--- tags: - flair - token-classification - sequence-tagger-model language: sv datasets: - SUC 3.0 widget: - text: "Hampus bor i Skåne och har levererat denna model idag." --- Published with ❤️ from [londogard](https://londogard.com). ## Swedish NER in Flair (SUC 3.0) F1-Score: **85.6** (SUC 3.0) Predicts 8 tags: |**Tag**|**Meaning**| |---|---| | PRS| person name | | ORG | organisation name| | TME | time unit | | WRK | building name | | LOC | location name | | EVN | event name | | MSR | measurement unit | | OBJ | object (like "Rolls-Royce" is a object in the form of a special car) | Based on [Flair embeddings](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C18-1139/) and LSTM-CRF. --- ### Demo: How to use in Flair Requires: **[Flair](https://github.com/flairNLP/flair/)** (`pip install flair`) ```python from flair.data import Sentence from flair.models import SequenceTagger # load tagger tagger = SequenceTagger.load("londogard/flair-swe-ner") # make example sentence sentence = Sentence("Hampus bor i Skåne och har levererat denna model idag.") # predict NER tags tagger.predict(sentence) # print sentence print(sentence) # print predicted NER spans print('The following NER tags are found:') # iterate over entities and print for entity in sentence.get_spans('ner'): print(entity) ``` This yields the following output: ``` Span [0]: "Hampus" [− Labels: PRS (1.0)] Span [3]: "Skåne" [− Labels: LOC (1.0)] Span [9]: "idag" [− Labels: TME(1.0)] ``` So, the entities "_Hampus_" (labeled as a **PRS**), "_Skåne_" (labeled as a **LOC**), "_idag_" (labeled as a **TME**) are found in the sentence "_Hampus bor i Skåne och har levererat denna model idag._". --- **Please mention londogard if using this models.**