runner: n_epochs: -1 total_steps: 1000000 gradient_clipping: 5.0 gradient_accumulate_steps: 4 log_step: 50000 save_step: 50000 max_keep: 5 fp16: false optimizer: name: AdamW_with_schedule lr: 2.e-4 warmup_proportion: 0.07 pretrain_expert: datarc: num_workers: 8 train_batch_size: 8 max_timestep: -200 # Max length for audio feature (0 for no restriction, negative value to set minimum timestep) libri_root: '/media/andi611/1TBSSD/LibriSpeech/' # If raw libri data is provided, use on-the-fly feature extraction, else use the pre-extracted features under `file_path` file_path: 'data/len_for_bucket' # Pre-extracted features path. When using on-the-fly feature extraction, this is used to provide length for bucketing. sets: ['train-clean-100', 'train-clean-360', 'train-other-500'] # can be the subset of ['train-clean-100', 'train-clean-360', 'train-other-500']