamlessly."], "answer": "The woman's head detached from her body and reattached seamlessly."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_21_8053_8120.mp4", "question": "What unusual event occurs in the video that showcases ingenuity?", "candidates": ["A man reports a TV theft wearing a cardboard TV.", "A lady cooking with unique cardboard kitchen tools.", "A kid creates a castle from a cardboard box.", "A man acting as a weather reporter with home objects."], "answer": "A man reports a TV theft wearing a cardboard TV."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_97_0730_0903.mp4", "question": "What transformation do the two individuals behind the backdrop undergo after initially depicting rabbits?", "candidates": ["They become images of birds and fish.", "They morph into shapes of mice and elephants.", "They change into forms of monkeys and camels.", "They transform into shapes of cats and dogs."], "answer": "They morph into shapes of mice and elephants."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_28_0152_0310.mp4", "question": "What does the little girl do to initiate the sprouting of flowers from the pot in the video?", "candidates": ["She touches the pot with a magical stick.", "She brings a red watering can and pours water into the pot.", "She whispers magic words to the flower pot.", "She sings a magical song that causes the flowers to sprout."], "answer": "She brings a red watering can and pours water into the pot."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_10_6402_6422.mp4", "question": "Who was the person in silver and white clothes pretending to be in the video?", "candidates": ["A parrot chirping and sprinting towards a green bench.", "A rooster crowing and running towards a black couch.", "A chicken, clucking and running towards a brown table.", "A turkey, gobbling and moving towards a gray desk."], "answer": "A chicken, clucking and running towards a brown table."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_28_5325_5442.mp4", "question": "What did the clown do in the middle of the tightrope?", "candidates": ["He took a short rest.", "He slipped and fell.", "He executed a high-difficulty sitting maneuver.", "He performed a low-difficulty standing maneuver."], "answer": "He executed a high-difficulty sitting maneuver."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_27_3610_3656.mp4", "question": "What do the children do after the cardboard cutout of the sky falls down?", "candidates": ["They take out a plastic sheet and squat down.", "They quickly leave the scene to hide.", "They start dancing in front of the green mountains.", "They stop moving and look surprised."], "answer": "They take out a plastic sheet and squat down."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_14_4112_4143.mp4", "question": "What action is triggered by the phrase \"sushi roll\" in the video?", "candidates": ["The room's lighting changes dramatically.", "Participants start to consume real sushi.", "Individuals simulate making a giant sushi roll.", "People commence a sushi-themed dance."], "answer": "Individuals simulate making a giant sushi roll."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_13_0752_0824.mp4", "question": "What unique act does the little girl perform that leads to the surprising reveal in the video?", "candidates": ["She waters the blue rectangular box at the center of the stage.", "She sings a song near the blue rectangular box.", "She draws on the blue rectangular box with chalk.", "She dances around the blue rectangular box on the stage."], "answer": "She waters the blue rectangular box at the center of the stage."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_14_8928_9045.mp4", "question": "What happened to the individual among the group of people in the video?", "candidates": ["One of them turned into a cluster of flowers.", "One of them vanished into thin air.", "One of them morphed into a tree.", "One of them changed into a fiery phoenix."], "answer": "One of them turned into a cluster of flowers."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_8_0418_0453.mp4", "question": "What actions does the person dressed as a carp undertake in the video?", "candidates": ["The carp merely floats around, then descends down the blue cloth strip.", "The carp jumps once, climbs up the strip, falls and repeats the sequence twice.", "The carp dances around the stage, avoiding the blue cloth strip entirely.", "The carp bounces on the spot then retreats behind the blue cloth strip."], "answer": "The carp jumps once, climbs up the strip, falls and repeats the sequence twice."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_14_6653_6758.mp4", "question": "What was the unique interaction between the characters dressed as a fly and a fish?", "candidates": ["The fly stayed on land, the fish remained in water.", "Fish pursued fly around, but failed to catch it.", "Fly swam to fish, and they engaged in a dance.", "Fly scratched legs, fish spat at it, then wrapped it up."], "answer": "Fly scratched legs, fish spat at it, then wrapped it up."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_20_0247_0322.mp4", "question": "What does the performer playing the role of a kite do when the sound of wind is heard?", "candidates": ["Executes a handstand.", "Runs off from the stage.", "Starts singing and dancing.", "Sits down and starts to cry."], "answer": "Executes a handstand."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_26_8519_8630.mp4", "question": "What elements make the video performance unique?", "candidates": ["The incorporation of advanced visual effects.", "The fusion of voiceover narration with physical activity.", "The use of themed costumes and props.", "The storytelling through expressive dance movements."], "answer": "The fusion of voiceover narration with physical activity."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_20_0247_0322.mp4", "question": "What elements make the kite and tree performance dynamic and lively?", "candidates": ["Audience cheering loudly for performers.", "Tree performer sways, kite performer flips kite.", "Tree performer static, kite performer moving around.", "Performers standing still through the video."], "answer": "Tree performer sways, kite performer flips kite."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_20_5555_5631.mp4", "question": "What is the innovative concept demonstrated in the video?", "candidates": ["Simulating an eruption of a volcano.", "Depicting the explosion of a firecracker.", "Displaying a person drinking water.", "Imitating the boiling of kerosene."], "answer": "Imitating the boiling of kerosene."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_21_8053_8120.mp4", "question": "What is the unique aspect that makes the video intriguing?", "candidates": ["A man is narrating a travel story while actually traveling.", "A man is acting like a detective solving a mystery.", "A man is performing both roles of a news anchor and a thief.", "A man is reporting on a sports event while playing the sport."], "answer": "A man is performing both roles of a news anchor and a thief."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_21_4308_4428.mp4", "question": "Who are the main characters in the video and what do they do?", "candidates": ["Three children imitating the distinct characteristics of different dogs using complex movements.", "Three teens copying the features of different rabbits using elaborate motions.", "Three children impersonating the unique traits of various birds through complex actions.", "Three adults mimicking cats using intricate movements."], "answer": "Three children imitating the distinct characteristics of different dogs using complex movements."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_8_0418_0453.mp4", "question": "What symbolises the waterfall in the video?", "candidates": ["The performer\u2019s acrobatic skills.", "The flowing blue ribbon.", "The rhythmic music playing.", "The swirling lights on the stage."], "answer": "The flowing blue ribbon."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_14_6653_6758.mp4", "question": "What unique behavior is depicted in how the fish catches the fly in the video?", "candidates": ["The fish waits for the fly to land on the water.", "The fish jumps out of the water to catch the fly.", "The fish spits water at the fly until it falls into the water.", "The fish uses its tail to knock the fly into the water."], "answer": "The fish spits water at the fly until it falls into the water."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_26_3358_3424.mp4", "question": "How is the explosion of firecrackers depicted in the video?", "candidates": ["Use of sophisticated CGI effects.", "Children draw exploding firecrackers.", "Children light real firecrackers.", "Loud screams and confetti thrown by children."], "answer": "Loud screams and confetti thrown by children."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_30_0810_0857.mp4", "question": "What elements in the video contribute to the suspense and excitement?", "candidates": ["Clear steps and splendid display.", "Use of modern technology and special effects.", "Diverse colors and lighting effects.", "Forest background, lion roars, and woman's cry."], "answer": "Forest background, lion roars, and woman's cry."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_6_0151_0235.mp4", "question": "What is the symbolic representation used in the video to depict the effect of wind?", "candidates": ["Man throwing paper planes.", "Blue-clothed man and carp flag enactment.", "Woman dancing with a drape.", "Fan blowing leaves across screen."], "answer": "Blue-clothed man and carp flag enactment."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_13_0752_0824.mp4", "question": "How does the video simulate the growth and sprouting of carrot seeds?", "candidates": ["By using stop motion animation with clay models.", "With a fast-forward technique showing real-time germination.", "By using four people in a box and leaf-shaped objects.", "Using dynamic graphics and computer animations."], "answer": "By using four people in a box and leaf-shaped objects."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_28_1256_1335.mp4", "question": "What makes the boxing match in the video unique and humorous?", "candidates": ["Each boxer controls his opponent\u2019s gloves using his own hands.", "Both boxers are punching each other with real hands.", "The boxers are using remotely controlled robotic gloves.", "The boxers are using traditional boxing gloves."], "answer": "Each boxer controls his opponent\u2019s gloves using his own hands."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_21_6234_6350.mp4", "question": "What kind of unique concept is portrayed in the video?", "candidates": ["The video is depicting a normal day in a studio.", "A child and a man are recreating a scene from a classic cartoon.", "The video is all about a scientist creating a monster in his lab.", "The video is showing a real-life adaptation of Astro Boy."], "answer": "A child and a man are recreating a scene from a classic cartoon."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_26_6741_6818.mp4", "question": "What creative aspect made the video innovative?", "candidates": ["Use of advanced 3D graphic techniques.", "Actors were dressed in historical costumes.", "The video was filmed in a desert setting.", "Hidden crocodile prop and leaping frog used."], "answer": "Hidden crocodile prop and leaping frog used."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_28_5325_5442.mp4", "question": "How does the video create the illusion of the clown walking on a tightrope?", "candidates": ["The clown is using invisible support wires.", "The ribbon has special properties that make it appear like a tightrope.", "The clown is actually skilled in tightrope walking.", "A person dressed in black acts as the base, blending into the dark background."], "answer": "A person dressed in black acts as the base, blending into the dark background."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_28_0548_0629.mp4", "question": "What unique method does the video use to represent human teeth?", "candidates": ["Using animation and bright colors.", "Making use of drawings and sketches.", "Applying people wrapped in white cloth and props.", "Utilizing computer-generated imagery (CGI)."], "answer": "Applying people wrapped in white cloth and props."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_23_6737_6817.mp4", "question": "What is the unique visual deception used in the video?", "candidates": ["The adult appears to be carrying the child.", "The child appears to be lifting heavy objects.", "The overlaying graphics make it appear as if the child is floating.", "The child seems to be carrying an adult on their back."], "answer": "The child seems to be carrying an adult on their back."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_17_3643_3725.mp4", "question": "What makes the tiger head in the video appear remarkably realistic?", "candidates": ["The use of computer generated imagery.", "The use of a real roaring tiger sound.", "The use of a real tiger.", "The use of high-definition video quality."], "answer": "The use of a real roaring tiger sound."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_97_6143_6339.mp4", "question": "What do the different colors in the video symbolize?", "candidates": ["Yellow is for runway, green for lights, and yellow speckles for night view.", "Red line represents the runway, green circles are lights, and white speckles indicate night view.", "Green line marks the runway, yellow dots are lights, and orange spots show night view.", "Blue streak indicates runway, purple dots signify lights, and pink speckles reflect night view."], "answer": "Yellow is for runway, green for lights, and yellow speckles for night view."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_24_1615_1739.mp4", "question": "How do the performers in the video artistically utilize the cage?", "candidates": ["They use it to depict a bird trapped inside.", "They use it to mimic a tiger pacing back and forth.", "They use it to portray a monkey swinging from bars.", "They use it as the black stripes on a zebra's body."], "answer": "They use it as the black stripes on a zebra's body."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_14_3500_3554.mp4", "question": "What elements in the video effectively simulate a woman tying an obi belt on her kimono?", "candidates": ["A white cloth draped over a wooden board.", "The background music and sound effects.", "A child wearing colorful clothes.", "The use of vibrant lighting and shadows."], "answer": "A child wearing colorful clothes."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_97_5206_5323.mp4", "question": "What unique concept does the video adopt for visual appeal?", "candidates": ["Utilisation of various vibrant colors in high-speed sequences.", "Inclusion of celebrities performing in unconventional roles.", "Implementation of state-of-the-art 3D graphics.", "Individuals dress as headsets, with a dummy, dancing and DJing."], "answer": "Individuals dress as headsets, with a dummy, dancing and DJing."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_17_8120_8159.mp4", "question": "What does the child in the video symbolize?", "candidates": ["The smoke coming off a burning cigarette.", "The match used to light up the cigarette.", "The ashtray collecting the cigarette ash.", "The cigarette that is about to burn out."], "answer": "The cigarette that is about to burn out."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_27_5845_5911.mp4", "question": "What creates the unique and creative aspect in the video?", "candidates": ["Model child mimicking drum sounds.", "Boy in blue pants playing a real drum.", "Model child playing an actual instrument.", "Boy using model child to mimic drum sounds."], "answer": "Boy using model child to mimic drum sounds."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_6_7507_7604.mp4", "question": "What unique approaches were used to simulate musical instruments?", "candidates": ["Man performing all musical simulations.", "Costumes and mimicry for keyboard, cello, violin.", "Girl using real musical instruments.", "Using violin, cello, piano as actual props."], "answer": "Costumes and mimicry for keyboard, cello, violin."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_24_7440_7538.mp4", "question": "How does the man in the video achieve the impression of being assisted by another person?", "candidates": ["He employs professional actors for assistance.", "He controls a nearby dummy using his hands and feet.", "He uses voice modulation to imitate other characters.", "He uses video editing tricks to duplicate himself."], "answer": "He controls a nearby dummy using his hands and feet."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_28_5744_5850.mp4", "question": "How does the video represent movement of the ball?", "candidates": ["The sequence of red balls.", "Flickering lights in the background.", "Random floating objects in the video.", "A pole moving towards the camera."], "answer": "A pole moving towards the camera."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_97_3233_3410.mp4", "question": "How do the individuals imitate a fishing scenario in the video?", "candidates": ["One mimics a failed catch, another replicates a hook caught on stone.", "One acts as a flying bird, other pretends to be a crawling bug.", "Both don blue shirts and pretend to be swimming like fish.", "They act as if they are real fishermen catching actual fish."], "answer": "One mimics a failed catch, another replicates a hook caught on stone."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_21_8758_8835.mp4", "question": "What unique aspect makes the video lively and realistic?", "candidates": ["A person sings a song about ice-cream.", "A person in pink attire mimics an ice-cream cone.", "A person debates the different kinds of ice-cream.", "The video features pink ice cream only."], "answer": "A person in pink attire mimics an ice-cream cone."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_97_3738_3841.mp4", "question": "What visual trick is used to simulate the drinking of pearl milk tea in the video?", "candidates": ["People behind a clear board are using white balloons to replicate bubbles.", "People behind a clear board are using red sticks to imitate the straw.", "People behind a clear board are using orange balls to mimic tea leaves.", "People behind a clear board are wearing black headgear to replicate the pearls."], "answer": "People behind a clear board are wearing black headgear to replicate the pearls."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_21_1852_1925.mp4", "question": "What is used to mimic the lever on a real pencil sharpener in the video?", "candidates": ["The person's leg.", "The person's arm.", "A simulated pencil.", "A piece of wood."], "answer": "The person's arm."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_14_2520_2604.mp4", "question": "How does the video creatively represent different swimming styles?", "candidates": ["Via an animated video of swimming techniques.", "Filming professional swimmers underwater.", "Using computer-generated graphics of strokes.", "Utilizing blue-painted men and a man in yellow trunks."], "answer": "Utilizing blue-painted men and a man in yellow trunks."}, {"video": "test_creative/C_KT_12_7511_7545.mp4", "question": "What elements helped in achieving the dynamic simulation of a ferry passing a lighthouse?", "candidates": ["Using advanced CGI techniques and light manipulation.", "By employing professional actors and realistic props.", "Creatively using cardboard combinations and sound effects.", "Utilizing state-of-the-art 3D printing technology."], "answer": "Creatively using cardboard combinations and sound effects."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_26_0000_0313.mp4", "question": "What unusual event occurs in the video?", "candidates": ["A man builds a banknote-based structure.", "A man crafts an origami using a banknote.", "A man ignites a fuse, causing banknote explosion.", "A man burns a banknote turning it to ashes."], "answer": "A man ignites a fuse, causing banknote explosion."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_3_4314_4512.mp4", "question": "What transition does the man make in the magic trick showcased in the video?", "candidates": ["From a white paper with an elephant print to no object at all.", "From a white paper with an elephant print to a small elephant model.", "From a large elephant model to a white piece of paper.", "From a small elephant figure to a paper with an elephant print."], "answer": "From a white paper with an elephant print to a small elephant model."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_167_2596_3156.mp4", "question": "What happens when the man throws the microphone on the table in the video?", "candidates": ["Four silver pacifiers appear replacing the microphone.", "The microphone transforms into a bouquet of flowers.", "The microphone disappears leaving behind a pile of coins.", "The microphone bursts into flames and becomes ashes."], "answer": "Four silver pacifiers appear replacing the microphone."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_10_5793_5923.mp4", "question": "What extraordinary action does the man with the glass ball decoration do in the video?", "candidates": ["He tosses the ball towards the ceiling, causing it to vanish.", "He spins the ball so fast that it creates a whirlwind around him.", "He drops the ball on the ground, turning it into a portal.", "He propels it forward, shattering it and absorbing another man into it."], "answer": "He propels it forward, shattering it and absorbing another man into it."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_333_8432_8729.mp4", "question": "What happens in the video involving Christmas decorations?", "candidates": ["A man takes out a package from the decorations.", "A man is putting a package into the decorations.", "The window on the screen is being decorated.", "A YouTube window pops up with an ad."], "answer": "A man takes out a package from the decorations."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_321_10180_10589.mp4", "question": "What happened when the man flicked the small sphere in the video?", "candidates": ["The sky turned pitch black.", "The sphere was tossed into a cup of water.", "The sun reappeared in the sky.", "Flames ignited on the surface of the ball."], "answer": "Flames ignited on the surface of the ball."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_30_6404_6921.mp4", "question": "What unusual action does the man perform after the ball does not enter the hole?", "candidates": ["He kicks the ball out of frustration.", "He picks up the ball and throws it away.", "He moves the ball around with his finger.", "He walks away leaving the ball behind."], "answer": "He moves the ball around with his finger."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_116_0000_0237.mp4", "question": "What happens when the woman with a blue water balloon collides with the man in the video?", "candidates": ["The balloon bounces off the man and flies into the air.", "The woman loses her balance and falls down.", "The man's shirt changes to the color of the woman's dress.", "The balloon bursts turning the man's red shirt blue."], "answer": "The balloon bursts turning the man's red shirt blue."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_321_4385_4616.mp4", "question": "What actions did the man execute on the tablet?", "candidates": ["He played games and read an electronic book.", "He listened to music and took photos.", "He made a video call and sent an email.", "He watched a movie and browsed social media."], "answer": "He played games and read an electronic book."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_131_0000_0650.mp4", "question": "What surprising event occurs when the book is opened inside the library?", "candidates": ["A large black hole is revealed behind a shifting bookshelf.", "All the lights in the library suddenly dim out.", "They are transported back in time to a previous era.", "The book transforms into a map to guide them."], "answer": "A large black hole is revealed behind a shifting bookshelf."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_283_2538_2702.mp4", "question": "What does the man do to the person wearing a fisherman hat in the video?", "candidates": ["The man smears the person with his paintbrush.", "The man hands the person a new painting.", "The man offers the person a seat.", "The man gives the person a high-five."], "answer": "The man smears the person with his paintbrush."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_320_2747_2985.mp4", "question": "What unusual event takes place during the tennis game in the video?", "candidates": ["The player disappears from view for a moment.", "A larger ball replaces the small one while in motion.", "A male individual swings and misses the ball.", "All balls disappear from the scene."], "answer": "A larger ball replaces the small one while in motion."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_205_0100_0400.mp4", "question": "What unusual scenario occurs in the video due to network delay?", "candidates": ["The person below seems to be fading away.", "The person below is trimming the hair of the person on top.", "The person on top appears to be cutting the person below's hair.", "The person on top accidentally cuts his own hair."], "answer": "The person on top appears to be cutting the person below's hair."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_320_3788_4140.mp4", "question": "What happens after the faraway boy disappears in the video?", "candidates": ["A ball appears in the hands of the little boy.", "A bird lands on the nearby boy's hand.", "The little boy begins to float as well.", "The nearby boy starts to cry."], "answer": "A ball appears in the hands of the little boy."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_136_0000_1020.mp4", "question": "What does the person do to create a moment of surprise in the video?", "candidates": ["The person shuffles all the three poker cards swiftly.", "The individual transforms one poker card into another.", "Someone pulls out the Ace of Hearts from their sleeve.", "The individual performs a trick using a deck of poker cards."], "answer": "The individual transforms one poker card into another."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_313_0000_0168.mp4", "question": "What surprising revelation occurs in the video?", "candidates": ["The twin brother is actually part of a painting.", "The man identifies as a professional painter.", "The twin brother is just an imagination.", "A woman comes into the frame and introduces herself as their sister."], "answer": "The twin brother is actually part of a painting."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_24_0156_0670.mp4", "question": "What did the man do with the rope in the video?", "candidates": ["He attached it to a soaring kite.", "He tied it around his waist and leapt.", "He pulled a heavy object using it.", "He wrapped his thumb and pushed through a hole."], "answer": "He wrapped his thumb and pushed through a hole."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_280_6258_6451.mp4", "question": "What unusual event is depicted in the video within the computer screen?", "candidates": ["A man carrying toilet paper, retrieved by another hand from the screen.", "A woman cooking an omelette inside the screen.", "A man playing a piano tuned by another person from inside the screen.", "A cat jumping out of the computer screen."], "answer": "A man carrying toilet paper, retrieved by another hand from the screen."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_21_14050_14250.mp4", "question": "What happens when the bedsheet is pulled down in the video?", "candidates": ["A pet emerges from underneath.", "Another person appears.", "An object is revealed.", "Nothing is shown beneath it."], "answer": "Nothing is shown beneath it."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_212_3750_3950.mp4", "question": "What unusual event takes place in the video during the magical segment?", "candidates": ["The basketball court transforms into a football field midway through the game.", "A small basketball transforms into a person when thrown at the hoop.", "A man playing basketball suddenly grows wings and starts flying.", "A gigantic basketball appears after a man throws a normal-sized one at the hoop."], "answer": "A gigantic basketball appears after a man throws a normal-sized one at the hoop."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_213_5030_5390.mp4", "question": "What unusual act does the man perform in the video?", "candidates": ["The man starts a fire with the broom.", "He places the broom vertically on the wall.", "He places the broom horizontally on the wall.", "The man uses the broom as a microphone."], "answer": "He places the broom vertically on the wall."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_270_0000_0170.mp4", "question": "What happened when the alarm clock was tossed onto the desk?", "candidates": ["It bounced and fell on the floor.", "It exploded into pieces.", "It stopped ringing immediately.", "It turned into a cluster of coins."], "answer": "It turned into a cluster of coins."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_35_0000_0316.mp4", "question": "What unexpected event happened when the server grated the white block-shaped item and the receipt?", "candidates": ["Coins fell from beneath it and a pizza was made.", "Tomato sauce poured on pizza and coins fell out.", "A pile of coins and a stack of bills were produced.", "Cheese fell onto the pizza and bills appeared."], "answer": "Tomato sauce poured on pizza and coins fell out."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_20_0000_0772.mp4", "question": "What surprising action did the man perform in the video?", "candidates": ["He placed the ball inside the cup and it fell through.", "The ball disappeared from his hand and appeared under the cup.", "He threw the ball into the air and it landed under the cup.", "The man juggled a ball and a cup flawlessly."], "answer": "The ball disappeared from his hand and appeared under the cup."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_322_3710_3923.mp4", "question": "What happens when the man swipes to a snapshot of the kayak with two paddles?", "candidates": ["The man starts paddling in the ocean.", "Both the kayak and paddles disappear.", "The paddles vanish and appear next to the kayak.", "The man jumps into water from his kayak."], "answer": "The paddles vanish and appear next to the kayak."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_206_5080_5300.mp4", "question": "What unusual event occurs in the video involving a man and a balloon?", "candidates": ["The balloon turns into a dove as the man releases it.", "The man lets go of the balloon and it flies around erratically.", "The man inflates the balloon until it pops.", "As the balloon moves away, the man's mouth disappears from his face."], "answer": "As the balloon moves away, the man's mouth disappears from his face."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_207_8580_8750.mp4", "question": "What was the unusual scene in the video that seemed impossible?", "candidates": ["A man is eating coffee beans.", "A man is swimming in a coffee cup.", "A man is pouring coffee on his head.", "A man has his lower body inside a coffee cup."], "answer": "A man has his lower body inside a coffee cup."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_664_0282_0647.mp4", "question": "What surprising trick is performed by the man in the video?", "candidates": ["The man makes an egg vanish and reappear in a bowl.", "The man cracks an egg into a bowl without touching it.", "The man juggles with an egg and a bowl seamlessly.", "The man spins an egg on a table using only a bowl."], "answer": "The man makes an egg vanish and reappear in a bowl."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_60_8074_8410.mp4", "question": "What happens when the man in the video opens the bottle?", "candidates": ["A lightning bolt emerges and strikes him.", "A flower blooms out of the bottle.", "The bottle explodes, causing a small fire.", "He starts to dance with joy."], "answer": "A lightning bolt emerges and strikes him."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_35_2209_2521.mp4", "question": "What did the man do with a banana in the video?", "candidates": ["He gobbled up the banana without peeling.", "He juggled three bananas without mishap.", "He split a banana into two sans touch.", "He twisted, flipped a peel; banana unscathed."], "answer": "He twisted, flipped a peel; banana unscathed."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_213_7000_7300.mp4", "question": "What surprising event occurs on the street at night in the video?", "candidates": ["A person starts levitating while two others watch.", "The street light turns into a spotlight, revealing hidden messages.", "Three people start dancing under the street lights.", "An alien ship descends and abducts one person."], "answer": "A person starts levitating while two others watch."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_205_0000_0750.mp4", "question": "What is the surprising element in the video involving the gentleman and his black ring?", "candidates": ["The gentleman takes off his black ring and it vanishes completely.", "The black ring enlarges itself while still being on his index finger.", "The black ring disappears from his index finger and appears on his thumb.", "The black ring shifts from his right index finger to his middle finger."], "answer": "The black ring shifts from his right index finger to his middle finger."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_206_4085_4350.mp4", "question": "Which elements are present in the video according to the description?", "candidates": ["A woman, a child and a car passing by.", "A man, a tree and a sunset.", "A boy, a cat and a hot air balloon.", "A man, a child with a hat and an airplane."], "answer": "A man, a child with a hat and an airplane."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_312_0000_0208.mp4", "question": "What unusual event takes place in the video?", "candidates": ["A man disappeared after throwing water over his head.", "A man evaporated after stepping into a pool.", "A man turned into a statue after pouring water on himself.", "A man became invisible by drinking a glass of water."], "answer": "A man disappeared after throwing water over his head."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_30_5780_6125.mp4", "question": "What elements contribute to the illusion in the video?", "candidates": ["A model airplane cannot become a real airplane.", "The background music creates an immersive experience.", "A toy car can turn into a real car.", "The color of an object can be altered instantly."], "answer": "A model airplane cannot become a real airplane."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_80_0000_0143.mp4", "question": "What gives the video its unusual effect?", "candidates": ["Fish in the tank move quickly.", "Characters have supernatural powers.", "Screen colors are very vibrant.", "Objects defy gravity on screen."], "answer": "Objects defy gravity on screen."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_206_6370_6700.mp4", "question": "What is the intriguing aspect of the video?", "candidates": ["The use of real-life props in the video.", "Realistic representation of gigantic hands.", "The incorporation of visual effects.", "The application of artificial intelligence techniques."], "answer": "Realistic representation of gigantic hands."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_270_0000_0170.mp4", "question": "What does the video imply about the transformation of objects?", "candidates": ["Objects, like an alarm clock, can morph into a flock of birds.", "Objects maintain their form and cannot easily turn into something else.", "An alarm clock can change into a pile of coins.", "Objects spontaneously change their form according to circumstances."], "answer": "Objects maintain their form and cannot easily turn into something else."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_165_0842_1315.mp4", "question": "What principle does the dice rolling in the video demonstrate?", "candidates": ["Dice rolling can be manipulated to achieve desired numbers.", "The outcome is influenced by the roller's skill.", "Every roll has an equal and predetermined chance.", "Dice rolls are determined by the previous roll."], "answer": "Every roll has an equal and predetermined chance."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_86_8336_8700.mp4", "question": "What is the unrealistic phenomenon displayed in the video?", "candidates": ["The man can manipulate time via phone.", "Man grabs an object through a phone screen.", "Chocolate transforms into different objects.", "Visible means of propulsion enables flight."], "answer": "Man grabs an object through a phone screen."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_743_7132_7502.mp4", "question": "What is the perplexing act performed in the video?", "candidates": ["The Rubik's cube was completely solved inside the bag.", "Both hands were used to solve the Rubik's cube.", "The Rubik's cube was shuffled before putting it in the bag.", "The Rubik's cube was put into the bag without any effort."], "answer": "The Rubik's cube was completely solved inside the bag."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_322_11420_11708.mp4", "question": "What element in the video contributes to its surreal impression?", "candidates": ["The mirror creates an illusory image unable to be materialized.", "The video includes three-dimensional objects being extracted from the mirror.", "The video features no elements of illusion or manipulation.", "The mirror reflects a completely accurate representation of reality."], "answer": "The mirror creates an illusory image unable to be materialized."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_33_7187_7560.mp4", "question": "What unexpected occurrences are depicted in the video?", "candidates": ["Sudden change in the color of the toilet paper roll.", "Fluctuation in the size of the room.", "The transformation of a thin toilet paper roll into a thick one.", "The appearance of objects from nowhere."], "answer": "The appearance of objects from nowhere."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_638_0000_0783.mp4", "question": "What is the key illusion presented in the video?", "candidates": ["A rabbit coming out of a hat.", "A coin mysteriously appearing inside a cup.", "Card tricks performed by a magician.", "Objects can fly without any support."], "answer": "A coin mysteriously appearing inside a cup."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_239_10927_11055.mp4", "question": "What misconceptions does the video clear about certain actions?", "candidates": ["Running through gates opens portals.", "Leaping towards doors doesn\u2019t change clothes.", "Superpowers are granted when jumping off a building.", "Walls can change the color of shoes when climbing."], "answer": "Leaping towards doors doesn\u2019t change clothes."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_246_0000_0155.mp4", "question": "What is the impractical aspect depicted in the video?", "candidates": ["Firecrackers being ignited on a wooden plank.", "Balloons being filled with water instead of air.", "Candles being lit inside a paper box.", "Human buttocks serving as a foundation for fireworks."], "answer": "Human buttocks serving as a foundation for fireworks."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_320_3788_4140.mp4", "question": "What makes the video counter-intuitive?", "candidates": ["Humans display supernatural powers.", "People are performing routine actions.", "Interaction with mythical creatures.", "Invisible barriers are preventing movement."], "answer": "Humans display supernatural powers."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_714_0000_1471.mp4", "question": "What action in the video creates an unexpected outcome?", "candidates": ["The gesture of flipping a coin in the air.", "The motion of shifting a coin to the left hand.", "The act of taking out a coin from the left hand.", "The act of dropping a coin from the right hand."], "answer": "The act of taking out a coin from the left hand."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_206_4085_4350.mp4", "question": "Why is it impossible for a child to walk on hovering grasslands?", "candidates": ["Because the child is afraid of heights.", "Because grasslands can not float in the sky.", "Because grasslands are too big.", "Because children cannot walk on air."], "answer": "Because grasslands can not float in the sky."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_482_0000_0530.mp4", "question": "What is the counter-intuitive aspect of the video regarding the Rubik's cube?", "candidates": ["The Rubik's cube spontaneously rearranges itself to a solved state.", "The Rubik's cube remains in a chaotic state even from the start.", "The Rubik's cube can be solved by only rotating one face.", "The Rubik's cube is always in a straight line, never twisted."], "answer": "The Rubik's cube remains in a chaotic state even from the start."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_320_3591_3713.mp4", "question": "What is the unexpected event in the video?", "candidates": ["A football morphs into a fowl.", "A football becomes a cloud.", "A football turns into a rabbit.", "A football changes into a tree."], "answer": "A football morphs into a fowl."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_51_2001_2660.mp4", "question": "What is the principle that prevents objects from suddenly changing their position or size in the video?", "candidates": ["Objects do not possess the ability to teleport or change size drastically.", "The law of conservation of mass prevents sudden changes.", "Gravity keeps the items grounded and restricts their growth.", "Frigid temperatures make it impossible for objects to move or grow."], "answer": "Objects do not possess the ability to teleport or change size drastically."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_214_0000_0680.mp4", "question": "What unexpected event occurred with the rubber band in the video?", "candidates": ["Band transformed into a dove.", "Band altered its color.", "Band melted upon touch.", "Band leaped between hands."], "answer": "Band leaped between hands."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_462_0000_0342.mp4", "question": "What is the key principle highlighted in the video that adds to its mystical nature?", "candidates": ["Puncturing a bottle cap with bare hands is recommended.", "An object cannot simply penetrate another.", "Objects can freely pass through one another.", "All objects are penetrable by default."], "answer": "An object cannot simply penetrate another."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_723_0246_1395.mp4", "question": "What action prevents the ring from getting trapped in the rope?", "candidates": ["Man avoids letting ring get caught in rope.", "Man keeps rotating the ring constantly.", "Man ensures knotting at end of rope.", "Man throws the ring high in air."], "answer": "Man avoids letting ring get caught in rope."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_C_589_0000_0479.mp4", "question": "What makes the illusion of the bottle cap appearing on the back of the man's hand in the video?", "candidates": ["The cap suddenly falls from the sky.", "The cap is magnetically attracted to the man's hand.", "The cap was already placed there before the recording.", "The cap is held by the man's hand."], "answer": "The cap is held by the man's hand."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_259_0000_0141.mp4", "question": "What explains the mysterious disappearance of the object in the video?", "candidates": ["The drawer is a portal to another dimension.", "The object must still be present in the drawer.", "Someone took it out when we were not looking.", "The object was never in the drawer."], "answer": "The object must still be present in the drawer."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_31_5331_6294.mp4", "question": "What elements in the video contribute to its sense of fantasy?", "candidates": ["Ordinary people performing everyday tasks.", "Projector displays attire, human climbs ceiling.", "Documentary showcases diverse wildlife species.", "Scientific theories discussed in depth."], "answer": "Projector displays attire, human climbs ceiling."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_321_10180_10589.mp4", "question": "What makes the events in the video seem impossible?", "candidates": ["Application of high-definition graphics.", "Unexpected twists in the plot.", "Abrupt materialization or vanishing of objects.", "Use of harmonious sound effects."], "answer": "Abrupt materialization or vanishing of objects."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_207_7050_7380.mp4", "question": "What makes the actions seen in the video impossible in real life?", "candidates": ["The woman can actually put money into the computer screen and get a drink.", "The computer screen can transform into a vending machine.", "Physical objects cannot enter or leave the computer screen in reality.", "Physical objects are capable of passing through digital barriers."], "answer": "Physical objects cannot enter or leave the computer screen in reality."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_21_0864_1280.mp4", "question": "Why is the man unable to grab the snacks from the window above?", "candidates": ["The computer screen prevents physical interaction.", "The man does not have sufficient strength.", "The windows are too high for him to reach.", "The snacks are virtual and cannot be touched."], "answer": "The computer screen prevents physical interaction."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_277_0987_1354.mp4", "question": "What contributes to the sense of fantasy in the video?", "candidates": ["The small building blocks are enlarged to match the size of people and vehicles.", "People and cars are significantly larger than a toy block house.", "People and automobiles are downsized compared to a large skyscraper.", "People and automobiles can easily fit into the small toy block house."], "answer": "People and cars are significantly larger than a toy block house."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_35_0645_1314.mp4", "question": "What is the unique aspect of the video?", "candidates": ["Toys are being thrown from outside the screen.", "Viewer's interaction affects the video content.", "Hands are not visible and toys don't appear from skylight.", "Technicolor effects are used throughout the video."], "answer": "Hands are not visible and toys don't appear from skylight."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_23_1345_1620.mp4", "question": "Why can the coins not appear magically in the video?", "candidates": ["Magic tricks are allowed in videos.", "Objects cannot appear out of thin air.", "Coins can typically appear out of thin air.", "The director did not want them to appear."], "answer": "Objects cannot appear out of thin air."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_333_7182_7446.mp4", "question": "Why is the sudden appearance of a tree and two Christmas stockings indoors considered impossible?", "candidates": ["Because things cannot appear out of thin air.", "Because it interrupts the video sequence.", "Because it obstructs the view.", "Because it requires a lot of space."], "answer": "Because things cannot appear out of thin air."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_261_2395_2790.mp4", "question": "What principle explains the unchanging position of a person in the video even when wearing a hat?", "candidates": ["The color of the hat influences spatial perception.", "The location of a person cannot alter without movement.", "The style of the hat can manipulate surroundings.", "The speed of a person dictates their location."], "answer": "The location of a person cannot alter without movement."}, {"video": "test_magic/M_Z_280_6258_6451.mp4", "question": "What part of the video creates a sense of disbelief?", "candidates": ["A dog is seen playing piano with precision.", "An individual is eating spaghetti through their nose.", "The cat is seen dancing to rock music.", "A person is extracting toilet paper from computer internals."], "answer": "A person is extracting toilet paper from computer internals."}]