--- license: mit datasets: - best2009 - scb_mt_enth_2020 - oscar - wikipedia language: - th library_name: transformers --- # HoogBERTa This repository includes the Thai pretrained language representation (HoogBERTa_base) and the fine-tuned model for multitask sequence labeling. # Documentation ## Prerequisite Since we use subword-nmt BPE encoding, input needs to be pre-tokenize using [BEST](https://huggingface.co/datasets/best2009) standard before inputting into HoogBERTa ``` pip install attacut ``` ## Getting Start To initialize the model from hub, use the following commands ```python from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModel from attacut import tokenized import torch tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("new5558/HoogBERTa") model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("new5558/HoogBERTa") ``` To annotate POS, NE, and clause boundary, use the following commands ``` ``` To extract token features, based on the RoBERTa architecture, use the following commands ```python model.eval() sentence = "วันที่ 12 มีนาคมนี้ ฉันจะไปเที่ยววัดพระแก้ว ที่กรุงเทพ" all_sent = [] sentences = sentence.split(" ") for sent in sentences: all_sent.append(" ".join(tokenize(sent)).replace("_","[!und:]")) sentence = " _ ".join(all_sent) tokenized_text = tokenizer(sentence, return_tensors = 'pt') token_ids = tokenized_text['input_ids'] with torch.no_grad(): features = model(**tokenized_text, output_hidden_states = True).hidden_states[-1] ``` For batch processing, ```python model.eval() sentenceL = ["วันที่ 12 มีนาคมนี้","ฉันจะไปเที่ยววัดพระแก้ว ที่กรุงเทพ"] inputList = [] for sentX in sentenceL: sentences = sentX.split(" ") all_sent = [] for sent in sentences: all_sent.append(" ".join(tokenize(sent)).replace("_","[!und:]")) sentence = " _ ".join(all_sent) inputList.append(sentence) tokenized_text = tokenizer(inputList, padding = True, return_tensors = 'pt') token_ids = tokenized_text['input_ids'] with torch.no_grad(): features = model(**tokenized_text, output_hidden_states = True).hidden_states[-1] ``` To use HoogBERTa as an embedding layer, use ```python with torch.no_grad(): features = model(token_ids, output_hidden_states = True).hidden_states[-1] # where token_ids is a tensor with type "long". ``` ## Conversion Code If you are interested in how to convert Fairseq and subword-nmt Roberta into Huggingface hub here is my code used to do the conversion and test for parity match: https://www.kaggle.com/norapatbuppodom/hoogberta-conversion # Citation Please cite as: ``` bibtex @inproceedings{porkaew2021hoogberta, title = {HoogBERTa: Multi-task Sequence Labeling using Thai Pretrained Language Representation}, author = {Peerachet Porkaew, Prachya Boonkwan and Thepchai Supnithi}, booktitle = {The Joint International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (iSAI-NLP 2021)}, year = {2021}, address={Online} } ``` Download full-text [PDF](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hwdyIssR5U_knhPE2HJigrc0rlkqWeLF/view?usp=sharing) Check out the code on [Github](https://github.com/lstnlp/HoogBERTa)