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"dog"}, {"video": "video_190.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["g", "j", "s"], "answer": "s"}, {"video": "video_3041.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["luber", "luper", "lhpez"], "answer": "luper"}, {"video": "video_8069.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["y", "h", "z"], "answer": "h"}, {"video": "video_9537.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["bce", "zlb", "ecb"], "answer": "ecb"}, {"video": "video_8457.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["efgh", "egfh", "empw"], "answer": "efgh"}, {"video": "video_6912.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["mf", "ma", "am"], "answer": "ma"}, {"video": "video_3025.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["f", "u", "h"], "answer": "f"}, {"video": "video_183.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["hca", "ahc", "cha"], "answer": "ahc"}, {"video": "video_5710.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters on the table before shuffling?", "candidates": ["calypso", "claoyps", "cyspola"], "answer": "calypso"}, {"video": "video_8823.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["t", "a", "c"], "answer": "c"}, {"video": "video_9530.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["wvc", "ovl", "lvo"], "answer": "lvo"}, {"video": "video_9770.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["ad", "ma", "am"], "answer": "am"}, {"video": "video_9310.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["tel", "tun", "car"], "answer": "tel"}, {"video": "video_9724.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["ekq", "fqk", "bwk"], "answer": "ekq"}, {"video": "video_8956.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["etum", "mute", "suhe"], "answer": "mute"}, {"video": "video_11140.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["umit", "iumt", "muti"], "answer": "umit"}, {"video": "video_2635.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["dog", "zoy", "god"], "answer": "god"}, {"video": "video_7135.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["idm", "imd", "dim"], "answer": "dim"}, {"video": "video_683.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["aojn", "qzcx", "alct"], "answer": "alct"}, {"video": "video_7909.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["pin", "ped", "pen"], "answer": "pen"}, {"video": "video_905.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["u", "w", "g"], "answer": "g"}, {"video": "video_9961.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["fdy", "cde", "cdf"], "answer": "cde"}, {"video": "video_5822.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person type on the computer in order?", "candidates": ["kag", "kav", "bag"], "answer": "bag"}, {"video": "video_7451.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["c", "a", "t"], "answer": "c"}, {"video": "video_3976.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["evg", "efg", "esg"], "answer": "efg"}, {"video": "video_10223.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["b", "a", "e"], "answer": "b"}, {"video": "video_10782.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the 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was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["a", "e", "t"], "answer": "e"}, {"video": "video_3707.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters on the table before shuffling?", "candidates": ["lkj", "kjl", "jkl"], "answer": "jkl"}, {"video": "video_9397.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["edf", "obf", "def"], "answer": "def"}, {"video": "video_1726.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["w", "o", "c"], "answer": "c"}, {"video": "video_11079.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["def", "efd", "fed"], "answer": "def"}, {"video": "video_9824.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["o", "l", "e"], "answer": "o"}, {"video": "video_8170.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["hkxnam", "knamxh", "xhakmn"], "answer": "xhakmn"}, {"video": "video_10461.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["cha", "hac", "cah"], "answer": "cha"}, {"video": "video_10857.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["men", "enm", "emn"], "answer": "men"}, {"video": "video_4432.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["a", "m", "g"], "answer": "a"}, {"video": "video_4380.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["e", "d", "r"], "answer": "e"}, {"video": "video_6288.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["ten", "teg", "bdg"], "answer": "teg"}, {"video": "video_5828.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["t", "a", "c"], "answer": "a"}, {"video": "video_10287.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["g", "d", "i"], "answer": "i"}, {"video": "video_6535.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["cow", "woc", "qob"], "answer": "woc"}, {"video": "video_1374.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["ot", "te", "to"], "answer": "to"}, {"video": "video_4861.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["iwt", "wit", "wyt"], "answer": "wit"}, {"video": "video_7210.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["muse", "mute", "etum"], "answer": "mute"}, {"video": "video_6844.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["pmg", "prk", "pmt"], "answer": "pmg"}, {"video": "video_8882.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["dog", "dgo", "god"], "answer": "dog"}, {"video": "video_1175.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["efg", "eag", "efd"], "answer": "efg"}, {"video": "video_432.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["o", "d", "g"], "answer": "o"}, {"video": "video_5983.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["osp", "ops", "pos"], "answer": "osp"}, {"video": "video_10383.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["yxs", "uxz", "ybw"], "answer": "yxs"}, {"video": "video_7228.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["ual", "lua", "alu"], "answer": "lua"}, {"video": "video_5924.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["i", "u", "t"], "answer": "t"}, {"video": "video_10351.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["men", "mne", "emn"], "answer": "men"}, {"video": "video_6837.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["liex", "jnyv", "liev"], "answer": "liev"}, {"video": "video_9985.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["xbdm", "mxbd", "bxmd"], "answer": "xbdm"}, {"video": "video_977.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["lhb", "gab", "bag"], "answer": "gab"}, {"video": "video_2384.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["niw", "win", "ain"], "answer": "win"}, {"video": "video_9583.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["efg", "ofg", "ecg"], "answer": "efg"}, {"video": "video_558.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["qm", "tq", "qt"], "answer": "qt"}, {"video": "video_6814.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters on the table at the end?", "candidates": ["boy", "oby", "byo"], "answer": "boy"}, {"video": "video_6437.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters on the table before shuffling?", "candidates": ["exs", "esx", "sex"], "answer": "sex"}, {"video": "video_9679.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["many", "jxne", "ywne"], "answer": "jxne"}, {"video": "video_9019.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["adb", "bad", "abd"], "answer": "abd"}, {"video": "video_5724.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["bxmd", "mbxd", "bdxm"], "answer": "mbxd"}, {"video": "video_5530.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["rst", "ost", "tsr"], "answer": "rst"}, {"video": "video_6696.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["e", "m", "o"], "answer": "o"}, {"video": "video_6250.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["ael", "aet", "tae"], "answer": "aet"}, {"video": "video_3597.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["e", "a", "x"], "answer": "x"}, {"video": "video_7294.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["emn", "nme", "noe"], "answer": "nme"}, {"video": "video_9427.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["a", "t", "c"], "answer": "a"}, {"video": "video_2248.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["o", "v", "l"], "answer": "l"}, {"video": "video_2418.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["eta", "eat", "aet"], "answer": "eat"}, {"video": "video_5578.mp4", "question": "What letters 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"candidates": ["gab", "gjb", "bag"], "answer": "gab"}, {"video": "video_3161.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["r", "f", "k"], "answer": "f"}, {"video": "video_3168.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters on the table before shuffling?", "candidates": ["npor", "opnr", "porn"], "answer": "opnr"}, {"video": "video_726.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["cta", "tca", "cat"], "answer": "cat"}, {"video": "video_10565.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["hji", "hij", "doj"], "answer": "hij"}, {"video": "video_1289.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["c", "r", "a"], "answer": "a"}, {"video": "video_1715.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["rwe", "wre", "ewr"], "answer": "ewr"}, {"video": "video_3863.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in 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"question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["o", "n", "e"], "answer": "n"}, {"video": "video_9617.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person type on the computer in order?", "candidates": ["lmae", "lame", "kame"], "answer": "lame"}, {"video": "video_8754.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["tea", "ate", "eat"], "answer": "eat"}, {"video": "video_3557.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters on the table before shuffling?", "candidates": ["bfcade", "afcdbe", "abcdef"], "answer": "abcdef"}, {"video": "video_477.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["hec", "che", "hce"], "answer": "hec"}, {"video": "video_4405.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["as", "ao", "sa"], "answer": "as"}, {"video": "video_9769.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["red", "rde", "erd"], "answer": "red"}, {"video": "video_4871.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters on the table at the end?", "candidates": ["ghijkl", "kglhji", "igljkh"], "answer": "ghijkl"}, {"video": "video_203.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["hoyc", "hyoc", "cyoh"], "answer": "hoyc"}, {"video": "video_6195.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["t", "a", "c"], "answer": "c"}, {"video": "video_3496.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["eat", "ate", "tae"], "answer": "eat"}, {"video": "video_6098.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["dsa", "sad", "asd"], "answer": "sad"}, {"video": "video_722.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["csgz", "rsvp", "osvd"], "answer": "rsvp"}, {"video": "video_2142.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in 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"answer": "o"}, {"video": "video_10049.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["cdzw", "cehi", "seht"], "answer": "cehi"}, {"video": "video_9001.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["av", "va", "ya"], "answer": "va"}, {"video": "video_4029.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["w", "o", "t"], "answer": "w"}, {"video": "video_1860.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["car", "cer", "rac"], "answer": "rac"}, {"video": "video_10031.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["feba", "feby", "fdsa"], "answer": "feba"}, {"video": "video_2565.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["dc", "zd", "cd"], "answer": "cd"}, {"video": "video_1469.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the 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"hhdamn"], "answer": "hhdamn"}, {"video": "video_2476.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["lypi", "qyve", "love"], "answer": "love"}, {"video": "video_5325.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["t", "c", "a"], "answer": "c"}, {"video": "video_7661.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["va", "vj", "av"], "answer": "va"}, {"video": "video_11060.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["box", "lom", "xob"], "answer": "box"}, {"video": "video_4335.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["levo", "vole", "love"], "answer": "love"}, {"video": "video_10826.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["hrdae", "darhe", "ehrad"], "answer": "darhe"}, {"video": "video_285.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["l", "a", "p"], "answer": "l"}, {"video": "video_11563.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["xvc", "tec", "xuc"], "answer": "xvc"}, {"video": "video_7145.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["a", "e", "m"], "answer": "e"}, {"video": "video_6338.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["jfau", "ecab", "bace"], "answer": "ecab"}, {"video": "video_10762.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["f", "a", "b"], "answer": "b"}, {"video": "video_9409.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["mf", "am", "ma"], "answer": "ma"}, {"video": "video_1168.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["gair", "ragi", "gari"], "answer": "ragi"}, {"video": "video_8466.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["ant", "act", "hnv"], "answer": "ant"}, {"video": "video_10484.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["m", "l", "o"], "answer": "o"}, {"video": "video_8323.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["haik", "habo", "aobh"], "answer": "aobh"}, {"video": "video_11339.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["y", "f", "o"], "answer": "o"}, {"video": "video_6470.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["vahb", "abhv", "bavh"], "answer": "bavh"}, {"video": "video_355.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["jklmn", "jxigc", "jsrho"], "answer": "jklmn"}, {"video": "video_11167.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["hcj", "hij", "uzj"], "answer": "hij"}, {"video": "video_701.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["m", "f", "q"], "answer": "q"}, {"video": "video_4471.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["ilac", "laci", "alic"], "answer": "alic"}, {"video": "video_1458.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["hgf", "fgh", "hfg"], "answer": "fgh"}, {"video": "video_6232.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["se", "ye", "es"], "answer": "se"}, {"video": "video_6536.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters on the table before shuffling?", "candidates": ["money", "nmeoy", "emnoy"], "answer": "nmeoy"}, {"video": "video_4232.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters on the table before shuffling?", "candidates": ["fdacbe", "abcdef", "dacbef"], "answer": "abcdef"}, {"video": "video_4451.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters on the table at the end?", "candidates": ["abn", "nab", "bna"], "answer": "bna"}, {"video": "video_6040.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["gxvd", "love", "lyne"], "answer": "love"}, {"video": "video_11119.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["malin", "nialm", "inlam"], "answer": "inlam"}, {"video": "video_9366.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["luper", "rpleu", "lupbi"], "answer": "luper"}, {"video": "video_8117.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["alic", "lcai", "ical"], "answer": "ical"}, {"video": "video_5943.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["bfd", "bid", "bkd"], "answer": "bid"}, {"video": "video_3898.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters on the table before shuffling?", "candidates": ["bcaogd", "abcdgo", "aodgbc"], "answer": "bcaogd"}, {"video": "video_2492.mp4", "question": "What would be the order of the written letters if the person had written them in reverse order?", "candidates": ["gjicf", "yppah", "happy"], "answer": "yppah"}, {"video": "video_11481.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["fab", "cat", "fhb"], "answer": "fab"}, {"video": "video_341.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["i", "p", "g"], "answer": "i"}, {"video": "video_4591.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["b", "i", "e"], "answer": "e"}, {"video": "video_9035.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["d", "g", "o"], "answer": "g"}, {"video": "video_1583.mp4", "question": "What letter is likely to be shown next?", "candidates": ["c", "o", "g"], "answer": "g"}, {"video": "video_861.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["i", "k", "b"], "answer": "b"}, {"video": "video_8747.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["n", "f", "u"], "answer": "f"}, {"video": "video_4956.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["fal", "lfa", "afl"], "answer": "fal"}, {"video": "video_8470.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["g", "d", "o"], "answer": "o"}, {"video": "video_7119.mp4", "question": "What was the order of the letters at the beginning?", "candidates": ["bavh", "abhv", "vhba"], "answer": "bavh"}, {"video": "video_3518.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["d", "r", "e"], "answer": "r"}, {"video": "video_3718.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["mcdev", "bcdef", "edbfc"], "answer": "bcdef"}, {"video": "video_11469.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["ymc", "abc", "hbc"], "answer": "abc"}, {"video": "video_1021.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["erm", "emr", "rem"], "answer": "emr"}, {"video": "video_10960.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["rna", "nav", "nar"], "answer": "nar"}, {"video": "video_6373.mp4", "question": "What was the second letter written on the paper?", "candidates": ["o", "n", "h"], "answer": "o"}, {"video": "video_3010.mp4", "question": "What is the order of the letters at the end?", "candidates": ["odco", "oocd", "dooc"], "answer": "dooc"}, {"video": "video_9023.mp4", "question": "What letters did the person show in order?", "candidates": ["sml", "fle", "efl"], "answer": "efl"}, {"video": "video_3553.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["t", "i", "z"], "answer": "i"}, {"video": "video_9723.mp4", "question": "What letter did the person write first on the paper?", "candidates": ["a", "e", "r"], "answer": "r"}, {"video": "video_10634.mp4", "question": "In what order did the person put the letters on the table?", "candidates": ["emoz", "pmqr", "pmoz"], "answer": "pmoz"}]