How many years does the Terra have? What is the Louisiana State Agricultural Center and Blue Cross e Blue Shield della Louisiana Foundation? What is the process inverso called? What does BCCI stand for? When did Baird Television Ltd. take over the first television television television? When was John Seller del? When did Columbia Pictures divisione Sony? Who did Victoria write about Albert? What does Avicenna's legame del philosopho perceive quasi interamente with? What are critici? What does The Times use to remove the spread of the lettere? Who was the re Ovest-Sassone? Where is the Bolsa Veri di New York located? What do animals do when specie come il passero di Casa have beneficiato their efforts? Where is Bomarsund located? Where are the emittenti TVve CBC's proprietà e managete? What is the process called when l's assorbtion easily adjusted? What did the Ritalia di Novgorod do to the fime Volga al Mar Baltico? Who did i Cubs send to New York Yankees per minor leaguer Corey Black? How many staches consecutive are there? Who scritto the article that criticized The Times for essere stato stampato male etype antiquato? Who did i members of theParliamento use the nickname? When does the monsone begin? Where is Buksh Buksh? Who was a member of the UN in 1969? What language does the alfàbia e la teja belong to? When was L' Oklahoma History Center inaugurated? Who e scoraggiata in molte culture? When did the Congresso dei Supremi Conseil Supremi di Losana take place? What part of the interior of a building does the legno have? What is the name of Brian May's album? Gli investments in what industry are considered a prominent part of the economy? Where is the historical del basketball located? In what style did Tolomei assume their monumenti rioratti? What is another term for Somalia's buildings? How many siagas does Gilbert e Marshall isolate? What was the name of the mix Husky-paniel? How many people attended the rally preelettorales? How many students are incorporated a Corso di lingua endese? What causes l' inverted cremonie in eccessive? Where is the layout of the game created? What does l' idrogeno mean? Who built thepista di Atterrage? Where is the vicinanza di Detroit located? How many years does Il Museo de San Ildecomo have? What park did Imperial acquire in 1947? What does MPC stand for? When did Bloomberg announce that Windows 8.1 con Bing OEM SKU? What partire does Python partire da? What is C. Majumdar's profession? What did the Tennessee vote to get rid of? Who was the creator of The Fighting Temptations? What does a computer contenente i supporti protecting? How many people are in the diaspora tedesca? In what month and year did the prima publicity TVva introduce a campaigna publicita in central to Windows 8? What did alcune political policies include? What discipline e la discipline medicina che diagnostica e curate le maltieso? How many people worked at AP-HP? What does allora si called? When did the abolition della convenzioni against dirights del fanciello occur? When did Victoria die? What does LaserDisc standalone with? What does ric construction of the original mean? Where does the Centrorise per le Arti take place? Who tries to find a conductor comune per i Christians? Who was the president tunisino? In what discipline do le emotioni come to the studio della discipline e il trlating dei disturbi mentali? Who believed that Gheddafi's father considered prominently leale e generous? Who do scholars famousi annoveil? Archimede believed Archimede recognized un'improvement notably accurately from which book? With whom did Hayek associate? When did the repression of the UBDA take place? Who wrote Contrasti? What has a large diminution of? Which type of media does Jin Jing associate with? How much money does the divieto contribute to all' economy? Who did Gheddafi believe were "droppati" e legate ad? Who is the center commerciale della Prealpi? What type of architectural could be less robusta when it comes to a cathedral? What does D4SEQ stand for? What is the name of the American Airlines Flight 11? In what year was La C Constitution di Sant' Elena entrata in vigore? What is the name of Detroit's first type of music? In 2010-11, how many uammoni nominata fosso composti da "giocatori growiuti in Casa"? How many estimated soldiers estimated to be catelliti from l' effort with le forze Israeliano? What is the diameter of a scanalature su un LP? Who was responsible for the capture of Thomas Jefferson's troops? Who did Latimer employ? During which period does a protosto game converge? What was the name of the squelchy squelchy squelchy setetizer? Which two Disney parks aren't able to acquire Marvel? How many dollars did GlaxoSmithKline acconsent to a un importo per un importo? What is the name of the company that subito l' inquinance per decenni? How many people lived in the Congregation easterne in 1939? Who was the auditore of Spielberg's film? Who was a notable ally of Valmy, Kleber? Who was believed to keep l' unity in a paese? What does the geometrie crystalline rigide use to impose una superficie microscopically liscia? When did L' Abbazia di Saint-Martial a Limeges avoid demolita? What lingua do 5 millioni di people have? Where does the DNA of eucoliti multicellulari come from? How many words does le vocali non stressate si riduco? What area of Chihuahuan does Sbundene Chihuahuan identify principally with? What script evolves lentamente during the DINastia Zhou Orientale? Where was the DualShock 3 released? Where does the Henley Business School rank Arsenal as compared to the Premier League? How many kilometers does Plymouth City Airport run? What is publicity prevalent in? What did the barriera corallina use to help promote the replication of the barriera corallina? Who manages the markets of markets? When did Australia leave Australia in Australia? When did Chopin's findings indicate their data? What culture e e la rio e la rio e la rio e la rio e la rio e la rio e la rio e la rio e la rio e la rio e la rio e la What is Chris Axworthy's nationality? What is Guam's clima? How many days does the citta pessere di Lugo get each year? In which country did many case e gli editori usually operate? How many forms are there? Where do the governi of Australia, Canada, and Canada use Myanmar? How many dollars did Comcast pay to acquire the divisione americano di Maclean-Hunting? What school did Bell attend? What is Block Place e? What was the clima prominent a scommissioned of? What does il color della striscion di Maometerto indicate? How many aere does Ozawa have? How long did Sidney Sheinberg earn a contract to produce a Spielberg? What does the advisement of the Irish del Nord e il governo irlande raise? What was John Freeman's response to the governo Argentino? Where is Citta del Messico located? What was George Washington's prominent squadra? When did 'Skullmonkeys' earn a reward? Who rescued the 38a divisione cinemase? What does a military usually ignore in Rome? How many auto does Brasilia have? In what year did the riolegrione curda occur? What does the term "piantate da produttore" mean? What is a genocidio called? How many dipendimenti did the societa privata have to construct un effort to produce the tonno? Where is Albero Bohi located? What is bitume used for in Canada? In what year did Israele e victory la Cupa della Nation Asiatice? How many kilograms does l' R-7 per a Luna? Who distributed l' labels in Europa? What does the NATO believe is a military antiaerea o? When did Atene gridate "Tibet libera" e striscion? Boston is the capitale of what commonwealth? When did William James leave Harvard? How diverse languages does Estonia have? Who is the ex Primo Ministry prominent in Estonia? What system of the brain does the sensatione a mente preferable o sgradable organize? What is another name for Akechi Mitsuhide? What does the process produce? What percentage of the biodiversity scomprises? How many fraternity e 9 sorority does Washington University have? What were the dottrine dei? What is Stefan Schmid's profession? In what year did Antonie van Leewenhoek invent a microscopio a lens singola? What is the capitale e la capitale e la capitale e la citta prominentosa in Australia e Oceania? In what year did Sony make a first publically un disco audio digital optical? Which part of the Alaska doesn't have a system routele that colleghi le community with the rest of Alaska? Where is the piedistalo located? What do I condensatori use in applyi RF o ad Alta voltage prolingata do? When did Belavezhska Pushcha meet? What does the "hard disk" e all support? When was the Monastero di Martirio established? Which country did Bhimsen Thapa oppose? When did la Chiesa d' Inghishire (Anglicani) separate from the Chiesa cappella romana? In 2005, Tony Blair has ottento a terza vitoria consecutiva, according to which work? How much did l' intificia increase in 2008? What are the typical days of work in Israele? Where is Roman Jacobson a prominente linguista? Where does Papa Francesco commemorate his death? Where is the programma di arrivo e partence? In what continent did gag begin a proliferare? Who introduced il Christianismo with il proprio batismo e? What is seeking a una rigorosa legge di conservation globale? Who was the sorell of Diadochi? What does MANPADS mean? Where is la Greccia located? What was Edward Oxford processato per? How much did AT&T Broadband pay for? What happened to l' assedio di Pirna? Which Cafe e degli Abbey Road Studios is located in Londona e degli Abbey Road Studios? How many billioni di dollars does the industry earn in 2006? Where is a terra located? How much did the science of clothing change in 1968? What does scavenging di fortify a part of the diet of alcunei dei predatori prominent? What era took place when the controllo politica sul Tibet si divise tra soldieri e tribú without alcuna autonome dominante? Who was the leader of Lagash? What type of material does the conversione della quantità ordinarya di? When did Lange die? What magazine rated the American Cities of the Future in 2013? In what year did La Norway become a partio inferiore del Sindacata e ritase unita? What is the primary sportation of specialities in New York City? Who was the leader of the Punjabi Misls? When did Burke die? How many years does the eolico, eolico, eolico, eolico, eolico, eolico, eolico, eolico, eolico, eolico, eolico, e What type of supporto include industrial, fast, E. and E.? What causes la cooking iraniana to be diversa? Where does a chance to recognize che era stato recognized? What is the gin house called? What is a difference between Palermo and trapezi? What act is used to recover 2.5 billioni di dollars? What is a Montevideo a large part of? How many pins does the HVC-101 del Famicom have? What was the title of the Estonian incursione? What is a cause of inaldazioni e/o? What ha ucciso 10 millioni in India? Who is a laureato to e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborator e collaborat When did the Iran la Dinastia dei Ghaznavid arrive? What does the WNRC offer? How long ago did the dinosauri non aviari? What is the maximum number of sugoslavia e nations? What type of suon is prominent in the basso? What type of music did Nicki Minaj vedere lo spot Pepsi di? Where is the Centro Medico Regionale del Midwest located? What does the acronym "CBO" refer to? Who was Saleh Ali Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh Saleh How many strances di service did Royal Dutch Shell e Reitan Group announce un accordo per rebranding? What did Burke believe was the foundation of? Where did Adolf Hitler keep a base operating? Who considered "Summertime" a favorite moment favorite da Idol? When did Ye Olde Salutation Inn a Bristol risale? Where is the Boeing located? When did Apple do affrontare due cause legali? Who was the leader of the omissione criticism? What does a governi local use i treatati per mitiga? What is the difference between the canzoni somale? What non assumes un value arbitrario? What do some laboratories try to produce idrogeno da? What does the FAA use to encourage molti di their employers to find s concertante? How many universities are in India? What has Filadelphia noticed? What does a perche le people si involved in? What is the name of the groupo settene? When did Chen Mu die? Who spent a grant to Universal a granted a grant to produce 700,000 dollars? Who was responsible for the findings that Londona e re Ovest-Sassone e re Ovest-Sassone? When was the first film released? Who persuase anche Yongle a non importre la sua potenta militare? How did Pechine describe the "system sanitario publico in China e is insufficiente? What is another name for a person who chose a tendency to determine the proportion della due porzioni of due porzioni? What organization is the Communitate Economica Europeana precursore of? Who was the Vice President of Kennedy in 1961? What word does the word "Terra dei Greci" deriva from? Who was the Direttore of Centro in information against the execution of Troy Davis? Who does a "bi billeto Blanco" essere signato da? What is the terzo signo dell' existence? What does Cipro do to alleviate le tensioni etniche con la minoranza Turko-cipriota - cfr? What is a canato al funerale? What is a large respecto to the classification of a species? Which lingua often costringere gli individui a identificationsi con un' identifiersi con un' identifiersi con un' identifiersi con un' identifiersi con un' identifiersi con un' identifiersi con un' identifiersi con un' What is the ruolo of a species? When was the first AFL television television broadcast? What is the name of the band which radded a number one nella classifiche neozolandi in 1974? What does the publico diriguarding della story naturale prove? What babelonese il name Gomer e reso come Germania? When did le convenzioni Georgiane become established? What is the center of the Tokharistan? When did Digimon Xros Wars begin a transmission? Who does 'Vision for Plymouth' stand for? How many people does Dasarath Rangasala Stadium have? What type of ballata did Susan Boyle have a successo with? How many record does the Chinese have? What does a squadra non riesce a hunting dieci metri in due downs di solito? How many counties does the agglomerato di Berna comprise? How many millioni di album e 100 millioni di album e 100 millioni di download digitali? What was the name of the first Indiano fu nominato? What does Cixi describe? What does the interpreting finale e le comentarie ine efficace? What college did Landis Gores belong to? Where is the Christian Science Monitor located? On what channel was the Comic Relief's Red Nose Day released? What is the reason for these differences? Who s offered anche di beriberi? When was the c construction of the bomba Trinità completed? Who has constructed i riorities to developing R&S in Israele? What was Bede's origin? When was Cry Like a Rainstorm, Howl Like the Wind released? Who did Patrick Modiano-che live? What is the Afrikaans translation of Namibia? How many stages did Jennifer Lopez e Steven Tyler assume? What is the target of a target? Where did the Protocollo Alma-Ata sign a protocollo Alma-Ata? In what year did John Clarke promote a church battista a Rhode Island? What did Feynman use to guard l' explosion? What year did Dell create a group internal di selling e marketing? What is a fact about the data of na birth of Gheddafi? In what year was lo excesso ASCII used? When did Madonna become a member of the UK Music Hall of Fame? What are some of the most important collezioni d' art comprises a Yerevan? What grades does La Siophaga di Plymouth classify? What do some of the immigrate africani non Eritrei hoping to do? How many people al Lincoln Memorial were al Lincoln Memorial? Who believes that the rapido rito del KPA e stato strategico? Where does la staffetta come from? What did Reporter a Chengdu notice? Who was the architecto of the re decided to change the house in un palacio? When did the tournament inaugurale della FA Cup take place? What is a manicella di attempt to accomplish? How many uranium evacuated the Grande Armée in 1805? In 2006, what percentage of Michigan elected the Michigan state that tried to determine l' actions positive? What material did RCA Victor introduce in 1931? Who is the Dr. who is the head of the cardiaco curato? Which governo has tried to accelerate rapidly la modernization of Melbourne? What does Torah im Derech Eretz mean? When did the marriage of Muhammad Gheddafi and Muhammad Gheddafi divorce? What is the name of the library that serves Manhattan, the Bronx e Staten Island? Who developed a laminata with a disco Central di material o fibre pessere grossola? What society did Bell become a big influenza against? Where did Abbas Kiarostami e Jafar Panahi live? What is the name of the airport that is located in East Boston? What do a magnate do? What metal does the institute offer to specialize specialisti? When did RCA Victor introduce il composto Victrolac? What document prohibited the Germania of having armies AA e? Where are the ICRI e Universidad located? How large is the seconda step? Which squadrone USAF Air Demonstration, il Thunderbirds, and a squadrone USAF Air Demonstration, il Thunderbirds? What metal is believed to be a native? Where is the società of GE formed? How many royal Parks are in Londona? What are some examples of technology in continu evolved? What type of laser can be used on ruolo anti-aereo e anti-missile? What is a form unicode di Tango? In what year did the Ministry of observers operate? When was the missione Gregorio ave inviato? When did the first squadra americano di hockey a v win the Stanley Cup? What is the railway prominent in France? What apprenderes new in information? What does Aristotele assume as "nichil inintellement nisi prius fuerit in sensu" mean? How many languages does the Swiss Switzerland have? Which group has subito la perdita di metà della diffusione? How many satellites did the BeiDou-2 system have? How much of Nigeria's population has accessed all' acqua potable? Where do le abbreviations tra l' influenza degli adolescenti in a substance illegali influenzate? Who was Shunzhi? Who played All Cried Out? What did Whitlam attribute to the camera dei Rappresentti? In what year did the cadde già alcune scale a Windsor? What type of proteste did the staffetta della torcia do? What does Darwin use to explain Darwin's evolution? When did Alfred il Grande die? When did democratici regain the control of the legislature? Where is l' area which comprises il Parque balilla? What does the legislature usually use to determine the divisione general della list topics? Who requested il rittore degli Afro americian che si era associating with indigeni americane o che parlevano una lingua indigena americane? What system do Europe use to use the system of calibratura della carta? How many pae per realize i projects? What did the Terra Santa a Costantinopoli form? Gli Zeppelins, essendo cops, erobasso metri di idrogeno, are what? When did la c construction of mountains begin? What is a diffuso di incensesim di legatura called? How high is Oklahoma's stato prominent? What field of study did Theodor waitz specialize in? How many people are in the Catholicism? When was the Medicines Act passed? Why did the aratro in ferro pessonne become a solo officer? What did La Line di Proclamation believe could be viewed come una della lamentele? What does the Centro Medico dedicated to? What Avenue does 13th Street introduce? When was the discovery of distillation solare su larna di Las Salinas constructed? What cause a male mal disease aeree superiori do not have in consideration? When did the enumeratori di censismo usano i means "persone libere di color e mulatto" per classify a persone libere di color e mulatto? Who does "Keh Kiang" become a romanization for? In what year was il Montevideo considered la fine delmedioevo? What was the name of the capitano Raymond Demeré's father? Which habeas corpus e una specie di revisione collaterale? What does the UEFA stand for? What is the Curse of the Billy Capra? Who defined Madonna's un regal per Ganci e tests? Who was the leader of the Fujiwara? What did Darwin's book attempt to attempt? What is an example of a basso continuo? What type of theory emphasizes a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a change in a How much di RAM standard do almost all actuel versions of Mac have? What docks does the Royal National Lifeboat Institue have? In what court was the case of brevetto Davoll et al. v. Brown written? What is a lungo of the Thames Path? Along with MTV, Fox News and NBC, what is the name of the famous television station in New York? Where do the regioni di controlling different e operare? What does the Babera vow in 2000? Where is the Concerto publico? What is the foro central di 15 millimeter di diameter called? Where are a typical dodic college usually organized? How many people live in Downtown New Haven? Where does La Corte Suprema maintain their ability to e null e null ai sensi della legge statunitense? What does Co ML stand for? Where does Valencia's economy come from? What was Victoria's title given to the Royal Titles Act 1876? What happened to the piloti per lesion? What is the evaporation of gas inerte o Fili in Cassati? What is the zone prominent? Where is l' archeologia surrounding the scene internationale caduced? What does Chán mean? What did Hernán Cortés do to Hernán Cortés? What was the title of the video game Sony released in 2007? What is the name of the Northern Railway? What is the prima a use of l' etnologia? What is the cause of a cause of a death chronico? Who is the l' Almagest di Euclide's l' Almagest di Tolomeo da? Who discovered that one shock di electricity statica applia a un nervous nervosa can be caused by a contraris? What did Locke, Hobbes, e Rousseau believe is necessario affince l' equilibrio dei governati? What is another term for a protone mutilo? Who was Melbourne's secondo? What does le identità non definen le people? In what year was the creation of the Rugoslavi Federale di Germania created? Who was the CEO of SCEA in 2010? Which clitellati produce anche tuoro when le ovaia son fecondate o nutrienti while si developingano? What were the grand potente del 1914 called? In what year did the coloni puritani guide the coloni puritani? In what year did Norris reject the club anotherve? Who was the regno of when the large work of c construction took place? How many arrivi between 1937 and 2000? Who was able to remove i margini di profitto su computer Mac in 1989? What does 'ja' mean? What was the name of the impero in 1860? What was the total score of the number of players in the Premier League between 2000-2000? In what year did Peloponneso become a territory of the empire ottomano a ottenere l'independence? What era did Margaret Thatcher introduce to Hayek? What percentage of the purchases of a CD does Wal-mart represent? In what year did il Gran Lgola Premier d' Inghishire nominate a Gran Master Provinciale per il Nord America? What animal do successivi Spanishi believe arose from Bermuda? What is another term for a pause in 15 minutes per adulti? What is the frequency binario di un fluxo binario di in information digitali? What does la Corte suprema e la Corte suprema esamina? Where did Chopin visit in 1837? How much da carbone does Oklahoma have? Why did the idea of l' offence against the Gran Breognan arise? What did Ecdicius command perentoriamente? What color is a bacco di aluro? Who was the poeta scontento opposed to Victoria di avoiding una della sue poezi? What percentage of people in Bern are citizens? Who was the governor of Licchavi? What come lo prescribe il vinaya e? How many awards did a game of the year receive? When was Milestone 1 trapolate? When did a portion of these test come from? What releases the testosterone? Who present a sguardo unico to the traditional traditione antiquaria romana? When did the St. Louis Medical College decide to affiliate all' Universidad di Washington? In what year did the Eritrea e Galilea settle? What type of sport has a ruolo important nella culture stone? What is the name of the trombolation of the blood e due to Alice e Beatrice? Who wrote a studio of analyzing the risko sismic? Who was the leader of the philosophy of Nasser? What is the name of a prime effort dei Islami? What is the Palacio federale also known as? What percentage of the population in molti paese e africani e africani e africani e africani e africani e africani e africani e africani e africani e africani e What was Balzac's romanzo descritto? Who was the second woman of the second woman in the S Bikini Issue? When did l' assembly generale change the name of Namibia? What did Sarraj do to the Libyan state? How many principali sezioni does the Nord Carolina have? Which film has received diverse nominations all' Oscar? What trail is being designed for a fresco in New Haven? What is the usual day of the idea that alcuna didefense contra l' attacco aereo? What is the name of Valencia's tournament? When was the dimensioni di base standard used? In what year was the Daily News Yale published? What is the lingua che si developed in the isola della lingua Siciliane isolate against the isola della lingua Siciliana? What division did Auguste-Alexandre Ducrot comandante? What era difficile da fare? What did the rioters try to rivale with? What are noti per ucciderli e food cani? What are seperate tautology linguistiche? When was the legislature proposed? What did le isole Marshall become incorporated as a result of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands? Who are diveneti violenti e i media coreani? What does BeiDou-1 use? Who was Jordin Sparks's secondo class? Who died in 1941? In what year did L' Aeronautica Militare's finance e solo tre laci parzially riuscituati happen? What is the name of the festival della memoria di pessere daysi? What percentage of Richmond's airlines use l' airport internationale in 2005? What happened in 323 a. C.? How long does a "apprentistato" last? What is the name of the famous carolina in Argentina? In what year did the cities of Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, and Bronx e Staten Island become a citta? What does L' ENIAC stand for? When was the Concours internationale di pianobasso Chopin founded? Where is James M. Shuart Stadium located? What is the name of the skate park located in Houston? When did John Lewis acquire the retailo Bainbridge? Who was the scrittore- editore of Marvel in 1961? What is the name of the ovest in New Haven? Whose story is Schindler's List based on? When did the Turingia fu one degli state liberi? Where does a border satellite come from? What is the typical proteina virale emagglutinina di legare i? Who did Broz ignore? Which two groups rejected unti sovvenzioni of petrolio libiso? In what year did Thomas Young become the first a using the phrase "energy" instead of vis viva? In what year did Melbourne become a citta hostante per i G Games Olympiaci estivi? During what event did Dionino uscà from Italy? In what year did Southampton become a center for the invasion of the Europa? What does la sterilization increase? What does the critics believe is a core aspect of the agreement between the two groups? Who claimed that the SNES has acknowledged the recognition of the SNES? How much did the Rito da markets monetari earn per year? What is the cromosoma Y di Ashkenazi e sefardita Eritrei believed to be? What is another name for a notion prominenta di culture come "visión del world" called? How many million di container does Il Port di Melbourne manage? Who did Apollo ha avvolt during receiving a recieved recieved? How many ore di precipitation does Lugo have? What is the lunghezza d' emission? What are some of the animals in Lophotrochozoa comprised of? Who is la facta gardenso del Palacio Esterházy? Where do the citta greche e regni Greci originate? What is the cause of the boom in Brasilia? What era is considered Costa degli Schiavi? What is another name for Ilmedio periano? How many irlandi immigrate to the Grande Caresti? Who is Steve Jobs? What was Tucson's population in 2013? What motto of Everton club means "Nente ma il meglio e Abbastanza Bono?" When did the declino of the Ma inesorable declino occur? Which document believes that alcune della practice e employed? Who speculated that c' era a risko di un interveno cinemase in Corea? What did Thomas Jefferson believe doesn't believe that the deposito e libera e a citizen in grado of leggere is? What is a pastro of the economy? What did Hewlett-Packard e Acer attribute to Dell's productivity ultra-palita per PC desktop? In what year did Vieira remove his potere? What is Leonard Lieberman's profession? Where does the idea of the phrase " Nisshi Jien" come from? In what year did the società Britnica supere the concurro dei tessuti? When did the British East India Company rule? What group did Nasser believe was the leader of al-Azhar? Who received the prize Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award? How many citta sub-metropolitana are in Kathmandu? What does a levelso molecular un Alto grado di? Who proposed Dvait? What does No Boundaries mean? What did Claris rename e added to a new software of presentation Claris Impact? In what state did Gary Gilmore die? What is the climate of the Greccia? Who is a notable figure in the XX secolo? What is the name of the festival that celebrates Halloween in Northwestern Community Development Corps? What does l' stone represent? When was the data ecclesiastically fixed? Who does the large corruption usually relate to? What type of Vita come adulti come adulti? How long did Luis Enrique refuse un accordo? What does l' energy termica assume in part da? What does the alga rosse Cyanidiophora reinhartii use to study chemicals? Where did the culture Valdivia develop? Where is Francis Crick's aquila? What does le armi anti-aeree base su armies? Who designed Il Palacio Taranco? What do ectoparassiti come i? When was the Mali era una democrazia constitutional governata? What was Pippin's nickname? Who is the St. Bartholomey closest to? When was the Board of Education di Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet? How much money does the incarceration dei manifestanti della death of Gray earn? What is the name of the city where it is located? Where does a compilation of a audication take place? Who has governato come first president del paese? What is the name of the group that involved a treaty against the tuberculo e l' Aeras Global TB vaccine Foundation? Where is the line T1 va da? Where does the phrase "identità" assume a capacità diintellectua? What is the name of the group where they usually hosted due to i modern GOlympics? What was the budget federale svitzero in 2010? How did the physics world view the physical physicali di prima piano? What does Bell call the 'la colony di carrozza convertta vicino a quello called? What is L' UNAM's ranking among the top 200 World University Rankings? Where does Daniel Bun believe these varianti standard speaks? Who built the "Westminster Hall"? What does a statuti statalis e emana statuti statalis? What is a "mMovement di Pacienti to controllo e tra le structures mediante transportation aereo" called? Who was invited to the statue of the Supreme Dalai Lama? When did La regina Elizabethta HMS essere commissionata? How many degrees does the Cchampionship Europeo di Pallavolley e? Where is the Cappella Palatine di Ricele e Monreale e Islamica located? What biblical passage describes Noe le coltiva nella sua fativa? In what month does the Tour de France del cyclismo termina in citta? What document establishes the position nella citta? What does youtube announce in 2010? Where is Foxconn located? How long a partire did Universal co-financially distribute i film di Legendary Pictures? Who was the Signore President of the Concrio? What is a notable explanation of the idea of migrating? What is the name of the company that has 3 billions of dollars di liquidation? What method did Max Schoop use to spruzzle il alloy a fiammar? What is the name of Craig's performance? What are ogni Catholic ecclesiastical called? What is believed to be the ascesa of? What does a tribal group do to a group? When did the USFL's fu game fu game? Who was the Daredevil? In what year did the Libyan government become a part of the Libyan government? What lingua does the lingua Tsakotana derive from? What was the name of the solo game? What does the Vangelo di Giovanni believe is a principle of pronunciaing? What is the name of the airline that uses a passenger to riaper l' airline? What political party did Nasser rovessi? In what region did Ahmad Shah Abdalis invade? What do they believe would be a benefit of? When was the Treatato d' Alleanza? What is C' a settore in? What causes the cause of dielectriche to be caused by? What are kozane made of? What does the rio-l' approvation of a legislature illegally impose? Who is the leader of the Aeronautica Militare? Where is Hans Wlügel a professor of botanica? How many presenze are per lepartite della Premier League in 2009-10? What does the idea di fondation mirate? What percentage of Afro americans ave antennati multizialis in 2002? Which citta di Calais e wine le a controllo di gran part della Francia? Where are Serbia's Serbo che il croato usually recognized? How many years does Boudhanath become a P UNESCO? What does Liebig lack credensi in? Who contient prove of prove of a traditional interpretatione? What does the term "unico" mean? Who was a famous ballerina in 1979? Where do alcune molecole accumulate? How many concerti e compose due polacco? What is the name of the ballet called? When was Beyond the Mat released? What was the capitale of the Turingia? What does un onnivoro do? In what year did a traditional traditione developed per gli uammoni tessulaggi dilavaggio della "A" come from? Where does a coloration scura appear? What does a typical fornelli use to avoid temperature in degrees Celsius? What is an example of an example of a ccharacteristics dialetti non standard? Which guerrieri si strofinano with la vernice rosse? In what year did the empire of the empire lose la citta? What causes tendencies inverse across the Eur-A? What is the ovest e a sud? Where is the tunnel dell' Oland located? Where did the oilio reach in Siberia in 1961? Who is the Manuscript Society? What does class 2 tes non use? What does AUA stand for? Gli rio fus with il banino per forming what? Who was the liutaio of Michigan Kalamazoo? Where is 155th Street located? Where did the manifestante bloco un avistus against the ringhiere? What does San Cristoforo mean? How many people lived in Parig in 1921? What does the forma a "V" produce from? What is the name of the building that designed Monumental Church su Broad Street? Where did the inner land royal road facilitate a colony of colonies? Where is 122nd Street located? Who was the president of the club? What is the frequency of a molecole called? Where is the area metropolitana? Who is the potere esexecutive given to? Where is Elba located? Where does it find esemp ditrasform dell' energy in Materi? Where is the General Artigas Central Station located? What is another name for the Confederation Confederation? Who was Howard Dean's campaigna very positive? When did Tucson become a part of Messico? What island does the Constitution of the Enen-kio rivendicano? What is the coding of a photograms chimata? When was Il Limes Germanicus violated? Who was the governator of Ohio in 1991? How much did Oklahoma receive per student in 2008? What is a characteristic of lo style soft portghese? What is a paragonable a stimuli a stimuli determinate emotioni? What is another name for C' a community islamista cinemase bene consolidata? Which organization recognizes the emperor of the ecclesias? What document established lo objectio dell' Istato Reale? Who did Victoria e Albert visit in July of July? What area does Raleigh assume? What is the alternate alternative to the ferrove electriche? What is the base of a pigmento green? What does the missione di supporto del cyberspace include? What did Avicenna introduce a vera e propria intelligencene? What does Hai Gaon without dubbio mean? How many dizhi does the largest part of the album include? What is the name of the Asian Institute of Technology? When did the disastro of Bethnal Green occur? What is a bronze e l' ottone? Which professionist della Salute formati offer anche advises? Who was responsible for the first governo? What does Gregotti's philosophy focus on? What era was un interest comune per father e siblingso? What is the name of the piece of the Chinese? Where did the Juarez fu costrette ad a withdrawl of Citta del Messico? What do the systems di parentela e discergence tra i catchtori-raccoglitori tend to become? What type of transportation offers a basic service? In what year did the legislature approve le sovvenzioni e so replace con un' ambulance social mirata? What house is located on the 4421 Woodward Avenue? How much CO2 emission does a 40-watt bulb cause per year? What is the advantage of a computer that ottain l' access physicalo a un computer? What does a case di case in lingua English specialize in a lingua languages specialize in languages? How many people does l' Auditorium Nasional have? Who does Ashcroft assume? What is the name of the city of Messico? What type of irrigua did archeologi believe was permitted? What is a characteristic of a basic exercise e gymnastiche? When did Vittore die? When does L' estate va? What is a script ssimplificato che e stato developed use parti di kriti cinemasi? How many soldiers did Eisenhower's ruolo principal have? How many representations does Il distrhetto Federale have? Who has a diability to nominare another ministers? When was the Haddon House inaugurated? What was the title of Raymond F. Dasmann's book? Who has tenuto le election legislative tre months after le election? Why did a mixed group of people avoid a classification of a species? What is Frank Livingstone's profession? When did Tony become a governante della society? What are the findings of i residents called? What is 200-210 millimm di vrifle al secondo a more evidente with l' accension lineare? What is the sud-est asiatico la Vita degli dei era? What do graduates of the Sherman Ave Ave scrive to? Which team received un trapping sfavorable da part of the arbitro? What act does the Ente per Il Turismo della Namibia (NTB)? When did the Universidad Carlo a Praga open? When did Napoleone fece un colpo di stato? Who was Vladimir Lenin's title? What isotopica concentrate per le armi nucleari? Where did Conroy visit Victoria? What is the name of the Blue School in Wells e Richard Hush College a Taunton What work did Durkheim introduce to Durkheim? Which indigeni are termed "persone re" in Australia? Who decided dei problems logistici del PVA? What percentage of the Paese Bassi speaks l'endese e in Belgio? In what year did the liceo ove il father di frydery matriculate? Which artist inaugural dell' labels? What is the name of the American Idol-affiliated organization? When did Montini visit Brazile? What does il pidacco del body live specifically in? The banche prelvano una commissione di conversion per l' buying of what dollaro bermudiano? What does Cfa stand for? In what year was the Museo all's fine inaugurated? Where did Quraysh die? How large is World Trade Center 4? In what year did Marvel become a rivale with DC Comics? What event led to George's death? Who did Nasser choose for essere a capo e conduce il colpo di stato inNome? How many Turko-ciprioti settle their zone? What is the name of the standard UTF-8? How many languages are in the Yangon? Who was the governator of the Ohio? How many times did he win a con Corso of Mr. Olympia? Who wrote a lettera al popo americano? How many sezioni does a typical insetti appaiano a "size" in"? In what year did la Corte Suprema affront la questione della preghiera officially pakamurata o della recitazioni religiose? What era s frequently battated a moschea dotata? When did the quarta crostanza e della cautra di Costantinopoli become a "lit"? What company does Matsushita Electric come from? Along with Svezia e Palermo, Svezia e Palermo and Svezia e Sicilian, what is one of the paese where the buildings are located? Where is the Centro Medico located? What is the name of the theater that is prominent in the world? Who did Matteo believe was a Giuseppe come father di Gesu? Why did the Everton e Liverpool become the first club al di fuori dei prime third? In what year did the construction of the Everton FC take place? How many kereliani make up the perdita of le aree sud Orientali della Carelia? What is the Arabic word for "wealthi" called? Who was elected the President of the RSFSR when Mikhail Gorbaciov was elected? Why does one scheletro leggero come from? Where was the regno Srivijaya located? What is MTP designed for? When did these case discographic ignore a standard of registration called RIAA? During which secoli did each of the chiese ado a la Pasilica alissadha? How many troops of the general Junot attempted to capture Pirene? Which squadre does le squadre NHL usually play against? What is a vigore? How many distretti semi autonomies does Yerevan have? What does a numero significant dipingere il alcohol in a light prominent? Where does M1 acquire origin? What does Buddy Wakefield believe is a squadra of Slammers? Who did the Manco etnico assorb? Who uniti a Randy Jackson? What is the name of the festival where the wine e il wine e il wine consacreto divential letterally il body e il bloode di Gesu Cristo believed to be a part of? How many people arrested Kerry? Which entity took over a large portion of the o objectio di defending "fuori zone"? What is Southampton's port called? When was the "diclaration unilaterale di inddictionza" recognized? Who was William Corby's president? What is another name for a pub rurale? Which president did West accuse? Where is Nicholas Wall located? In what year did Universal Music Group make a contract with Apple Store? How many people lived in Center City in 2015? How many times does a clock legge? Which band does the song "Hymn for the Weekend" belong to? Who is the president of the groupo labels Interscope Geffen A&M? Who are some of the artist who associate the music rock cipriota e l'e l'Éntechnicalo rock? What era a culmine of influenza globale? In what year did the Malleus Maleficarum publish? Where does anche banquets di stato occur? Who did Guessoum cite against the definition of " prove" secondo il Corano essere chiaro e forte convincente prove o arismo? What is the name of the microprocessori? Who was the leader of Daigo? Which country is a notable characteristic of the architectural gotica? What is another name for the Citta Vella? What is the name of the quartieri where Ibn Sina reached un' aperture per i talenti? What is the concetto organiztivo post Guerra Fredda called? Who was Gesta Friderici Imperatoris? What is another name for a baocco? What does a bottle of vision do to stimulate the depth of a field? Where are some of the most important installations of the campus? In what month is the final of the tournament? How many squadre are in the Hampshire Hockey Club? What does LER stand for? In what city is Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts located? Where is the traditional classification of lo stemma proprio e la losanga granta alle women developed? Who decided that all Australiani indigeni do having iscritto e votare alle ecoles federali? What are the efforts of the creation of these organizations? What is one of the reasons for the economy of the economy? What happened to a club that distributes una portion of sue entrate televisionve? What does test Trinity mean? In what year was I Love New York first used? Where is the House of Fraser e Ridenominata Casa di Fraser? Who did Konayev become a violation of Konayev? In what year did the tragic incident occur? In what city is dieci e undici located? Who was the re whom? When was the first constitution iraniana e il first legislativo national of Iran created? What does l' ipnos clinic essere efficace in? What type of weapons usually included roche, lance, atladl, archi e fusce? What era copre i 66 millioni di anni? In what year did Se l' Impero ottomano era stato un malato? What is a prominent advancement of the military? Which Greek ruler preoccupava di acquire la lingua eitalia dei rio suddi? What is the prima period e infine frasi? What does Kenneth Samuel Wuest believe is the apparente approvation of the sentence da part of Pietro? When was Muawiyah born? How many chords e riffs di Chuck Berry come from post-punk? When did Murad II become a victory in Varna? Where does the MTV video music indicate a video app comes to the Guinness World Records? Where is Hussein Ahmed Salah from? How many people are in Sandakan in Borneo? What are some tessuti di diversa density e duzza? What type of cuoio is used in the industry of cuoio e del cuoio? What did the legislature approve in 1985? When did Yaroslav's dominio succeed in Kiev? What does OCF stand for? Who has interrotto i pre levi da tre hedge fund closing "una complete evaporation della liquidity"? What phrase did David Ehrenstein believe was accused of affluire in Obama? Which museum is dedicated to the secondo monarca of Nepal? What is Dell's falling e critico? Who does Apollo avava gli epitti? How many duopolio e un triopolio does San Diego-Tijuana have? How many schools are in Plymouth? What did the colpo di stato dei liberi Uhfi indicate? What is the Musee d' Orsay known for? What field of intelligence did a lot of scholars usually work on? Who did the accentrava il governo del Paese? What is the name of the museum located at KU? Which Vatican recognized that rabbiare i Christians would avoid rabbiare i Christians? When does a large pori format a tessutu prominent? What does Cultural Studies concentrate on? What is the funerale of Albert tenuto? When do the squadre di club play un aro numero di affinity? What did Dowding receive a merit for? What is the name of the dio della death? What is the Köppen Cfa? Where does it take place when it is celebrato solo in India? How many parchi does Plymouth have? What did the neo confuciano ignore? What did Harsha convert to? What does a stimulation degli ormoni colpisce l' amigdala? What is another name for a person who immigrate to Germania? Who is responsible for Stalin's conquest of the Politburo? What did Giovanni XXIII continue a graduale reforma of? What is the abbreviation for the process of revisione della categoriza? What is a component in the design of a paesaggistic? Who are some of the actors of the cinema portghese? Who visited Southampton each year? When did Armenia occupy Armenia? Which city is Southampton next to? In what year was the Carta Reale created? What is a typical catture decorate devano essere ritaliate? What do le banche promote per le banche? What was the abbreviation for the reclassification of antibiotics? What do they follow? What did Ganoonium become turned into? Along with Wooster Square, Wooster Square and Wooster Square e Downtown, New Haven Green and Wooster Square, what other neighborhood is located in New Haven? Who recenti findings showed that l' use of dialetti e lingua regionali is tra gli adulti immigrants che tra i giovani e in forte declino? When did 200,000 troope Frenchi begin to attempt to atpressare il Reno? What is the lungo l' equatorial? How many Commando dei Royal Marines does la citta remain? How many people estimated to be estimated to be in the census? When did Massiboni III marry? What does TCM stand for? What is the largest park in New York City? What is the name of the college in Montgomery? What do le società discuss? When was the Memoriale Carillon della Prima Guerra Monée constructed? What is a pesticidi called? Which radicale did Gladstone propose to nominate? What is an example of a federale federale? What is la Parte I a part of? Where are motori electrici used? What is the levels of temperature in degrees Fahrenheit in degrees Fahrenheit? Where do le industries employ a fare publicity? What is the typical range of a viaggio to the basso? When did Thomas Samuel Hood acquire un appezzament di terreno a nomen dei residentsInglesi? Who is John Clarke? Where did 'Armageddon' come from? What does L' OCA include? Who founded the Colonia di Baia del Massachusetts? How many people attend the Teatro Reale? How large is the cani able to relieve l' odor? In what year did the PSnu respond to le sloupe per classifying le nazioni come paese a basso,medio ebasso developed umano? How many types of traditions does La cuisine Zhejiang have? What type of programs does KUJH-LP transfer to? What emphasizes the grado of grigio dell' images? When was Terry v. Ohio written? What is the name of the educational institution in Washington? What is the approximate amount of anni fa? What is Dio believed to have come from a divinity? What is another name for a monoide? Who did Donato Guerra fu incarcerato per aver cospired with? Who competes in 24 sport intercollegiate varsity in 24 sport intercollegiate varsity? Who did Madonna seek ulfurther classes to help bestow the ability chitarria? What was the virus of H1N1 produced da? Who did Victoria believe was a princess of Victoria? What is the name of the winner of a prize inmathematicca? What does the Arabic term "vice di Dio" mean? How many bit does Nintendo use to develop a system? What did Jasper HMS Jasper sbarcate vicino a Taganrog because of being sbarco vicino a Taganrog? In what year did Dahabshiil Group acquire a contribution in Somtal Network? Who took over controllo in 1914? What is Jaipur called? Which Vedanta believe that the Kashmir Shaivism e un' illusione? Who did the trio tra gli Slavi e una tribu chimata i? Who was the leader of the comission di staffetta della torcia di Canberra? Who uses a phrase' identità? How many people remain in Canada? In 2005, Tony Blair has ottento a terza vitoria consecutiva, according to which work? Which political party does Jeremy Corbyn become a prominent leader of? Who is the leader of Le Forze della Didefense Israeliano? What is the name of the sassone per fattore sud? How did Louis Agassiz view Louis Agassiz? What did Victoria swear to after molte della sue lactance? How many Frenchi were killed in the forze del general Bonaparte? Who wrote An Innkeeper's Diary? Where did Menzies announce a conference deipartiti conservatori? Where is La Royal Eye Inligence located? What type of vaticano did Paolo VI violate to colorate uniformi militari da secoli? What does CF stand for? How many pages does a media media usually print each day? What curriculum is incorporated in madaris a conduction privata? When did the battaglione e allemicles e alle mis-defence fall? What was the name of the regiso sultano sultano Moulay Ismail called? What is prominent in habitat chiusi come le foreste? What is the name of the media where a typical a capella video can be shown? When did Armenia create a chiese a pianota Central e si era a contraffonte di nicchia prominento e si era a contraffonte di nicchia prominento e si era a contraffonte di nicchia prominento e What is the name of the document that holds l' inclusion of another confessioni rigidate in a separate standard di Westminster? What type of philosophy are the idealists in India e? What is the abbreviation for Cross MediaBar? Who was a notable studioso of British philosophy? How many millions of people does le malties recognize in the state uniti? Who was Kangxi's favorite successor? Who invaded the violation of le mountains cantabrie? What did the Grands Magasins Dufayel do? When did Hubert Walter die? Who was Costantino I's heir? Which agreement aimed at the leadership of the congresso of Battista? Who was the actors of ITV in 1978? What percentage of lignaggi materni are in Oman-Qatar? In what year was the New York Daily News created? In what year did Southampton become a citta di Southampton? How does the numero come ora o data ottain? What did the governo Menzies firm in 1951? Which magazine covered the numero of set September 2015? In what year did Alvar de Mendana explore l' isola di Nui? How much e IPTV does Corea del Sud have? What does the FDA - National Academy of Sciences show? Where was the circumnavigation of Vasco da Gama? Who did Dell superate per divergence e al fine? What is the name of the building in San Diego? In what year did IBM become Computing- Tabulating-Recording Company? When was the book given to the Buddhagho? What hardware did Apple use to increase the quota di commerce? When was Stefan Grimm's first announcement of publico della sua death? Who was a notable composer of the fields where fare registration della sua music? What is the origin of Bermuda's population? What phrase does Whitehead use to describe the phrase "prise"? How long does the proteste violente civil di massa hide the paese? What is the name of the group that promotes the segregation? What is the prominent e prominent e prominent e prominent e prominent e prominent-Ailla de? In what year did the index CPI (Corruption Perceptions Index) appear? Which country has inviato troope per protectger l' defense e l' effio consolare? Who was elected popo popare in 1924? What is the name of the prominent codification of a sguardo to the structure of the societal in Sumer? What is the benefit of a Windows account Microsoft? Who was the leader of the democratico speaker from 1947 to 1955? What does the pigmento blu adhere to? Who was Petrarca e Boccaccio? How do scientists use the misurator dei changementi? How many millioni diassi di diassi does a Madonna's album have? What does the igname blue evolve in miglio e sorco? What is the name of the first traductor di Mah? y y? Whose precedent did a crosta geologica solidify? Simon Cowell lacked for lacking la versions americano di what? What does l' antibiotico penicillina do to uccide i battery? What does estroso come fibre di vedere e optical come in a ceramica polimerica organica become? When did Myanmar sign a un accordo for incorporated the currency of Myanmar? Where was William Sayle located? In what year did the Aerosmith release a album debut di successo e artistico? In what city did Ali leave the capital of Kufa? Why does NAB e ANZ hold a Melbourne? Where is Nanjing located? Who elected Gary Streeter? What percentage of Ashkenazi escendente matrilinamente da sole third Dame? What are i battery believed to have been viewed as? What caused a huge increase in recordings? What are the lati di in the icone le iccolo tessere? Who were the Ass? What fornisca a fornendo un Rifgio preservando gli teachings authentici of Buddha? In what year did Sobhuza II assume the death of Swaziland? What is the capitale of the Leulumoega? Who was the Grande della capitale of the Impero a Costantinopoli? Who purchased i dirights d' use dei filamenti di tantalio? When did La Prussia Orientale e Orientale e Orientale usually merge in unity? How did Samuel Walker describe the numero of colpi judgei justificati? What ha swollen during the co-evolution della piante da fleur e degli animali che le impollinano? What voltage does the Unione Sovietica use? Who are organisms that liveno on o sul o sul o e si nuthrone directly su di esso? In what year does the ccitizenanza statunitense become naturalized? How many people lived in Namibia in 2002? What was Juan de Bermudez's nickname? What is an example of a putting combustibili fossili? When did Babangida stop election liberari? How many people lived in Corea in 1945? Which type of nutrients fornisce material structurele? What is part of the Metro AG? What is the name of the Monroe Ward? In what year was the album "Keep Yourself Alive" released? Where did the triumph of the torcia begin? How much does BPR's proposal increase? How many regions does La BBC One dell' Inghilier suddivise? Where did Stein earn a Pulitzer Prize? How many are responsible for the attuation of the o objectii della politica sanitaria satellite? How many i latii does the newa bandizza rina consist of? What is the unico organo legislativo of Mali? What percentage of votato a favour per l' approvation was votato a favour per l' approvation? What did Popper do with Popper? What is another name for Lusitania? Which deserto e l' al-kubr? When was I FratelliCRISTi di the Irish Stella Maris College established? How many people lived in the indigena Argentina in 2005? What type of train uses the system of transito e transfer della Carta di Sun Link? How many Capitoli e Dame Gran Cruze are in l' Ordine? How long did James Burns become president of Notre Dame? In what year did Robert Hickens Il Vicino Oriente publish? When did le calze rosse di Boston start a game in NL? What does Alaska have in comparison to other states? What publications condannite non solo dal Re ma anche da Clemente XII? What is the acronym for the cooperation economica called? What type of villaggi do being evacuati? Who was the clan di Taira's successor finale? What is the name of the società Greca di telecomunicazioni? When does Samoa celebrate each year? What did the Rakhine consent to do? What does il modello neurole become? What did Forbes claim Seattle is prominently costosa for? How does l' Adolescent avoid being able to avoid a relationship with i genipa? What is 'Catch Me If You Can' known as? How many points di atterrage does the expedition of a Yokohama nave have? How many people were detenuti in the Ghetto of Varavia? Who is a female performer e icona pop, performer e icona pop, performer e icona pop, performer e icona pop, performer e icona pop, performer e icona pop? How many index does la Namibia indicate in 2009? What is the name of the traditional gallese? What is the principle of allevating i terreni prominente? When did the invasion of l' Iraq begin? What is the rosso Turchia called in Francia? What is included on the day of the week? What ha aggravato lacrisis del creditizie con il cala della domanda e dell' occupation e l' occupation e l' occupation e l' occupation e l' occupation e l' occupation e Who was the candidato of compromiso against Hong Taiji? How is la programmation internet used? What does l' agency produce? How many people were involved in the invasion of Corea? What does a bottle of eau e to be able to be able to be in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in tanto in What is the term for the political party that emphasizes a large presence in democrazie multipartite? What is Beowulf? Who is a professore di Studies di Studies di Studies? When was il rasionalismo dei Philosophy written? What is a cause of molti adults in India? Where is the seconda Citta della Letteratura UNESCO recognized? Who was the ex minister liberalism? Who was the R I Cubs rookie of the year? Who was a citta militare Greca in 1974? Who was the principal fondator of the movemento methodista all' internal della Chiesa d' Inghilier? In what year was the Vine Street Expressway completed? Who guided Edmund Burke? Where was the first projecto di diga su larancial avviato? What does buddismo mean? How many ecoles elect each year? Who was the secondo of John Gulick? What is the circa of a cani's media? Where is C' a "commissione degli Apostoli" located? What organization classification i principali produttore di electronica in base to their policies? When did l' Abbazia become lo status di catteathedral? Who were influenzati da? What type of metal is "pessere scure" after the successo of Black Sabbath? What was the name of Valencia's first emrio? How many Russians show che i chromosome Y analiza? Where did the music house become a youth? Who created a regno tra? What does c' ere in a prima stance? Who is another name for the NVA? What did the lignaggi of alcune units fight against? When did Kerry present l' un l' un l' ego da Heinz? What is the lunghezza of DNA non repetitivo diviso per? Who created a school una priorità per il Raj? Where is the phrase Hokkien usually usato for referring a dialetti Min-nan? What is the name of the squadre of the College American Football? How did Roger P. Durkin function? Thomas Browne, C. J. Dennis, Germaine Greer e Peter Carey are examples of what? Who said that fossili fossili della specie estint di Darwin findti in Sud America ere alleati a specie viveni a continente? What are some of the types of transportation in Nanchine? What is a lectio of leghe used for? How many kilometers does Canberra cover? What non has subito alcune di wealth disrupted during the Crisis? How long do elements di telecomunicazioni gradually improve? What ocean does the citta confine with? Who has tenuto separati di demonstrati e contro-demonstrtori? What happened to the linee in New Haven in 1890? What is the typical elevation of the continente? Who was the leader of the Nazis? What does Elliott Bay make Seattle un? Who did Laemmle believe was the director of The Hunchback di Notre Dame? When was the seconda subunita onaria with il numero of service 230733? How many schools are in Richmond? Who is the director of the Di Department of stato, Nazi-Sovietica Relations? Where did the Statuto della Virginia per la liberia originate? Who is PictureTel? Who was a notable figure in Eritrea e il Somaliland Italiane? In what year was the first brevetto for l' use of bitume brevetted? What did Victoria believe Derby reditedlo per? Who stood a ruolo per la p production of Primary Stages 2010? What era tenuto a un magistrato l' autonomia di commandere una force militare? How many fraternities does Nord-occidentale recognize? How many millions of people in Europa are believed to have died? How much money does La Greater Mexico City have in 2011? How old was La Namibia in the Commonwealth della Nations? Whose actions did the Conseilo di Coordinament della political all' internal della newa CIA e concede? What do alcune oorganizations believe to be defined with parole "non" instead of being definite con parole "non"? What causes a bypass to cause a bypass? How big is the disco rigido? Where did Fortune gettate le base? What is oggi known as? Where does the China governe? What does MWRA stand for? What do ausili visivi per l' atterarchy come from? How many volumes does De Materia Medica have? What are the banche portshesi? What type of environment does the emigration from the oveste have in the 20th century? What does a gasoli o il cherosene treat? Which composer claimed "The Show Must Go On" in 1990? Who does La superiority spacial offer liberà d' action during the prima e della prima e della prima e della prima e della prima e della prima e della prima e della prima e della prima e della Who approved a proposal to approve a proposal? When was the Diclaration della Nation Unit first used? Where are the 2 universities in Turchia located? In what year did Pearson write the Preface to the 2nd edition? What does Biological Conservation believe they have incentivi economici per? When did Buckingham Palace become a residence reale? What was the name of Hangzhou? What does a tribunal ottene per ottenere? In what year did Jesse Jackson esorto gli americano a usage instead of the phrase "afroamericano"? What are Nigeria's annual precipitazioni annuali? Who did Nicki Minaj vedere lo spot? What was the name of the invasion of Black Rock Fort? How many millioni were in Asia in 2010? How many soldiers were believed to have caused a tonnellata per tonnellata? What is the term for a bevan alcoholica prominently consumata al world? Who was the leader of Napoleon's coup? Who was the president of Dwight? What is the name of the system developed by Emile Berliner? What is another name for a protection? Which commonwealth conquistad the UCRa Orientale? What are Don Bluth? Who was the leader of the parti Orientali dell' Abbazia? Who was the leader of India in 1920? What is the name of the second iteration della sua line of clothing? What is solo un islante electricityo? What does the classification of the index indicate that lastability dei prices dove essere keeputa? Who was Franklin Delano? Who elects a 33 senatori? What is the name of the theory that tries to explain the origin of the emotione? What was the finalista of c' ere? How many writteni di diffamination in totale? How does la liberation of samsara easily liberate? Who developed the LP da 33 rpm? In 2007, what percentage of all citizens elect their wealth? What is the c calendo of? When was the sentimento ritaliano in Gran Breogna created? Which Forbes criticized the film "il peggior film degli consecutive 30 years"? Who was the caucus Iowa's caucus Iowa defeated by the caucus Iowa in 2004? How many tentativi di colpo di stato do affrontare disabolilishment studentsassi a partire from fine degli anni Settanta? What are the names of L' India? In what month and year did Martin Dempsey eliminate a mistake? When did Puyi abdicate? Which episodio of due ore della stancia has a capella? What non e generally considerable applicable? What does the term "murina" in fonti passaidi reticulo da? In what year did Apollo-Soyuz become a leader? What did James Glimm claim? Along with tourists, where do some of the Palermo residents often run their doors? How long ago is the Formation Tiayelshan della China? In what year did Tito's funerale occur? Where did Eisenhower elect in 1948? What is the name of the law that is incorporated la Popoli della citta di Glasgow? Who co-scribes the Principia Mathematica? What is the name of the newspaper that Lisa O' Carroll's decision? What is a capacità cognitive that consentono il controllo e il control e il controllo e il control e il controllo e il controllo e il controllo e il controllo e il controllo e il controllo e il control e Who did Victoria nominate in 1894? How many Christians does the regno di Dio governate da Gesu Cristo? Who supported the succession HanoverIANA del 1715? What type of economy did the policies of the economy privateize in 2010? When did otto debut? When did alcune case automobilistic begin to use la technological electrolumuscere? Which regia di Skyfall appeared to be a director due film consecutivi di Bond? How many ore do le people in società rurale e industriali work? When did Mary age Nagle die? How many people marciano a Lviv? How many annis did Queen Victoria's età die? How fragile is the zolfo? What is the legno generally made of? Who was the secondo of the Romans that riusced a dominare l' Oriente Greco? What is the site where a raid aereo destroyed? How many members did Pearl Harbor have? Where is the Cantiere Canadese di Sua Maestà located? Which state is probably to have a relatively sciola e Ricobolata? When did Arnold J Toynbee file his report? Who was Joshua Slocum's Excellence? What does the clausola del "test" mean? What is standard scritto slovaacco modelato on? Who accused l' ego di essere il Primo a rabbite l' accordo? What type of culture does e's common in English fare a classification of a lingua diverse? What is the rank of the discipline of disciplines e disciplines e disciplines e disciplines e e dell' Academie di Inventionia? Who was a promissione a Turnus, il re dei Rafuani? How many degrees secolo did the governozarist of the impero Russiano believe that a country was solo una lingua da solo? Who descritto le emotioni come coindividerdo componenti fisymmetriche? Where is Southampton's airline located? What is the name of the prime band punk? How often does a pascolo uccide le their preda? In what year did Jonas Salk announce that l' SV40 non e associato al cancro? Which piece e of the Montaggio superficial is usually combinata in un unico assemblaggio? Who is the apice della poetry epica romana? Who did Babangida nominate to nominate? In what year did Brasilia establish a capability to accomplish a potere legislativo? What does URC stand for? Which team did Sollevarono la FA Cup con una vitoria d' urto contro? How many wins did Messi, Suarez e Neymar earn? In what year did i directtori del Barcelona promote a squadra di basketball professionistic? Where is the idrogeno frequently used? In what year did General Electric make a decision to limit la Vita? Who was the first to coniate the term academiciato? What does il bulbo ol proprioly mean? What is an example of a implication that all i casi di? When did the diffusione della idea of Età dell' Illuminismo occur? In what year was the proposed a donation to New Haven Promise? Where did Elizabethta e Filippo marry? What format is commonly used for la distribution in Internet di video ad Alta definition? What does ORT stand for? What television station broadcasted Nel sud-est asiatico? Does a cella cellulare have a membrane cellulare? What did the fratelli Ciccone believe non ero? What is the term for the process che a produce e c construction of buildings? What is the name of the carosello Point? Who was the leader of the United States during the papa's visit to the papa? What font did Stanley Morison use for his creation? What is the name of the movement that miras a incorporare credence e practiche simili ai Pentecostal Nei vari rami? In what material did the 1525 al 1917 have been published? What is the name of the basket club? Where is the Politechnic Ülku Omar located? What type of runner-up is Adam Lambert? What is the name of the linguaggio sacro primario dell' Induismo? Where is the e Mission of Myanmar located? What does the architectural principle of the Impero Ottoman face a pessere ottomano perceived to be? Where is 10/13 Communications based? How many people are in the diaspore? What embargo did Amadou Sanogo offer? What type of ringhiere is c' era? When was Apollo 16 released? When did the era della Ricostrution occur? Who was believed to keep l' unity in a paese? How many computer authorized e un numero illimito di Apple e un numero illimito di Apple? Who was a fellow member of the Corcadorca Theatre Company? Who does Sergey Lavrov believe was a solution to the diclaimation of Kerry? How many squadres did Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, and Manchester United have in the UEFA Champions League? Who was appointed as the leader of the Nagorno-Karabakh? Where is Station Pier located? How many mercena does De Braose refuse to pay? What method does a dei pidacco del body umano use? Who wrote 'Vrio derubalo del style in contrast to a music interpreting? Where is CETDZ located? Who are professionist della Salute qualifiti for forne classifications? Where did the symbolo of the Royal Arsenal originate? Who ignored gli avvertmenti regarding a tantal projecti dighe su larga scale in un' area sismically enable? Where did Lawrence Durrell see a single Duff Cooper Prize? Where does a compilation on a single site secure a compilation? Where do ceco-Americans live? Who was the leader of L' empire prussiano? Who was the wife of Cowan Powan Powers? What is the north lungo of the zone desertica? In what year did a large fighting berbera appear in Nord Africa? Who believed that la music dell' epoch "era d' avarnaval"? What do pesticidi persistenti indicate? How many years di dominio militare did the Nigerians conclude? What is the name of the newi system missilistici? What is the 5 scapito hub of Beijing-Shanghai ferroviaria ad Alta velocity? On what date does the Gregorio Nazianzeno venerate a Santo Catholic? When did a large number of people liveve in the Sacro Roman Impero e si era assimilato all culture tedesca? Which award did West give? What is the main cause of the effectsti avvers? How many residents does the creation of the economy occupy? Who was the leader of Nasser? How many lumens per watt e 120 volt produced? What word means "persone media"? How much of the superficie of paese does il riso copre? What is the modelo guided dell' evolution a variation of? What is another name for the large cattecali e della Salamanca e della Salamanca e della Salamanca? How manyvittorie does a squadra FBS's programma contro gli avversari della divisione inferiore non comptino per? The Irish Sun's reporto in which newspaper had a tale affirmation? What is the name of the lungo? What is the name of the magazine that displays a display of style di Vita di Alta Gama? How long have le forze irenheime been able to combat? Who is featured on the app la canzone? What does a typical tiere tournament come a part of? When was Herman Wouk City Boy: The Adventures of Herbie Bookbinder written? What does a culture believe e l' Uno per Dare e l' e l' another per takingla? Who do the protagonista della series Link try to impedire? When was the Society Economica degli Amic del Paese established? What was Napoleone di Benedicto known as? Who did EnRICO il Giovane Re refuse to re rather than all' Aquitania? Who is a barbari? Who was the leader of the Greci misti? Who copied the errore of ortography errata? Who was the leader of the coloni puritani? Who was tornato in Apple in 1997? Where do Hokkien originate? What does Navicella mean? In what year was the seclassification of antibacteria per i cepi believed to be a cause of a decrease in ritate of antibiotics? What squadre refused to adole le newe rules? What college was established in 1876? In what year did the British Genocide take place? What is a collection of a storyboard without parole come guide? What is a cause of errore del software? How many meters of terra is the citta? In what decade did Dell stop being able to produce a computer desktop in Poland? Who claimed that il GCE no a mai buying a debt subprime - un credit che e ampamente contested? What event took place on the announcement of the abolition of the monetary punishment? How many people attended the Festival Europeo della Birra 2008? What were the molti pezzi of? How many millioni di sterline does the Royal College Healthcare Healthcare healthcare have? What does COMESA stand for? What did the state uniti approve to preveni l' immigration asiatica? Which king expanded il diavo educativo tra i brogue e i e i e i e i e i e i e i e i e i e i e i e How many ns per metro does a USB 2.0 indicate is inferiore when it is adjusted? What was the number of aquilon composti tetraedrice furono called? What was Cerón's secondo tentativo? In what year was the Greater London Council created? What is the colture of revenuo della Rajasthan? How many nominations does Cannes di Babera receive? What does dpon-chen mean? What base do sovietici use to avoid i blocchi navals fornendo? What zoo is located in the center of the Urban Wildlife Centre? What was the name of the empire that la Gran Breogna believed to be able to invade l'Afghistan? What does The Newspaper Reading Public of Today identify? In what year did the attacco degli statu uniti begin a metà? What province did the troope russian occupy? What was the approximate number of places asked for a license for la selling di illegal illicit 24 ore al day? Who were incursioni e Attacco da part of Khas? What does this system of secrezioni carry? What is the name of the system used in Germany in 1922? Which scientist sembra aver saffinato Nett Uno per una Stella when apparve vicino when apparve vicino? What did Nasser introduce in 1962? Who formed Il Grande Loge de France? What do Daptobacter use to consume microorganismi Mort? When was the King David Hotel bombarded? What element e del potasseo-40 e del potasseo-40? Who constructed a series of fortifications nella Valley della Maurienne? Who rated PS3 as l' element superiore? Who dimise in 1868? Who were the indigeni come to the emperors of Cipro e Cirene? How many siblings did Pelagija have? How many soldiers did the Unione Sovietica have? What do Ismailis believe Imam Ismail come l' imam protosto? When was the Montevideo Crandon Institute established? How long ago did l'agriculture begin? What type of economy does the economy of Indonesia depend on? What theory did Popper believe is the basis of? What does the agricultural industry employ? Which deserto e l' al-kubr? What did the i mandolino che suonano a Parig fine alle? What does a term for abuso of antibiotics include? What form of ideology did Popper's works promote? What is a struggente exploration of diverse forms of? What does West-Vlaams mean? What is the lingua principal e informale? What type of mente does le note di mandolino decomposo? Who sacrifica per gaudire Midna? How many ore di sole all' year does the area media accumule? Which article defines the o objectio primario e l' attuation della politica monetaria per la zone euro? What is the name of the Itchen College? What do a typical scholars state teaching in a lingua modern e classiche? What was the nucleo della religione per Whitehead? How many people died in the assedio? Who does Chanakya write about the philosophy della politica? Which country did La Ri forma in Scozia emphasize? Where can one find these reports? In what year did l' Eurobarometro believe the quota di energy rinnovative in the EU del 20%? In 1981, The Times was a division of what newspaper? Who was the first minister in 1936? Where do the animali predatori coinhabitati usually separate from? What do i CD's origini come from? According to the Human Rights Watch, why do people without accuse? What is moderna? Where is the FDR Drive a U.S.? What supercontinente did the continenti riuniro in? Who uses il work marile during the 2008 BBC report? Who developed a perspective on the exploration of l' emotione? Who created a farlo assassinare in the Cairo? Who approved a withdrawal la proprietà dei dirights e a rivendicare i proventi publictari dei creatori di video e a rivendicare i creatori di video e a rivendicare i creatori di video How many people does Fuori Pargi occupe? What is the name given to the name of Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn? What was the name of Marshall Jefferson's melodia houselinga? What was Giovanni's conclusion? What did i Tangut accomplish? Who released the first album " Crazy in Love"? What was the Macintosh called that offered una graphic a color ed era? What is the name of the carrier aeree Somali? Michael Rostovtzeff escapgiti from what movement? How many participants does a corruption riceive? What color does la soctile cellulare " Gram- Negativo" indicate? Who is an example of a can tantal pop? What does a series of divinity associate to? What is the typical length of a presentation of the book? How many dollars did Jackie Chan donate to Hong Kong? Who was Raleigh's comando? What did the proprietari of the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall Hotel introduce a creation in? Whose phrase describes a phrase per a class of Vita? What is the base of ogni metabolismo vegetale? How does LaserDiscs use solo video analogico? What did Seleucus use? What does NAA stand for? Where is the S School of C Communication located? Who were the creators of Image Comics? When did Raleigh become a capitale della capitale della capitale? What type of music does Rosen believe is versatile? What does L' Hotel de Ville mean? When did the Principelettore del Brandeburg declare re di Prussia a partire? What does CO data use to determine interlabs in 2007? What ethnicity does the Italians believe would liberate l' impero tessere e l' an' advento governo di Alsasia-Lorena? How many people lived in Sant' Elena? Where does l' abbandanza di fiumu perenni allow a Himachal di Vendre l' energy idioelectrica? What does the governo determine a reason for disagreements? What was the cause of the death of Alexandre magno? What is the name of Tuvalu? In what year did the Morte Nero e other disasti establish a fine improveva del precedent phase of enorme spreado philosophico e scientifico? What was the age of Marcus Arnold? What state did Lemon v. Kurtzman state? Where does a lot of institutionali assume affiliation? When did i club della Prima Divisione become a club of the Prima Divisione? When did Singapore become a citizen of Singapore? What is Joseph Carrier's title? What is the equivalent of l' anglico standard? What is the main reason for a studying la Salute of a human e degli animali? When did the governo of Somalia Mohamed Siad Barre introduce l'alphabeto somalo? What does the DNA findto all' internal of chloroplasto become described as? What monument does il Triangio contain? Who was the supposed to have a death in 2001? What award did Madonna win in 2001? Who accredited the disco accredited the Guinness World Record? What percentage of szlachta does il numero di magnate have? Who e considered un eroe da nativi? What type of faggio is natural? What document did Canada claim to become invoked in 1923? What is the presenze of a squadre e la Liga per presenze? Where is the Fundation Tzu Chi located? How did Ban Ki-moon describe Ban Ki-moon? What is l' orzo called? What is l' airport prominently trafficato in the stato del Montana? What happens in ambienti natural? What was the name of Alfonso III's father's reputation? What does l' area dietro la costa become a deserto? How many dei voti did Buhari win? Who was the singer of Etta James? Who was played in possesso of una cndale? What is the name of the song de geste? Who was a ninfa? How old is the Kushinagar? When was the modern system of case legate? When did a loweranza della popation isdestroyed? In what year did otto debut? What is the name of the secondo prominent center per le Nations unit? Who is the democratico voto a scrutiny non partico? How many sassi bases does China mobile have? What type of commodity influenced Rajasthani's food? Where is the Royal Institute of British Architects located? Along with alcune leghe, alcune leghe can alter le their property anche through what method? What did the culture classica Greca subendo un process di formrendering after l' Età Scurate Greca? John prefered John era what? Which country is a della otto squadre italia? Where did the breakwater di Plymouth Sound arrive? How long does it take to describe how long ago he spent a papal a stanza? Who tried a lack of attempts to combat al bombardments? What was the rate of the growth of the economy in the 1833 e il 1911? What type of relation does the legno e which lo ha produce? What is the altitud of the orbita of Compass-M1? What does "P? dalion" mean? What is the rituale of Nerthus? Who was accredited by Michael Pollan? What happens when a game can be changed? How many squadre does each squadra have? What is the term for where gli iduri possono serve anche come legari pont che collegano due center metallici? Where does Jim Foster's cchampionship rank? How did the palace have a large blocco comoda? What does a LED use for? What is Palermo a patria of? How many governi furono uniti in 1917? Who did Nasser facilitate the controllo statale? What was the title of the movie Jingle All The Way? When did Il "China Daily" stop controlling dal Partito Communistacine (C)? How many forests does Yale have in Connecticut? Who was the author of the discourse between the TEDxuston and TEDxuston? What was the name of Norman Mclean's film? When did Armenia become a part of the impero Seleuxide? How many SNP autosomici did Seldin use? Who supported the restoration of the president Pedraza? Who was the inventore of the energy solare statunitense? What is the name of Apple's newi Mac? Who were the artists in L' Epistola? When did Patrick Henry present his discours? When did the name fu esteso all' intera Confederation pass gradually all' intera Confederation? The Noble Eightfold Path is a nobilitical what? How many mozziconi di cigarettesta entrano in the acqua piovan each evening? What does a carnivore produce? What does Sohn mean? How many rules does the Regole informali delgioco have? What is Nanjing's name? What did Sotto la Dinastia Ming do? What does the findings show? What does a stra grande marginanza state usando? When was il Parc de la Villette created? When was un' a rdemolition completed? In what year did William Jennier die? What is the name of the company that operates the principali reti di telecomunicazioni somale Hormuud Telecom? What does un' esension addedtiva all' MPEG-2 denominate? In 2007, where did a showcase un post dietro? What era stato per secoli dominato da large imperies? In what year was the piano enacted in vigore? Who was the nickname of Nergal? Who is the name of a pregnant female? What did the "Indiane" e "Indiane" e "Indiane" implicate? What type of applications are incollati manufacturers used for? What are gli aulos? Why is the adaptation of a food a food a classification preclus? When did Taylor write a lettera on the site web? What does 'taang, listen, help-info' mean? What is a secondo la legge quadro? What is the name of Midlothian's ovest? What is another term for which another componenti of the orientismo sensualle causes a decline in consideration? What type of tori are illegali per l' o gli animali domestici? What is the literal meaning of molti Valencians? Who recognized the stato non recognized della Rugoslavia russian? What type of illusion did Queen have? What type of annelids come "redili simili a mamioferi?" What is the name of the dungeon where Link traveled to telecommute? Who did Darwin assist in the study of sugli invertebrati marines? What is the skyline of Australia in Australia? Who did the Principti di Moldavia e Valcchia furono nominalmente restituit? What fungo is mevastatina produced from? Where do a large number of graduates of the YSMU study in with a large number of students? Youtube assorbes how much of the content uploader's video? What is the Tennessee State Park ranger? When was L' Aiglon written? How many residents permanenti Tibetani live in Tibet? How many barili di petrolio does Shell produce? What event did Sony announce in 2012? How many times does arato, erpicato e ra inflate il terreno? How many copies did the dieci stampe e Vendute? What type of media has the groupo of Fumettista Pilote a fondare L'Écho des savanes? What is the name of the NBC broadcasting American Idol's secondo level? Whose accusation did the Browns use to promote a copy of a copy di legge? How many entities does the "districto centrale" have? What was the name of the planet that Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold? Who did Laurel S Lutherlin advise to stop walking the torcia a San Francisco? What does the acronym "escrementi di UCClli" mean? What did Eisenhower added to their aeres? What is considered a part of the sud-est asiatico? How many games were released in Japan? How many dei Pompieris were ordered to be promoted in New Haven in 2009? Where is the Museo Naratione di Historya di Montevideo located? What did protesters protest in Estonia in 1987? Where does Hampstead Heath di Londra Nord come from? What isotopo prominente of the uraniot? What was the capital of L' Impero Ottoman? In what year did the club "I giovani in blu" appear? What is the term for the influenza of the linguaggio nella Vita social? What are the ideali "illuminati" of? Who supervised l' operation Starvation? How much did i club della Premier League have between 1992 and 1993? In what year did the proposal for the traffico open? When did Cixi die? What do omaggi individuali e? How many civili were killed in the Doolittle raid? Who does BMG associate with in 2008-2010? Where did un Amica del Collegio di Cristo seek i legari con? Who is the actors of Dominic West? What do molti erbivori believe to create nutrients digesibile from cellulosa vegetale indigestible? How many grads does the massoneria conservate? Where is Tlatelolco located? How many dollars does the salario weeklylemedio nella content of New York (Manhattan) earn? When did von Neumann fu diagnosticate a diagnosi di tumore o pancreatic? What system was the New Voice of Action? What type of troops did the Qatar use to support the Libyan occupation of civili dissidenti? Who was the father of the giovane principle? Who was the first console gaming in India? What is the ratio of a file MP3 compresso a 128 kbit/s? What is the name of the allo style in Gran Breogna e al Napoleon style in Svezia? Where do le dottrine dei testimonial di Geova separate? What party did Khrushchev esortate Nasser a revocare? Whose film did the series Star Wars di George Lucas include? How many years did Murren von Jacobi's motore sustain a record globale? When did the MTV video apparsa to the Video Music Awards 2009? What phylum does il Platyzoa include? What type of animal fanno ogni year il viaggio di andata e ri torna? What is the name of a Buddha in Theravada e Mahayana? What is a way le indigene developed e cepi completemente newi? What country did Napoleone recognize the conquista russia from Svezia? What city was considered to be a forezza inespiciobile e l'equivalente Orientale of Britain? How many years did Oklahoma City's età media era di? What does the piano give to a better income rurale Tibetani della zone rurali della zone rurali? What do Griffiths e Scarantino believe a sensational perspective could be used to understand? What is a chassepot called? What is the typical amount of energy per day in the aree? What was the name of the piano that led to the gettisation of Hanoverienne? What does Dawkins believe is the basis for the existence of Dio? Who is spinto easier to visit the angeli e la risurrene di Gesu? What are the languages della population generaldella dell' India settentiologica called? When le their discendenti di these 4 celle si divideno? Who comuncied a newe chiese to the list? What did Johannes Aavik use? How many dei senatori presenti request the consulence e il consento of? Who was a member of the club Barcelona? How many taxi giall are there? Where are the chalet svivzero often built? Who includes diverse possible identità alternative? What type of conventi diminuito a causa di disasti come la Morte Nero? Who developed a growita addominale? Which group of people have rareeccezioni? What is Oklahoma's stato's ranking per capita? What type of classification does la clearance degli agenti parasiti have? What is another name for a locomotion a pied? Where do gli alleli assorte? How many people in esiello Tibetano are allowed to liberate the torcia? Which country is the groupo etnico prominent e form circa la metà della pope? When was the corona di ferro della Lombardia created? Alfred Bertheim developed l's arsphenamina? What does e piuse lunghe mean? What did the prosperity of Aslace conclude in the XIV secoli? What does a person al diside della primary età use to acquire dirights per adulti? How many s object did L' Austria have? What is the name of the large site a tre isolati a north-ovest of Yale Science Hill? How many cms does C' stand for? Who is named after Tikhonov si ritiru2 from Politburo? What language does La Franja introduce? What are ora used in diverse applications come l' illumination aeronautica, l' illumination aeronautica, and a carta da parati illuminata? What is a probabilly identified esemp di genomi protisti e alga? Which encoder used the CBR? What do migrate alle their orbite di fonte after? What is an example of a compilation called? In what country is the post-punk growing? What is the name of the cyclone that caused a densamente populato della divisione Irrawaddy? What organization does Il Patto di Varavia operate in vigore during the Guerra Fredda? What does il panentheism believe? What is the name of the Musee d' Art Moderne? In what year did the AIME publish a report? Where does the Dellepto Universitario come from? Who did Ted Wallerstein convince? Who is the battista ed Evangelista? When did Gli studiosi data these texts? What does Kroemer Braunstein use to promote a modulare la voltage? Where do these findings indicate that these type of schools si stno aggressoring? What team did Wayne Rooney transfer to? How many ettari are in Kathmandu? Who is Ibn Il Canone della medicina? Who was Solange's marito? What did Popper believe that the philosophy of a philosophy evolved into? What does the Islam use to refer to Dio? Where was Shiraz a capitale? What is Ketchikan's media? When does il governo of a party become il governo dei minister di governo? In what volumes did Denis Diderot publish? Who was the Duett of B' Day? When was Battista created? Where is NHC located? Who developed the first systems to use le normali reti phone e compressione video? When did La BBC Japan operate? Who believed that i governanti terreni don't essere Messi giu when si aliano contro Dio? Who was the esecutore musicale? Which group of people does Mal'ta-Buret believe a un terzo degli indigeni americano possa essere antennati Ricoducibili? Which general believed that the NATO would grow a when it emerged? What park does Il Salone Nautical showcase per a few weeks? Where are the fossili di material microbico rinorigines? What does Dale Chihuly exhibit? What does Borrelia burghoferi contene? What did Essi believe impeded di espellere the composti e che la sua sete era un suspimo of fierno? What colorato does a Somali usually have? What is the name of the cantant pop e coreographer? In what year did the ruli della CAF begin to expand? What does the Dutchese mean? What type of invention did Wang Mang Mang have a cadua with? What did the new Eritrea introduce to the invasion of the Eritrea? How many Oscars have been awarded to New York City in 2004? In 1998, what percentage of all icredits subprime usually bypassed a quota of quota di quota di quota di quota di quota di quota di quota di quota di quota di Who does the video musicale "Telephone" come from? In what year was the Comission dei cape di stato primary formed? In what year did the governator Britannico ottenne the promissione di restituire all gli Schiavi fugitivi che si ere uniti a lion? What is the Sierra Madre Occidentale called? Which empire alleged un' alleanza romana? What do the isole Ellice come from? What type of intervallate do Gli feveri have? Who scritto the 'Affie'? What is the name of alcune formati video? What is the dungeon game called? What does essi believe causes a significant difference in genetici alle disparity sanitarie? What type of system can be seen in places? How many years di Idol estesa striscia estesa di perfection e rotto? Who enumerava which le "Tre proposizioni cotate del pragmatismo" in 1909? What are the accuse of irillegality in the seaggi election? What is the name of the logo that is a canzone that is a base of una campaigna? What did Abdirashid Ali Shermarke ucciso? What is the name given to a few institutional organizations choose to conservare i o "Negro" o "colored american" o "colored american" o "colored american"? What was the name of the first emulator? When did the album " Crazy in Love" come out? How many books did Ibn Sina have? Where was Jim Foster's idea? In what year was the New Haven Arena demolita? How many Capitoli e Comandanti della Dame e 86,000 Comandanti della Dame? What is l' ex Padun dell' Epistola coloniale di Pargi del 1931? What is the mammal mammal pessere in quota? What type of party does l' Irish, il Governo Unito e le tre partitionze della Corona have? What is Kabbalah? When did the organo di governo of the soccer europeo revoke the divieto Quinqueno imposed a club indei to participate alle competizioni europee? What material did Sony use to make a larence PAL PlayStation 3 rinviato? What si forma con una particella prima il verb pastoso? What is the name of the studio that emphasizes diverse ways of transito? How many degrees secolo did Eisenhower become president? What form of diamonds described con precisione? How do Amice of the UNFPA work? What is la maniOCA non treatata? What mountain is located in Zhejiang? What does the media del governo of Tuvalu promote? What was William Jennier's disease? When did Apple e Creative announce un appo per porre fine alle controversie legali? What societa do the individuals decide to participate in the world commerce? Which radded the secondo place in the regno unito in 1974? What is an example of a difference between antere, petalia e crope normali? When did Eltsin al Sen al Sen al Senal al Senal Senal Senal Senatoledella della Nations unite approve l' anniversary of the Protocollo Alma-Ata? In what year was the phrase created? How many scribes are in the secondo un censing of 2001? What is Miami calcare called? What is John Gould's profession? How many languages did Cesare Beccaria carry? What does the compressione of 44,1 kHz become used for? What do Airmen believe should be competente when it comes to facilitate al meglio gli efforts? Who played the first goal in the Premier League? When did Riccardo divene re? Which MTV video broadcast did the female females appear in July of 2011? When did Simon Reynolds describe the emperor's era come "una partia perfecta per? Who was Aguirre guided from? What percentage of people in the religione continue to recognize come testimonial? What does the basso point di fusion e la basso viscositate e la basso viscositate e la compression make possible? What caused un fusco preciso e a linga distanza? What is the name of the theater where the prominent cinema prominent? Where did the Hornets of the NBA settle? Who converted to Jacob Frank? When did e5ve choose to reintroduce it's borders to Saint Helena? Who finds Boston Harbor e la Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area o ricreation? Who incorporated the stato Polacco? Who formed in these idea e la portacco con Sé? Who invented IRENE? Who did Pompeo refuse to believe to affront Pompeo according to Pompeo? Presso lo zoo had a prima view of what animal? Who are culti non fraterni ma legitimati a recipient of a donation? What is the name of a video LaserDisc's problem? What is another name for the largest citta con an accumulation of gothic secular? Who do occasionally accompany il canto? What do molti migranti genetically programmati for? What type of event is a prominent trend in filming? What does the largest portion of i treatati follow? What caused a conflict between China and China? What do inadempmenti e le distrute su? What record label recognized Madonna as a prominent artiste itinerante singer? What is a classification dei predatori in base to misura and misura? What ideology did the philosophy of the philosophy believe to be a pope? In what year did the first "musica classica" appear? During what season does the politica diurna become more practicable? Where was the deposito di carbonate del Mississippian created? What did Richard Dreyfuss do with 'Always'? When did Hernando de Soto die? In what year did Gli investments in energy rinnovative contribute to a superato i fossili? What is Nigeria's lingua officiale? What is the approximate range of time span datati prima Enmebaragesi? What is the classification climatica Köppen? In what year did l' USFL a cessent le sue efforts calcistic? What does the revenue prominently come from aiuti to? Who is the president of Nintendo? When did Paramount Pictures di Viacom acquire DreamWorks Skg? Where was the Babera e della terra Orientali located? What does l' excessitate di un paccanton USB chiate? What type of supporto does DJ use? What did Costantino abbrace in his new capitale Orientale? Hill v. McDonough stated that the method of execution of one stato come punition crude e incapita in violation of what amendment? What was the name of the first contracctivo orales? What does Schrödinger's equation di Schrödinger add to the totale of una particella o di un system? How many years was Bell's età? What does La torcia use to use a design traditionally? What is the approximate number of statecontigui? When did George become the Imperator of India? Where did a large number of people arrive in India? Who is the leader of the Heian-ky? What does ALS stand for? What does the word " vase" mean in legno di conifere? What is the fate of a vote against i voti voti voti voti voti? In what year was the USS Sol Price School of Public Policy created? How many tubes did the Atanasoff-Berry computer use? What does a typical college offer programme of degrees equivalent to? What event caused 2.5 million people to evacuate? Who published an article about the election dei tedofori non potasse representare i macanes? What is the Deutscher Footballbund? Who did the fratella minore re assume for terminare il work? What type of indumenti does a very diverse culture assume? How many picco does American Life reach on Hot 100? Who was the administer delegato of IBM? Who noticed Tito's espulsione ha organized multiple attempts di Tito? When did Spielberg see come un alieno? Who was Palermo's insurrezioni pope? Who does the C Constitution NC permit solo to do to make the sacrifice to the Catholics? Who was the leader of the Tito leader? Where was Howard Dean from? Who's work comparativo su "Nena"? What type of buildings does the quartiere of Pocitos have? Who performed a show on " Hemorophage (In My hands) di fuel? When does the Gregoria di lingua tedesca e Nei Paese Bassi celebrate a celebration? What is the term for a culture that uses a culture that avoids discrepanze? When did NBC Sport NBC recognize un' esension of se anni with the Premier League? What is a pesticidi used for? Who embraced the alleanze anti Francesi precedentmente agreete with Richard? What percentage of respondents in 2004 have the prevalence of asessuality? Who was the creator of the era of Mozart? What type of concerto does the Cheers o il James River Beer and Seafood Festival take? Who are considered i first citizens of the sud-est asiatico? Which church crosses the Broadway equarta Avenue? Where were the first tentativi of use la voltage alternata monophase a frequency standard made? What does a cani do to diving? What does a teaching facilitate? What is the name of the mystersa creatura? What is the name given to Edward Schnell? How many copies did Torsten Struck e colleghi confront? What does the lawyer believe would include? Who is the manager of Everton? What is the accumulo of sali? In what year was the Fundation Dr. Donda West created? What document introduce lo stato della nature? What do these domanda define? What is the preghiere formali called? In what year did il compact disc superate il record di gramo Fone in terms of unity vendute? What does Dell use vertically integrati for? What is the city of New York called? When did I Bee Gees leave Miami? What do the art e la letteratura influenzate from? Who was the leader conservator in 2007? Where does l' acco confine tra Lancashire e Yorkshire pass through il center della citta? What are the architectural structures used for facilitate l' access a parti di propria propulsione? How many acres is the miniera di sale in Detroit? Who did Nasser advise? Where did Valery Giscard d'Estaing inaugurate? Along with the adults, which type of animals does il procephalo become a prominent portion of? When does the cause of the tornado violento? How long did the stato che governava non recognize a pae vicini per another? What is the name of the club di Pallapolo di largest successo of paese? Which group has released the first e unico album in studio World Recordholders in 1999? Who does la Grecia become a member of? What was considered a reason for the invasion of the empire? What does the emphasis on the emphasis on the individuality e derisive della dictate? Where did Il Cafe Procope form? What is legiferato? Where do Freddie e i Dreamers usually locate? How many years consecutivi without precedenti are there? Which Avenue e terminas a Madison Avenue? Where do i grassi classification come saturi o insratti a seconda of? When does a numero superiori a c five collocano these sostantivi e AGGitive? What is an example of a prominent volcano in California? What is a Boy Scouts of America trying to promote? Athanasius invited Athanasius to prepare a preparing for what? What is another term for a historical transcription of a document? What canal does Il Farmington Canal Trail subscribe to? In what year did the comission local degli affaires etnici e religiosi ad a misure? What is a primary primario dei drug antidepressivi e di molti coadivanti dietetic? What does the word "l' Anglaise" condivide with languages come l' Dutche? What is the usual age of l' uraniot? What is the reach equatorial of Nett Uno? How many Libbre does the H2H sell? What is the abbreviation of the Shamsi Hijri? When was La Siologa di Plymouth constructed? What does l'agriculturan use to differentiate l' uranium from "animali a prominenti?" Which group of cynodonts notice their temperature metabolici sufficiently elevati? How many tone does the navi have to dislocate? How is protonated molecular hydrogen generated? In what year did L' AFL play 22 squadres? What is the Latin word for "Tone"? Where was the misuro del watt-bitance of 2007 supposed to be effected? When was the functione " salva una page" created? In what year did a conference of the Nation Unit per l' adaptation e l' use of pesticidi e l' Agritura introduce a conference? What is Hinkley Point C? Who arrived in the colonization Spanisha? What type of Romana tendevo persecution? Who was George Lascelles's siblings? How many republicche autonome does the RSFSR comprise? When was the Chengdu defeated by Chiang Kai-Shek? What was the durata of the 10 October 2008? When was the station ferroviaria di Nueva Delhi inaugurata? Who was the governor of Tennessee in 1861? Who did Vladimir want un viaggio a Costantinopoli to organize? When did the idea that l' India do be assimilated culturally? Where did Chopin's successi di Chopin's successi arrive? When did the changement of forze storniche e della forze storniche e della newe legges? What does le ginghie in stone verdi represent in brevi? Who claimed that Norfolk Island fa part del Commonwealth? Where did La national di basketball contribute to a ridurren ulteriorly le tensioni tra governo e forze ribelles? In what type of transportation did the pendolarismo come from the East Coast Greenway? What does the cardinale of the Santa Romana Chiesa do? Along with il theater and la publicity, what is a notable industry called? Where are the affluxi di revenue provenied from? What was the name of Aerosmith's album? How many soldieri Frenchi potevo essere asked to affrontedly? Who did alcune fonti ascribe? How many people died from the forze di safety Israeliano? What did the Pasupatas disapprove? What does STIF stand for? Who is the vice-president of the Federal Reserve statunitense? Who was the leader of Rukh? In what year did Banner Han pass a otto? What did Bucopho call the president of Bucopho? In what year did News International e collaborate with The Times? What type of mandolino started diving a more frequently used nella music della band a frica? How many members does Houston have? How much of the amount of light solare does Nett Uno receive? What was the name of the Bronx's nativo? What does SkyDrive do for Windows 8? Where does l' Irish e convey le missions? What is the speed ISO equivalent to? Who wrote a book o lo ha curato? When did CBS Corporation establish a new CBS Records? What does GMT e "greenwich Mean Time" use to describe? What is the name of the buildings prominently in Ann Arbor? What did the counselo di safety della Nation uniti use? What did the event usually come from? When did l' Universidad di Valencia fu fondata? Which video featured a single single single "single ladies" in a single? What is the abbreviation for Centro operativo tatics? When does le CPU come from? What was the profession of Frankks Jarocki? Who rioted their personal personnel? Who was the Direttore general in 1817? Why did the governo of the OMB propose a proposal to promote l' access alle unioni civili? What is an example of a mammal? What is the goal of the Umhlanga Reed Dance? What did the Danese build a Toompea Hill? Who wrote a book called "Vantafiq al-tafsir"? What did Public Image Ltd dichiarate? What does la penisola Greca e ilcommerce sbacco natural per i Greci do? What type of problem does un' inventtion arise? What is the culture Hargesian firatti? How is lo zinco used? Who believes that Basilea III a fine a governi a risko? How much of the sue precipitazioni annuali does Seattle receive? The coerrution of what o l' use o l' use o l' use o l' use o l' use o l' use o l' use o l' use o l' use o What did Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip Phil Phillip s offer? What are some of the famous schools private e colleges in London? What is another name for a ballo traditionally? Who decided to decide to fortification l' isola e colonized? What is another way to describe the classification of a legno di ctator legno? When was the colpo di stato militare compied? What industry has started a decline during the 20 degrees secolo? In what year was the book published? What percentage of people died due to the death rate in Europe? Where did the rule of mongola take place? How many people immigrate to Philadelphia between 2010 and 2010? What are the characteristics of a incandescense? How many soldiers are arriving on the post a pied? In what year did the O objectii di S Developmento Sostenible introduce a series of o objectii regarding all' unaimitate gli O objectii di S Developmento Sostenible? What makes the manto richo? Where is La Salle Street located? What is a difficile precipitare l' uraniot come phosphate? Who created the site web of Ashley Madison? When did Joe Biden attend the Washington University Athletic Complex? When did i canadesi europe incowrote their culture to assimilare nella propria culture? Who is the proprietà of the moleo II? How long is il Dogue de Paris? Where do the gonflores all' endolitate anteriore of? What is the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom? What is the dio superiore di Oeseliano des? What was the recognition of a gladiatorial? Where did Kurt Warner's Arena Football Unleashed come from? What was the first step of the album in 2008 I Am Sash fierce? Iwo Jima is a metà route tra which city? What does the glucosio stimulo? What type of linee is very vicine? What did the acquisition of Dahabshiil Group lead to? What is Gorbaciov's new legislature? In what year was the Concrio Ecumenico di Trento written? When did walkscore indicate Boston come la terza citta prominent degli statu Uniti? How many immigrants immigrate from Europa in 2012? What is the name of the distrhetto Britisho? What is the name of the ma 'grigio mamma'? What do Austria-Ungheria use to conserve during the crisis? Where was the first democratico a vuelta in 2012? How many years does the cane domestico dive? Who does Paolo VI believe is a member of? What is the name of the American League Chicago White Sox? How much precipitazioni does Airone receive? What does l' ipertimesica mean? What did Eisenhower's invasione combinata e Israele dell' Eto respond to? What is the Arabic word for the being called? Where was the recognition socialista located? In what year did the sconfution of the giuria debut? Which Epifane sacculationed G Jerusalemme? What is the citt of Vladimir? What are antiche alghe microscope? What is a common use of the dei fucoli? Which film did John Wayne's ruolo win's Oscar del film preceding John Wayne's 1975 film? What is the name of the building where the "Confraternita e Unità" goes? How large is the zone in Canada? How does the frame of reference assume? Who has benefited from the ascesa of synthpop? Who has received 286 voti a margine of vitoria? What is the cause of the cause of a vari questioni? Which regina died the fate of fondare colonie Englishi e per il carrying private contra i port Spanishi e per l' Atlantico? What group did Nasser use to modernize? Who approves a law that approves a law per place per place in the colonie? What does L' OCA contrast? What is the name of Raul? In what year did a film come up with a "makingover" in New Haven? Who guides i Cubs in Game 6? How many feet does a molti innotti use per camminare? During what time period did Davies recognize that non-dessere essere impossible formulas frasi come? Who did Haydn, Haydn, Mozart, Mozart, and Mozart use? How many prizoniere were massacrati in 1996? When did Eisenhower marry a Washington DC? What does LaserDisc stand for? When was the standard CIPA DC-004 introduced? What numero e diverso tra le specie? In which country did the diffusione of the Italian standard become a standard? Who was Tito's wife? What is the period of incubation in picchi? Who does La squadra Quinta nella Premier League qualify automatically per? What is the name of the canottaggio in Philadelphia? Who is the provinci autonoma of Gorno-Badikhshan? What is the name of the stadium in Nueva Delhi? What is the term for le ser Sera? Who are the riolinist magisterialis? Where did alcune groups separate from the Hasidismo dell' Europa Orientale, noti come Perushim, settle? Whose parole describes Mose a vessere come a amount of uintellectus che percurrvano large distances? What political party e's patriation Rimos il ruolo delparliamento Britisho e tenuta? Which school offers lauree in the fields of communications? Who is Steve Jobs? When did l'Oklahoma lose dominio Frenche? Which color influisce against the pression blood? What does the celebration volando con aquilani symbolize? Where did a proprietario di Casa hide the proprio incendio domestico? What is the part of energy che non functional disrupted disrupted when it is moved? What is believed to be fondato in the 8 degrees secolo aC? What was the name of Ibn Tufail's work? What does the prominent università portghese formerly become a part of? In what country was the film Skyfall first taken place? Where does the dottrina della Chiesa cappella romana secondo assume a dottrina della Chiesa cappella romana secondo? What non era andata Abbastanza loino? In what language was the Lexicon Technicum written? Where does the city of Londona come from? What does l' età tend to carry per il interest per il appeare? Who is the saggio of a libertarian? What did Eisenhower believe the liberation of the Europa Orientale would become a solo con? When does the monsone continue? How many people lived in the area metropolitana in 2012? What was the value of the riserve di gas natural a sud of Creta? What did Bertrand Russell write in his letter? Where is L' Arizona located? Where is SunTrust Bank located? In what year did the Nigeria state refuse a bando al bando la Schiavidu? How does Nasser's army fare? Which acidi grassi has alcune of the tini di carbonio a double legame? Where did George I Louis leave his residence? What type of carbonacei is bitume similar to? What is the name of the museum located in Hamden, Connecticut? When was the quarto album in studio 4 published? What was the result of EIC e Dutch East India Company's influenza? Who was the creator of the abbey carolingio? What is another term for nobile polacco che liveva all' epoch prima del 15 degrees secolo? How many groups per questioni transnationali e tre si concentratno su politica? How long does a member of entrampe le case servono? In what year did Judith Rodin become president of Ivy League? C' e un gran numero di names fluviali e another placenomi di origin slava in what country? What does Stroop make a confronto il ruolo di Polder endese? Who was the satrapo of Sogdiana? Where is the Baha's assistant usually located? Who was a ex king of the Foresta? Who wrote Bonfire of the Vanities? How many BYU cameras use per le congregazioni ecclesiastics LDS? In what year did DC Sinclair e G Weddell develop a theory dei patterneripherci? What percentage of graduates believe they eat le c5 porzioni recommended to be a food service? What do i cani do to use le separate parti of the brain? What did the Atto di "Nihil novi nisi commune consensu" transfer? Where is the Grata Eiros located? Who was the opera of El Barcalito? What's the cause of the maicella prominently colpisce the system immunitario? What did Bowers do to Bowers? What do the topi believe is important for the correctta tempistic degli? How many years did Yongzheng arrive at potere? How many non Muslims were scaturiti? What is the name of the foreste sclerofille in Creta? Where is the ethnicity of the band? How long a far uscing gli Austriaci from Italy during the prima campaigna election? What is a partire da Forsachistu diobolae, ec forsacho diabolae, a partire da Forsachistu diobolae, ec forsacho diabolae, ec forsacho diabolae? What is the approximate size of Manhattan? In what year did al divorce occur? Which Spirito Santo supered il pecca? What group used incendiari fu incendiari fu? When was Mieszko I di Poland? How many casi di infezioni da Toxo Cara are rigiorate in a year? What was a point of problematico? Where does Saraiki speak principally? What does Civitas terrena mean? Where did the tessitalia di Tali pompeti originate? What is the first culture a developing the letteratura come la developed oggi? How much did the economy petrolifera increase between 2003 and 2003? What did a Craig stop while sitting on a scene di combattion? Who did Sviatoslav leave the capitale of Kiev? What does the system verbale e present? How many protestanti started being involved in Lenin di Baku? In what year did Aguirnando e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e Apolinino e In what year did a misure per ridistribution della terra nella pied nella pied during the Jefara? When was il 45 released? What do the proves suggest are suggested to have been successful in the Gallia e in Germania? Where did Dorsland attempt to migrate? What is considered to be considered to be the principle of Dio? Who conied the Birmingham Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies o CCCS? Which country did the Unione of Maghreb Arabo try to reunite laLibya? When was the concerto con Viardot con Viardot? What is the National Library of Scotland called? Who described the improvements in the status of szlachta? How many film e divene la seconda voice prominenta del paese? What is the budget annuale for LaFortune? What genre of music is precursore to Pub rock? What was Johan Cruyff's nickname? How many years did the death of a child have? Where is Jefferson, Madison e Gallang located? What happened to the idea that a Premier League withdraws from the Premier League? What does a PCB use to increase the capacità portante? What do alcune ferrovia electriche have? Where was the secondo gli studi mtDNA published? Who was the first president of the paese? Who is Black Grace? How far did the battaglione of the Army AAA distanza? Where does Biological Conservation believe la hunting ai trophy is important for conservation? What is the typical location of the typical Zenk? -ji? Who has victory anche le successive eelections presidencial in 2009? How many goals does Lionel Messi have? When did Foudre die? What was Bermuda's prima capital? How did l' assenso real appear in 1765? What percentage of Israelis live in aree urbane? Which newspaper featured the nickname "Il Bronx sta bruciano"? What does a paese biodiversi consent to do? Along with sodio e phosphate, what can be found in Plymouth? Who was the president of Egypt in 1956? What are schools complete called? When did McCreery win a con Corso? Which group was the STC a member of? How long did Albert's commodity take to come mediator a board of HMS Collingwood? What does l' O NP actirate? What percentage of Nigerians e l' 1% e l' 1%? Where is the Statua del Monumento National e l' Ellis Island Immigration Museum located? What was the cause of the sacrificio umano? When was l' Alleanza dei Battista created? What is a prominent food that allows a migranti to ottenere prominent foods? How many people attended Patrick Modiano-che? What is a DMCA considered to be? What does l' use of fibre optical per gli citizens called? Who believes that the creation of a game could be credited with? What did Canada use to modernize le forze canadesi? When was the first Conseilo di Nicea approved? What does idrogeno gasoso produce when bruciava? How many dollars did the agreement offered to promote Pepsi in 2012? Which team did the Barcelona sconvolti against? When was the tortura abolita in Prussia? What are the effects of the exercise physicalo? Who elaborated the grid plan? Where is The Old Forge located? Edvard Grieg, Edvard Grieg, and Sergei Rachmaninoff are considered influenzati from the use of Chopin di what? Where does the NPCSC stand for? What organization did the politica Ciel Attore create? Where was Nigeria's satellite claimed successo in 2011? What does La Swiss elect to be a part of? What year did Windows 95 use the code for DST? In what year was Jaipal a potere e fu occupied with i Qarakanidi? What are the agenzie geograche dei? What did Philippe de Vitry e Philippe de Vitry e guille de Mac assuate in contrapposition all' ars antiqua? What element of the system does the immunologia clinic believe is maligna degli? How many people lived in the impero Achaemenid? Whose enfasi on empirismo e sul rasionalismo? When did the rabbina del paese reach the arrivo of un groupo? When did Suribachi reach the vedere of Suribachi? Which quay does Hythe Ferry opera a partire from terminali? What theory describes the separation dei levels di energy rotasolare? What is a flora intestinale? What do people with cani da carriera have significantly significantly? How many dighe does Zipingpu indicate? What is another name for a practice that facilitates la c construction of templi in style Greco? Where is the computer ENIAC located? What is s frequently explicito? Who was the inventore typical? Who was the piloti di successo in Le Mans del 1955? In what month and year was the SNES released? Who made Theo Epstein a new owner? What was the name of the group which Shawn Stockman e Nicole Scherzinger ed? Where is the tribu dei Finnic Chud located? What percentage of the consumo of acqua a sanitaria can be consumed? What was the solo furono written in 1843? What does the Cronologia neolitica del Vicino Oriente base? What circuito e access representi un "1"? 1080p,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i,1080i, and 720p Which university did Von Neumann invite to in 1929? What is the name of the third dogmi cappellaci that reguarded Maria? What states that il treatato cassi se se, aside di denulle, il numero della parti e inferiore a 40? Who condivided anche the name da nubile della Madonna di Lee? Who was a commander of the dodicingia brigada prussiana di Cavanerie? When did Madonna Louise Ciccone die? Who wrote the Histoire naturelle des insectes? Who is elected in general e nomina un manager della citta? Who was the capitano Estêvão Gomes's portghese? When was the new area a theme canadese inaugurated? When do the mutation spontanee represent? What did Kerry believe was a sostancial Soppression degli Elettore? When did the Scozia first play a basketball internationale del world? How many people live in the area colpita? How many animals in Sichuan are distrutti? Who invented the idrogeno? What percentage of Tucson's acqua consumes? Who was Thomas Malory? How much sterline did the BBC believe the BBC would save? When did Il Sole retire? What causes von Neumann's death? What does a user do to transfer un account Xbox Live to a new system? What was the record of Lou Gehrig? Who lived in Gwardaman a Villa Guardmangia? Where is the trophy usually presented? Where is the traini Amtrak e Coaster in San Diego? Where is the apartments where Victoria evacuated di vederla evacuated di vederla? What does l' addedta di ore sul quadrante di? What is the roccia bitumino equivalente to? What did i teezes hope to keep rid of? What is the trediocesana universita prominent della natio? Who is a notable figure of Toynbee? When did the BeiDou-2 system become operating in China? What was the era called in the Unione Sovietica? What type of weapons were used to help solve i sagli terrasti? What causes a characteristic of the cooking etiope? Where are the principali citta? How many prizonier Tibetani e 200,000 animali ad domesticati? What type of embryo is genetically modified? What is an example of a combination of fibres di legno? What does the Code di Hammurabi call le birrerie e le birrerie? What does the definizioni biologica dellaparole indicate? Which lingua e la prima lingua prominente dei merit Nobel per la science? Who are the two companies that claimed a billion in dollars in indoctrinament federali su accuse secondo due to the accuse secondo due to the accuse secondo due to the accuse secondo? What did le controversie between the personnel of the Luftwaffe and their personal use? What was the name of Al Live Aid? Who refuted di concedere un'udience al re di Ül-Tsang? Who was the first president of Palermo? Where is the staffetta supposed to showcase? What agreement do the unici recogniziuti "stati dotate di armi nucleari" mean? Where did Napoleone ignore the raption of the duca di Enghien? What does the Estonian constitution recognize? What does the economy of Alaska depend on? Who was the capitano of the separation Spanisha? Who was the commedia militare of Abbott e Costello? What does a document supposedly express tale accordo? Which type of coli has solo DNA non repetitivo? What was the capitale of Williamsburg a Richmond? How many people does the industry della fashion della citta fortify? What contributes ad un inverted Antartica pessere fessere? What percentage of alunni della classroom del Corano are youth? How many units did the Xbox originally sell? Who believes that a non essere vedere come more umano? What type of music is a discoteca? What did the corte di Carlo magno ad Aquisgrima era once chimata? What type of economy is la Grecia? What is the name of the Grand Central Terminal? Who created a piano prebelico elaborato? Where did Chopin refuse mai tornato? What can anche essere utilizata to analyze iprocesses in science, technologies, e medicina? In what year did Newton die? What makes a bioaccumulare e a ring per molti anni? What does Bruce Voeller believe would convince i politici e l' opinione public? How did Beatrice's emphasis on the originals? Who was John F. Kennedy's president? In what year did Sir Henry Norman publish his book? What part of the torace does l' addome sclerotized more fortely? Who does Franklin believe is able to economize their candel? What is the maltitude of the Beaufighter? What mountains are the lodges of Niger-Congo e dell' Eritrea located in? What is the name of the famous comico? What did Gabriele e Annunciate? What recognition did Elick have for his work on immunologia? Who describes the epoch come "una partia justa per gli anni e' idealismo che l' ha fusa, lo spirito d' avversaria e di idealismo che l' ha fusa, lo spirito d' avaliente e di ideal What institution did La Condona del 1277 promote? What is the name of the lunari e solari? Who was the ruolo di Capita dei Vigili del Fuico stato sontifico? Who is the head of manufacturing of the Midtown Raleigh Chamber of Commerce? How many fans rioping the Parque per the performance finale della regina con Freddie Mercury? What is a notable pasilica in Mexico City? Where is Renton di Boeing located? What was the name of the Connecticut economy that contributed to the creation of Eli Whitney? John was almost preoccupato per la minaccia of what? What type of tocco do the veetta e dano un tocco to be? Who contributed a contribution to the conversion of idrogeno to the California Hydrogen Highway Network? When did Lord Bute die? What was used to make catrame di carbone? What is William Scott Wilson's profession? What does Wood believe does the state uniti do? What is the name of the epica epica Indiana? What did L' ex territory typical find a est della line cadde under? What does HRF mean? What was the name of the item that was made of gran linga superiori per l' use terrestrial? What was the name of Canada's famous police? When was the prima Guerra Sino-giapponese? How does a servosystem differ when applying a motore steps? What colony did the Cherokee become a colony come from? Which scientist developed the idea of a gene-centrica? What is the name of the group that illustrates the citta della Vita real? When did Bronck arrive in Svezia? When did Dell begin selling electronics? What is the number atomico of l' idrogeno? What embraced le CPU e potasse su base clock-for-clock superare significantly le performance of the chip Intel? Where did the use of uraniot impoverito stop being used? What causes a large amount of followers to be involved in the appointment of a fellow citizens? What type of laserDiscs is used in Hong Kong? What was the name of the ship called? Which country has a strong influenza in Arabia? What is the name of the fonti di amido in Brazile? When were Viaggi similar to another parti of the Inghishire e del Galles created? What is the name of the first e finera solo oggot identifio come associato al point L5 Lagrangian di Nett Uno? What does a calcolo do to calcolo? Who believed that la didefense not violate gran portion of the scope e? Who was elected Vice President in 1864? When did San Giovanni and San Giovanni come up a far part of the Confederation Canadese? What does the emblema di due letters post-nominal del grado superiore carry? When did Barcelona become a prima società di basketball a vwinning se habe? When did the cchampionship take place? Who was the president of Entertainment & Devices in 2008? What does Ho un Sé mean? Who was Turnbull's vice leader soscritto? What is one of the first documenti medicali believed to eanalyze il cerebro? Who is BYU's 90 e l' ex co-ospite della CBS The Early Show? How many Muslimi co-stroned the largestance of the isola in 1777-78? What is Bartolomeo Bortolazzi's method mandolino del 1805? What were the pre-mandolino instruments pre-mandolino called? What movement do these movementi intellectuel come from? Where does the idea of the monoteismo arise? Where are some megalopoli located in Nigeria? What regno did Lo stato dei regni conquer? Which type of proteine contains bodies of carbonio, idrogeno, idrogeno e osmigeno? Where do grassi usually appear? What is the name of the city in which New York City is located? How many dollars did Comcast spend in 2013? What is Southampton's name called? What political party was a partire in Jugoslavia a partire? What is another name for a numerosi site romana? In what year did a findings on the consrio di sequziance genomico del cottone come to be avviato? Who was the poet? What did Gli scrii di Magnus diedero contribute to? When did a legislature authorize la Garde Nationale ad alze la bandizza in case of sommos? In what year was the c collection of pieti Argentati re decorated? What organization published the first Global Economic Power Index? In what year did the Morea fu conquista? What was the name of White Rabbits's terzo album? What does the Operazioni Speciali separate from? Who was the ruler of Kievan Rus? Who was il typical demone? When did the Corte di gijustice dell' Unione EU establish that non opera alcuna distingution tra copies private produce da fonti contraffonte o usurpative? What does a quota supposed to be il best of? What happened to the governo of the stato dell' Assa in 1958? Which group of people does not have a significant amount of dei decessi? When did Brigham Young acquire a BYU building? What did Norfolk Island's accordo ignore? How many circa dei laureati di Harvard provenivano da communities? Who do the HMS essere commissionata in 2017? What is the name of the canzone that detailed le lotte di aborto spontaneo, Blue Ivy Carter, and Blue Ivy Carter? In what year was the Centro Intermodale di Miami supposed to serve? When did Little Boy fu detonate? When did i Cubs promote the divisione lungo il trace? In what year did Thomas Edison invent il fonographic? Who is the progetti di lingua stone? Where was the Reconquista? What did a cantoni cappellaci hope to fondate in 1847? Who did Sant' Elena delegate in 1815? When did Madonna e MG Icon announce l' coming of a secondo branded clothing? Which two avenues are located north of Hamden? Where was the ex territory of the Birmania located? The Eagles, Elton John, and Elton John come from what city? What is the graphics best suited for? How many years does the Cantone di Berna require? Where does AGL stand for? What is the name of a banknica di media dimensioni? In what year did Zichenau become a part of the Prussia Orientale? What type of music did the indigene del Messico Central e dell' America Central era have? What does la cure dei genipa no megapodi fine? Where is the capitale e finance e bankaria? What virus does the AIDS virus belong to? What percentage of dei Midwesters claimed hunting? How much of the proprietà of a new groupo al bacco al bacco e il 40 per cento? Where does Amoy come from? What does the word "contigendo per intestini" mean? Which BBC soap opera showed the first bacio omosexualle? What does ASEAN stand for? What does the trophy do in base to the rules original? Who was the first americano ad orbitare against the Earth? Where do molte people ottenere la rio? When did Fox announce l' 11 July? Who was the director of the Di Department of L Jobs? Who was the aristocratico of the newa schools di design c' era? Who defines the term omeostasi? What act granted Samoa l' independence di Samoa? How many people does allora " Tibetano mbro" speak? Where are the citta-statos located? What was the name of the alleanza? Who was the duca di Babera? What specificano l' Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM)? What does Cwa stand for? What day did the birrerie non potero arive? In what year was a Baddeck created? How many profitti di Shell does Downstream generate? Estonia participated in the cooperation trilaterale with which state? How many students attend University of West London e University of Westminster? What is the Oklahoma city's temperature in 1911? What does Avicenna believe is the potentiale beingness? What did the svantaggiosi per i nativi non apappel? What is the name of the line of tram located in the metropolitana of King County? In what year did Prince Hall begin a lluvia militare? What type of neozolande e employed in the isola of Sant' Elena? Where is the Bronx High School for Violin and Dance located? What does Friederike Mull do to promote? What does UGLE stand for? Along with Bahrin, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Qatar, Where was the terzo treno? How many species of monotreme are in monotreme? How long was 'Escape to Nowhere'? In what year was the selling of molte proprietà reali a minore in a questione e l' imposition fiscale? Who was the leader of the first stato Greco unified nella history? Who is credited with the Somalia's financialiate? What competition does the New Haven Road Race take place during the New Haven Road Race? When was Chosraj Yeshes born? What was the diffusion of The Sunday Times in 2013? When did Churchill e Roosevelt e signo la Carta Atlantica? Who was the leader of the Muslimi Indiani come cameraieri? Where did la Prussia believe Moltke? What is the citta di which is often votato? Who was the stato ottomano era called? Who was the leader of the Punjabis? How many billioni di thousands of people e occupno una frazioni e occupno una frazioni e occupno una frazioni e occupno una frazioni e occupno una frazioni e occupno una frazioni e occupno una frazioni e occupno In which city did the prominent Università di Utrecht, Göduit, Halle, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, Uppsala, and When was the assembly generale della Nation Unit del Patto Islamici, Sociali, Sociali, and Sociali e Culturali created? What is another name for a sanscribe e sanscribe e sanscriptso? What was the name of the unico pavement commissioned by EnRICO III? Who contributed a promoting la rigorosa principle of the battista battista? What is the codenominato of a base of uraniot? Where is the marito e mixed with the canzoni located? When was the errore comparable? Who is the leader of the economiche e financerie? When was the opinione of opinione created? Who wrote a letter when Chopin attended a Parigis letter? How many ettari di terreno does the governo coconute have to afford in 2009? When does L' incubation begin? What type of energy does the piante come energy chemicala potentiale nella photofissisi? What does a numero of scientists prefer to use? Who was the general cartagenese? What is the name of the R&B ballerina? What does the dottrina di come functional la Chiesa come un body mean? What is an example of a notable settore of research? What is a PS3 store able to tramite? What type of vulcano forms a mountains? What was the importance of the strategica di Pargi? In what year did City Island e Staten Island become a part of the citta? What are the instructions called that make i computer densely versatili? What is the name of Imperial's s? What title did Gli diedero nobilita e gli permisero di conservare? What bible describe la na birth of un giovano che inaugural' età dell'oro? What is the name of the murale in the mural Word of Life? Where do i dialetti have more than one room? When did il cane become a preference for the cane? Who is George Craford? How many people does the Federation globale luterane represent? What did Wanamakers use to transport e documenti? What are i linter called? What are the ideali of the empire? What does il legno come per millenni per millenni? In what year did the Maatia Toafa publish his reply? What food is a typical vinaya monastico? Where did Rowland announce their ultima Triumph of a tour europeo? In 1966, what quota ha unito le forze e stiffene? Who was the vescano of 1277? When did the colonial di New York e la Colonia di New York? Who is the Vice governor? When did the marriage della regina con il Principe Alfred die? What type of antibiotics uccide i battery? What book did Terry Eastland write? How many e e i gendarmi French arrested in 1942? What system is located in the confine of thebassopiano Tibetano e contient different difetti? How long did the Whig Robert Walpole reign in charge? In what year did a series of studies on Ctenophora find to stop being foundo for Ctenophora, o gelatine di pettine, come il lignaggio basale degli animali? What do these units become called? What is the title of the leader of the government? What is the name of Comcast's organization partner? What does la C4c e liberate di origin asiatica? Where was ELEXCON held? What is the Connecticut Route 34 connector called? Where is it located? In what year did the conversione non era necessaria using l' original Weston scale? In what year did Seattle host a tournament of Poetry Slam? When did Stadtrepublik Mlhausen vote? What does a composti che contengo un legame carbonio-rame come from? C' era was anche un important citizen of prima età with which name? What is the primitivo inshetto volante? Who was the Primo Ministero Whig? What does l' università do in response to the violation against Yale's violation? When did Wembley Stadium open? Who was the leader of the music tedesca? What type of ity does a researcher believe is in regards to the diverse culture? Who was Tom Kenny's favorite ballerina? When was the first leader of the Myanmar visited? What percentage of case della citta is in a minoranza? In what historical period did the culture of Veda come from? Where does l' energy di un system e cospite a fonte o dissipator di energy? What is the term for a philosophy that acknowledges un'importance crucial all' ide o al regno spirituale? In how many tedofori di Londona did Sir Steve Redgrave start a staffetta? Who is the Vice Vice Vice frusta? How many days di sole does la ceinture sub-tropicale fortify? Who was the president of the capitale della capital? Which alchimia describes l' element? What's the name of the automobile that connects le Midlands e North? Who designed Il Campidigo della Virginia? Who was the leader of Al-Qaeda? Where is the concetto di chilling out developed? What is the name of the Somalia's ancient architecture? Who was R. T. Gunther from? Proto-slavo developed numerose isoglosses lessicale e colloquial with what? What style did Nash design le camera della suite? What does Weinreich define L'identity di una persona e define as la totality of proprio? What is the ethnicity of Jonathan Sterne? What does the term 'esperienza' mean? Who was the Homer the Happy Ghost? In what year did Alaska announce that the system Alaska United Fiber Optic e a partire? What is a linguistica characteristic of a linguistica? Who promoted a M? What is the principle of ecclesiastical universally positive? How long does a dizhi first dizhi play per? What religious group did I Romani believe was predominately influenced by the culture Romana? In what year did Southampton become the principal port of transito tra l' allora capitale of Winchester, Winchester, e la Britanniaa? What does ilCatalano evolve from? What is an example of a meta-emotivi? Who was the author of 'Empire of the Sun'? What award did Madonna receive per the film critico Shanghai Surprise? What is the process of rendere un Nuevo a un gadget comparable a un gadget comparable a un gadget comparable to? What do neuroanatomists study? What are ribosomi? Who did Elizabethta I collaborate with? Who believes that la discrimination o il bullismo a frenato la their carriera? Where is the Institute for Policy Research located? What is the equivalent of a dialect spoken in territory Spanisho? Who was the leader of the army? Who coniato the term 'urban adults contemporaneo'? What does the color scuro deriva from? Who did Rollins try to reverse the DNA of Dell's DNA? What is the name of the prominent center of business e financeri of India? Where was Camillo di Cavour located? How much money did the governo receive during the chiuku? How many cars elevatori dei places often cater to students? Where did the forze Frenchi try to evacuare? How far is the Universidad e college from Santa Monica? How many people does New York City have a partire from 2014? How many people died in Seattle? Who was the leader of Prussia in 1870? What type of causation does the governo of Tuvalu have? Who was the pastore of the prima church denominata battista? What is lo zinco? What is the voltage of the rotaie di Marcia? What degree did a candidati per la Massoneria pass to? What is a game in these zone used as a fonte of? What newspaper did Il Sole di dismiss? With whom did Universal sign l' analogo accordo with Legendary Pictures? What did Bob Bemer use in Europa in 1963? How many people lived in Detroit in 1950? What river is located in the Bronx? What is the most famous Confederation? Which software permite ai proprietari di Mac basati su Intel di installare Windows XP? What is the name of the Pharmaceuticals in New Haven? How many meters of terra is the citta? What does a single Show Up mean? What does a vesicella urinaria e separate from? What is a favorite style of mandolino? When was the Guerra Civile Anglais la Cittadella Reale constructed? When was the sale di studio open? When was l' Atto di Ab Juration signed? What is the name of the terreno that Brigham Young University acquired? What is lo zinco non legate? What is the term for le installations artistche di local come il Club 57 e il Mudd Club? In what year did Tongzhi become al throne? What do the people leave a board of the Morayshire? Whose thesis did Gurian recie la sua thesis di ductorato? What is the name of the ultracompatto Apple's ultracompatto? What is the name of the airport in New York? Who was the Duett of B' Day? What does fluttuation divuotto mean? Who released Elvis Presley? Who is a notable Hollywood registi? How many years does Palermo have? Where is Bon/Tibetan from? What was the flota russian distrutto? In what year did Sir Richard Blackmore write his system of newtonano al versetti della Creation? Where do the c five principali riti di chiese come in? How many casi each million are in Swaziland? Who is the co-founder of Comcast? In what year did Bell die? What is a drawback of a prominent critico's judgement? Which airport is known as a hub of British Airways? In what year did the declino accelerate? When does the number of terdimenti glacialis in the Picchi della Greenland increase? Who created the first microprocessore? What did Von Neumann develop asimulations for? What is the name of the project that Steve Wynn supported? Which deserto is considered to be the top spot in the Sahara? What percentage of dei terdimenti does the area of Alaska have? What type of difference does the implication e vi vi e? Who was e'stato cavalerie during Popper's election? Who does Saint Helena online collaborate with? In what year did the Chiesa dichiarate that l' essere massone constitute un Atto di apostasia e cosmia? Which caliph was named after the victory of the Emperor? Who is responsible for l' isola di Parigis? Where is Monroeville located? What do the squadra di 3 solo squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di 3 squadra di What type of nutrients does a cella lack? Where did Humphrey Gilbert leave a secondo tentativo? Who argued that a "la" Guerra al terrorismo" is un intero linguaggio o discours? In what year did Hayek write a letter about Hayek? How many millions of years did the antennati deicellulari furono le prime form di Vita a comparire against Terra? When did Hack Wilson colpendo 56 Corso hall of Famers? What was the fine della colonization? What entity does the governo have firmed a series of agreement bilaterali with? Where does the name of the paese come from? How does a ceco s object names? When was the process of Manufacturing Carbons invented? In what year did the Manco incorporated a corp of articleria? Who was the explorer of the portghese? Who wrote "Seven Seas of Rhye"? What does Israele spearhead? What does a large part of personal computer use to communicate e recieved in information? What is another name for empirismo logico? What type of structure does la sintasse ceca have? When did a media digitali lose the mainstream mainstream? How many didepartments does Punjab have? Who occupied l' ovest? What type of event are le cameras appate for? In what month and year did Napoleone dispieglo l' empire e deliberate indebolished il corner of the Alture di Purren? What is the name of the vettore di bandeira principal? What accounts for the use of la light rosse e blu? Which road does La 155sime route begin from? When did TCM debut with TCM Remembers? Who decided upon using a name che potano use? Which group of tariqahs are a groupo sciita? In what year did Brigham Young University believe the origin of BYU could appear? Who believes that essere il popo voto o di essere il popo voto o di essere il popo voto o di essere il popo voto o di essere il popo voto o di essere il popo voto What type of templi would be found in legno? What do alcune encoders come from? Along with East 17, Siouxsie and the Banshes, what is the name of the band in Londona? Who was the productor di Casa? When was the USB 2.0 High-Speed Inter-Chip created? Who was the leader of Wang Mang Mang Mang? Where did Napoleone invade in 1808? What religion did Shingon promote? In what language does the phrase evangelica refer to the Vangelo? Who was the cause of letoya luckett e Robson's death? Where is the capitale petrolifera del world located? What consente to change lo stato physiologica dellapianta? Where is the isola fluviale located? Who was a member of a recording in 2004? What does a judge incaricata of incaricata of doing? Which two people believed that il Corano deba essere liberate solo a solo signo apparente? Where did the governo e la China intervene? When was Bell's first voyage aereo in Canada? Who does the narration of Jatoka della Theravada attribute to? What is the nickname of WUPR? When were the first students of collegio released? What is the triplice o objectio di? What station is frequentata in New York City? When does the 10NES resemate la console? What does Tucson's Highway connect to the west? Malyarchuk added ceca mtDNA ceco lignaggi to what? Who is opportunistic, manipolative e Spietata according to a professor Colin Barrow della Cranfield School of Management? Which district wanted to become part of the Baden-Württemberg? What is the largest riserve in the Asia Orientale? What do le compilation album digital subito after la serata? What does ISA stand for? What is another term for the Vedanta philosophy? Who did Eisenhower advise for being able to form le nomine dei's digestion? John si concentrato sul tentativo di Riprendere what area? In what year was the first documentato in Spanish? What is a characteristic of anellidi? When did the Grand contournement ouest (GCO) begin? When a torcia e c' e' stato ri dimensionato? In what year was the importation of the scriavi a Sant' Elena supposed to be a place? What is the name of the 13 degree architectural prominent? Who is responsible for the Satisfaction Medico della Difence? What is the sterlina bermudiana al? Who has managed la legge e l' ordering? What did von Neumann publish at the fine of 1927? In what year did Cortes announce the prima separation in Sberia? What is Cabrini Boulevard e called? In 2006, what percentage of Michigan elected the Michigan state that tried to determine l' actions positive? What species e stato practicamente eliminato come specie a Baldaccono daperonosphora? How far is Richmond International from Williamsburg, Virginia? What does NUV stand for? What is a charge electricity zero? Who is a teologist in San Pedro, California? Where is the Washington National Records Center located? What agreement did Kerry support? What does Tuvalu propose to implement? In what month e isoterma describes the influenza of Boston? Where is Hemlock Semiconductor located? What was Jerry Kurz's job title? What is the goal of Smart Bodies? What condition does the accumulation of nutrients offer material prominent? What area fluttua forte a causa della fluttuation regionali della linee arboreee? In what year did the l'FA Cup vanta in finale per 3-2 against lo Sheffield Wednesday? In what year did the Granducano di Finland face a part of the impero Russiano? What organization does L' Eritrea become a member observer? What does a decoder MP3 deba support when l' o objectio e r achieves un determinato levels of quality? Which group has 500 millioni di adherents? Which political group was guided to the governator Antonio Ochoa? What is the name of the educational center in Oklahoma? Where did Elihu Yale live? What is the range of dimensions of the tessere e porte made from? Who was the leader of the Ming? How many judges does La Corte suprema irlande e? When did frustrazioni causate da ritali nella solving della causa irlande port alloi i members of Westminster? What was Bertrand Russell's occupation? What did la magnacca godevo? What is the name of the father of una cuccata called? Who was a member of the separation of Nimrod? How many notti are in the notti? Where does the America del Sud come from? What does the abbreviation B-8 stand for? Who accredited the "multiple exclusive" event marketing concept? Who wanted to find a video in youtube? Who accused the rotation dei e il fluxo dei fiumu? What does l' empire dà? What does the motore synchronizo electrico del giradiassi electricityo enable? What type of songwriter was inspired by American Idol? What does a cani have a more frequent amount of lesion? Where are these vermi found? Where did David Atherton die? What did i naturalists try to do to promote a selfio educato? How many people elected their first recordings? How does a preveni e punire gli Atti di genocidio? In what year did i scientists believe that a prominent impressione among primitivo insetti volante is thought to be a primitivo insetti volante? What has quasi sterminato gli Alberi in molte zone e? What is the cause of dei collegmenti financeti with funds? What does a mammal's olfact per riuscite di notti come from? In what year did Michel Foucault believe that l's omosessafa come identità non essereva? What was the name of the conflict between the British and the British Isles? What was the name of the group that arrested F. Elurrenaga? What lignina e conifera si riflette nella composition della lignina constituente? What does alluminum e Gallio produce in loco e non deve essere transportato? What type of historical period came from the Grecian era? How long does a democratic mandate of the Sindaco e i membri del counselo have? What does all' ATC use? In what year did Pringle decide that the Royal Institute wanted standard limited capacity of a case? What is a ccharacteristica ccharacteristica degli uccalli? Where was the first trophy of Mr. Olympia located? What is the lunghezza per lepartite internationali per adulti per adulti? What does Ronald Lawson believe is unito all' intensa indontrinance dei seci? Who was the supposed califfo fu Hisham? Who is the leggendario antennato di Hrothgar? In what state did theInglesi misero in 1774? Who scomunicate the statuto "non solo Vergognaso e ingusto e scomunicate e scomunicate a scomunicate? How many college universities are in Notre Dame? What does Stephen Jay Gould call the world's philosophy? In what year did the proprietari of the proprietari di piano e developed come a crop di base di successo? What is ma in ceco? What did the genocidio become incorporated in 1648? How many divisions does the piano general of the governo per la Ricouse della post somala have? Who elected the squadra to win a Copa del Rey e La Liga? What did Hayek's work come from? What film was released in 2013? What did Gli studiosi contemporanei believe l' epoch produced da solo? How many emotionali does Jonathan Turner identify? What is the name of the country that is e il sud-est asiatico? When did Chelsea become the first side of the Premier League? Where was the prominent university of Portugal located? Who was Taxila fonded from? Who was Mauricio Macri's prima tedometer? When did the Padri Pellegrini e fondano la Colonia di Plymouth? Who sculpted the Spirit of Detroit? How many indigeni have alcune antennati indigeni? What does a typical typical typical acclo per mina mean? What do i governativi e i legislatori state e i legislatori state e all a support? What is the name of the newspaper that serves the LGBT community? What are the names of Guam's carriers? Which gender does CMT believe the successo degli alumni graduated from? What is a propria c collection of neologimi noti come from? How many volumes did Whitehead write? What oxidation states have no compounds of zinc in oxidation states? What is an example of a modelo of dominanza della relazioni cane-umano? What did the use of numer positionalis decimali e l' invention of? How many Sinodi dio-Vaticano dei Vescoli sulsero in his papalsero? Which country does the port of Melbourne operate anche lare automobile pesseresa per containerized e merci generali? Who does Mozart elect? What type of agencies does NARA use? Where is the stato il prima proddy produce of the quota globale? When did Edward die? What was Barr's profession? What are some of Lisle Snell's officials? Who was the ex-atrical e diplomatco of the East India Company? How many strikes does China mobile have? How many people in Israele live in Israele? What is the name of the street where U.S. 30 is ovest da ovest Philadelphia a Lancaster? What is the capitale letteraria dell' Alabama? Who is the tre quarti settentriumalis della citta named? Which tedesca noled the nave Maersk Tigris? In what year did the Guinea-Bissau begin to use the Guinea-Bissau? In what year did the invasione dei Doriani stop being invaded? What percentage of acqua is in acqua? Who won the Grammy Award for album Morning Phase? What did essi believe certain religioni actuel would be? Why does USB use a cavi display? How many e i Colombiani estimated to have? What part of the brain does the serotonina usually become a part of? Who was the leader of Nicea in 1261? What is the range of e dsl? What is one style of music e dance Frenche che diveni popare a Pargi? How many people immigrate to Eritrea in c 5 years? What forze did Nasser use to support i alleati? When does a hub USB 2.0 ad Alta velocity function? Who dimise in 1839? In what era did the repairo della prime people change radically? What did Paul Broca a Parigis separate from? What continent did Giovanni Caboto believe they reached? What was the name of the songwriter released in 1975? When did La Gran Breogna incowrote l' immigration of workers? How many people are in Mahayana? What does it mean to stiffen the light solare concentrata e to produce energy o l' accumulo di energy o l' accumulo di energy o l' accumulo di energy o l' accumulo di energy? How many specie of funghi does it have? Who does the Brooklyn Nets elect? How does la memorization nella memoria sensorial e e nella memoria sensorial e e nella memoria a breviata e una durata specifically limite? What are the 4 fiumu principali del Sichuan? What do Bermuda's subacquai do to explore? What is the geographic area of the mountains? Who dominates le forze armies? What was the name of Marvel's convegio? What is the name of Anton Bruckner's opera? What is the term used to describe all' inductoria genetica necessary di un organism? What is a separate aree ai margini of? In contrast to ZIF, what color did a connettore in the cartuccia di game easily accelerate l's design? What does DST stand for? What does a layer germini separate per classification? Who detraendo la consueta formula di essere partner digitali? What is the name of the Altre società of private equity? What consentono ai ccitizens e irlandi to accomplish their diability to vote? How many impulsi did a terra recieve? What did the populaation tedesche vow to? What do i levels of designers ed eldersi della bank data do to keep anche alcune aspects of the levels of buildings? What is another word for "just a minute"? West's pause from the music e si e scritto e scritto a solo album where? How many congregazioni were in Geova's 2015 testimonial? Who is the author of the discovery of DNA? How many people claimed lo stato per gli statu Uniti? What does H7 e Clostridium boto convert un innocuo batteryo ancesidiana in? How many galloni does New York City get each year? Who does Donnie Brasco base against? What did Amer do when he confronted him with Amer? What kind of characteristics does the miscellar di petrolio grignore acida have? Who wrote saggi against the nature del time? How many people lived in Charleston in 2010? Where does Himachal settle? What type of music did adult contemporary believe was not being interested in? What is C'? What percentage of dei casi disthma does al work? What lingua is rumored to be used in use in the impero neosumeriano o terza Dinastia di Ur rinastine? What is another term for dei Punt división multiplic? How many stambo dei vigili del feuco does Oklahoma have? What is a computer called when a programma di microcodese comes un programma di microcodee? How many amputati degli arti inferiori are in comparison to l' amputati degli arti inferiori? What was IpParque's c. C.? What is Nigeria's movie called? How does the governo federale gestisce? Where does colloquiale come from? Who controls Universal Studios Inc.? Who does Favre per Conto? Where is Marble Arch e Wellington Arch located? Who is believed to be the fate of c five anni in the center of allevismo? Who elected l' unification della Grande Germania? How many industry del piastro were in the 1960 e 1980? What type of bitume was used to filter the surface of bitume? In what year did West announce the line of a basketball Yeclipse season? In what year did Ma e Pa Kettle appear? When was the Hammond-Harwood House built? In what year did Napoleon rinviate nella batrigio di Eylau? In what year did the first observer scientifically useful di Nett Uno da teptical terra con optical adactive begin? Where was the principle of Albert rumored to be interrata accanto? In what year was the Walworth School incorporated? What is Charleston-North Carolina located in? How many squadre did the Arena Football League have? Why does l' inbreeding avoid? Where did Baku a flee to? What is the name of the form of corruption? Which continent e ha started a direction from Laurentia to the Polo Sud? In what year did a FIFA assume a victory in the cupa del World? Who was Immanuel Nobel's father? What is beriberi? What are some codec e formati contenttore? Who was the leader of the Watch Tower Society in 1917? What is the name of the annuale tournament annuale of golf? What does SCA stand for? Where is Ye Olde Trip a Georgetownme located? Who was the Soyuz 11 a part of? Who was the leader of the Renaissance del Bengala? What does Citta del Messico mean? What is the color e chiari of the color e chiari? Who ran the game called 'The Legend of Zelda: la Principesta crepuscolo'? Where did the eastern Georgia start seeing il Christianity according to the Confederate? What was the name of the sea that killed 133 people e distrutto various villaggi? When did a seperate media seperate non consentisse IndyMac to acquire newi depositi intermediati? How many dollars did UNFPA have in 2014? What is another name for a motore o ratticatori? What does the contesto socio- Politico degli scientists consider a non utilizing? Who believed that the church is very close to a combinare religione e liberiste? What is the slogan called when the proteste of Turko-cipriote e turche a partire? What is the name of the person who visited Southampton in a very significant period of the year? What is the radice of a lettera o writeura a mano called? How many languages does a New York speak? How many people lived in Miami? When did il Primo Aliyah begin? What is a characteristic of a chitina? What does the Dominican Order view as? Where is Marcus Garvey Memorial Park located? When do diverse grand empires rionite per discussionerne? Which city hosts a circuito concertistic outstanding during l' estate? How long did the Free Software Foundation (SFF) e boicotto il software GNU? What was George W. Bush's margine of vitoria in 2004? Where does the digestione begin? Which class is notato for the Heian during it's ascesa della class? A metà of what year did le purchases of iPhone superato which dell' iPhone? Why did Pyrrhus ritirate completemente from Italy? When did the largest portion of householde tornata? What is the literal translation of the website called? What happened to Yale's potere economically? Where did il Corp di observertori vvolunteers formatos in 1925 forno una reti di observers per sentinelre aereo per sentinel aereo per sentinel aereo per sentinel aereo per sentinel a What is the name of the capitano Davis? Who was Elton John's manager? Who was the Governator ritaliano? Where is McKesson located? How many ports does the dotation financearia suddivise in? In 2002, how many dei quatoratti win dell' Idol? How many people lived in Southampton in 2011? How many cities does Tucson have? In what year did the invasione of Portugale capture combatterono? What is the name of the citta si find all' incroo tra Interstate 95 e Interstate 64? When was the area metropolitana di Houston ranked prima in Texas e terza? What do le matice scure associate? When did George Frideric Handel compose Alexander Balus? In what year did the Constitution of India governe the paese? What does a nucleo sensorial inviate? What does the acronym "l' automobile orbital e sud" refer to? How tall is Napoleone? How is the commerce svivzero bloccata? Where does a connttore dock a 30 pin operate? Who was the best ally of Gheddafi? What is the prominent building in Melbourne? What is the name of the Congo-Bissau's political party? What philosophy dominates the Greccia era? Who was Abraham Gesner? In what year did the Salon des Independants di Parigis take place? Where is the festival annuale della arti held? What was the name of the rufugeato Britisho called? Where was Henry Wyatt privato? Who believes harmony, ore e ccharacteristics contrapposte a which dio del wine? What is the abbreviation for the computer analogico mechanicalco? When was Reuben Greenberg's dimission? Who did i Cubs sell a superstar after being soldo l' ultimapartita e Poi mentito publically? What is another term for diability to advance the Corpus Juris Civilis? Who does the FBI believe is a member of the U.S. Intelligence Community? Who did Otto Robert Frisch improve? What does L'SCN receive in information on illumination? What did Nicholas Lezard describe the post-punk come from? How many feriti did i prussiani have per la Prussiana? What are the principali fonti of revenuo in the Tuvalu area? What was un fattore important nella solidarity etnica? What does the 'to-min o' inactive' mean? Where was L' Abbazia di Cluny located? What law proibisce la distribution interstatole di food e drugs adulterate o di marque impropria? Who designed la facta di Saint-Denis for essere un eco of? Who avoids problems of the fattore di potenta di AC? When was il Teatro Solis inaugurated? Who is the president of George Washington? What does Pro have added to Windows 8? How much does a forma di forcoli dell' Emmental in Swiss Switzerland carry? Who does West assume e tenta di volare un raczo contra un canyon? What ethnicity did Gheddafi become a citizen of Londona? When did the colors blu e rosso della mercecia fight Hispania? In what year did David Cook publish his recording of The Time of My Life? How many National Highway System Bridges are in Oklahoma in 2010? How many years does the process di entering a coetenia e adulti reach in media? What does the word "anhappiness" mean? In what year did the seconda fragranza, Heat Rush launch? What does the incremento of 1 come from? Who is an example of a notable Greci e musicist? What is l' unico degio di manegging la papmena? What percentage of Georgia's population is fluente in Russiano? When did La Filarmonica di Vienna ignore l' ademissione progressive della women? Which provinces did Sichuan become a province prominent? What are the names of the newe colture originating from the americhe? When did Bertie Mee come manager? What is the name of a banknica di media dimensioni? In what year did the Terminal 3 co build it's terminal 3? In what year did the victory of the Armada spagnolia take place? In what year did l' USSR stop annulling the their redzo N1? What is the principal political party? Who is the name of a pregnant female? What offers e-mail, web-host, and web-host? What is the Constable di Francia called? What does Orozco call the proprio exerciseto? What is the movemento scientifico-religiousoso of Gaia? Why did le case doggiili differ? In what year did the adotion of norms severe their emissioni? What does the fanteria del Michigan belong to? What do the legni do? What has happened to the government of Myanmar? What does the cosmologia of Whitehead do? Where does e griciano speak? What is the center economic e politica del paese? How many players are in the NFL's limit? What is the color opposed to Il rosso? When was Salyut 1 created? What is youtube's opera ora? What is the name of the Guilford Courthouse National Military Park? What is the term for the use deliberato della light per ottenere un effecto practico o Estetics? What famous art park does SAM give? Who e la sua orchestra suandono elli when in Inghilier? What is the name of the pavilion? What did the BBC accuse Glencore of use il work marile? When did Napoleone e contact the sud of Grenoble? Where did the sultanato di Delhi come from? What is the perdita di entrate televisionve? What is a cadoro solare? What did Tawfiq al-Hakim call Nasser? When did the GPC announce the divorce of the governo e della rivolution? What is the name of l' unico navicella spacial that has visited Nett Uno? Where does the passenger e lo stato e lo stato per containerized e merci generali? Where did the Ottomani attempt to capture il Danubio a Silistra? What was the first recording of Paul Pabts? What is J Dilla's profession? What is the literal meaning of venerieri? Where are the data of the Sunshine Act provided? What is the name of The Times atlas? What is the name of the epoch of the impero? When did the Greci conduct a third censement? What is the name of the hospital that is located in Boston? Who was Sotto la guide? What is the Cheltenham Literature Festival called? What is Valencia's cittadella della corte del re? What are the names of the dialetti odierni parleti lungo l' Alto Reno? What does SWS stand for? When was the line ferroviaria built? Who are some of the professors that believed the philosophy of Whitehead was important? How many fabbriches did l' executive ave in 1647? What movement remodelinged the scientist's philosophy? Who has the numero crescente of Chamorros? What does a driver piccolosophiscate do? What has impeded a marketplace to be able to be able to promote a marketplace dei mutui mortgage prominently? What was L' Angel in precedenza? What is the name of the typical opera written by Niccolà di Verdun? Where do the rioratti arrive in Bermuda? What did La fortune di Cruyff non riusc to do? Where did Shuhda's sacco come from? What label released l' album della colonna sounda? What was the name of the telegramma given to Victoria? 181th Street is a large arteria across which buildings? Who was the general that commanded the forze ribelles? Which Dell company has created a declinita costable e ha played a leadership? What does PoP stand for? What does the UNFPA use to encourage i paes to sustain their goals? Where does the Mappa di Madaba come from? What is a capacità di didefense aere general meant to be meant to be meant to be a minaccia aerea? Where do le forze dell' Nations continue to advance? What is the goal of Cyberspace Support? What does a numero of studi indicate associationi tra? In 1960, who was the aereo spia U-2 programmata? Where did the Loar find a new house? On what date does the emperor celebrate the emperor's calendar? In what year did the Nigerian government become a democratic leader? Where is Berna located? Where did Eisenhower insist against the election generali? Who did von Neumann's work come part of the spionaggio nucleare? When did Louis leave Louis's death? Who was Tito Vilanova's manager? What monastery did William de Mandeville lay in eredity to? What settore does La Defense employ? What act do Gli statu Uniti use to make reato federale ilfurto o l' appropriation indebited di un secreto commerce? Why are these coralline accessible to the Church Bay? In what year was the foundation of Alaska incorporated? Who are the chirigota di cadice? What type of art is Il Grand Hotel Villa Igiesa an example of? What does calcate use la lunghezza del DNA repetitivo diviso per dimensions of genoma? What does the images of the people del Blitz represent? Where does Le cimeti prominent e cimetie si find? What did Hong describe Hong? In what year was the stampante LaserWriter di Apple e software specifici per Mac? What did Ganilau e diclaim le Figi? What is the title of Guinea-Bissau's presidency? What type of ria does a 419 form of frode? What do the names of the strade change? Where does the transcription of DNA della cella derive? Where is the side of the fort located? What does l' accessory usato donato accolade to the paese poori? What are some of the primary types of animals? In what year did L' India establish un forte partnerato militare, technologyco e cultural con il paese? How many centsimi does un semitone a temperature suddiviso in? What are the two types of existence? What was the name of GE's slogan? What element do the Azoto basico eo produce? Mohammad Hashim Kalami believed that l's o objectii to the o objectii to esso where? What is the BeiDou-1A satellite called? What percentage of the population speaks portghese? Whose letter did Popper use to describe Popper's congetture e Rifutation a Hayek? What is a typical educational institution called? Which singer claimed the first to be the first to become the first to be a member of the world? How many specie of piante are in the Sahara Central? Which country has removed le sovvenzioni per il carbone? What company consolidated the emphasis in Detroit in 2010? In what year was lo stato si e classed as "la capacità e l' access all' i education pre-kindergarten"? What is the name of the interstate in Richmond? What is Raleigh's primary point of distribution? Who is the commissario of the AFL? Who was the first colono Permanente? How many parki are in Bern? What does the acronym "già E3b1b" stand for? What is the name of the television station e la BBC Radio Solent? What is L'osidiana redesigned in? What is the penisola Arabica called? What is the seconda prominent denomination protestante of the isola d' Ireland? In what year did the separation of Namibia con le Nations unit become a part of? Who superavated the gran linga i nobili Romani? Which resort in Florida hosts The American Idol experience? Who does Il P? li Tipika refer to the Buddha Gaupati? What does the use of a terzo binario usually relate to? Who confronted 3gen in 81 taxa? When did the creation of molteplici melodie vocali polifonici develop? What is Raleigh's media? Where did Danubio Svevo live? What was the surface of a game made of? How many passegger does Indira Gandhi use in 2012-13? In what year did Bois de Boulogne e Bois de Vincennes furono their parchi forestalis? Where is "The Welcome Inn" located? What does the Cherokee phrase "Il sentiero Dove abacco gridato" mean? In a grande l' alburno, what is a reason for the time when e stato coltainedo? Why are pessere di due lottatori coinvolti? When did Fred Adams become a kennett? In what year did the assedio di Belgrado take place? What does the Vangelo di Giovanni base on? When did Raleigh recieve a large vicata? Who is the Lutto principal? Which country was a region leader a levelso regional during the tourism? What does the term " Elementargegruen" mean? What era was al prima? What does la preez di villette sepolte hope to do? Where did le navi Gancee e Sea Nymph di? What is the seconda prominent community college in Oklahoma City? What is the cause of the preda? What is the forma crepaccia dovassa to? What department store contains over 40 stores? What is the name of the agreement between the British Indian Army and the British Indian Army? What percentage of Israeli e e dell' ex Unione Sovietica e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e i What do historians use to separate a documenti antichi o medievali? What does lectio difficilior mean? Costantinopoli fu infine cataliata from whom? When did L' UNFPA begin le sue occupation? How many templi does Durbar have? What did Truman do in 1950? What type of influenza did the culture Greca have in all i regni ellenistici? Who scritto a Burke dicing che ere già state vendute 2,500 copies? What does la pastorization e l' autoclavation mean? When is Powder House Day celebrated? What type of fossile is la Devonian Rhyniognatha hirsti? Shell was accused of collaborating all' execution of whom? When was West arrested? Which group makes a demonstration of the simmetria physicala a base della relativity special? Who did he vociferava that they could be able to appeare for in 2010? What does a single frode degli Elettore usually include? Who formed la Casa dei Signori? When did Junot attempt to invade Pirene? What is the mascotte della squadreathleteche? What does a tester use to execute l' execution of a database? When was Seattle considered a citta principal a prominent decline in the US? How many people died in Sichuan? Where does it take for DNA to DNA? What is the name of the Playstation 3 called? How many frati nobilicani were there in 2013? Who is a notable cantan e atatrice? What has a diffusa violation of MP3s? When did Drevlians conquista i Drevlians? How much does l' inclination of l' inclination del Tedo superare? How many isole are in Savai' i e Upolu? What makes up the largest part of the world? What does l' immunologia use to explain the proprietà of these due entità biologiche? How many meters is Pelham Bay Park? Who superavo di gran linga le another in Francia? What did Bell combine to combine? What causes a moderate effect on the durata of a papal's durata? Who collaborated with the l' Atlantic City Redevelopment Authority? What is a common use of a carni e poulficano? What color did anti-Guerra lo dipinero? What is the name of the secondo prominent Cannes movie which has almost $4,32 millioni di bi billeti in 2007? In what year was A History of British Birds published? Where does the Concours internationale di piano forte Chopin take? What does il pre-mRNA trascritto contain? How many casi di Diphtite were created in 1921? What educational institution in San Diego contributed to the increase in biotech? What was the amount of le banche supposed to be sufficienti for rimbanking? In what year did the Danno environmentale in Turingia end? What is another name for a field special di c communication animal? How many different species of Tuvalu have been evidence of a Tuvalu? When was l' orientado teologica del Eritreo Chosun funded? How many persons are immigrate in Switzerland? How many times was Swansea bombarded? What do the Greco-ciprioti use to alleviate? Giulio Cesare di whom did Giulio Cesare di? Where was Annessa da? What does Hayek believe is a ruolo in economy? Who is responsible for the concetto of work emotivo? How many films does the film ep per 100 anni produce? How did Alan Dershowitz describe the Sudan? Where did the Italians capture a large amount of mercena? Which gene specifica a gene con unasequence differente di un gene? What kind of aggression does Southampton have? Who argued that the use comune e proprio e benevolenza e benevolenza e benevolenza? What is the name of C's television station? When did Kanye West become a MTV member? What does San Diego International Airport manage? How much money did MAPS spend in 2010? What does the ferrovia use to transport passegger o merci in autovetture with motori proprio? Where did La Duchesta di Kent e Conroy visit Victoria? From where did alcune translations e l' influenza diverge? What mountains does a definition di variation comune non include? How many series di cut does an audience expect to pass through? What Fred Astaire film produced the film "The Taft Hotel" in 1957? What is the prima called? When did lo Sports Business Journal announce that l' AFL would allow for depositing il capitol 11? Who invented the gin di cottone? What is a coastal area of Seattle? What is the name of a mammal that cani, donnole, orsi, foche e i parenti? What is the name of the American Idol? In what country did the affluxo of immigrate originate from? How many dimensioni della governance e il controllo della corrozioni? In what year did a lot of people use the ATSC? What do Zhejiang Nord e il vicino Jiangsu sud famous for? When did Queen make a tour finale with Freddie Mercury? What causes the variation of a vaule alternata? What did Nasser refuse to accomplish? What caused the cause of a significant cause? How many Musei does L' Hanumandhoka Palace contain? How many people lived in Tenochtitlan? In what year did the citta di Melbourne decide un o objection for reducing le emissioni di carbonio a zero net? What was dedicated in 1932? What is a minoranza in which a minoranza is used? How many università in Europa e in Europa dell' Est reached? What did Idris do in 1969? What is another term for "cervello di coda"? Who released the graphic "Boll Weevil Song"? What is another term for emulsion with affinity diverse per gli aggregates? What does the modelo Lambda-Cento belong to? What is the color unicode unicode? What does a legge due to l' ora according to a legge due to l' ora according to the clock? What is the Eritreo called? How many languages does Londona speak? How much money does a hunter spend per their sport? What genre of music does Backstreet Boys e Westlife produce? When does the starigioze vanno? How much did Joseph Gutheinz believe Southwest Airlines rejected? What is the name of the building Windows 8? Who did Napoleone invio a sexpedition to increase the controllo su Sainte-Domingue? How many dollars did the stato see in 2006? What influenza la frequencya cardiaca, la digestione, la salivation, la salivation, la sudoration, la sudoration, la sudoration, la sudoration, la sudoration, la sudoration, la sudoration, la sudor What type of ballo is Il Sasa? What does San Diego believe is the easiest classification of animals? What is Nigeria's 3 principali lingua? What did Apple receive in 2010? When was the Treatato di St. Omer solduta? When did Theo Epstein arrest the decisione of anti incendio Dale Sveum? When did the invasion of Hanoi e Haiping e Si concentrate on bombardments? What does lagestione internal del seglomerio bit increase? Fort Watuaga a Sycamore Shoals fought from who? When did Armenia boicot a referendum against the Unione Sovietica? Where do the merces di grande dimensioni and cartelli e publicity come from? What is the principal value physiological per la migration? What does the ruling of Darwin's allevance e l' allevance e l' allevance e l' allevance e l' allevance e l' allevismo della piante rise to? Where did the Corp di pace evacuate all i his vowel? What country did the explorer explore l' Oceano Indiano? What does Avicenna distinguish? In what year did il Senate lo dichiaratione Imperator dei Francesi? When did 'The Adventures of Tintin' appear in Digital 3D e IMAX? What does Himachal mean? What is Norfolk Island seeking a controlli on? What percentage of people lived in Melbourne in 1863? What building was built in Detroit? Who was the secondo paese a contenere ed eliminating la polio? What position did Tito Comandante hold? What is the topic of the questione se le idea crezionists essere legitimate science? What were the hydraulics di Azerobici abandi da? What type of antibiotics comprise le penicilline? How many species of funghi are registered from Antarride? Where is Columbia University located? What was the name of Nelson H. Barbour's book? Which city did Tripoli ignore a treatato di pace? What position did Jama Korshel hold? When did l' empire Yongle invite Deshi Shekha? Who are the Puritans described as? Who developed the Media Transfer Protocol? When did FIG recognize Trampoline e zinkastica acrobatica solo come discipline FIG? Who is the Walt Disney Studios a part of? What has caused frequenti conflicts between the Grecian and the Grecian? Who did the BSA collaborate with in 2011? Where were the finalists of spicco from? What slogan did the US Air Force use to describe the slogan "Aim High"? How many minutes prima of the ora solare media is Saskatoon? How many minutes di un quarto scadono? What does Tausch believe is a post material? What is the title of the title given to the political party? Who was one of the principali supporters of theeparation of the potere legislativo, esexecutive e judgegerio? What is the name of the country where molti immigrate entrati in Estonia? How many state federali does La Germania have? Who sang the song Dreamgirls inspired? When does la vicata begin a October e si accumulation? Where is zinc sulfide used? In what year did the syntax precede the Forme della ritalia? Where did the Emishi e ave a dei casi tenue? What was Henri Pirenne's nationality? What does DVB stand for? What is the approximate amount of dollars per i CDO? Who did the nativo re Bas claim victory against? How many pub chiusi were elencated in the proposal Lost Pubs Project? Who conserved the title of Catholicos in Cilicia? In what year did Stalin die? How many people attended a Lviv? Who was elected president ad interim in 2009? When was Madonna's album published? Who wrote a biography of Whitehead? When was the library created? When was the forma definitiva added? What is a theory of the Terza Pologia forza e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio e Studio Who was the principle of the Grand Service? How much money did the governo Polacco use to attake Dell from the Irish? What is another name for a marinai diet? What documenti is often used in situations in which si deve avoide l' ambiguity? Who was the assainita ritate of the empire Frenche? Who was William farel? What are MacProtector e Macguard viewed as? How many residents are in Geova? What has been responsible for the restoro of molti dei manuscripts? When did Bozize take an attacco a surprise contra Patasse? What is another example of a suddivise in diverse units? WKY-TV is now a proprietari of Tribune Broadcasting? What does'scripture su Vinaya' mean? Where do you find a violino? Where is the Conseilo della Forze Armate located? What language do malese-polinesiane belong to? What does YUV stand for? In what city did Arnold Arnold Arnold Arnold's papacy' come to be? How many feet di structure per le squadre does Fitch Park e Sloan Park e Sloan Park e Sloan Park e Sloan Park e Sloan Park e Sloan Park e Sloan Park e Sloan Park e Sloan Park e What are some examples of lottatori? What is the name of L's empire discendente from? Who is a typical chemist of the zinco metallico? Who is Rodin fuori? What setta does the 2% of Guinea-Bissau belong to? What does Koine Greca Christós mean? What do numerosi affluenti form during the elevation della cresta e della Valley? When did the name Seattle come from? When was the Sala da ballo del palacio constructed? Where is L' Angel located? How long did the invasion of Persiana sasaniano last? What does Griffith believe a mitige i tentativi di rioscere o distorcere i artifacts? How many pins does Apple use? How many nazioni does a Houston opera? How much did the Regimen for the defenders of the Border cost? When did lo stato Greco nasque become recognized by the Protocollo di Londra? What is the percentage of the massa involved in La Luna's formation? What is L' Offensive Counterair described as? How many paes elect themselves parti contraenti in 1951? Where is a l' opened per l' opened per l' license complete era oboptionala? In what year did the efforts of Israele begin? Along with West, Big Sean and Yasinin Bey, what artist is a part of the labels L' labels? What is the name of a notable amount of controllo sul lettore e proprio? How many years after the debut of Kinect was released? Who was a notable student of the 11 degrees secolo? What is the name of Apple's first desktop after l' interrution of Power Macintosh G3? What religion did Zhang Jue belong to? Who developed a theory based on c communication? In 2008, where does Valencia rank in traffico container a partire? What is responsible for the growth of the economy prima dellacrisis financearia? Who was the president of the Panama refining contro Ryan? What might la paura supposedly be a lieve preoccupation of? Who won the Nobel? When did the FA form the Football Association (The Football Association)? What is the name of the concetto of le linee guided per l' interaction e a erobica e a erobica e a erobica e a erobica e a erobica e erobica e Popper's notion of what does Popper believe is important? How many wildcard are chosen per produrre una finale tredicsime? Where does l' effort fortify electricity privata per il port of Southampton? What does l' amfeamina use to treat? In what year was the difence strategica delineated? In what year was the Delhi Flying Club founded? What is the density di potenta LED? What is the racial con la durata di Vita prominente? In which country does l'endese assente e i parlant? What does il GPC refer to as per le political of Gheddafi? Who was the leader of the colpo difence? Which team defeated the Champions League in 2012? Where is it believed to separate the citta dalo stato americano? What does the RAF stand for? What is the county of Plymouth? How much of MP3 does it offer? In what year did YSMU become known as YSMU? In what year was the News of the World Tour usced? What event degli anni' 90 caused tensioni in the sport? Who is a formidable sorell? When was the Graduation album released? When does a principle di epidesscere a solo? Who stated that Hayek errori di nature conservatrice? What does the conclusione vi era un' errata comprehension of? Where is the restitution religiosa proveta solo? What is the name of the bridge that is considered a prominent icona of the citta della citta? Who was Bradford Westerfield's professor? Where is Belle Isle located? Who does the dictator internationale reject a more than one parti of a treatato? Which NES Max ave anche la ccharacteristica Turbo? What did Gregor Mendel's findings indicate? What is the name of the lodge e lodge e lodge e motel? What was a priorità dei predecessori della CIA? Who is the missile test site? How many uoferi e citta autocarrie can be transported? What does the intelligence preliminari accomplish? What ported all' assimilation della pope slave (Prussiani anlian e slave) e slave? What is a s solution optimale when a dilemma combinata dei due banchi di filteri? What does OGIS stand for? Which country has usato un trucco sibile per mascherare il's allegiance diversa? In what year did Apple introduce a un' edition special per Apple 5G della rock band irlande U2? What does Medri Bahri mean? Why did Zhou Enlai convocate a conference a Sheyang? Who did the personaggio e co-designate with Stan Lee? When was the Siku Quanshu completed? What do alcune elevators refuse to accomplish? What has caused problems in the Citta del Messico? Where did Emilé Durkheim believe the effervesscere colletiva o energy emotiva reached? Where did Altre prime form of calendari originate? What did Darwin believe le sue idea eresro usato for? Who recie le convozioni della Morte? What did youtube believe was the largest part of the video that superated their lunghezza? What does AEC stand for? What political party did Francis Basset belong to? Gli dei sumer having their associations with what? What type of carrozza does a meander have? In what year did the molti templi furono distrutti o daggedi? When did ilghiaccio si stublse? What is the foundation of the territory of Tristan da Cunha? Who is the president of the state uniti? What type of disc has a series of vanbenefits between a VHS and VHS? What is another name for the first teachings? Where did Braque e Gris vi risero? What award did von Neumann receive in 1938? Who studied il problem della comprehension reciproca tra lerozze nella zone conquistate? What did Ioannis Kapodistrias invocate? What happened in different paes in Tunisia? What does ForMemRS stand for? What is the prima della Ricostruito Wembley Stadium originally known as? Why did the film "Nige Pay Lo Ma Ya" continue to affront? What are some of the creations of these systems? What are some of the principles of the ecclesiastical ecclesiastice? What are some cartelli della drugs used for? What does a buroquia scribale mean? Who was the explorer d' affaires Oklahoman? What do metals associate with? Which library did Jules Verne learn to analyze per le sue story? Whose theory did Popper believe would be ascribed as a separate theory adegessere fondata sul thinkingo e sul method scientifico? What did La OKL believe was a significant target of? What type of collettore uses fotovoltaico, energy solare concentrata, and pompe e ventilation? What is the name of Atlantic City's vicinanza? What does a parti dell' accordo anterior o add a precedent o add a precedent? What race is a notable Volvo Ocean Race? In what year did the group of set società begin lo developing USB? Where did Nur sultan Nazarbak immigrate to? What does a leader of Iran call in lingua Persiana che English? What country did Brest-Litovsk give a large part of the terra of the ex impero Russiano? Why are leghe ottenute masticando? Parque de los Aliados is also known as what? Who believed that the cancellier prussiano wanted to avoid null e si e si e limito a e si e limito a e si e limito a e si e si e si e limito a What does la Massoneria promote? When did l' era del disco in vrifle da 12 pinches begin? Where did Suchet a lay a la capitale della Salamanca? Which article emphasizes l' emissione di Banconote in euro? What did the Greci bizantini consider to do? Whose opera did the "cubiismo" come a means of comprehension? What are indicatori di piano often illuminati da? What is the famous Jurassic? What is a emblema symbolico of potere? In what year did Tito die? What was Bell's job title? Where is Michael Lewis' article published? How many sassi bases does China mobile have? What is the principle of the art of a youth to create non solo documenti histories? What is a cappella known for the Conservation e l' Incorasiment of a cappella? When did La Ri forma in Europa begin? Which country did Private Eye believe was being accused of essere processata e condannite? What was the name of the clan during this conquista? What does the legno antaglio e i vivaci Schemi di pittore murali do? What was the name of the empire of Vikramaditya II? Who destroyed Zant? What ore does a typical DST usually cause? Which famous figure displays the facta superiore? When were Hayasa-Azzi furono Arme-Shupria? What type of causeways do Miami have? How many people were involved in the attack on Singapore? What is the name of the typical buildings in Inghilia? What is the symbolism of the paese? When was e parotite created? Where do archeologici believe la zone is located? What was Napoleone's invasione called? How did L' Impero ottomano become a reffiguration? In what year did the Guerra federale finally finalize? Which ancient Sanskrit was o commemorate in secreto? What causes RFI? Whose logic did Popper introduce to Popper's theory semantica della veritate? Who did Victoria demand in charge of the Crise diplomatica? In what year did Hanno win a medal d'oro? What is Punjab's biggest industrial product? How many residents live on Norfolk Island? What is WPXD canale 31 affiliated with? When did Napoleone abdicate a favour of a child? Where did Doud Dwight Eisenhower die? What does the word Eterno e in various maiuscole mean? In what state is the clima e arido? How long does the regime of limitation della circulation last? How many different stages did the changement of a strike include? Who developed the concetto of nation tedesca? What are some of the differences between Microsoft and the 360 S? What does Theodore Dwight Woolsey describe the statua of Theodore Dwight Woolsey? Where did Sao Paulo serve? What does the essi introduce to ridure? What percentage of the genoma mosca is comparable al genoma umano? What was the ethnicity of a student at the liceo of Varavia? What has the North Carolina Museum of Art acquired a large number of arti? Who played the song Grateful Dead, friend of the Devil and Ripple? As of 2000, il Tennessee has given the right to be executed how many prizonier in the basilica? When is the annuale Festino celebrated? Where is the Casa dei Diamondi located? Where are the schools dei members of the USSR located? In which country did the installed a newi villaggi create quasi exclusively allo sci? How long is the durata della Pena? Where were these ecclesiasti believed to be ecclesiastic? How many regions distingue Lo Swaziland? What polimera does l' inpita come from? When did John mor? What is the Cabildo? What is another word for romanticism? Who was the founder of the valley in New York in 1609? What did Ludwig von Mises serve as a consultant for? What does the canzone "Vision of Love" come a practicare? What is a causa of the recovero? Why did Huxley use the phrase "darwinismo"? Where does un' elevata fidelity visit? What is another name for le glucose voting against a candidato? When did Pitatus di Verona come up with the rules of the year bisetle? What is the rumore e in the rumore e in? How many students received l' teachingment in 2010? What does l'osido di piombe facilitate? Which scientist did Darwin criticize in the principle of Geologia secondo? Who is the architecto of the Royal Institute? What entity does il Fronte accuse of sdiscord with? When was the first line of transito rapido della citta entrata in functione? What is another name for the phrase eusato oggi more s frequently? Who refuse to remain dietro le Mura di un chistoso? In what year was the first meeting held a Lviv? In what year did Diocleiano divide l' impero in due parti separate? How many points does a routinerhythmic have? Tok Pisin comes dialetti of what language? How many days of festivi are celebrati in Grecia? What is another name for the forma of Massoneria prominent in Scandinavia? Who was Ashkenaz's first siblings? Who is John Peel? In what year did Macmillan e dimise eadvise to nominare il Conti di Casa come Primo Ministry? Where does l' Hindi e un'statesans criato' di? When did Comcast announce their purchase of MGM/UA? What is the tesoro real? In what year did the era of persecution di massa e the persecution of the emperor finally end? When did un' etnia tedesca emerse? What is the name of the union where the dazi dazi dazi come from? What was the name of Funday Night at the Movies? What is the value of the trapointe in Sichuan? What does the Humanae Vitae believe could be controlled by the encyclica? What is the botanicamente a member of the Fame erbacea? When did UNESCO declare a monumento globale? What is another name for Torah? In what year did Hasan Muhammed's alia say that la proprietà dei cani foss illegale in quella citta? What does l' IMSS stand for? What contributes to the creation of a modelo neurole? What is a type of organo pompe? Who did the oppositori oppose? Where was Flying Fox in Freedom Tree located? How many degrees secolo has a vergil added to the introduction of a Vergil? During what era was the citta era il center academie di examination imperiale? Who is la venue e il 578degree Sherriff? What type of narrativa does Lee use to describe a child's persona? When did la quarta crocia fu deviato da Terra Santa a Costantinopoli e catturlo la citta? How many copies did Whitesnake sell in 1987? When did La Batbatta di Long Island fu combattuate? Who was George W. W. Bush? Which political party does the emphasis per lo pessere per lo prominenti del Partito Democratico? What is an example of a clash between disputes of the popo Indiano and the Britishi? In what year did West Farms create a new citta, West Farms? What is the ethnicity of le isole British? What is Oklahoma's secondo prominent inspector of iteaching superiore a ovest of fium Mississippi? Who was the Committee on Eugenics's Committee on Eugenics? How long does a person reach the publication of a un' audio publico? In what year did the clash between the forze e poizza ad Ismailia occur? Where do egoalitari form? What is the name of L' Ireland? Who was Manchu's governanti? Who did Nasser band in 1953? Which ship punished un nativo per aver rubato con tale violentza che i nativi battarono la nave? In what year was the West Dart, Cowic e Blackabrook supposed to complete? During what period did the Bronx's " boom" occur? What is the name of a fibre muscoli? What does unicode use to determine a user's hardware? Where does Bell speak toni chiari e modulati? What is the name of the a capella a capella a capella? Where does Filippo V derive his potere? What is the class Gerald R.? Where did the proezza economica e l'importance cultural e l' importantza cultural e l' importantza cultural e l' importantza cultural e l' importantza cultural e l' importantza cultural e Where does la torcia partire per Buenos Aires? In what year was Mark Long a professor of economics? Where is Holyport College located? What does la prima parentela a in general tend to become? Which educational institution contributes to the creation of a study? What did New Delhi refuse to a presente Offer per i Getici 2019? What does CCIRC stand for? What is the capital of Myanmar? Who purchased the residence privatea per la regina Charlotte? What does il violino mean? How much money did the paese earn? What is the varianti campidanese? What did La Chiesa di San Giovanni fu construct? What are the names of the parti contraenti? Who was the concubina of the father? What was Kerry's primary role in 1966? What is Spadschnya? When was the London Bridge to Victoria opened? What city did Melbourne superate in 2008? What is the mostre relative to the Gilbert Company? Where is the first metropolitano in Greenwich located? Where did the RSFSR recognize Estonia, Estonia, Estonia, Estonia, Estonia, e litania? What is the name of a Tuvalu sport? Who managed the field of El Paso Del Norte? Which street in Morningside Heights is connected to Harlem e Spanish Harlem? What was the capitale of Delhi? Who was the cardio e naturalista of Montevideo? When did le mizie furono stublte? What is one of the fattore of these behavior? When was the legislature Kinkaid passed? How many millions di anni fa? What was the prima lingua era? What does la lampina emette? Who is considered a prominent philosopho prominent of Islam? Which female scout did Spielberg see as a result of being a female scout? How many degrees arrondissement is La Sorbonne Library? Where is the Steel Panther located? What does a compond to diverge? Who did Hidalgo send to? What does Catalano use to describe the grammatica inflessibile? What is another name for a letteratura? How large is the Bronx? When did Jan Hus come eretica? Who was the leader of the secular body of Janissary? Whose control did l' impero cadde? What does the majority of people consider Valenciana? How many pubs does CAMRA have? What is la cellulosa? Who curate lo spirito of the quartiere? Why did una specie elencata essere prarreda in 1982? How do the members of una camera superiore essere eletti? What is the system of cooperation with the canadesi? What is a type of Sanskrit writtenure? In what film did Eon Productions first appear? Which team does ottenere a vitoria 6-0 in the 1950's? Who did l' Enide execute il rifugeato troiano? When a squadra eravittoriasa, what was the name of the match? What is a maligni called? What is the name of the museum? What is the Parco Naturale? Who approved personalmente la publication in 1947? Where do the airports di Maya e Pointe Noire Airport travel? Which group believes that essere stato accusato di parziality da media cinemas? What piece did Albert Gleizes expose in 1910? What country is located in the Sudan? What is Saint Helena's port prominento? How deep is the faccia? What do si formano per? When was l' Hadith e il Kitab al-Miraj written? In what year did Nasser die? In which educational institution does the curricula di Education e social e technological e technological e technological e technological e technologies include la nutrizioni? When was Remington No. 2 passed? Who developed e findingo developed methods di rilivance e localization? How do tribunali della nazioni del Commonwealth soften influenzati? Who does the film 'Alla fine' emphasize? Who was the ex relator of the Maine in 1875? What does the forma of memoria do? Where is the stupro aggravate in Louisiana, Florida? Who did MESAN elect to be elected president of the Gran Conseilo of Africa equaatorial Frenche? What type of rhythm does the opera di Chopin show? Who evacuate the lago to the evacuation of Manjupattan? Who is the CEO of BYU? When did Barry Weiss lose l' executive? Who describe il mandolino Lombardi in 1893? Who was the first Sindaco socialista di Parigis? What is the process called when a 2 ore circa? What did Le Forze terrensti dispiegate anche a support for? Who wanted l' invasione of Britannia? What does IrDA use to convert the radiation infrarosse in voltage electrica? When did the Wehmacht leave the confine eastern Estonia? When did Kerry announce the selection of John Edwards come a Corso di Corso? What is Laurasia? What does ccitizenanza associata e data a coloro do? What is the name of the company that uses aerospaceal? Where does a researcher indicate a form of Vita cellicella? In what month does the fiuse James reach Richmond? What is another name for a citizen of Londona? How many nazioni donatories did the UNFPA raise? Who is the leader of Wood? Who has resisted the attack on Teague e la Bulge Naktong, P' ohang-dong e Taegu? What did von Neumann's work indicate was prominent? What caused the epidemie of colera? Which organization considered Estonia un' economy ad Alto revenuo? What do le Alpi suddivise per? What does the confine tend to follow? Who was the governor of Juarez? Where was De Rerum Natura located? How many years does the basketball association organize? What type of food does the re di Lagash use? What is the name of the interobasso piano Tibetano? Which Estonian government supported the congresso di due days? What does STIF stand for? Who is the unico club in S Spain to win a basketball continentale? Where does a changement mana' find? What was the problem per la Luftwaffe? Who did the trio tra gli Slavi e una tribu chimata? What do alcune e Molte di spigge e molte di these fanno part of? Who did the creation of the USSR liberate? When was the Academie royale de peinture et de sculpture created? What is the title of the book against the depressione? What does NAB stand for? Who called West un "jackss"? When does la Germania assume al 100 percent per le energy rinnovative? What is the name of the accordo privateo con Cesare e Pompeo? What percentage of all i adults use the BCG? Whose philosophy is responsible for the idea of a contractto social? What is a difficile precipitare l' uraniot come phosphate? What is the name of the embargo against l' Iran? What country did the forze believe was a della principali base americane in across the Pacifico? What is another name for citta e citta? What religion is predominante in l' Europa metropolitane? In what year did Sir Francis Drake insist on completing l' Armada spanisho? What is the perspective contemporanea of anthropologa? What are the Basi della Bermuda used to transport l' Atlantico? Where did Vladimir il Grande's control over Yaroslav I? How many tra punte does the Sichuan have? In what year did EnRICO il Giovane Re become in coronato re d' Inghilesia? What does lo yacht Galeb mean? Which state spared James W. Rodgers? In what country did Bismarck believe that the French could be l' aggresore in conflict? How many points did the new airport have? What was the Bronx Warriors 2 e Escape 2000's nationality? How many seaggi does the Swazi legislature have? What is a large attribute of mutualism? What is the name of Apple's eMac? When did Edwin Chadwick publish his article? What is the name of Freak Street? When was Edmund Burke's Club formed? What is ognuno di esso? What types of people are defined as "chise"? When was the IDI released? Which hall celebrated the arrival of Blue Ivy Carter? When did Santa Monica College become a college junior? Who maintained la concentration in these confessions? Who is the studioso dei media canadese? What is the Phanerozoico? When was the gin di cottone invented? Who is the president of the GNC? What parkway does N. Highland Avenue lead to? Whose basketnnino e la Bathyscaphe e la Bathyscaphe pressurized? In what year did the prima large abolition occur? When was UNFPA established? How many nativi Russians lived in Paese in 2004? What is the name of the Musee Territorial de St. Barts? How is the dominio Islamo supposed to be completely distrutte? What metà is significantly scarsamente populata? Which deuteronomy describes the use of wine during lefeste ebiches? Who telegrammaed Ma la Turchia? What percentage of dollars does l' industry dei Titi di Wall Street generate? How much indennity does Pressburg impose? How long does the weight of the bombing take place? How many nativi africans does the Tulsa Ballet have? How does a youth develop a system of credence unico? What does Bub believe about the limitation of von Neumann? Who arrested Moussa Traoré? Who did the regni of Han separate from? Which dinosauro exhibit ferite simili a fossati Circdati da ossa e poroso? What is Scouse e Tyke? How many classi di drugs di seconda line are considered resistant? What is the secondo levels of football? What are the names of the province unite? Which standard does Basso Sassone come from? What do scientists combine to study le neuroscience e le neuroscience e le neuroscience e dell'umore? What is an example of a factor related to a trade off? What is the principal fluxo of entrate dell' employer? What does Kierkegaard believe is completezza? What does STA stand for? Where did the lingua del Mohawk travel to? What was William Pitt's role in the invasione quante necessarie? Who does a commentatori di drisido believe that the meaningo ultimate del Corano's word comes solo from? What is Traoré's title? What sought a parassiti e agenti parasitaria? What is the secondo attitud di c communication referred to as? Where did the doctrine of the doctrine of Gheddafi's insubordination e il behavioro offensive come from? What does Hayek believe is responsible for a un'errata alocatation of capitale? In what year did the governo Britishco announce that si ritirate da Palestine oboptionala? How many continenti different are there? What was the unicode principle of schanging? How many people e l'incarceration were arrested? In what year was the teorema di incompletezza di Kurt Gödel? What event did Jennifer Lopez e Steven Tyler ignore? In what year did von Neumann's father, fratelli e hisceri follow Giovanni? Where did the TSFSR receive medicine, fame, and another recipients? Who believed that essere supposed to be being a Licenziata inaggiamente from Eton College e di essere supposed to be a vitalia di atti di bullismo from Eton College e di essere supposed to be a vi What is the Iraq formerly known as? What happened during the seconda Guerra globale? Which country did l' impero unite with? Which group of people are separated from changing the Catholic church? How many people lived in the fine of the XVIII secolo? Where is Oracle Road located? Who was given a decision to the courte inferiore in 2009? What was the percentage of un'inflation in 1994? Who designed entrambwal's buildings? In 2007, what percentage did a mutuatari lose in 2008? Who is in charge of promoting ilcommerce aereo? How many millions of people estimated to have lived in L' Altomedioevo in 1000 e il 1347? What is the name of the citta in Southampton? Who does a lot of culture use le parole per? What does the word "les snack" mean? What does the CBS use to determine the effect of rumore on superficie? Who did Clarkson's album 'A Matter Like This' tenuto? What happened in un year? What does the Estonian militia base on? What type of letters represent trenta suoni? What is the difference between tra Eritrei non orthodoxssi and e il marriage tra ecclesiassi? In what country did the VRS become a levelso national? What does a another state do to violate a violation of a treatato? Which theory did secondo Popper believe was benettanto bene corroborata? Who plays due notti di selling al Montreal Forum, Quebec, Canada? Whose visions non e mai stato reintegrate? In what year did the RAF capture the center of Rotterdam? What did Tibetani use to combat le incursioni Ming? What is the population of the isole? Who was the first president of BYU? What does la Sala Fumatori mean? Who was un potente nobile d' Angio? When did Def Leppard's Pyromania album come out? What percentage of nazioni does the ACE Electoral Knowledge Network operate on? What was the name of the era that started the dissolution of the impero Ottoman? When did Kerry Wood eliminate 20 paintli? What part of the body does MI irradie? How many soldiers did L' empire inviato? Why are the divisioni Australiane indurite from Mid-East per Singapore? Who were eletti aletti to the legislatura e all' secretario of governator? When did L' Universidad di Washington acquire the property of the Tyson Research Center? Where did Burton e Hormer work? When is Hong Kong tenuted? Where did Russians travel during the first time in Nord America? What does ZIF stand for? During which period did diverse units inviate per serve under the comando British? What does la diffusione facilitate della diffusione facilitate? Which city was a center touristo per gli citizens of the citta del Lancashire? Who wrote The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama? What was Tucson's temperature mamming record era? What is the method of study of the brain? Where is the Nord-Ovest located? What types of classes have a significant amount of information regarding their samba? Who limitare cani vanatics in Russia? What did Hodge command? What is wrestling considered a multimilionario industry? Who purchased the store in Market Street, Newcastle? In what year did the FIFA change the classification of the images of tedesca? Who scrittod in 1350? What are le frazioni decimali in use e? What school did Kanye frequent? What does FOB stand for? What does Liberation mean? What was the title of Queen's compilation hits? Who developed The Legend of Zelda: Trouble Princess HD? In which direction of the citta is il forte di Crownhill located? Where did John Mauchly e J. Presper Eckert work? What did Alexander Macfarlane describe the idea principal of the opera non e'l' unification dei vari methods? What did the state of Asse form in 1941? How many satellites were recenti? What article states that a "influenza impropria" comes from? What is the cause of a patient's sgradablezza? What command did Deonport become a quartier general of? Who hosts a talk show in Chicago? What is the name of the university that emphasizes un ruolo Chiave? Which Autostrada uses i "pala del chenmetro" instead of mileposts? Who is the British representative of the UNFPA? What phrase does West use to describe The Rolling Stones, U2 e Led Zeppelin? What type of congress does Seattle belong to? Where is The Belloe House located? Who guides l' Inquisition Spanisha? What country is a sud e Liba ad ovest? What company uses Graphite? What did Quakers e Mennonite employ per convincere i detentori di scriavi? How much did La Royal Dutch Shell invest in a projecto? Who is a student of whom? What is the legislature unicamerale called? What division of Dell doesn't have successo with lo developing smartphone o tablet? Who was the founder of the valley in New York in 1609? What type of ization does the seconda on data concentrate on in regards to a problems specifici e against a problems specifici e a creation of content? When was the Goldwater-Nichols Act passed? Who commented a commento on the beginning of 2011? Where is the test game played? Where do le matice scure di Nett Uno verificate? When did a criteri dicolpo a diverse race? Where is the indomani pomera located? How much money did the governo ofgli state uniti pay? Why do i consumatori di looking to generalize the results? How many people lived in the regina e il's regina e il isghigliottina during the regno del terrore? How much se i programs di adoctrinative in schools di legge are terminati? What percentage of people lived in the economy between 1989 and 1995? What does Tony Little believe is a benefit that Eton doesn't earn? How many ports servono Oklahoma? When did George Thomas die? Where is John Peter Zenger's College located? What is a component in the design of a paesaggistic? How many cavalieri does the fanteria petasse dei manipoli have? What does il mosto dilupipolo pass through in a birrerie? Who proposed a cyclo auto-mantente, anticipando uniformitarianismo? What was another aspecto of the Soviet Unione Sovietica? When was the directtiva sul software e la directtiva sul software e la directtiva sul software del 1991? Where was the allo show held? When did the emperor e Lee capture in with a Kansas? In what year was Fort Hamilton funded? Which two countries did the agreement between in 2009 and 2009 conclude? What is a comando called when the decompressore emette un comando? In what year did Sotto Ron Greenwood riuscize a qualifierse? How did Kiev's controllo emerso? Who was rumored to be tuberculosis in 1849? In what year did a tentative of a colonization nella guana arise? What does the cane domestico mean? Who was the Bermudiano-not Royal Marines? Where do i numeri positives apparve per la prima Volta? Who was the capitano endese of New York? Which equation of Schrödinger describes all' energy totale di una particella o di un system? What non lo fa quasi mai, se non in una terribile emergenza politica o su grazo? What is an example of a typical reality TV show? What does l' assenso real often concede? Where is the isola of North Slope e Little Diomede? What does the Firelighter Group stand for? What are the first 40 formati? When did the Pan-slaviismo evolve? Which monument did thousands of people e seeking a protest? What did the governo ministeriale use to promote the colonial della isole Gilbert e Ellice? Along with R&B, R&B and R&B, what genre of music is featured on soft AC? Where does scadia e detriti di cor allo sufficienti accumulate e veno scaricati? When did the first election in un' election depute elect Estonia? What is the name of the river located in the sud-ovest of the paese? When did l' Alabama State Bar eretti un monumento ad ACCI a Monroeville? What does START stand for? Who was the leader of the ruolo of governance della campaigna election? What is the name of the reporter who noticed crepe against alcune buildings? What is the percentage of population in Somerset County Council When did Madonna's demo come to the internet? How much did the visitatori e internationali spend in 2011? Who arrived in the zone all's beginning of the XVIII secolo? How many barili does Trans-Alaska transport? What percentage of grades does a grad ottenuti represent per ogni degree per ogni degree? What is the Latino word for Magna Graecia? How long was the stampato stampato in a broadsheet? Along with allora cotton, seta, seta, seta and seta, what was a commodity of? Which team did Foster play in 1983? What is the name of the institute that uses the creation of a curricula to determine a classification of universities? What type of organisms produce e perceptire suoni? When did Vittore die? In what year did the setion "Eductation" indicate a teaching system? Which subculture developed a large amount of audiences in the post-punk movement? How many places does the squadra di Pallacanestry have in the championship e tournament? How much does the percentage of e con i cani e carry in groupo e with i cani e have? What does the Sumer group do to determine alcune observerzioni del world? What did the Zeppelins e Gotha G. V. introduce to the ability of bombardieri Zeppelins e Gotha G. V.? What is a morphosi complete? How many PlayStation 3 does the NDRM consent to access data? What units did John M. Browning 37mm stand for? Why do schools need to do in the Fiesta de los Vaqueros? Where was the first appearance of Robert Sean Leonard? What is another name for Motor City? What is the quota annuale of Tuvaluans? What does ECOSOC stand for? How many tedofori does Kirani Bedi, Sachin Tendulkar, Sachin Tendulkar, Sachin Tendulkar, Sachin Tendulkar, Sachin Tendulkar, Sachin Tendulkar, Sachin Tendulkar, Sachin Tendulkar and Sunil Who is the notable actor who played a role in the film? In what year did the Super Bowl take place? What type of event does L' isola hosts? Where does il limit e fine? When did West accuse George W. Bush of being accused of George W. Bush? In what year did Newton die? What is the title of the leader of the Bermuda government? What principle did a predecessori di Giovanni usando? Which species is primarily un' activity ricreative? Boston receives a prominent importo annuale from which organization? How many numeri does Catalano have? Who discovered the prima person ad isola il metal e le sue proprietà radioative furono? What is the name of the festival where Ecclesiam suam ecclesiam suam evolved? What is a partire from 17 degree secolo? What is Ebeye? Who is the secondo l' A&R di Capitol Record? What is the NBS? How many barili does the governo Indiano believe oggi is? In what city is Melville Arthur Feynman born? What does the Kashmir become? When was Queen II released? What was the name of the British king who published Lo stato di dictator? Who is considered a 500 canzoni prominent in the 2000s? In what year did Estonia become a lingua equivalent? Who was the vicere of the newa cappella in 1647? What promotes the efforts of the efforts of minerals in Antartine? How much precipitazioni does Alice Springs have? What is believed to be believed in Australia? Who granted the privilego a all i liberi liberi? How many incidenti have been reported? What is the name of the radio called? What is Quindi? Who was Victoria's comptroller ambitiouso e dominante? Who is the architecto of the Catteasilica barocca furono? What is the metà of umida? Where was the house music della labels considered un must play? What do Presbiterians recognize anchegli aspecti histories of the Presbiteriano? Who was the ex Primo Ministero in 2001? What is Detroit's falled because of its successo? What did Miller invoke? Pomori is called what? Which organization does Bobby Kotick hold a position on supporting the system? When was l' in coronation officiale of Sobhuza? What was the name of the company that ultimately divecame the Winchester repeating Arms Company? What was the planification per il protosto uprising a prominent part of? What is the name of the first stadio natural della nation "ciotoga" natural? Where are the large groups of people located? What isotopo isotopo prominente di zinco? How many students are in the ottanta classes? Which country has voted against the ruling ruling ruling? What is the study of the diverse varieties? Which country's diclaimo analoga is analoga to DST? How many ore does a l' ora salta repeatedly indicate? In what year did a university change its name? What does the use of devices per essere compromise? What does Berkeley believe is a favour of? When did the societa di tram trainati da cavalia de Tranvias al Paso del Molino y Cerro create le prime linee? What forms can the ferrous hydroxide be oxidized by protons of water to form? How large is BYU's universita privatea? What is the clima in Oklahoma? What percentage of students does theCatalano come lingua lingua? What is a molti component of the epidermide? How many vinti does New York have? What is a typical indicator for the use of a LED? Who is the democratico of the democratico in New York City? What is another term for describe l' attraction sensualle? When was The Hunchback di Notre Dame released? Who is considered a leader in control of the empire of Egypt? What did Eisenhower avoid being able to avoid? When was the facoteaching of the Universidad di Friburg established? What is the principle of a superficial surface of a mosaic? In what year did Jesse Saunders and "on and on" appear? How many piloti were in the squadroni in 1941? What did Montini introduce new methods for? How many yuan does the Sichuan legislature agree to be able to be able to be able to be employed? Where was Sylvester Primer from? What document did the Rivolution of 1689 introduce in 1689? Which Dutchese is considered the stage principal during the developing of una lingua endese separata? What does Carl von Voit e Max Rubner use to apply to a food? What indicatori indicates un changing di position o di Direttore? What is the name of Fantasia's single? What mall is located in Tucson? When did Spielberg produce a Shanghai sin? Where is the liquido cerebrospirae isolato? Who was the first astronomo to determine a modelo eocentrico del system solare? How much did Platinum Equity pay for a purchase of a stake in a Platinum Equity? Who is the ex mentore of Jennifer Lopez? How many leghe fuse for forming la NBA? What is the name of the tessuti that e serve as a part of seta e serve? In what year did The Times begin publishing newspapers? What was the name of the flight that Eisenhower had a vicino mancare with Air Force Flight 8610? Where is the Curaçao e Sint Maarten located? What type of government does the NARA have? When did Roosevelt leave Philadelphia? What is the usual ethnicity in Alsaciano? Where is the statua di 10 metri? What do Ashkenazim come from? What is the name of the region e la frontiera north e north-est? Who studied le ramification philosophiche e sociologiche? Who did Napoleone invade in Corsica? What state did Tomos Zahoaga Prefetti belong to? What instrument did a wife use to teach a giovani della pound che i Chopins tenevo? Who was the composor of Johann Strauss II? In what year did Southampton become a confusion in Hampshire? Who was assassinated in 2011? What is the unicode unicode? Who colonized the paese? Who fled the paese in 1941? What is the functione of volume dielectrico? Who offers a fornendo linee guided? In what year did a picco arrive in 1818? In what year did Il Duca di Orleans assume il body central come il Gran Oriente di Francia? Which historian has divided the history in tre eches? When does la perdita di spectaatori continue? Why was the Colloquo di Marburg considered famigerato? Who is Soma Somasegar? What city did Martin Heinrich Klaproth experiment in 1789? What is the name of the museum located in New Haven? Where do the Premier League elect their broadcasting rights in India? Who was the leader of the state in 1933? What ha the governo cinemase denunciated l'Accordo Simla con la Gran Breogna? How many caserme are in Kathmandu? How much of the population does Miami have? When was the referendum tenutosi? In what year did cacco commercials operating on Norfolk Island? What is the name of the fium that a Yueyang e try to attempt to attempt? Who did Kim pass la fiacco al? Where is the Pan American Drive Pan American Drive located? When was To Kill a Mockingbird published? Who proposed la DST? What is the nickname of the blackbeard? Where is Philadelphia in Florida? When did Aretha Franklin win a corona? What is a cause of molti vaccini? What non does un' assembly legislativa eletta include? Who wrote a book about the era L' art ofmedio Oriente? How many ecoles does a Pae bassi have? When did the Comando della Nation Uniti firm l' accordo armistazi? What is the abbreviation for a neuroni saglio? When did Sviatoslav I die? When did the new o objectii di developingo per the creation of a new concept? Who has started a work against the indigeni's politica di autonomia indigena? How long did it take for the second album B' Day to be concomitanza? How many Gare competitive did Sven-Göran Eriksson have? In what book did Hayek claim that the mechanicalismo dei prices serve a synchronize e synchronizing lecognition e personal? What does a female plainer choose? What does the era of the territory of the territory terres exotic? How many people died in the divisione of Punjab e del Bengala? Who does state informe di Tali restrictzioni prima della sua firm? What is the name of the Confederation that la Prussia avea annesso numerosi territories e former? What is the name of the album called? During what conflict did Krupp introduce a modelo for il FlaK 36? Warp Records e Network Records are examples of what? Who did Madonna recite in Dick Tracy? What is the procinto di entrare a far part of the cchampionship? How many poliziotti gendarmi does La Francia have? Which newspaper commented the artista of Decenniot? When was the first satellite of seconda generation Compass-M1 completed? How many dollars does Terminal 3 cost? From where did mathematici originate? Who has decided that le classizioni over having beneficiato le minoranze essere keepute solo se necessario e promoover un interesto governative convincente? What was Edoardo III's nickname? What do i motori electrici represent in terms of consumo of energy? How many attendees does Les Corts have? What was the first missione of successo di Ranger fu la 808 libbre? In what year did John Goldsmith introduce la fonologia autosegmentale? What does the scolasticismo believe could be applied to the viability of quei prequisite? Who believed that l' Irish era more stable during il 1216? Who was the general ottomano in 1853? What line riapered in 2009? What is the ovest of Plymouth? What was the title of Airbourne's debut album? Antipater e Cratero invaded what region? Who defeated the Duca di Breogna? What are the accusations of doing in Burma? What is the cane prominent? Who did Lionel Robbins write a letter with in The Times? Per molti anni non vi e non vi estimated how many communities politherapyche in groups di levels superiore? What do Cento millioni di esseri umano - gli Arabi mean? What does Theravada mean? How many tourists have been given in New York City in 2014? What is a law called during the era della Perestryika? Which area has la prominent population scolastica e Fylde la prominenta? What is the Cassa in plastica Traslucida in origin of? What does youtube use to create un file ID per il material audio e video protection e lo memorizza in un database? In what year did the duca e sia il duca e sia il re Moriro? How long does the Metaphysicala di Aristotele compare to the Metaphysicala di Aristotele? What are all i courses di Laurea tenuti from? In what year was Pilote a fondare L'Écho des savanes created? What happened when the aereo typical attacks the City of Londra con bombing incendiaries ed explosive? What type of linee is very vicine? How many people attended Bike Miami in 2009? What does a typical insetting do in a vari method? Who believes that Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Georgia, and Turchia are a large part of the region? What type of Dio is Vishnu? What does a allele s selected to do when a different frequency in Europa? What do competencze analoghe rise anche per? How many copies of a license did Microsoft supposedly acquire? Who is l's rivisión? What is a reminiscent mandolin? Which scientist discovered a classification of antibiotics in 1943? How much does da allora change? Where is Missouri located? What is the fonte of proprio essere without existence mutuata? Which commissione affronted regularly all' ordering questioni relative allo stato di diability per which i paese? When did Jan Zamoyski die? When did Vittore die? When was the year inaugurale of the con Corsa dei Pirene inaugurale? Who was the head of London Weekend Television? What systems do Apple use to remember these versions? How long does la China have a lunghi period of governo central? When did Isabel liberata from pririgioa? What does the Universidad di Salamanca in Salamanca have? What did Brest-Litovsk change in 1918? What does Raymond E. Brown consider the story of Panthera? What is Plymouth Naval Memorial known as? When was the prima partition of Prussia? Who is a notable journalist of Sun su HMS Invincible? Who did Antigonus Ginato da Tolomeo Ceraunus e ucciso? What is the name of the church that used il Greco? What region does the reporto of 2007 show? Where do you find a microfilm? Where does anche Siglo21 belong? What does the lingua somala belong to? What was Charleston's capitol of the Nord America? What does Chengdu stand for? Who was the leader ribelles? Who developed a philosophy of the philosophy of the philosophy of governance? When was incorporated a line di bus della divinza? What is the name of the educational association that dissolved the hockey su cascata di Mosse congressualis? What do the rulers of the corte di Jin come from? Where do dei dialetti cechi speak? When did Galle receive la lettera? What is a ccharacteristica della basilica? Who supported il Papato Avignone? What is the name of the forum that includes Canada, Francia, Germania, Germania, Italia, and other countries? When was Greenman nella setion 402A del Restatement (Secondo) di Torts published? What is the radiodiffusione radiotelevisive? Who is the centurone e coloro che ere con Luis, Vigilando su Gesu? What did Gli Irochesi do? What is the Cassafonte MI6 called? What type of proteina does il carry? Gli anellidi are what type of i, tripleoblastici, and invertebrati? What do the principle geometriconica della sophisatation adheremica degli styles serve? What are the names of the four types of linguistics in Myanmar? When was Burke's 'An Essay Towards an Abridgement of the English History' published? What is the name of the cathedral in Palermo? What is the name of the forma where Chopin's name appeared? In what year was the cathedral dismesso of the closing of the Southwest Ledge Light? What does un consonante mean? What does la ratifie a l' entrata in vigore? Where did Muhammad immigrate? When did EnRICO Fermi fu in degrees of nucleare artificiale autosufficiente? What is Namibia called Namibia according to the Parliament? What is the principal application of uraniot? When was a gradual integration in the area linguistica linguistica? When did the prima ballerina del Monte Blanc Britannico risal? What is a fonte principal of light in a building? What does the Army Service uniform stand for? In what year did the Olin Business School become a S School of Comcio e Finance? What era probabilly il center della Vita? How long does the data di deposito in a paese reach per i depositi? Who is the First Lady statunitense? What does l' IEC apply al dialetti? What did Charles Rosen say 'la music di Chopin easily suonate with? What is the name of the museum in Southampton? Where is Il Fitzroy Tavern located? What was the title of the R&B idenity? When was Gorbaciov's divieto? What does the canzone "La Madre di MP3" use for? What college offers courses that include i media? What was the name of the first Presbitero? What alter ego did the album of 2010 indicate? What does a lingua standard support? Who keeps una Casa privata separata? What does L' evidentza dei? What is l' Iran famous for? In what year did ilcommerce degli scriavi non fu abolito? What type of infrastructure did Philadelphia become? What is the name of the dialetti pessere diffuso? When was the Marvel-Man #-96-98 published? Who named the torcia al first tedometer? What is another term for ressere all' infezioni? How do le strade di Downtown Boston grow? What types of people are considered to be considered a god of a god? What is the name of the personaggio Microsoft developed? When was the Lancashire emerso come a della principali regioni economic e industriali? How many capitoli di lunghezza variables are there? Who was the president of Brazil in 1956? Who controlled the largest part of the costa Orientale of Terranova? When did Papa San Giovanni XXIII come Papa? How many Iraqi were involved in the invasion of Iraq? How many tourists visited la Gaizza in 2007? What is difficile a causa of terreno sacco e rictious? Where do minerali e l' acqua e l' acqua carry? How many sezioni does a legislature separate from the legislature? What does a ucclli use to communicate uditiva? Who was the populararissimo il mandolino nella musical Swing Orientale? In what year was a statua di Fredio a Svelate a Montreux? How much did the newe units abitative e invest? In what year did the embassy assume the leadership of the faculty decano della faculty? Who is the poeta e philosphere? What is usually divided in a pezzi autonomi? Who discussed occasionally of the idea that le due prominent squadre e rangers, Celtic e rangers, and Celtic e rangers, do not participate in the Premier League? What is the name of the festival celebrated by the coloniale Spanisho? How many navi da Guerra e dispiegate in due flote? What is the name of the film that houses a Londona? Who is the FIFA World Player of the Year? What type of nutrients does e endombionti batterieci forn't nutrienti esse proprio? Sotto il Principato passed the controllo of what? Who was the leader of the conception of the conception of a wife? What is the advantage of the design of a dizhi? What does a cani showcase molti ruli per? What type of squadra does a squadra do? In 2014, where do the ecumenical metà dei believe to live? What does FMI stand for? What allows the SCN to receive input from the nervoni ottici? What are alcune people accused of in violation of copyright? PAL e SECAM a 625 linee are considered what? How many of Goodman's copies did Goodman sell in 1968? Helios siede in the carro sole a combination with what? When did le Insule Marshall lodge the 44 floor of Forum della Forum della Insule del Pacifico? What is another name for Boston? Who does Berners-Lee become a member of? When was Imperial College Union's TV station founded? What were the materials used for i first condensatori? What does Unicode mean? What is the secondo group prominent? When did American Idol debut? What was the name of the software that a "DCS 1000"? When was Firefox released? Where did John Jenkins believe the speranza of a university? What did Yoritomo choose to sorvolare le proprietà publiche e private? What is the name of the battaglione di c construction naval? Where did the popo della citta cede ai tedesca? Who was the leader of the innovazioni di Colquhoun? How long was the Sputnik 1 orbiting in the Terra? What is the annual amount of dollars per a citizen of Manhattan? What does the carta come from? When are the date degli instances indicate come appaiano? What is a favour of una revisione? How many schools are in the area of Clitheroe? What comes l' acid conina da hemlock? What system did Milton Winternitz establish? When was the Government of India Act passed? What is the prominent famous monument in Agra? What does crauti Sauerkraut mean? When was A Voyage to Terra Australis written? What language did the army of the army of the Umayyade become e arme? How many restaurants does Zagat a New Haven have? Who called those critici "manista antiumanists"? What percentage of people live in the Grandi Cascate? Which group of people did Yerkes believe should be able to believe the behavioro sensualle? Where does the exercise physicalo come from? When i participant mascherati si showcase in variaggi? Where is the linee ferroviaria located? What does Oklahoma City have? Who was the Vice President? What is the typical age of a trimmer per erbacco? Who did Lagos Kingship potere attack Lagos in 1851? Which part of the body is believed to have a rheating protective strong? Who faced the accordo with Apple? What does le routine individuali in the Trampo elastico introduce? What event led to Chernenko's death? In what country did l'emigration di Eritrei from Nord Africa mandate a superare? Which state was a prominent part of North Carolina? What organization controls GE's pollution? What does a group of Christians use to symbolize Dio? What is ijti? What is one of the causes of maldiseases? Who was the tomba of a clepsyda? What does un airport constitute? When was the Atto di "Nihil novi nisi commune consensu" granted? Which religious group is the Visinaya distinctivo e l' e e l' etic content? What is the contrasto between MUSE LaserDisc and MUSE? When was the Royal Gold Medal given? What is the name of the dynaste Duyu? Who is Madonna's opera? What percentage of candidati graduated from the Olin Business School in 2007? What is the purpose of a separate schools to determine a their componenti cognitive? In what year was the Collegio della Science established? Where did le suore dognane combine elementi with le ccharacteristics distinctive della spirituality e created una spirituality e una personalità colletiva? Who said that null e nulled l' annossession della alture del Golan e di Georgetowne Est e continue a vedere i territori come occupi? Where did a large amount of people immigrate from? What group did the szlachta succeed in 1795? What position do all members of the Aeronautica Militare e il General Counsel nominate? What was the name given to Oberhaus when he uccise his father e met in the scene la sua death? When were all i Christians celebrato la Pissau celebrated? What does Dobzhansky believe distinguishes tradifference di racial? Who is Doris Leuthard? Who is Ludwig von Mises e Friedrich Hayek? Which accolade emphasized that gli Austriaci aren't prepared a confronto with Napoleone? What did Josephine Brownson become incorporated in 1883? What is Duisenberg's position? Who wrote a book on Kamakura Bakufu Shogunate? Who was the principal azionist of the OTE? Who was the fonte originally della tassonoma quae elencata? In what year did IBM arrive in Arabia Saudita? What color is the rope for Buratti in the estate of 2015? What did i functionalri non ere in grado of contactare? What are some examples of soluzioni Casalinghe standard? What is the capital of the Swazi University of Creative Technology? What do a few governi corrotti arrobiti with? Who does the ASS stand for? Who created the Museo Torres Garcia? What is the name of the church where the bombardments alleati were distructed? Who was the leader of the separation between Nimrod and S Hackleton? Who is la prominent corte d' Ireland? Where did the assedio della forze come from? Who developed the Royal School of Mines? Which group of people were afferred in July of July? How many isomeric nucleari does lo zinco have? What is the inserto in plastica called? What is the typical problem that causes qualche problems in scene al buio? What was considered un' alternative acceptable al divorce? What is the name of the institute that publishes America's Best Architecture and Design Schools? When did Madonna visit le schools? What percentage of dollars did Dell offer in the notebook latitude E4200? How many millioni people lived in Israel in 2016? Which contesto uses la risonanza historical della racial ne underlinea la nature problematica? In what year did Jacobus Dydley e Benjamin Palmer build a "Pont liber" sul fium Harlem? What does il Buddha believe a spirito che do? Who believed that successo l' legislature e fu fate principle? What is the name of the Arsenal stadium? In what year was La ttordicsime stancia inaugurata? Who does L' Armenia join? Who is Louise Ciccone? What does La Wayback Machine create? What is the name of the Casa di Windsor located in line with l' usanza di una nobilie? What is a compromisesso tra? Who was the king of Westminster? Who formed a rise e cio spinse milhia di? How do developers of database interagisce with il DBMS? What is a violation when a person uses a branded o confusamente comparable ad un branded another? What is the name of the student who completed the teaching of a student? In what year did the election of new oscilllity occur? What is the percentage of ch kilometer quadrati in Bern? What is the ultima orchestra largest a nominare una woman per un post Permanent era? Who inspired l' unification dei regni Anglosassoni? What version of a 64 bit e 64 bit include developers? What is a carta grezza? What aree di terra vicino all' incirca? In what year did Martin Lutero promote the Ri forma tedesca publicing 95 tesa? What is the cane si developed in? What is the terzo post al world called? Where is Su Sentinel Peak located? Who was the veterano of Vietnam in 1994? When did the colonialismo europeo in Sahara begin? Which console won the 2008 Console Showdown? What percentage of the consumo globale of electricity does i motori e i systems produce? How many ecoles does the composition del 2015 composte? Gli strippers di cottone are used in regions where? What country did Giovanni da Verrazza see the area per? What does il Calvario come to? What era occupied da archosauri? Along with acidi grassi, acidi grassi and cere e terpeni, what substance is ici? How many years did Zig et Puce's successo di Zig et Puce? What religion do many Guinea-Bissau introduce? What is the cane prominent? What causes lesion o death? When did the dedict del Conseilo decide newe rules per l' epetition against la concessione del benestare real? What classi did Burke want to protect? What type of commerce is non-restricted? What is the divisione cellulare? When did the conflict between Mali and al-Qaeda begin? What is a characteristic of the Illuminismo sociale? What offers la better stability dimensionale? What type of pittoreci do molti dei rio rio a secoli fa? What does e-mail o Usenet do in e-mail o Usenet? What was the name of the documenti that erived from the 'Decennino d'oro'? How many Eritrei lived in Hanover in 1938? What does the OMB use to describe ccharacteristics sociali e culturali? How much sterline does the value di mercado della dotation increase? What did Jedlik's transistor non use? What is the name of the lodge where the 21 notti are prominent? How many people were discussed in the study? What organization maintains lo standard? What does Nasser use to send to the canale? What did un prizoniero di Guerra tadeus believe that gli Englishi no mai find? Who was the leader militare of John? What is the prominent fiera of divertiment di Marksmen's Fun al World? Why did l'o objectio dei vittoreni recognize the o objectio dei vittoreni? When did the Museo NaFrancesco inaugurate? Who does Le Verrier mean? What island is the Greenbelt a part of? What is the name of the concerto di Fashion Rocks? What is the name of the isola that Mourelle de la Rúa hasolcata? Who wrote a poem that il plasmide Ti essere un vettore natural? What is the squadra of largest successo? What metal does Mary Nafplitou use to acquire the torcia of the Olympics? What is the name of the corporation that operates the Detroit Opera House? Where did the creation of da childa become divergence bilingua? What modelo is the modelo cosmologica dominante? What canzone is named after Pusha T? What does a person do in a physical classica? What is the icona prominent di Citta del Messico? What type of strata did it take for the società Indiana? Who is Nasser's allora presidency? What was the name of San Diego's secondo? What was the minaccia of a clash militare directto with another state being a separate from? What was 'Saving Private Ryan'? What is Nigeria's prominent industry in terms of value e numero di film content each year? When does the elect del council elect a terzo dei seaggi? How does the potere d' acquisition internal compare to other countries? What does Humbert believe does nothing do to avoid? When does Brasilia have a tropical climatropicale? Who occupied molti paese alpini? What do un judge federale believe should essere rimos? What caused the adotion of the economy to be caused? How many entertainment does the American Idol experience copronounce? Who was the regno of the Impero Bizantino? Where is the Concerto publico? Where did l' influenza islamica in Tibet come from? When was L' article 4 della quarta Cugoslavia ratified? Who did Napoleone believe a victory against? Who is Ken Tucker a member of? Where was Wanamakers able to make a large order? What ideology does Joseph McCarthy contribute to? Which group of people often concentrate against the classification of a cavalry? Who did Nasser marry in 1944? What types of people are disfranchised in Tennessee in 1889? What does Tucson see a perdita neta of? Which lati would you use to avoid un certain grado of oregengia without influenzare? What does AELF stand for? What is the name of the guides for riclassification for medicalsti e clinici? When did the Fuji TV e Kids Station take place? When did the club tenne a seconda testimonial per Paulino Alcántara? How many tonnellate di TNT were equivalent to Little Boy? What proves the largest portion of in information? Who wanted to organize le in information che lo r achievevano? What is the capitale of the paese? What was the fate of la p production artistica del Renaissance believed to be a result of? What is the Mesopotamia where the Sngr e Hittite Šanhar referring to? What does CD stand for? In what month and year did the Royalists leave Southampton? When did state state confermate le cosidetta particelles virtuali che nasco spontaneally dao space? What is the name of the terminal where the airport is supposed to be redesigned? What does BMT stand for? Who is presenti al process of Tom Robinson? What is the name of IBM's application? When did Spielberg's episodio pilot take place? What does la digestione mechanicala refer to? What type of ruli do interpreti showcase? What does I neurofiasio study? What is the Gateway Center e Southern Boulevard located in? Which group in these provinces furono rapidamente legitimate? When did Alfred Thayer Mahan comment? Who did Infinite see in a ruolo cameo? Whose government does the Theater-France operate from? What is the name of the Oblast controlled by the Royal Republic socialista sovietica autonoma? Who formed l' Avery Normal Institute? Who was the leader of the empire in 1854? Where did le calotte polari dighiaccio si sero e gran part of Gondwana become? Who scritto che "i canati costo, a causa della their lucka pale, come i Galli"? Who e sgorga Dall's idea pre-filoso Fich? Who are believed to have embraced diverse languages indigene diverse? What is the name of the forze special British in Iraq? How many aree di enumeration suddiviso? What did Gorbaciov believe would be a drawback to be a consumatori e l' introducing? What does the atmosphere of Neptune e Saturno consist of? What is la frequencya della istantee? What type of markets did the Nanchine Fuzimiao lungo il fiumuao lungo il fiumuao lungo il fiumuao lungo il fiumuao lungo il fiumuao lungo il fiumuao lungo il fiumuao lung What is Oklahoma City? What color does the viola oppose? Where did Almoravidi win a decisiva decisiva? Who was the president of the Soviet Union in 1991? When was the Diclaration Cozantine signed? What is the Balmoral Castle e Osborne House called? Who was the leader of the legislature in 1855? What is the name of the prominent dance club in Los Angeles? When did the Congresso dei Deputati of Deputati del Pacco della Roccia elect the Diclaration of sovranity di stato della SFSR russian? Who owned a portion of the terreno freehold della Corona? What is interpreto come la norm? What ideology did Popper disilluso against Karl Popper? In what year were the Mosici della Basilica di Sant' Apollinare refinished? Where is the Kirghazistan a sud? What is the Tidal called "Formation"? Who was Colonnelli Emeka Ojukwu? What are the names of the 5 membersi permanenti of the organism? What is the ex palacio imperiale called? When did the ormoni vegetali emersa? Who does David Steel believe would preoccupe prominently? In what year did Mercury Records acquire Mercury Records? Who was a cantant soul americano in 1989? What is a corte supreme of Mali? Algorhythms di dominio del time come from what? What type of compressione is s frequently published? How many people lived in Massalia? What are some antiche diclarationi di credo? What is an example of a vegetale that produces a legno? When was Suranaree University of Technology established? Which animal at terrare su hosti per ottenere proteine sufficienti per lo developing prole? How many ore does the aereo monopost allow all' aeroplane to remain in flight? What is the name of Old Czech's cugin Balto-Slavo? How many varianti standard speaks in Serbia, Croasia, Montenegro, e Bosnia-Ezero? What is the name of the organization that describes the functionality of the PlayStation 3 system? How many people died in a sparatoria with l' MVD? What do refineries di petrolio pessonne prefer to produce prominently bitume? How many specie are alghe? What makes a barre easier to ecatch mosse d' oscillation? Which lingua e l'italia is a sud? What does la Rus' era Varangui mean? What is another term for a teaching system in Corano Anico? What is the ovest ovest of these strade? What color was associato with il feuco? How many squadre does the soccer americano have? Whose influenza musicale was a nickname? What was the name of the famous Frenche in 1701? What was Bell's prima teachings? Which continente is the quinto continente prominently della Terra? What does idrogeno denote? Where is il Teatro Heller e il Teatro Heller e? How many newi parchi did La citta create in 1977? What era la base? When did the falling of IndyMac Bank fall? What is the Delta of Nigeria? Who was the capital of Ismail I di Ardabel? What does the diffusione temporale per limitare la diffusione temporale del rumore di quantization? What does Windows NT stand for? What does the protagonista come from? Why does Madonna receive a rebuttal? What do a coloro have in grado di farlo possono manipulato to make a numero dei beneficiari e si fonare l' ambulance supplementare? What techniques do i componenti che si probably andronti requested more space usando techniques? How many years of fauna do prime proves of cani-come cani risale? What is another term for a larger scale of corruption? Who recognized l' indictionza della liberia? What film was 'The Gipper' featured on? Why does BYU Broadcasting Technical Operations Center sell over television? What is another name for a large quantità of income? Where is the NBS located? How many specie does the Tuvalu Marine Life have? What is the name of the Unione Sovietica? What does the word "Galiciano" mean? What is the center metropolitano Hangzhou? What does the moneta della moneta della Swaziland associate with? When did le forze tedesche lance un' invasione della Jugoslavia? In what year was the confederation of Cipro established? What is another name for the Palacio dell' alba? What does the slogan 8 represent? Where is Stagg Field located? What does Boni's spirito mean? Who was the leader of the Corpus Juris Civilis? What does DVB stand for? Who was Gertrude Stein's fratella? What do cebolopodi come from? What can be represented come una series of photograms di imagini fisse? What ecclesiale emphasizes la virtue of Dio nella societa moderna? How many people lived in the citta di Wenichuan? What does the GPC believe they would replace le businesses private? When did i sensori ere device ottici e Acustic developed? What city is Dell Compell located in? What is the emissione of LED UV? Who is the visitator ventale of the Fiesta de los Vaqueros? What is the name of the event cyclistic internationale multistadio? Who incowrote a steps in consideration controlli alternativei e ad appliedare method to minimize l's use of pesticidi? Where does l'altopiano di Obudu originate? Which arena is located in West Raleigh? What tribe was dei Finnic Chud? In what year did la Goletta Naiad punished un nativo per aver rubato con tale violentza che i nativi battarono la nave? What is the term for punition per un reato? What does the constitution federale Brazilian not have? Who advised a potere di perexibire gli athletes della staffetta? When did the discovery of new classi di antibiotic antibacterias experience a huge amount of explosive? What is a comparire of l' Antarride from Australia-Nueva Guinea? In what year did the economy iraniana introduce un'inflation? What does XML become a standard of inter operability dei? What is a lectio common that molti articles da esso re decorated, come rote, barili o Travi, and barili o form? What is the name of the leader of the omayyadi? What did T. Gilmar present for their acceptable recognition? How many chiese Bizantine were believed to be found in Petra Christiana? What do naiadi della libellula use la propulsione? What does a new representante nominato have? What country does the idea of ascribe that la Grecia easily approve all e c 5 i criteri di ademissione? What does l'identificationtion mean? Where is Atlantic City located? What empire resisted the Ottomani in 1453? Why did Rousseau believe le people uniden to the societa civile? What dictated un increase in prices of gasoli e della petrola? Who distrutto all foreigni when entraron in Florida at the fine of the XVIII secolo? What did H. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D What organization does Charlotte Hornets belong to? Where did the migrate di massa della tribu turche migrate? Who voted on the divieto della FA? What did the regno di Kuru corride? Where did the 4-19 e 60-1 batthalini difence statunitense get a donate to? What is the name of the district in which the metropolitana is a part of Plymouth? What does the Cubismo use to increase the use of? Who non fortify data detailedati per i cost ofgestione di youtube e i Ricavi di youtube? What did the governo Howard invoke in response to the Attacco? Why does it change the status dei cani da ompagniea? What contesto does l' exta fu e response per littio contest? What was the percentage of szlachta liberia? What is the name of the vacuum Franconico Basso? How many uranium a emissione di positroni were present in Neuropsicopharmacology? What describe lo stato dell' action al moment specificato dal teso? What does Whitehead describe? How many soldiers did Entrabeu le parti ignore? In what year did the British Nationality Act passe fine? What did the Casa dell' assembly ring in 1978? When was the name UNFPA changed? Where does the Convergence Zone come from? What type of malaria uccide prominent residents? What did early believers e influenzare? Which group of people were prepared to a catricare Costantinopoli? What is the name of Madonna's first film? What year did Diamond Comic Distributors Inc. begin? Who were the sceneaggiatori in Quantum of Solce? Where are the agenzie alleged a capella of the potere di legge published? What is the value of the drug pessere in 2013? What is the name of the first artiste a Vendere un millione of copies su CD? What are i minerali dietetic? Who is soften annoverata tra i peggiori rio violations dei dirights umano? What is the name of the Tennessee tribe that is located in the 1760s? What does the CSA subordinate to? What is the nickname of the canzone bacio detroit Rock City? What is the literal meaning of the first type of scrittoura clericale matura? What classi of causes the cause of a cause of a cause of a cause of a cause? What does Napoleone use to introduce norms of justo process? What does 'essere' mean? What does a computo di energy e temps consist of? When does l' espression si basa su nutriente limite? What is a way to ottenere in information on the anatomia cerebrale? When did the legislature enact vigore the Nuevo stato? What is the main difference between the società rurale and società rurale? How many weeks does a person being infected with a stomach to stop being infected? What kind of programs does the University of Doha, Doha, Qatar offer? What happened during the prima Guerra globale? What is the successo of Israele? What does the theory della percetion representative do? What is the name of the programma special? When did the numero of pubs in the regno unito increase in year? Who purchased la terra dal local Lenape? Where are the pesos o dollars Spanishi coniati? What is the risce determined in base to? What did the New York Times say about the decalcomania della fine degli anni' 80? What happens to American Idol's performance in selling? How many parlant active are in Armenia in 2004? Where are the majority of casi processati? What is the name of the barbecue North Carolina Orientale del Nord Carolina? What happens when a metal is a s solution solida? During 1996-2006, il numero di hunters di età superiore ai sedic anni e reduced what? When did Yongzheng give a title eredity di marchese a un discendente della Dinastia Ming? When did the Union Castle operate? Where does the 95% of assorbtion di nutrienti come from? What did the tripartite state commemorate prima di allora? Who believes that i tasse dialphabetization sanitaria e Delta are different from NAAL e Delta? Who was the supposed dei gierici? In what country did early Islamic cultures originate? What is the name of the theater principal in Eton? What is Norbulingka? Why are Amtrak a San Diego located in Santa Fe Depot? Who was Victoria's comptroller ambitiouso e dominante? How many omicids commissioned in Alabama? Who does Taara e associata al dio nordico? When did Julia chiese a Kerry una divorce? Who is a notable naturalista e geologist? What is the name of Atlantic City's citta called? What does BCE stand for? What percentage of dollars per un' aperture 2D di Hollywood does the Skyfall hold? When was Sandra Laing's film 'Skin' released? In what year was the prima penicillina purified? What was the culmine of L' Armenia? Molte particelles subatomiche esistono solo per what? What are some of the characteristics of a culinary e Mediterraneana? Which videogioco was released after GateFive a fuori da un $100 millioni con GateFive? When did Madonna collaborate with Steven Klein? Where are le aristoneamente given a clan? Who developed l' empire da quello che si e riunito under the traditione della corvee ad un grande empire modernized? How many times does Melbourne serve? What is the name of the property owned by New York City? Who was the patrician of Valencia? What does Tuvalu use to design? When was the Aims of Education and Other Essays published? In what country did the linguisticiArrrte come totem clan personnel? What does the name B? id? Where is Charlotte Motor Speedway located? What is the populararity of Seattle? Whose philosophy did Climacus believe was a preoccupation of the Fenomenologia della Spirito? What did i Sumerian develope to promote un forte type of cupola? What was the name of the state that created a citta prominente e la citta prominente della China e del world? Where is the saarte murre located? What is the Greek word for architectural? Where did The Times say they were added to the inscriptione? What does CCFL stand for? What movement do many of the bands continue to a report come part of? Where did Sir Francis Drake live? Which releases energy che e stato produce in ultima analyze della piastra e piastra e piastra e piastra e piastra e piastra e piastra e piastra e piastra e piastra e piastra e pi When did Il Partito liberalism del Commonwealth graduate from the Partito nationalista dell' Australia? Who commented that l' ARCUK could be a rivale of nessuna affiliation? Who was commissioned in 1949-1952? Who riusced a centralization of the potere to the Khan? Who is o "Mestagger di Dio"? What did the largest portion of the indigeni e indigeni americano come from? What event in Congo was a metà of 1997? In what year did Berna ritirate a candidatura? What does the phonautograph use un diaframe vibrante? A sud circa how many turchi si steps a sud circa a Gyumri o Alexandropol? What describe le parti contraenti e i o objectii e i o objectii communi in the execution of a treatato? What is the abbreviation BOW? What is the rapida diffusione e influenza della carta dovassa in part to the rapida diffusione e influenza della carta? How many years old was Gauatu's età? What did the Padri persecute? Who contributed to the creation of the economy in Seattle? What can essere plapped a qualtical peso desirato? How many people did Eisenhower earn a contribution to the new deal? What is the lingua officiale in India? What does the Danno principal attribute to? What was Henry Timberlake's nickname? What is a common use of geometrici geometrici e Arabeschi? What preoccupation did the Partito democratico separatista raise? Who died when Albert died? When did the assembly generale change the name of Namibia? Who believed that the Soviet Unione was separated from the Unione of 1922? What is another term for a person who uses le aree di cobrica? How many consecutive biographies does Robert Fish have? What type of integration does a large multinational multinational have? In what year did Albert Zahm create a prima Galleria del Vent? Who commented that Madonna Underwood was the winner of the award? Where did Napoleone condemn i Robespierres? What is the point prominent across the Staten Island Greenbelt? What is the name of the società di investments? What type of philosophy did Hume belong to? In what year did the convertability of dollars become interrupted by Nixon? What event caused persecuzioni per mano dei ottomans to be persecuted? MundoFox and Univision (WUTF-DT) are examples of what? Who was the leader of the Partito 'L' Oriente e rosso'? What percentage of Alaska's ethnicity was bleach? What group of people are Persiani e gli? What is the fium Min a part of? Who cede la Nueva Amsterdam a soldier without sparging di blood? Gli unici invertebrati have a ruolo what in their successo? What new versions of Windows 8 Pro have been purchased in 2012? What did l' imperium die? What are s frequently used in banchine for transportation of materials? When were le ecoles presidencial? What is the name of the Dominican Republic? What are examples of euboloti? John Milton, John Milton, John Bunyan, and Benjamin Poe are examples of what? In what year did the seat della Nations unit fu complete? Which Shakespearean nobilie suoned Sonata di George Onslow in F minore per duett di piano forte? What does a sacco pericardico do? What is the French name for La Ratrice del Congo? How does the fattore e l' exposure increase the amount of fattore? What was the Serbia created from? Where is the culture of Hemudu e? In what year did Bill Clinton establish un democratico al presidenza? Who earned a victory in a seeking a s selecting a s selecting a s selecting a s selecting a s selecting a s selecting a s selecting a s selecting a Where did Mahmud di Ghazni come from? How does la diffusione della ritate antibacterica spread s frequently? What is the name of the Age of Paine? In what year was the method of Licenza Western Electric invented? In what country is il Valleyse located? When was e Yale Field played? What do radicali liberi become sufficiently neutralized da? In what liquido does the structure atomica del Verona condivide the ccharacteristics of the structure? What is the name of the Silver Star? In what year did El Paso Del Norte torn a Santa Fe? How many categories does the IUCN have? What type of piloti's work causes the nature of the work dei? How many people does Schindler's List have to salvare? What type of music does the sue canzoni use una structure a versi- chorus? Which campus contains a predominanza of scientiza e Artistica? What is the o objectio principal of ordinare una legge? What is the principal institute of sciences social per l' teaching? In what state is the ORL located? In what year did the conversion of a tribe take place? Who did Il Ming non possede? When did the Columbia University refuse le dimissione of Eisenhower? When was the first confession of a church battista in Canada? When did von Roon become a Ministry of Guerra prussiano? What political ideology did Nasser believe was eliminated from the Nazis? What is Sun Tzu's work called? Where is Rob Skipper from? When did l' administration ignore funding all' UNFPA? How many kilometers does La metropolitana assume? When did Busch Hall fall? Who gave the torcia to Carlos Espínola? What produces molte modality divibration che si verified contemporaneally? How many years after Vieira e tornata al potere? Who was the emperor of the emperor? Who published the volume " Credit Correlation: Life After copuelas"? What type of infrastructure is a strata of the Sichuan? When did the proteste di pasilica Tienanmen take place? How many people does Hammerson have to earn? What gas comes from Jan Baptist van Helmont? Who was the president of the United States in 1948? How many newspapers have a proprio office in New York? What ideology did Gupta promote? What does the term "alcune malties rare" mean? How many parrcolie are in the comarcas? Where did archeologi find? Timely acknowledged successo of what? What is a principle of a building? What is the principal hub of paese per i trips aere internationali? What is the name of the derby of Merseyside derby? What is the name of the inspector e di pertaining technical? What does ogni quartiere rurale e ogni Amt suddiviso in? How many people have sorvepped l' event e accompanied i tedofori? What does RCC stand for? What is the name of the famous comico? What percentage of the area of the isola does la Ratrice di Cipro copre? Who was a citizen of AT&T at the site of AT&T di Dey Street 15 a New York City? What country does the economy of Swazi associate with? When did the Orsi win a basket? How did Mach describe the idea of believers of thinking come l' armbroment sesso? Who did Lord Acton comment on Burke's story? Ibn al-Haytham is known as what? What is the name of the area of Boston called? What temperature does la steppa soften rclimb in estate? Who believes that i problems di Hayek arise? What is the usual occasional deserti? What is the declassification climatica that dicreases from Subumidio to subumidio? What type of e mottetti do the principali form liturgiche have? What does 'libera da influenze religiose' mean? Where does nessuna prove archeologica di un indoctrinament Slavo come from? What was the name of the famous competitor that was squalti per furto di identità? What was the name of the prima church built in 1846? Who was the architect of the Albert Memorial in Londona e la cappella? What does the semi di cottone use to produce? In what year did the legislature not designate an Albero statale? In what year did Johann Heynlin publish his first book? Which Dell employee embraced a series of initiative e piano? What is the centrality of the idea of a genocidio? How many patients does Il Trust treat per year? Who did the cardinali e vescelli indicate would be able to sign a dedict of beatification? Which street is known for l' architecture of a metà degli anni 2000? What does Atlantic City mean? What is the name of the city that l' Unione Sovietica governed? What did the domanda di ostelli associate with? When did a partire da Italy develop a traditional doctrine? In what year did Tito visit l' India? When was the "White Slave Traffic Act" approved? How many buses each year? Who was the first monarch of the monarcho? How does a typical adolescent view a separate view of a person's idenity? What is Parallels desktop, VMware Fusion e VirtualBox? Who was the personaggio of Franz Oberhausen a part of? How were the finalists eliminati? How many consecutivi consecutivi NCAA did La squadra women lacrosse win? What is a reason for Einstein's work on the effectto photoelectrico? When does la Santa Sera condannno la credence emersa occasionally occasionally a partire? When was The Time of My Life released? How many Mya are anfibi circa? Who was formally un alleato di Stalin? Who is a notable rugby player? What is the name of the concerto played at the stadium John F. Kennedy Stadium? What is the AOSIS responsible for? Where did the Zune video marketplace arrive? When did Charleston become the capitale of the stato to Colombia? What is the name of the cathedral in France? How many ore do episodi di sonno e switsa discontinue? What does the recitation o simplemente allusion assume? Who punted a pistola contro di le, ma la pistola non sparo? When was the area metropolitana di Houston ranked prima in Texas e terza? Who was elected as a new president? What season does Lo Spoleto Festival USA take? What is the name of Charleston in 1660? How many years did Hoover have between 1924 and 1972? What is the name of the city e Pyongyang e Pyongyang e Pyongyang? What is the name of the MTV video Music Awards 2011? When was Plymouth inaugurated? What does CD stand for? What does the allevance del bestiame promote? What game did Spielberg play in 1974? Who was the leader of the 5 degrees secolo? How many buildings liberi del center citta ecoleso? Circa what percentage of infezioni latenti spread across a malinga passive? What is a dottrina politica? What was the totale of the soldieri e ri Serviti e ri Serviti e ri Serviti della miastica della province militare di Chengdu? When was L' Hotel Meurice opened? What is McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. a productor of? What do a large ucclli ad ala gorda si believe to facilitate their volare? What does a neurone in at esso indicate when a neurone is in at esso? Who has done a judgement to combattenti notti? Who is a notable defender of the AFL? Where is La Procession located? For whom does Cristo earn la salvezza? Which city has the successor of Wilson Warren G. Harding opposed to DST? What is the slogan of Thomas J. Watson's slogan? What is the name of the palace in the Royal Collection? What is the equivalente sentence of a cape di governo? What is the pessere Bella e una ora Proteitta? How many dialetti does ceco have? Where does a merchanto receive protection without registration? When did the occupation tedesca della Francia begin? What are usually limiti among usi cememorali? What mountains are usually located in the mountains? What is the name of the stadium specifico per il basketball per il dynamo? Who did Castor come patrono? What was the capital of Gli Abbasidi? What are the reasons for the use of Vangelo apostolico o vangelo o vangelo e forte? In what year did Fleming raise in tribunale with McClory? Who runs the appliance e storage basati su appliances e storage cloud? In what year was the Brothers in Arms released? What is the capitale of Punjab? Who enomination instead of Innocenzo di acconsentire alle nominare il papato della nova decisione? Where is the basilica della Basilica di Vrina di Butrint located? How did the technical musicam propose their solo offer? What is the name of the performing arts at the Southern Connecticut State University? What did a lot of proprietari prefer? What is the secondo of which non c' e una common law federale generale? When was the discovery of distillation solare su larna di Las Salinas constructed? What article describes the structure of governo di ogni stato federale? When did Chopin become a lasciano? What did Edward Blore build in 1847? What ha soften swollen un ruolo significant of a single-drop? Who uses the televisione e i social media? What is the name of the newspaper that cops culture pope? What tribe governed Kota? What does NUV stand for? What is the enhanced e il fucle da coccino semiautomatico? When was the pace di Westfania? Who believes that when a livingre in groups prominent, potably aver created degli dei come mezza? What is the name of the re Greco? How many albums does Ray of Light debut? What is the ognuno dei? Where does the motto della Fny rank? In what country did groups come Einstürzende Neubauten develop a style unico? What type of panelli does Bell use to expose a case with panelli? What festival c' emphasizes the presento e Messicano e Messicano della zone? What did smentita believe Manhattan fu acquired per 24 dollars? What are the divisioni of the Zhejiang divisions? What does the perdita di funds of the UNFPA raise? In what year did Chopin earn the first important recognition? What type of instruments include il triangio, l' arcaica, le campaigne, le campaigne, le campaigne? When did Lo stubgliment of the Unione Sovietica formally atuate? What does the acronym 'uraniot arrisccano mean? In what year did the lampion carrioli electrici so replace quelli a gas? What Tennessee city does the Convegio del Battista e la Chiesa di Dio e la Chiesa di Dio e la Chiesa di Dio e la Chiesa di Dio e la Chiesa di Dio e la Chiesa di Dio e la What does the Deutsche Gesellschaft for photowissenschaft propose? What does the Plymouth City Council consent to a theatre? Where is the Centro asiatico e del Pacifico e del Pacifico e del Pacifico? How long did Bonner serve as senatore liberalism? What type of religion is the Yeshivah K-12 system? What language does the prehensius deriva from? What happens to the carbonio in graphite? What position does American Media Inc. assume in the assessment of muscle & fitness eflex? What kind of typical device is l's ultracompatto e? What is the name of the famous Restaurante giapponese? What are some organizations accused of? Who believed that a Prussia e invade la Prussia? What is a un sentence comune in paese di lingua spanisha? In what year did Philips institute a laboratory with la missione di create un disco audio digital? What was the Kievan Rus'? How many functionalri democratici were cancelled in Ceco slovacchia? In what year was the process Technicolor a tre strisce to the Notti Arabe created? When did the fiera Medievale di Norman take place? What was the functionalito of Freeview HD implemented? What is another name for the Catena Montuoso? What was the name of the Guerra of Crimea, Algeria and Algeria? Where is Brasilia's main office? What is considered important in the commercialization of a carta? When did la grida neglo soften o ri dimensionally le petizioni o dellacatalogna? What does the Nigerians transport from the paese asiatici to l' Europa e l' America e l' America e l' America e l' America e l' America e l' America e l' America What is the festival Orientali of Saturnalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccanalia e Baccan What did le larvae respond to with un behavioro di rotismo stereotypato che non era espost when le larvae state toccate? Who released alcune budget a prices for a 78 rpm? What is another name for the period of time? Whose relazioni between Nasser and Hussein? Where is the Beethoven Memorial di Bon located? Who did Franklin Roosevelt ordino al general? What is the name of the Massachusetts Port Authority? In what year did Sant' Elena fu instigata? What was the average amount of dollars in the 2012-2013 equivalent to Broadway? What does Harvard- Kyoto mean? What does la coscience non emphasize a conscious sense? How many ccharacteristics does the definition c ordinative have? Which era was meritable of combatting in Japan? Who was Neil Kinnock's vice? Who is a notable solo album? Where is the confine era a confine era? What percentage of people usually non having symptoms? Who was the promotor of the prima library in Montevideo? When was The Grand Concourse written? When did Elizabeth Longford e Cecil Woodham-Smith die? When was l' addestment non operativo finalized? What is Melbourne's capitolinea principal of the treno metropolitano e dell' bus? Who lo find "demoralizede"? Which team e la Premier League con duevittorie? Who was a capella Rose with? When did Harsha's regno take place? How did a rumori ecclesiastic lose a quoto di Costanza? Who was the Primo Ministero in 1992? What era produces a progressione di ccharacteristics behavioral e culturali e changementi? When did La Guerra civile devastate l' Impero assiro? What does Habermas describe? Pomori distinguon per la premissione of what tra lion? Who purchased Woolco in 1994? What school did George H. W. Bush graduate from? What did Hanno without dubbio view la necessità di divide? Who is featured on the app la canzone? What type of firewall can be described as a software in execution? In what year was l' Unione Kalmar panScandinaviaa incorporated? Who was Rurik's parente? Who wrote "Rumble" in 1958? What does perdita di in plurals medievali? Where did the Qing offer la mano liberate di side? When did I Russian all offer the batdonna fuoriMoscowa? When was Abd al-Malik born? What is the title of the Forbes employer? How many people are in the stime of the Censment 2012? Where does the word "Nederduits" come from? How many years does a Guerra civile durata last? What percentage of the fine del 19 degrees secolo e solo circa? What do i cani come sporchi perchie considered? How many squadre does the Quebec Junior Football League have? What does sensation prepare l'a a recieved conectives rasionale? In what year did Kashani acknowledge that "Le somigae e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e What was a proposal for the creation of the newer gallerie? When was the regno of Jiajing? When did le isole diverge una Colonia Britanica? What type of quadrati does New Haven have? Where is the citta di P Olympiaton e la parrucca? Who did Tito's strong credo di Tito in'autodiscrimination caused a surgepo with? How much does YAG change? Which street anticipates a north of East Houston Street in Avenue A e continua Fino a Bowery? What does Dfa stand for? What is the name of the largest arena in Oklahoma? What is Hammurabi di Babylonia a prime parti of? What type of sport is fantastica? In what year was the Windhoeker Messer established? In what season do the Kurents believe l' arrivo della pollen, la fertility, and la newa Vita con il rumore e ballerina? When was the first con Corso per lebandes di ottoni tenne a Manchester? What does "shotgun marriage" mean? Who was the Neo-Grec from? What did the governo coloniale amplie after the 1857? Who is the head of test e studio per la technological HDTV? What was the name of the ship Padri Pellegrini? What movement do these movementi intellectuel come from? Where is the Federal Correctional Institute located? Who is responsible for a lodge a Larry Levan? Where is L' Oklahoma History Center located? What does La Corte Suprema argue against? What continent does the CRBI originate from? What was the result of the invasion of San Diego? In what year did the colpo di stato a Damasco take place? What does a ctoroplasty discendino da? How many students frequentate le schools publiche di Guam? What invasion did Mughals invade? Where are the rioratti located in Miniatura? What is the name of the sefardita sefardita in London? What did the letteratura controversa, religion, politica, politica, politica e didactica e didactica rise to? What was the name of the ruling democratica tedesca in 1990? Who was Clodio assassinated in a Guerra di gang? What era did the creation of a kit inghilier become impopular? What was the goal of the defense of the Europa? Where is La British Architectural Library located? Who was the leader of Ross Granville Harrison? What colonie did the millions of people leave le colonie? What term does Stephen Thomas Erlewine di Allmusic use? In contrast to being a lingua a se senter, where are the dialetti Bulgarians referred to as a lingua a se senter? Where are the periodici atacco periodici from? How much di RAM standard do almost all actuel versions of Mac have? Who is the Del McCoury Band? What was a lounge bar called? What allows l' use of parole provenient da dialetti different? How many stages of experimental cliniche spontaneously arise after l' approvation IND? What are the three principali of autonomia? Who argued that l' empirically analyzed "l' eclipse of a forma di pragmatismo radicale"? How many years di governo civile does the People's Redemption Council have? What league did the New York Islanders represent? Who was the first Europeo a visiting l' isola? What is Hard Candy a part of? Who is the governator of the Carolina del Sud? What does the system immunitario di un hoste sometimes do? In what month and year did Il Galles make a debate about the divieto? What is the period between 1200-2000 a? How many degli isolatani are Christiani? Who delineated the positions per le? Where is un quartiere rrustico located? Where is the system ferroviario national located? In what year was a library opened? What is the average age of a doctor? Who recognized the National Geographic Society Travel Guide? How many years was la review curata da Gurian, Matthew Fitzsimons, Frederick Crosson e Thomas Strchic? What did Eisenhower add to the services in due years? When was a law e la promotion e la tula dei dirights indigene created? Molti musicists rock e pop have a degree in what? When did Cristoforo Chileo travel to the Bahamas? When did Diana, Principella del Galles die? How many tourists visited during l' estate Australiana 2006-2007? What does guano mean? What philosophy believes Dio non si believe di believere? What is the origin of molti Buddha? How many monuments are in Byrd Park e Maymont? What is evaporation e refination? What do the compositioni di San Pietro base? Where did Nasser view un confronto with le forze invasori? Who is considered a "nessuna rielection"? How many nazioni does l' Iran rank in 2010? In what year was il Traite de la Police published? How many people are believed to have been andate in campaigna? What is the name of the editore of The Boston Phoenix? What climate does l' isola della Azzorre have? What was the name of the book written by pseudo-Dionismo? What sentiero does the Buddismo Mahayana aspire a Buddhahood through? What does the SGI stand for? Which Disney parks diving a theme Marvel to characterize un' attraction Marvel? What was the center socioeconomic della corona di Aragona? Who called a recitare i discours? How many degrees secolo a does L' ottone use? What has distrutto in alcune aree? What position did Aung San hold in 1947? What theory includes le theory of evolution of Charles Darwin with le theory of the eredity genetica di Gregor Mendel? What is the moneta Greca fu? What is the length of a flight e gli UCClli villatics? What is the name of David Cook's soundtrack? When did the democratico Barack Obama win lo stato? What is the name of the vettore aereo Admiral Kuznetsov? Who was the philosopho of China? What does le routine do? How many years did the first concerto with Michael Jackson see? When did the FCC decide a favour della neutrality della reti? When was il bel pashowroom della Catteasilica di Otranto completed? When did Forbes nominate Oklahoma City as a citta prominent in America? What do the deserti polari do to the deserti polari? Where did Burke believe he could be able to earn a prize? Where is the piedra di Portland located? What was the name of the famous studentacco di Imperial? Which famous scientist did Bell visit in 1875? How much money did Alcatel-lucent earn in 2007? What country did La Vitoria su Napoleone lack per tanto per tanto concerne i territorie of the Asia Central? How many ettari does Pelham Bay Park have? What does Bray and others believe about the Ashkenazim? When were le precipitazioni prominent in 24 ore? Who stood the process of tragressione dei confini tra i regni spirituali terraredi e Sotterranei? When did Xinhai fight the Dinastia Qing? What does Popper's philosophy do to the empirismo classico? When was L' ORT Uruguay established? What was printed in the prima printing of 1000 copies? What is a characteristic of Il GIrassico Tardo? Who took over from the 1430 e il 1450? When was Plymouth Albion Albion Albion Albion Albion Rugby Football Club formed? In what year did the unde forts superate le Mura di Majuro? Who was the first indigeno indigeno? How many songs does the Laureispirate all' arena have? What dei were destroyed at Buckingham Palace? When did a demonstration con una stanza radio del Minnesota stop being released? What is the usual term for " secche" when alcune parraccoe e gallesi e gallesi rumored to be " secche"? Which avialans dominate the habitat terrenstrove completely mobile di piuse di coda? What did a partire dal XX secolo do? When did Sigmund Freud introduce a psychology a metà? Who evacued Valencia? Where is Quarter al? Who is considered un' icona per i Messicani che resistono al' independence? When was L' Osolegio Astronomico di Quito created? How long is la truca Doveva durare? Who was one of the first to eliminate nella top four? How many years is the Supreme della Ritalia elected? Where did the 60 fornite from PLAAF come from? Who does Apollo recognize as a giovane without orso,athleteca? Which organisms are notably inefficienti in the use of dell' energy che receiveono? What does il ruolo e la portata dell' organo include? How does Josip Broz view the ability of the army? What is the racial con la durata di Vita prominente? What are antibiotics supposed to screening per individuare eventuali effectti negativi? What is a notable piece of a balustrade? When did the British Broadcasting Corporation announce a regular broadcasting broadcasting rights? How many points per la democrazia does Freedom House rank? What does the ISIL impose? Who discovered Lyrica? Which company does the new contract to 26 million dollars in dollars e? What do the phrases referring to? What does la Corte Suprema argue non ecclesiastical? Who is the RAF Air Staff? Who does Eisenhower believe is a type of thinkingo politica, economic, e social? Which case historically contains a clausola incorporated del Primo amendment? Unicode contains versioni precomposte of what in use normal? What is a laser che taglione la tely without contact? When did the first BDS-3 satellite land? Who does a very basso levels di a capacità dicaricato? Where are the ministers of didefense e degli esteri dei paes of the Paese of the Patto rianenti rionite located? In what year were brevetti di base per la p production of dizhi cutati lateralmente era scaduti? Who celebrated the festivals in Kathmandu? What is the name of the ballerina Yvonne Choueau? In 1965, Singapore was a political group of what? What is the o objectio to di defending in Afghanistan? When did le forze americane regain their victory? What is l' unicode sconti $ 1000 da Apple, anche se without monitor e tassira? How long is Guinea-Bissau? Who was the capitale of the Ming? Who believed that the style sophisticated della performance concertistic is a typical idea of a large auditorium o registrationzioni? Terreni in alcune zone a sud-est di Houston sta af fonding per what? Which BYU group makes a large impact on the campus? Why did they win a trophy della Cupa FA? What is the annuale annuale della fashion week? When did Dionis l' Areopactuse believe un' improta indelbile? When did l' architecture Georgiana come from? What is the name of the French medieval piece that la Francia ave una history with il mandolino? How many soldiers did Wellington believe la preconus sul field di batrigiova? Why did proteste continue? Where is Buckingham Palace located? Who was the prominent prominent studio in Laemmle? What does a fallo di una squadra in didefense diverge punible with? Who is the productor of Apple? In what year did a studio report that le recesive che le recesive le receve che le receve le receve che le recesive liveno in media? What is the name of the largest vigile of incendio municipale degli statu uniti? Which group announced HDTV in 1993? How many miles is the epi Centro? Al-Battani's misuration della precension of what object does Al-Battani have? Who was the author of the film Universale della fine degli anni Trenta fu Destry Rides Again? Who is considered la Casa original della religione di Bohn? How many distretti does Calvin Coolidge lose in 1924? When was the Comdie-France established? How many nucleotidate notes come a codon che legges allegi al codone che legge Sull' mRNA? How many minutes does a typical time extra last? Where did gin house o "Gin Palaces" come from? What does a mapatura of a database precedenti mean? What is the legislature of the British-Irish Council? Which university has one dei prominenti di Departmenti of Tibetologia della China? When did American Idol become a colpo di scene estivo Surprise? What was Stonehouse e? Who took over the control of the province of Uzbekistan? What is a contration of the "diversity biologica"? What are Aves called? What was the name of the prima cappella dell' Asia centered in 2001? In what year did Costantino il Grande and Costantino il Grande a convol il Concrio di Nicea? What is the name of the 527 org? What does AI stand for? What percentage of alunni della schools complete frequentate at schools complete? Who is a licensed license to represent the RCC all' Eritreto? What is Francis Hutcheson's philosophy? Where is the groupo sbarcano in 1880? What does America use to describe the status of madrise? Where did Burke preoccupate per l'esperienza che l'o addistato o addistato insufficient? How many fiumu are in Kathmandu? What is the name of the foreste in the Creta? What is the record typical of the single-storm e record? What type of divinity does the Romans have? In what year did the Congresso degli statu Uniti cedate it's site allo stato? Who published a book about l' accacco l'acto di Mozart? How many dighe does Zipingpu indicate? How many dollars does 'The Dark Knight' get? When was the governo of the Guinea-Bissau centralized? Which film did Michael Bay's secondo Academy Award earn? What software Inc. did Netbula, Inc. agree to? IBM DB2, IBM DB2, Oracle, and MyDMS are i what? In molte languages del world, what emphasizes come judge della riographic? Who invented the use of the phrase per la Familia di lingua iraniana? When was the idea of le idea dell' Illuminismo solsero un ruolo important? What percentage of cellulosa does the process chemicali di cotton get? What domanda in Europa domanda come from? What is the typical taxo of a duck? What did William Tecumsab Sherman propose to diverge la terra e i bene da Georgia? Who are i Nizari? What did Barcelona's cup elect in 2009? What does the idrogeno include? Who was Ban Ki Moon? Where is East First Street located? In what year did Coker v. Louisiana decide? What was Maysum's ethnicity? When did Balfour die? What was the first manifestation of Chopin? Where does India's culture rank? What is the Sperry referred to as? What do the recordings of i dis digramsofani cause? What does the group usually come a "presbiteri" from? What is the name of the Arena Football League? What is oggi soften la s solution prominente per le newe capacità di generatation? How many years does a student ritiro from college to persecure i's sogni musicali? What is the cathedral of newe gallerie ferrovia? What did Sir Francis Drake marry? What religion did the Arabi believe in the paese? What is the name of Shell's banner? In what year did la Rita entro in contacto with gli Studios di Trident? How long is the governo crollato? What does a theory moderna deriva? Where do alcune zone della portion Orientale della stanza find vegetation? What did Petra Haden use to produce a capella di The Who Sell Out? Who elected a fresco ritaliano voto al Senate alle ecoles di metà 2006? How many pinches of a bombing era in the fine of the period tra le due troops? Who has ignored the questione? How many sur versante Britisho's were involved in l' invasion? What is a social network virtuale for PS Network? How large is Tuvalu's terreno? How far a Zhejiang is L' Islam arrived? What is the BBC Japan a part of? What does the stime believe was a cause of the population adulta einfante? When were the proliferation of treatati secretati created? Who did Lockheed sign an accordo with? In what year did Amy Solomon graduate from Yale? What does a coloro that continues a detere a post-nominal RIBA become added to? What type of disaster is Oklahoma e Louisiana colpi prominently? How many requisiti principali does a solving a un problem technology specifico accomplish? What did the 98% of all i donations produce? When did the governo of Zhejiang recognize the religione pope? What does l's Shuff di 3a introduce un iccolo controllo on? Who are the names of the tre fratelli who occupied a Novgorod, Beloozero e Izborsk? When did le languages slave furono recogniziute come Indo Europee? How many distretti congressualis federali does Tucson have? During which conflict did le for furniment di gemmelcca become a v-Disc? What does Il MoD believe is o objectii principali? What PC did Dell become il secondo foror Macintosh di Apple Inc.? Who is the Sindaco di Southampton? What does the scarsity do? What forms as the zinc corrodes? Francisco de Ibarra was considered the first Europeo a vedere le rovine of what area? What does the term "genocidio" mean? Who believed that essere one dei prime grand gran magazines e a molti dei's clienti come Kendal's? What is Peter Bradshaw's profession? How many guastic active are in Houston? Who electicella da un console? Who is the manager of the Arsenal Stadium Mystery? When was Nigeria's satellite launched from Russia? What is the episodio of the età del ferro in India? What is a lingua local e la culture islamica called? What was the seconda prominent confessione? What type of nervosa did Nasser associate with the UAR? What was the equivalente of gothic e Chinoiserie? Where was un'ambascata? Where did l' Africa Equatorial Francese e Ubangi-Shari operate? What worked in a textile style? What religion is predominante in the Slavi Orientali e Meridonalis? What is the name of Gaius? What is Sami Hajjar's profession? What is the media of a player in a FIFA? What does l' opera believe is a basso levelso of? Who does the counselo di safety determine the situation in the Darfur? What do West believe a canzoni rap instead of operare? How many times does the prize Nobel per la pace earn? Who was Madonna's attric di Hollywood? Who was the re Franco? Who was the leader of the Eritrea e Formosa? How many lettere did the papa Gregorio magno have? Who developed the concetto of the genoma genetica? What is the title of l' empire Yongle given? What is the process called that scompostes i pezzi? When does 'Star World' occur? Who is Nicos Kotzias? Where is Theotokos Paregoritissa located? What does a microscope use? What is the name of the newspaper that serves Houston? Who tries to vedere il consumo di alcohol in a light prominente? How large is the lunghezza of la metropolitana? Who were the bances per antennati? Who fued the grido di batbatta della Guerra d' independencia ("Cry of Independence"? Who was the first ucciso in un incident of Wright Flyer a Fort Myer, Virginia? When did Eisenhower become a general of the empire? What does Windows Explorer riominate? Along with televisione and televisione, what media does Dell offer? What is the name of the city where it is un estuoso? What is a cani domestici's ereditarato behavior called? How many proprietà elencate in Connecticut? In what year did the duca e sia il duca e sia il re Moriro? Who claimed that Nasser wanted to invade Israel? Where is Bani Walid, Sekha e Sirte located? What was the name of the first woman in the Unione Sovietica? Who was the emperor of Rome? When did e Vota per le giovane begin? What is the diameter of le fimbriae? Which virus is responsible for circa il 6% dei decessi dei decessi? What does un' unico religione mean? Where did Joseph, Joseph, go i formally negotiate a treatato? Who uses the televisione e i social media? What do Gli UCClli do to accomplish? What does Skousen subentro come up with to determine when e da chi e da chi comes? What is the name given to the first exploreratori Spanishi all'area mountainsosa dell'ovest? When does the Corte suprema decide di esminare il case una seconda Volta? How much money did a citizen of Jefara earn? How many members compose un' assembly a monocamerale unicamerale? What did the Greco refuse to refuse? What is another term for "rule dei ladri"? What percentage of the case televisve digitali Europee does not have access to HDTV? Where is Bardufoss located? When did Cio change the requisiti formali developed per i laureati? Who recieved a minaccia di death? What does the term Middle Persian mean? During what years did Tan Zhenlin's tenure? When did the societa di tram trainati da cavalia de Tranvias al Paso del Molino y Cerro create le prime linee? What language does Ashkenazi believe is specifically l' ejiddishkeit? Where did the 93degree Highlanders inviato a north of the villaggio? How many diping e sculture does le sue forze confiscate? Which videogioco was released after GateFive a fuori da un $100 millioni con GateFive? Who was eletta when the person eletta era abicidental? When does l' estate last? What did il Giuliano rivendication a personally elaborata e gi justificata e gi justificata e gi justificata e gi justificata e gi justificata e gi justificata e gi justificata e gi justificata e gi justificata e gi How much euro did Bertrand Delanoe reach in 2011? Which country does the rise di nascere degli antichi Gnobilici? Who believed that the monopolio ottomano-portghese in the oceano Indiano use a new moneta? What is the name of the Ministry of Cocoindiano? Where do Visconti and Visconti live? Who was involved in the beginning of the 10 degrees secolo? In what year did Chapman Allen e John Kirby Allen e John Kirby Allen e John Kirby Allen e John Kirby Allen e John Kirby Allen e John Kirby Allen e John Kirby Allen e John Kirby Allen e John Kirby Allen e Who was being a member of the Arsenale per so replacing Bertie Mee? What is the temperature of the temperature in a bottleceramica? In what year did Gibu finally conquistate l' inwithdrawal from France? Who was given a license to a convento? Where is the Poland natale? What is another term for "talmo"? What is the Perryville's climate? How many entrate does the structure of HHCP fornisce? Who is an example of perdurantista? How many troops did Bonaparte lead to the conquista della citta costere di Arish, Gaza, Jafa e Hawai? What was the name of the animal that non contenevo era? What e usually used come panno rituale? What caused the historical turbolace della zone to be a result of? When did the forze di Louis turn over the forze di Louis? How many people live in Montevideo? What is Tennessee's media-occidentale coltivava colture called? When was Estadio Centenario inaugurated? What is the name of the bay where Gli scientistiati Christians are located? What is a center della ridemolition? What tenuta did le troope Israelie attack? How many guerrieri did Ishida Mitsunari fight? Who are some of the scientists that have a large value? Who was the cohort of George Sand? Whose biography does the biography associate with? When did Chopin become a ccitizenanza Frenche? When did Manu Samoa become the secondo Duke of Rugby? Where did le navi Gancee e Sea Nymph di? What did le arti classiche kmer e indonesiane occupy di facade? Who did Papa San Gregorio describe gli ezei come neturici di? Who did Nicholas Kaldor advise a von Neumann di leggere? How many Napoleone's umbrellas did Carlo receive i Frenchi with? Which country did Le Verrier believe a strong redemption al di fuori? Where does la Merciana a sud of Tamig e a sud of? What is the citta of the Cheshire Rifleman Corps Inn? Who wrote a letter on 1855? What is another name for the concept that describes the use of buildings? What is MES-1? In what year did the FCC begin a license to acquire UHF? What was the name of the empire that dominate the British Empire? What società statunitense agreed on the creation of a pproducing crop with il governo cipriota? How many degrees secolo does a data prima come in molti continentali dialetti Germanici? Whose modelo emphasized era un' opera prominently prominent? What is a complication of pompe in series called? Who is Oklahoma's basketball association? What is a notable example of l' esacco prominente di unvuoto parcial natural? Who was the leader of San Giovanni? Who developed the Parco Gratiot? How many students attend the College of Music "Franz Liszter" a Weimar? In what year was the quota gesizinga del canale al governo Britishco? What does the immigration diconverge have? When did the principle dirinbu occupy Lhasa? What would be responsible for the scarico o della departing? Who released a huge use of Roland TR-808 drum machine? Where is the celle situato? In what year did the successive edicte del Messale Rome present the forma of? Who is the Sindaco named? In Australia, Canada, Nigeria, Nigeria, Nigeria, Paese Bassi, and Salamanca e e in lingua tedesca, l' università e s frequently called what? What is the risonanza which is more popularate? When is the ce ceremonia of beatification per Paolo VI tenuta? Along with karaoke, karaoke and karaoke, what form of music predominantly played in a pub? When do chirigotas prepare lo censo costume? How many times could a designers innalze? How does the grammatical separate recognize le people che non creiute in a geographic region? In what month and year was the system enacted in functione a championship experimentalle? What is the zincatura di ferro? Who was the fondator della teaching medical armea in Armenia? Who was the senatore of the state? Which squadre has a social media prominent rise in the world? What event preceded the discovery of the first antibiotico? When was il Concrio Vaticano II published? What are the basic mosaicists commonly believed to have dominated work in l' impero? What was the promissione that la sua assertion supposed to be? In what month and year does the spectacleo between the Dominion Theatre and Dominion Theatre last? Where does Amoy derive? What type of scrimmage does a scrimmage introduce all' internal of una della due linee di un solo cantiere? Who advanced l' Arabo per studying l'Arabo? How many articles did Princeton publish in his Vita? In what period did Le serre primitive furono use? What did Peter Stahl addormento ai commandi of Ju 88 e do? What does OFUNAM stand for? What has tried to improve la OKL? What is the name of Melbour's freeway? In what year did Gladstone torn al potere? Where was the scritto of Chopin produced? Napoleone fu anche in coronato re d what country? How long ago was the mandato fesso inviato alle aree provincili? What does physicala mean? How many africani were able to transport in the British Isles? Who is Margarette Reglerin? What does l' evolution see contra? In what year did the OSCE assume a Vigili del Fuco professional apaglishment? Who makes up the nicchia ultraportable che e l' unico segmento of PC in growita? What type of nomination did the Grammy award receive? What house did Victoria take on the isola di Wight? When did the fine ipiantatori see that c' ere troopi skiavi e non volvero prominent? What does il suffisse -s do? Where is the newa facta principal located? When was the FA Premier League formed? What is the name of the capitano Byron? What does Kobuk mean? How many troope cinemas are coinvolti during this time? What is the name of the system of transportation rapido su rotaia pessonne di Miami? When did le logge massonniche settle in Iraq? When was the Numerical Integration of the Barotropic Vorticity Equation published? What does a diverse piante usually come from diverse piante? Along with Ben Whishaw and Ben Whishaw, what notable figure played a role in the playing of M, Eve Moneypenny e Q? What area is Southampton's area metropolitana note? What language does the term eresta mean? What is the name of Madonna's 56 degree annuale Grammy Awards? In what year did Muhammad Ali choose a convention a Londra? Who is a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. a. k. What is a token called when a token e data must be preceded? Who was the CEO of RCA Records? Which school iscritto the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences? In what year did Longy emette un editto imperiale? What percentage of female infete receives a cooperating anti retrovirale? What type of navi does a vettore aere convert to? In what year was l' accordo di Charlottetown signed? Where did the lettore MP3 di Apple go across? When did the legislature statale introduce a New York Kingsbridge, West Farms e Morrisania? Which African country is located in Congo? How high is la picchia in the deserto del Sahara? What park does N Mountain Avenue railway to? When was the prima line released? How many copies of album did Underwood sell in each year? What is the name of the entity that was established in 1891? When was the creation of the county created? What does l' electro assume? What was the stato called when the moderns believed a stato come? What does the DMCA provide to forensics? What is the name of James Bond? When did l' impero ave a minoranza Christiana? What does Estêvão Gomes mean? What Proto-Indo-Europeano means "abel assemblator"? How many kilometers does il portMiami serve? Who scribe a fine del I secolo? What are the languages regionali in Italia often denominate colloquially o in Circli non linguistici? What is another term for the normalization della relazioni with Gli Pontio Arabi? Which state has started a includere il nickname " nutrizionista" in requisiti di Licenza statale? How many metri o high is Huangmaojian Peak? How many dizhi were venduti in the state uniti in 2014? What was John Russell's nickname? Who does le Insule Marshall associate with? When was Total Recall released? When did the St Helena Independent publish? Who is a student of whom? Where is e' apparso su Creta? Daft Punk, Stardust, Cassius, St. Germain e DJ Falcon created a new suono from which style? Where did the Bell TelephoneLabs, Inc. a Murray Hill, NJ, e M.A.K. Murray Hill, NJ, and M.A. Kraser enter? What month and month does the AFL usually begin? Where was the tribunale distrade diligence degli statu Uniti located? What does a foro Rotondo o ovale have? What was Alonso de Salazar's ethnicity? What aereo evacuated alle units USAF a partire dal 2017? In 2008, what did the economy increase? In what year was la batdonna del Wabash fought? Who tified un confronto nucleare? In what year did l' accordo fu reinovato? Where is l' operation located? What region of Oklahoma contains molte specie rare e disgute? What is the name of the case against the Supreme Courta degli statu Uniti? In what country are molte centrali solari fotovoltaiche located? Who is a notable journalist of Rolling Stone in 2012? In what year did I Chicago Cubs win a cchampionship? Who did Lemkin perpetrate? Who released the album " Crazy in Love" in 2008? Who was Charles Léon from? Where do le piante non vascoli, le e e e e i muschi non produce a photofissina penetranti? When was 'War Horse' released? What does buddismo mean? What was the agreement between the invasion and invasione of Guam? Who was the president ofgli state uniti in 1991? What type of vehicles does the Niva III e Manu folau transport? How many people lived in Montevideo? How many spectatori does al Live Aid have? Who occupied the Cisgiordana in 1967? Why did the ECB emerse alcune proposte per un' emissione obligationalinista colletiva EU? Where does the New York Public Library serve? When did the legislator of Tennessee ratifie un accordo per entrare a far part of a leg militare con gli statuconfederati? Who was the pittore of the icone of the pittore Russiano? What is the complemento of green e blu? How many università in Europa e in Francia were e in Francia? Who was the owner of I Cubs? What does Explosive Ordnance Disposal mean? When did the civilta of Himachal Pradesh arise? What does the stadio d' entrata a condensator indicate? Where is the cotton industry located? What was the disastroo of the disastro in Burma? What is another example of a separate quantità? What type of system does a courte di governo tipically associate with? Who is the preside of the classroom media di Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangzao a Sangza What is the name of the attrica giapponese? Where is Saint-Savin-sur-Gartempe located? Where did the eastern Georgia start seeing il Christianity according to the Confederate? What offers alcune insiz per memorizing la position of the accento? What is the prominent library in Parig? Who contributed to the decline in 1187? What is the name of the body of teachingmenti attributiti a Siddha Indiani? When was the Accordo della Confederation Livoniana signed? What is the name of Everton's club? What idea does Locke believe is a safety reciproca? Who did Dorgon earn a trophy posturo? Where is Jodhpur Marwar e Kalbeliya located? Who was the editore of The Times in 1890? What do le linee e il frame rate denote? When was the data of scadenza di Developer Preview supposed to be released? What percentage of stime does the intelligibility reciproca tra i dialetti vanno? What is the name of the Royal Eye incorporation that is located in Derriford Hospital? Where do Mrigavyadha distrugge gliestinti animali? What is Kumari's incarnation corporal called? When did le riole rio began a catraction da part della Prima Radministrative Frenche? What type of music did Einstürzende Neubauten develop? During what era did a crosta geologica comince a solidifiersi? According to nessun tribunale, which makes a statuto a baluato? When did the Kuomintang become the capitale of Nanchina? Where does noradrenalina usually come from? Where was the printing a north era located? Who attempted a direction ovest-ovest in Oklahoma e Texas? Whose came up with buoi e aratro? What material does il laminato usually placca? What does the memoria a brief phrase note anche come? Where does the music vocale Greca showcase un ruolo important? How long did Bush's presidenza last? What do scandaliizza la citta con il their behavior? When did Fox announce that the amount of a stancia finale di American Idol could be anticipated? When did Father Linckens visit le Insule Marshall? When did Bike Miami begin? Who is the governor of Atlantic City in 2014? What makes San Diego un's opzioni conveniente? Who created La Wayback Machine? What was Gladstone's rivale? What is the profession of Creative Technology? How many parki verdi a large area verdi a large aree ri Creative? Who believed that the creation of an assasination combinato di fanteria e Cavanelli contra il corp XI prussiano? How many awards were given to Albert Einstein for le sciences? What type of beans does la creita degli in sets e lo developo include? How many people live in the Lancaster e Morecambe? Which ex Sen degli state uniti victory in 1970? Where does a player appear during a solo scrimmage? Who created a Pagoda della pace? How many years did the Concrio di Nicea die? What is the name of the Spanish word for a promenade e passegger a pied? How many Zonizations are in San Diego? What is the name of the arena that hosts the house della Ali rosse della NHL? Who is the name of the team that tornas with Harry Connick Jr., Keith Urban and Jennifer Lopez? How many units did the PlayStation 3 sell in 2016? Who is a notable Samoan film? Which epica ecclesia e psychology e psychology? How many troops did the forze imperialiste control? What does L' I-696 mean? Where are le base militari a component important? What was the name of the concerto eolomeloidicon? What is a corte suprema federale called? Who presidiated la radio Cubs e in particolo la cabina TV per parti di c5 decenni? Who was the governo la Salamanca? Who developed a philosophy of the philosophy of the philosophy of governance? What is the Copper Canyon? What is the lunghezza of the Houston area? Who took over the reign of Zhang Mang? Where did Appleton's partnership with Appleton take place? Where were controlli di safety? When does Guam's temperature secca take place? What do laici produce? When did Gamper die? When did Chen Xuezhong publish a studio di analyze del risko sismic? Who was the creator of discographic americano? In what year did Eli Lilly receive l' approvation come Nuevo e Nonofficiale Rimedio? What is The Gun? How many aspects does Dukkha assume? What is another name for a dialect of yiddish? In what year was Diamonds Are Freedom released? When did the AFL's ananniversary d' oro begin? What is the reason for people use la medicina complementare e alternative? How many lealis e clienti usually guides the New Haven Harbor in 1779? What is a traction called? What was the name of Dell's newi server? What did the phrase "Immersive app" become used internally from Microsoft? Which oceano does l' Australia e resemble un canale isolato di acqua Fredda eghiacciai a Nord? When did the numero di red increase in the arco di un decennium? In which country did the emperor of the emperor of the 1450 e Oland settle? What does la light quantistic mean? What happens during the normal functioning of a tungsteno del filado evapora? Who did the nipot di EnRICO II marry with? What does il KSOG use to determine the diverse dimensioni della sensitivity in tre different dimensioni della Vita di un individuo? What does Ragharam Rajn speak against? What did Ordon's terzo do? What is another name for a typical mammal? How many annis did Sigismondo di Lssemburse? When did Josip Broz Tito die? In what year was the law that elects the law that emphasizes a law that emphasizes a law? What is the name of the quartiere in Nanjing 1912? Who was the first historian to use the tripartita tripartita? How many people lived in Kathmandu in 1991? How many votes does Southampton have? What type of buildings are destroyed? Where is the unico port che movea merce internationali nellate e navi? What was a formale of institutionale structurete in Oxford? How many libbre di PCB are believed to be present in Woods Pond a Lenox, MA? When did Rosemarie Forbes Kerry die? What is the name of the first program that New Haven incorporated in America? What type of verbs are sometimes added to a prefix? Why does New York have abolito la Schiavi? What does ASCII stand for? How long does a predator vedere a brief scenario? In what year did Ross Sackett publish his studies? What type of matrice does a set segmenti display? Where is Yevanic a lingua dei Romaniotes? When does Nativo Sumericano nativo regular rimerse? How many total alleate alleate? What does the Kunsthalle Faust, del Nord/lb Art Gellery e del Foro Artistico / Eismarket show? What is another word for "tedesche"? When did the FIFA impose that le so substituzioni da squadra fosse a seismo limite a habe per a squadra? What do lefeste greche celebrate? How many people did Southampton have in 2007? When was Mavericks al WWI released? Molti dei baroni provenivano from where? Who uses the phrase "The Conflict of Color"? What musician is John Surman? According to a partire dal 2013, what percentage of units abitative ere vacanti? What partire decides con votation public? Who can be identified in order specifico? What does a software 3.50 3.50 prepare for? Where is the seconda citta prominent? What is the name of the newi casi di tuberculi multiresistant? What does the political party assume in 1979? What does the governo federale do? How long does it take for a student to earn a quota a quota a student to pay? During what conflict did leclerc's controllo di Ubangi-Shari e il general Leclerc establish a Bangui? When was the first viaggio aereo held? When was post-punk first used? How many members does e' composto have? Who does the legislature use to agire come one dei c five? What type of doctrine does l' ammiglio Enomoto create? What causes the numero di elision? How many people in New Orleans state evacuate from Katrina? In what language does the letteraria standard usually distingue a libanese? Where did le fibre di cottone grezza ere become? In what year was Al-Rashid Islamic Institute established? Who was the founder of the Dalai Lama? When was the second satellite for the costellation of the BeiDou-1C launched? Who did Vicino Oriente acquire un notable discredit? When did the Ginigo e Londra reach l' independence? Which famous citta dei caludino all e tre i principali cchampionshipi sporti professionistici? Why does l' appassement commonal e riduce i risk associating ai predatori? Where is Fenway Park? Who occupied Estonia when l' Estonia invaded? Where is the Upper East Side located? What is the term for the grande group of legari etruschi in Rome? When was the mandate against the Palestine granted a mandate against the Palestine? Which Soviet supremo elected a diclaration disociation disociation of sovso according to the Soviet Unione Sovietica? What is the name of the Proto-Indo-ariano e le languages Nuristani? How many millions di tessere does Monreale copre? Which countries did Menzies elect the treatato ANZUS to? In what year did the Yemeni si secedisse? Ajima is la dea of what dea? When was the temperature of L's Antartida temperature located? What group of people claimed the paese in Burma? When did the squadra di basketball a Notre Dame play? Where is Dio descritto? What did Norman Daniel believe the differences reali tra il fiqh Islamico e? What is l' Oireachtas? What is the name of the railroad system in Richmond? In 2011, which city did Arsenal defeat a Chelsea? What philosophy e De Stijl is developed in response to Cubismo? Who was Rough Trade's proprietario? What does a basso voltage have? When did the Britnici party? What is responsible for reducing dei bene materials in a pope? When did o Gundobad die? What was the name of the emperor that Napoleone fu distapped all' epoch? Charleston's estate is a mite of what season? What type of fame does the terza persona a plurale form of? Where is Charleston Executive Airport located? What is the citta called? What is the emphasis on Darwin's views on the evolution teistic? What do Gli ISP forn't? Who is the leader of the gospel/R&B-influenza? What is the primary difference between Cubani and other Cubani? Who did a szafarnia visit in 1824 e 1825? How many Grammy awards did Beyence win? In what place did l' Inghilier win in 1990? Un secondo serviceso publico si e tenuto where? Who believed that "daylight Slaving Time"? In what year was the second edition of Digital Monsters developed? Where is ArenaBowl XXI located? Where was Du Shi a Comandante? What was the capitale of China supposed to be moved to? Who was the author of the work e MacLean? What caused Victoria to relieve lo zoppe? What does i grigis mean? What lingua dominates a lingua dominante dei merit Nobel per la science? Where is Desert Sunlight Solar Farm built? Who advises la force dell' Amm. V. J. Ozawa di using una Force portante apparence vulnerabe? What did von Neumann introduce to von Neumann? Who did Zeus colpto il heiro di Apollo? What does a bottle soda- calce normally display? What does not essere byte solitari con il set di bitbasso mean? What happens when a club doesn't approve their criteria? What does il leader di minoranza have a nomina di individui in? What happened during the seconda Guerra globale? Who saved una faccia di piombe in Dafne? In Francia, in what percentage of marriage does Francia have? When did the Direttore dell' Intelligence Nasional degli statu Uniti believe that l' Iran would be able to develop un' arma nucleare? In what year did the creation of newi mezzi di c communication electronici freely begin to proliferate? In what year did the existence of solo tre state slavi liberi liberi liberi? Who eroding the potere during the secoli? What type of banche do the preoccupations circa lastability della principali institutionali financerie spinto? Who does nessuna età essere without? How large is the surface of the deserto in the Sahara? Where did Paolo VI want to try to find a fellow ecumenical papa? What does George Berkeley view as anti-realistic? In what year was the Teatro Meymandi della S School Murphey inaugurated? Who was a nickname prominent to thistlacquaite giovani Thistlwillingite giovani Thistlwillingite giovani Thistlwillingite giovani Thistlwillingite giovani Thistlwillingite giovani Thistlwillingite How does Valencia rank among other cities in developing economy? What does a child's advocacy do? How many people are elencate come scomparse? Who did the governatori della taifars establish relazionidiplomaticche with? What political party did John Stuart Mill publish his books on? How many squadre did San Jose SaberCats have per the cchampionship era? Who is Kerry? Which magazine ranked BYU as a university for a university? What does J. M.E. McTaggart believe the menti da sole esistono e si relasionano tra roso through? In what month and year did Taylor and Taylor appear in a television show about "We Are the Champions"? What is the first phase of the sciences moderna? When did the Detroit e formerly merge to Ann Arbor? What is another name for ceco? Who refused to nominare a skiavo come missionario proposto from Georgia? When did IAH nominate IAH? What was the title of the album released by Loro hiatus? Who convinse Gregori Wilhelm vonhofer ad essere il first professore? Who created a criterio per la solvability of una particolo equation polinomiale? Who had tenuto 13596 dis Corso tra il 1953 e il 1970? What language does the software di riceived in lingua? What is a scoraglione? What was Marco Cornelio's title? When was the Shevchenko Ukraine Language Society announced? What does L' Art Institute of California - Los Angeles call Santa Monica? What is the isoieto di precipitazioni annual? What does un secolo do when a colony e' Scozia e Scozia furono unified? What group did Burke identify it's "influenza secretta" di? What two divisions did John Maynard Keynes hide una divisione tra? In what year did l' year essere datato due Volta a causa dei differences in vari paese? In what year did the marcha della Crimea open? What did Atticus Finch modelle? Where does molte opera propose per l' accompament continuo basso? What is the name of the tribe that is culturally part of sud-est asiatico? What type of cene do pubs serve? In what year did the referendum tenno i referendum per la devolution coloezese e gallese? What was the title of the song "jumpin' jumpin' jumpin'? What did a group of students create in 2008? Who was Derby's ministero guided to? When did the ala militare of guerrilla become a guerrilla? What is the Indian Vaccination Act of 1832? In what year did the rio dichiarate a libera ritalia? Who did Derby succeed in 1868? Who is the professore Scozzase? What happened when the invasion of the British-Portugal dichiarate a propria invasion? Who used l' Impero? How many dialetti does il blocco Orientale comprise? What are some examples of a type of celle coinvolt? Where is the metropolitana di Londra located? What does Sebastian demelo do? What did Jedlik invent? What award did Hayek give to Hayek in The Use of Knowledge in Society? Where did l's empire assume a significant redemption? What is another name for a capitol of a capitol? What do i giurances deno essere assumeti al moment of ademissione? What do all i tracheidi e i vase e e di immbergernare e restituire a seconda della stacea le riserve prepare? Which country organized the first implementation national? What does Avicenna use to describe the beliefs of Avicenna? In what part of the stato did the Monte Appalachi attain a large number of tourists? Who accused settari e crimini di Guerra in Iraq? Which Macintosh has segun l' beginning of a new dictation per il Macintosh? What museum hosts a show Permanent of Banconote e monete della Bermuda? In what year did thealogue with la Chiesa methodista begin? Who denotes testare e multiple programme? What is another name for a mosse? What is the name of the building that William Kent e Lord Bingham disign? What is the compressione generica equivalent to? Who was un grosso problem nellagestione della Luftwaffe? How many members does the club represent? How many squadre di varsity NCAA does BYU have? What was Elizabeth's marito? What is one of the schools private prominente in Charleston? Which two countries did Victoria have a positive interest in improving their relazioni? In what year did the BBC begin a discovery of lo streaming in directta? What continent does l' India continue a strike with? Who did Moko della Batke treat in 1880? Who is Enrages? What is the probable di tossicitate della zinco? Who produces lo spectacleo? What was the fascio of? Who elected the squadra to win a Copa del Rey e La Liga? What does the agreement bilaterali include? Who usato the first use of the phrase Primo Ministero o Premier Ministere? When did the Morte Nero arrive in Cork? What do some studies believe i Pacienti are rilupitant ad rejecting? What did Valerian's secondo editto recognize? In what year did the monarchia fu renovata dal re Carlo II? In what year was the flight of Air New Zealand Flight 899 destroyed? What is the name of Mt. Kailash? What do Western Union i brevetti Edison use for? How many passengers does the Houston Amtrak have? What is the number of album Now I' m Here? In what year did the iurnal secondaria become emersa? Who was given the recognition of the badge? How many people can find all' internal dei confini di Boston? Which person l' ha a capella a combatterla a combatterla? What causes a huge aggressivity in the adolescents? In what city did the compilation of Eno pronounce da Eno? What is a computer host called? When did L' e la collection e lambwa e colpire i retail? Who was the patrono of Delphi? Who commented Socrates? When does the fotovoltaico solare diventerà la prominent fonte di electricity del world? What is one of the ccharacteristics prominenti della società dibatuta? Who is responsible for the FBI's investigations? What does a samurai use to protect their society? When did Hewlett-Packard (HP) announce that they asked for a purchase of Apple? How many years does the production of cinema estimated to produce? Who gave the torcia to Carlos Espínola? What was the status of l' Abbazia di Westminster? Who is the governator de facto e the Sindaco? What was the name of the event that took place in 2005? In 2007, how many Emmys arti creative ciano elect American Idol? What did La citta di Montevideo subse? Who is the editor of the New York Post? What is the name of IBM's competitors? What substance makes up 6% of the legno? Who identified Ashkenaz with i territori Saquliba o slavi? How is l' access a database fornied? What percentage of alloggi della citta non occupied? In what year was the death of Giuseppe II di Gran Breogna? Which ethnicity formed the età mediana degli ispanici era? Who was built in the triade Capitolina di Giulie? Who won e' victory? What was the name of the famous villaggio? Who argued that Hegel believes that the essence of the mente di Dio is incompleti? What does the name della provinci deriva from? What is the profession of the topshop? What is the name of the City University London? What is the name of the festival annuale di Phallus? What does Route 34 do to New Haven's ovest? What did l's Apple Store begin offering a game addedtivi? What is the XHAS-TV e XHDTV-TV equivalent to? What does the process of a mandi e fecole cause? When does basso se la sinfani assume un trace distinctivo della music classica? When was the first reactor nucleare a create electricity? What has the classification of the animal contributed to? How many state are in Richmond? What is Macao's ex colonial? Whose philosophy did Hayek believe was a teaching? What does the Greco-ciprioti ignore in 1973? Who developed a theory micro sociologica of legame social? What type of technology contributed to a domination tedesca delcommerce? How long is the canale? Who was responsible for the selling of merce? In what year did Bayer discover the potente initiative antiepilastica? What is the name of the center of the Arts in Center City? What phrase did Silk believe would be usato per a chi si vicella criticize? Where does the fonologia governative operate? In what year did Paul Rodgers stifle the band? When did I Padri Pellegrini partiro per il Nouveau Mundo? In what year did Madonna appso against the Sports Iurnal S Bikini Issue? How many arrondissements orologiai a spirale exist in Paris de Boulogne e Bois de Vincennes? Where was the first genoma per un archeono complete? What is the raramente forceived to fortify the cause of a very significant amount of disturbievo dururo? Which marina did Sao Paulo become commissionata in 1963? What does the hunting della lepri con i cani mean? What do numerosi file di celebrity riguard? What is the name of Gandhi's celebration celebrating in Newa Delhi? Which poet did Chopin believe is a member of the Society Letteraria Polcca? What does the genocidio follow? What is the secondo of the day in which il Cile continentale observes la DST? What does SOFCOM support? How many tedofori does Hong Kong have? What is prominently tenuti ad espos un' avvertanza nella vestra nella vestra che l's una colonna accolade? What percentage of the Eritrei rioden in Israele? How long did it take for the estintion permiano-triasic? In what year did the af2 have a propria leadership? What type of culture was L' Ecuador illogo? Who is the leader of the EIC? What is the name of Tuvalu's governo? What is the name of the re d' Inghishire? What stupa is in Kathmandu? Where does the name "luogo di crano" come from? Who completed l' examination? What does alcune oorganizations use to indicate a new terminologia positive? What was the name of the Samoa called? What do i workers use le maule? What does l' umano believe a fonte per capire il world? Who developed studies culturali? What does the USB 2.0 introduce? How many communities of origin Indiana lived in Richmond in 2011? Where do i portghesi originate? What is used to control l' illumination? How does the bitume easily separate from the refineries of petrolio modern? How far al world does the Glastonbury Festival take place? What does a ccitizeni di a separate nazioni denote to carry to recarise a Norfolk Island? Who developed the abstand e ausbau languages? What did L' ultima e-mail accuse Grimm of being accused of? What do scientists call the spirito o "vento o "vento" equivalent to? Who has been trying to calmare the situation? What is the grammatica of a lingua a dialecto e infine? Where is ornamento assented? Where does the division of a FBI usually divide? Why did the paese operate in a stable riserve di ferro e carbone? What does the Kashmir Shaivism believe is? What school were the laureati excluded from? What did Erodeto believe the bitume e stato portato a Babylonia for coconstruction? How many navigators does the flota have on the fine degli anni Settanta? How many millions of people lived in Israele between 1948 and il 1958? What is the capitale of the Territorio della Capitale Naologica (NCT)? What does le piante preserve in the atmosphere? What does the Fantastic Four use to describe the identità secrete e persino? In what year were i students of the KU School of Engineering withdrawn from the school of engineering? Where is the lignina la terza component? How many Emmy Awards did 'Into the West' win? When did GE announce un' offering formale da GE per 17 billions di dollars? What ideology did the Unione Sovietica try to get rid of? What does the missili antiradiation do? Who was the president of UNFPA in 2009? What is the Charles Cross e? What is the probability of saltare from Luna? In what year did the Jaluit Gesellschaft assume le isole? What is the capitol principal of Southampton? What is the AFL's propria leadership? Who is the president of the University of Notre Dame? Who did Macintosh introduce Windows 3.0, Windows 3.0, and Windows 95? What is the name of the puzzle penned by Marcus du Sautoy? What is the name of the state della Malesia? Who was the prima woman of the Conseilo federale? Who was a malato of disturbi chronici allo intestino? What is the bit rate of Picturephone in the year 70? In what province did Huguang form? What do gli afidi produce females per? When was a law centered on the privatization e un programma of privatization e un programma di privatization e un programma di privatization e un programma di privatization e un programma di privatization e un programma di privatization e un programma di privatization e Who was a notable tribute to a singer in finale? What was the name of Sony's PS3 prototype? Who was the director of Deutsche Universal-Film AG? In what country was L's le linee furono la linee furono la linee e Tirano e Tirano? Who did I Khazar easily alleate with against Persiani e Arabia? Who are state le ultimate due finaliste? What's the name for the tiratori designati? What is froth flotation used to do? When did the largest part of i adults workers come to work? What describes the elevata voltage emitted? How many people are elencate come scomparse? What is Sassanid's world Islamico called? In what year did New York City gain control over england? When did un colpo di stato follow? What organization does L' Edwards Campus serve as a member of? What is another name for alloinarise? Where is silicate present? Who was the ottomano of the empire ottomano? Where were the prime serre modern vegero constructed? Who is the author of the fatwa of 1989? Who were entrambwa chimati? In what year did the communications postale satellite become updated? What is the se della Virginia? What does a lettera latin "i" con un ogonek mean? What is ogni quartiere metropolitane called? What form of assistance could be sviato directly e physically? What does a critici acknowledge the notion di "Guerra" contro il "terrorismo" emphasize? What is okugatasama? How many sezioni does a typical insitate appaiano a "size" in"? Who started a lottare per il potere nella Guerra civile? What is an example of a dual-rollered come combattenti-bombardieri? What country does Iran have a north-ovest with? Who uses l'alphabeto cirillico e i cappellaci Romani? Who did Nintendo ignore instead of being involved in the creation of a video game? What was the name of TCM Underground? What type of material has completely superato l' use of the catrame di carbone? How much is the value of the petrolio? Who are i Beatles called? When did Lodygin invent una lampina a brevetto Russian? When did Nadelmann publish his work? What minacciava i thick regimei aristocratici? Which state did Elbridge Gerry del? What does the settore IT stemolate from? Who was the vice-president? Where is the Banco Republica located? What type of music did AC use to create a large amount of audience? What does L' ASCII enable di essere retrocompatible with ASCII a 7 bit? What do the sezioni di macco indicate that a significant characteristic of the 21 notti nocturnes accentuate it's characteristics? In what country was the fine della Guerra located? How many pages does The Sunday Times travel magazine use? Who refuses a diclaration against the idea of a diclaration against the idea della guidance? How many entities are in the settore economic primario? What is the colonial in Africa Orientale originarily incorporated per il reindoctrinament degli skiavi liberati? Who was the general of the Museo Nasional? When did von Braun e la squadra arrive in New Mexico? Where are the 70.0.34 hotels located? What does l' interaction bactericida degli antimicrobici separate from? What type of property does the grasso di cane have? What is l' hybrido lion/tiger? When was John von Neumann's book written? What does anellidi i places where the fluido entra nella posteriore di un setto organo? What does la mechanical statistica associate with? Who was the leader of the regime Hitlera? What did Shuman use to promote un motore? When did Apple announce a new modelo dell' Apple Touch? What did von Roon's secondo era la dimise per? Who started a suon scientifico? How many tonnellate did the state produce in 1984? What were the Jin, decine di prefetti or subprefetti? What was the name of the Buffalo Sabres Alumni Hockey Team? What causes the pitch to be a proxy a diminuita? How large is the territory of Israele? What philosophy does Popper's acknowledge? What is the location of Apia? Who inviato i his siblings adulti with le their porzioni della fortune di society? When did the seconda invasion of Kyrenia occur? Where do enzimi convert gli a mandi del grano? How many sites of UNESCO does it belong to? Who was a senator in 133 aC? What appaiano prominently? On which street is Mount Sinai Benedicto Center located? When did the dictator su una newa delimitation of the territory typical begin? When did Leopoldo Meez emigrate a Citta del Messico da diverse regioni del Messico? What is the name of the bus that is commissioned from the Universidad of Southampton? Who is the leader pro cape in use of dei systems solari ad acqua cchia? What percentage of people worked in La Defense in 2010? What can be used to produce synthesis gas with varying product ratios? Who was the name of Victoria's servo Scozia? Who tenne the conclusione positive that la Guarigione era a viable papa per approvation? What was the title of the performance d'oro nominata globe? What does a component a foro passante showcase? What was Imperial's totale per 14 units of valution to the Research Excellence Framework ( REF)? What are quei doni called? Who was the missionari of Mahayana inviati? When was il Montevideo Cabildo considered a Museo e l' Museo e l' Museo e l' Museo e l' Museo e l' Museo e l' Museo e l' Archives What is the name of the album in studio di which they released a picco al numero due to a photo called? When did Disco-Vision become l' ortography officiale? Who pioneered the idea of the increase in efficiency in architecture? Along with Arcadia and Azura, what famous citta does the P&O cruise take place in Southampton? Who is responsible for controlling Il Di Departmento dell' Aeronautica Militare? What does Alcmaeon di Croton believe is a mistake against? What did l' India dichiarate formally? What is the deserto of Chihuahuan a capella of? What causes Bismarck's unification tedesca? How high is Israele in the index globale della pace? How many agenti di poizza does the governo della citta accomplish? Who was the Direttore dell' Accadia d' Arte? What is Oklahoma City's mascotte e Rumble the Bison? How many dollars does China National Petroleum Corp e Sinopec e Sinopec have? In what year did the Liba fondlo il Fronte rivolutionario Arabo con Sudan come to l' unification politica? Which country controlled Samoa in 1962? Who developed the vaccino antipolio? How many feet di alltitude does Peak Marmoto have? What is the AASP per l' Arte Propaganda called? How many people estimated to live in Seattle during the 2040? When did Apple debut l's Wi-Fi Music Store? Who was the cancelleria of the rex teutonicum? In what year did SCA acquire CBS Records? How many years does the record have? What does LED RGB do? How many total territories does La Premier League have? In what year did the Mamluk sultani di Epto pass? How many degrees secolo does the regulation of hunting risal? What is Seham Sergewa's profession? Where is the community suburban? What does a sportswear consider? Who does BMG collaborate with in 2005-2006? Which format has a significant successo dei due formati a matrice? Which newspapers claimed that Puerto Rico's state supports it's support to the state of Puerto Rico? Where is the Athabasca Basin located? Who believed that the story of Panthera e a reason for avoiding le conversioni al Christians? Which province form lo Spartaiacqua linguistico? How many million di album does a Madonna sell? Who serve come la citta della conta di palatine? How many supercarriers does the flota statunitense include? Who is the economista of the OECD in 2012? What is the nickname of the manscritto? What is la norm in Francia e Salamanca? Which television network played a game in 2002? What is another term for a sacco a sacacco a saccolo? What did Khweldi do? How many local ratti come extra per film in New Haven? Who is a typical chemist of the zinco metallico? How many degrees secolo is the seconda metà? Where did Ibn Sina flee from Hamadan? How many voti did the democratico Cruz Bustamente lose in total? What is the metropolitana of New Haven, Connecticut? What does la cortecca cerebrale show during il sonno? What does DHT stand for? What type of degree does L' Iolegio Universitario Europeo hold? Who does the tribunale federale believe is responsible for approving a treatato? What happened to the Curoniani? Who elects the chairman of the Corte Suprema o Riigikogu? How many topics did L' exercise di valuation della search in 2008 indicate? What was the name of the nave a Towertte? What is an example of a microphone? Who is the inventore of the theory atomica della meta? Where is the Bengala metà Orientale e Assam located? What museum did the authors work with come paleontologia? What is another name for /a u i/? What does a nodi classify in base to? What is the main focus of West's music? What type of crepacco is generally in gran parttrasversali al fluxo? When did Apple computer, Inc. earn a nickname for Apple computer, Inc.? Who was Salaad Gabeyre Kediye? In what year did Marvel release the line of Storybook Marvel Origin? What is the occupation sismica? Charleston's estate is a mite of what season? How many Christians did Sultano Selim il Grim believe were killed in the uccision of one sciita? What do Molti lottatori do in America? Who believes that the deteriorance e la confusion politica e la disorganization are state i places di partence of una crescente discrimination e la disorganization? Who developed le C-X 75? When did Takeda Shingen die? How many ettari does the Bureau of Land Management give? What is the Ferrovia di lettore operava da Reading Terminal a part of? What type of design did Sony use to describe the functionality of the PS3 CECH-2000? In what year did all's apice Richmond's construction take place? What does l' Irish e il regno unito become a part of? Where does the Trolley serve primarily? How many copies of The Times were given to The Times? What is the primary purpose of using a rans formata? Where is Londona Heathrow? How many incorporated di technologies di governo indonesiano are in Indonesia? In what year was the first documentato in Spanish? Who believed that Medri Bahri era un' entità politica distincta da Abissinia? What percentage of the buildings in Beichuan e crollato secondo Sputnik News? Why do Touloulous entrare in liber? When did Rigas Feraios assassinate the agenti ottomani? Whose biography did Hayek introduce a biography di 'Treatis Logico-Philosophicus'? Which icon evolved from the unione of the regno unito to be a part of the unione of the regno unito? What did the British troops do to the forze of PVA e KPA? Who is the neuroscientistiato? What is the capitale e la capitale e la capitale e la citta prominentosa in Australia e Oceania? What was the name of the machine that introduced the FlaK 30 FlaK? What did Nehru believe was the main focus of the presidency of Javaharlal Nehru? Who often uses lobbista per influenzare i politici? What is another name for cuneiformi e prima uses? What causes a declino of the taxo di rbudgeto dei consumatori statunitense to be ddramatici? What does Le barrier culturali do? What does each di esso begin with? What is the name of Miami? What type of players does Wenger have? Who did I Gran Masteri di entrabbi e le Grandi e le Grandi e le Grandi logge Antienti believe was un massone? What does Richard Dawkins call the predator e della preda? In what years was Claridge's era il type prominent? Where does the bar travel from? Who inviato troops to occupe the Birmania Nord- Orientale? Where is the center of the force russia located? What percentage of Norfolk Island is un pascolo Permanente? In what country did Bell die? Who added un terzo period ai due to Bruni? When did quasi all i children usufruisce del service? What was San Giuseppe considered? How many ponti e due tunnels were constructed? How many degrees secolo is a standard letterario typical? When did Starlin Castro debut? What was the term used to describe a "culture pub" in Canada? How many Intimate Nights con i concerti appeared in the studio? Who was the team guidesed to investigate that bombarding l' uraniot with neutroni produce l' emissione di beta? In what year did Paul Delouvrier become a capella della territory? In what year did un Ilford HP3 come to indicate 400 ASA? What does the divisione in medievale-medievale-moderna show? What did Cleopatra VII do to the battle of Rome? When did Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, Montmartre, What is the process called when a person has a significant impact on all' images di Dio? In what material did the spot radiofonici e e i programma radio pre-registeredi inviati ai a disco become a metà degli anni' 30? What is the name of Apple's software? What does the Somaliland Britannico use to become a part of? Who was the leader of the Unione Sovietica? What was William Lee Miller's nickname? How many ettari does the campus principal serve? What is the largest economy in Mexico City? What is the maximum amount of miles per a terza rotaia? Who was the host of West's Twitter directto al talk show? During what season do gli arti muti lasciano passere la light? What is the cause of the presence of the blood present? Who was a student of studi al Conolegio di Varavia? Who entro al potere in 1835? Who did the product of Sant' Elena godute? What is L' Eritrea? What is the name of the fium that stands as "file di scullers' Row"? What did the rio di tubes do to dotate internalmente di tubes? What is the name of Sparta's assembly-festival apellai? What was the sbarchi in Antartica in 2000-01? What is the primary goal of the curriculum educativo? What is l' adolescenza occasionally accompanied with? When was the Madonna Giselle Knowles- Carter a famous? When was the Treatato di Francofonte? Who is secondo al Nilo? Who e consente l' access to un fluxo audio? What direction does lo stato travel? What new enfasi did a Cedar Point introduce in 1922? What does the biography of Athanasius e Attinge? What does the word "telcephalo" mean? What Square does the 16 Street fermate di when it arrives anche a Stuyvesant Square? What is the cause of Victoria's death? What illness did Feynman acquire? Who was considered "guardiano della Galee"? How many cadillos al minutes at the fine ammonta? What does a stenography composta da tre cardinale indicate? Whose regie did William Alland play a role in Arabian Nights? What was the name of Myer's first grand magazine? Who did Casavantes accuse of appropriation indebited di funds e di governo inefficiente? How many vedove o vedovi are there? Where is Vicino al basso del Monte Mt. Lemmon located? What has the blocco ferroviario caused penuria of? In what year did Nasser begin a Guerra di Attriotion? What percentage of dei's gyro alfa does 234U have? When did I Gurkhas sail al potere in Nepal? Which band has a typical garage rock format? What does the Systema Sexuale di Linnaeo base le piante in base to? When was the idea of being comproprietaria announced? How many emittenti TVve servono la Greater Melbourne and Geelong? How many isolati are on E 122nd Street? How many dollars did the Chinese claim to have received in donations of decurrency? Who was arrested on 26 Aprile? In what year did Muhammad bin Wasim become the general omayyade? Where is the 21 Portman Place a new structure located? What is a capella of a PCB? How many Copa del Rey wins does Barcelona have? What was the name of the first retailo in Jakarta? How many millioni of album does Symphony's Child have? What is the uevo in a Kathmandu restaurant? Who did Takeda Shingen fu? Who is notable for essere grande come un body della sua density? What does TTY di Verona mean? Where is the concerto free in 1976? Who did McKenna ereditare a projecto with Bell? In what country is the cottone GM grown rapidly? What does BnF stand for? Which institution has il capitale per colmaring a partire? What is the typical nanometry of the color rosso? How much money does a hunter spend per their sport? What is the population of Oklahoma City-Shawnee? Where is Houston located? What does the tribunale federale argue is o "dictator ordinaryo" in English? How many people have been allied with all' epoch? What is Iran's concetto of Iran per secoli? What is another word for "tedesche"? Who is Alan Whitehead? What religious group was a guerrieri professionista composed of? What does Whitehead use to do? Who elected un Catholicos a Etchmiadzin in 1441? Who was the governor of Simón Ochoa? What advantage does the motore DC without nucleo in ferro have? Who was a notable critic of the cinema typical? What island does the Puget Sound e a Bremerton e a Sud Nord? Who demolited l' empire Shao? Who developed the first vaccino with l' encephalite giapponese? What country did Gli Ottomani lose a victory over the Kosovo? What is the British-Irish Council called? What did Stalin publish in 1948? Gli adolescenti developed a comprehension pesseresophiscata della what? Who was the editore of energy in 1890? What did Wafd abroge in 1936? Who printed l' images di Hidalgo in una mezza ozizia di murales? What does the ritate al rottura a verysensitive to? Who was Geoffrey Dawson's editore? What type of vegetali autoctone do they emerse in 1994? Who does a precedent violate the idea of the dictator? What era believed to be a arma militare disrupted in epoch romana e riapparise come arma militare? Who was the tedesca of the prima topless page 3? How old was Von Neumann's età? What school do the majority of Islami in Nigeria belong to? Which university is a prominent contributor to the decline of the economy of New Haven? What process do numerosi plants genetici batterieci interagisce specifically per eExecute? What did Menzies do to Menzies? What continuo come un signo of the e i poetize provenivano da all i e i poetic? Which group of people increased c' era un numero crescente of? What is a drawback of le impose? When did minoriti villaggi assume metà della their population? Who did Richard acquire a Far Rockaway, Queens? What does il dollaro statunitense use to describe the value of the dollaro statunitense? Who encouraged a lessening l' use of Hanja? What do entrabbi i groups believe causes in a conflict with a separate groupo? What was the consequence formale e declaration of the invasion of Japan? In what year was the theory of "int production" di specie written? When was the first international relationship of Kathmandu established? Where was the genocidio of Shakyas a Lumbwas from? When did the abrogation tardive della licenses arise in vigore? Who did Beatrice e si inname to? What frequency does the line tra Budapest-Nigis e Alag use? When did Edmund Burke laureate the Trinità? Which group did Jon Brion collaborate with on his secondo album? Who e i due piliglioni? In what year did l' Illuminismo occur? Where do these motori come from? What is the prominent fraternity unico? What caused a significant increase in the population? What is another name for the RSFSR? What is the name of the document that does the Di Departmento della DiDefense dei Joint Chiefs of Staff emesso? How many ore per circa did Secondo il Vangelo di Marco sube il Crucifissione per circa? Whose agreements does the OCSE use to describe the rules that la rulement bankaria basata sugli agreements? What is the estimated age of a child? What does the Constitution do to protect the religione cappellaca e la lingua? Where is the Biscyne Aquifer located? Where did the first movemento puritano fu? How many squadroni SSBN "Boomer" were homeported? How many satellites did the Compass-M1 have in total? What is the name of the radio where the Hot Mix 5 comes? Who funge da hub? Who does the Calhoun College introduce it's name to? How many kilometers of linee fognarie di intercettation are located? Who has generally dominato il market dei PC premium? What is the name of the societa separata? Where is Montevideo located? What did the corte cinemase sponsorize? In what year did Napoleone I become a senatore dei Francesi? Where do citta separate from? Which city is similar to the Citta del Messico? What is the name of the Musee d' Art et d' Histoire located in Switzerland? How did Winston Churchill describe the uccision of massa di prizonier di Guerra e civilirussians? What does Whitehead use to describe the potentiali ordinati esistono? Who did Burke write? What is the date of the prima sessione of the Concrio Vaticano II? What was the name of the day that James Bond uccid? What was John C. Calhoun's nickname? Who wrote Ride of the Valkyries? What type of music did the sssing radiophonche classice per adulti a capella raise successi classici e? What was the age range of anni fauna? How is il federalismo viewed? In what year did the principle Andrew lay la separation RMS St Helena? When did John re attempt to attempt to try to push l' Irish? What does SHAEF stand for? Where do the first amniotes originate? Who did Kurgan believe was a discendente of? What does il batetano symbolize as a come one dei testimonial di Geova in association with? Who was the leader of the riopeani of the British Isles? Who was the funerale of the tenore in 1839? Which group of people claimed a lettera openeda for? What is another term for a writtenura a mano? Where does a Taiwanese speak on sud of Taiwan tend to essere basato? How many piloti does combattente have? What modulo orbital Lunare e una navicella spacial Soyuz 7K-L3? What is a drawback of guast LED? What non era Abbastanza richa per molti composeri romantici? Who dà voti di vendetta? Who was the governator nominato from? Who has tenuto colloqui per vedere se la fa Eritrea idea? What is the name of Boston's membership fondator of American League of Major League Baseball? When was La Madeleine created? Where did the patticella difregate e corvet ottomane distrust? What was the slogan for Nintendo's NES? How many voti does Parti 51 get in a province? Who is BYU's Trophyo Heisman? What does CBS stand for? Who created the first teorema of incompletezza? How many troope dislike Okinawa, il 94 per cento e mortality? Who invented Alberi agomito e turbine ad acqua? What is l' adolescenza defined biologically? In what year did the beginning of a demonstration occur? In what year did Ray Holmes die? What type of varianti were oboptionale nella opera stampate? In 2002, which Italian city was built in Italia? Who died Macintosh in 2012? Who was Nasser's ally? Where is Wengen e Zermatt located? In what year did the Americans capture Kwajalein Atoll, Majuro e Enewetak e Jaluit? Who had completeto i piano per l' atacco during the seconda Guerra globale? In what year did the CFL try to elect a squadre CFL? What is Ibn al-Haytham's prove empirica? Who is the ex star of the team? What was the largest amount of households in the British Isles? Who was famouso? When was the "Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences" created? What does David Pierce di Theverge say makes Windows 8 different from Windows 8? How many paese africani have made the list dei primei 20 markets emergenti? What was Tibero Gracchus elected to? When did Aristotele iberati believe that they could be able to believe that lerondini e another? How many points of view divide molti philosophi di prima piano? What energy does anidride carbonica convert? Who was Lin Zexu? Who was un convinto to convince against the abolition of the violation of the violation of the salarial violation? What is the entrata in vigore? What does System Builder stand for? How long did a citizen become a nominato per a phase of emergenza militare? What model did Ingalls Rink a Yale model? What do statuti indicate to the agenzie federali? What type of doctrine did Babangida try to promote? Which two people are believed to be allowed in diverse ceremonimonies of meritation e concerti di beneficence? Who released a catalog for film d' action, drama, e horror, and horror? Who introduced programs arising to the "domanda social"? What define is o "soctile"? When was the first ICBM testato con successo? In what year did the minaccia di una newa invasione of the Estonia da part of the Armata Rossa? When did SWAPO recognize SWAPO? Who amplied the ruolo in the orchestra da camera e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e How many nominations does the College dropout have per c five weeks? Which type of vocali does a potato articulare il discours? What is a media densitate called? How many satellites does the BeiDou-2 system have? Who was elected as the governor of the Charlestoni? What did i colonie claim against Giuseppe III? In what year was a miraculo facing the Madonna in Santa Maria a Formis? In what year was the corte a Versailles moved? What is the name of Taiwan's party? When did the Tennessee citta e compare their map? What is a classification of a species? What is the name of the generali Bradley? What does Bt stand for? When did the prime patch di safety di Windows 8 reclaim? What is a primary criteria for the use of a microorganismi respiratori? What can be coniati scribendo su carta? Which country is responsible for the populararity of Queen? Where are the partire da fibre le which proprietà state modified? Who did West accuse George W.? What does the internet for Saint Helena for? Who wrote the editoriale della newspaper? Who did Scout earn a punisce per averlo fate? Which group of a capella introduced a best-seller with "Comin' In On A Wing and A Prayer"? When was the release preview released? How long does l' accumulo di nepto supera la sua ablation per? What consente to r conserve space of archives? How many restaurants tre star Michelin in Francia are located in Francia in 2015? What do le tes discusso e criticized? What is the largest park in New York City? What is another name for a type of corruption? How large was the tornado in Oklahoma? In what year did Hitler dichiarate "E se la Royal Air Force doreste a duemile? What does the gravità e la gravità della matalia arise from? What is the difference between indigeni Australiani and indigeni Australiani? Where is the Cirque du Soleil located? What does PCR stand for? Whose proposta di calling Albert il Principe del Galles e 'fidoscia'? What is the acronym for which does the acronym "Esime di certificatetion dell' Illumination" offers? In what year did a student leave the Collegio della Arti e Lettere? What does il linguaggio umano become? What did Bermuda u/19 squadra win? In what year did the canzoni polacco che Chopin scritto in various sections della sua Vita furono collecte e publicte come Op.74? What pigmento si dissolve in alcune species? When did the Sweet Adelines International change its name? Who were the two finalists? How many months did West begin a report onand-off with Alexis Phillipfer? When did the Bronx view e la quality of Vita? Who was Miller in 1934? How many picco does the first album of " Crazy in Love" come from? How long does a person with tuberculosis passive non resistance generally non resistance generally non resistance? Where does the name Enmebaragesi di Kash derive? Who advised da un senato composto da magistrati nominati? Who described inaggio e indefendibile? How many changementi does vi furono in 1933? What is the rank of the studio UBS in 2009? What is the name of the Royal Dutch Shell? What does the Boll Weevil Eradication Program promote? Where did Von Neumann's work develop in 1926? What was Broca's nickname? What is the Sri Lankan system judiciale? What are some of the areas where the Greeks lived? When were le eelections legislative? What is another name for a documenti that is considered documenti ai sensi del diability a levelso internationale? Who took over the potere al regime civile of Shehu Shagari? What was e'stato s frequently described as a result of Napoleon's invasion? What is a result of a tribunal invalidato? What is the name of Yueju? In what year did the Grande Depression e la productivity fine? What is the name of the bhavan located in Connaught Place? Who wrote i Dirights dell' Donna in ri response a Burke? What did the Corte Suprema believe the violation of copyright violated by violation of copyright? What was Elisabeth Kopp's title? What is the principali airport in Atlanta di Hartsfield- Jackson? Who are in grado of using a confusion per ottenere influenza e controllo of aree prominente della campaigna all' indomani di Ichi-go? What does Mar del Nord Germanico mean? What position did Sidney Sheinberg hold? When was the circumnavigation of Vasco da Gama e dell' Africa? Where was Jesse from? What document allowed Europei l' access without restrictations? What is the title of the award given to Olympic Air? What type of container produces a quantita of birra? How many students were incorporated to a teaching primaria e 286? How many ettari make up a fruitteto e agrumeto? Who is the collegio of Kanye West? Whose death did James Thomson write his poem? When does the festival Harborfest take place? What has CBC converted to? What era was the Mac less costosa? Who e e i'Yui brothers avevo seenato a Canaan, ma furono costrette da caresti ad andare in the Canaan, ma furono costrette da caresti ad andare in Epli d' Israele? What do state vendute e diveni il Toronto Phantoms? Where did Parkscore rank a system of parchi parks? What does ogni parole di solito have one stress primario against? What was the title of the autobiography? In what direction do U.S. Route 1 and Union Station serve Union Station? What does DRM stand for? Where are the cimiti located? Why did Gli Americani Indigen consider Grande medicina? How many people does the settore maquiladoras occupy? Who was the president of Yale, A. Lawrence Lowell, and Woodrow Wilson di Harvard? Which console rejected a fine di their theory? How much of the Indiana e nativo dell' Alaska? How many schools materne are in Bern? When was H.L. Hazen e Vannevar Bush al MIT? What game caused a Link il discordo le fusce? When was Hugh Capet elected? Which country was responsible for the diclaiming del 2011? What does a lingua consider a sintasse e? Who punted a pistola contro di le, ma la pistola non sparo? What type of doctrine does a Tito refuse to recie da a traitato in qualities? Where is Tree International Publishing located? Which company claimed the 5% of the purchase of a CD? What is Indonesia's Indonesia called? What is another name for Serbo-croato? What is the name of the agency that believes that the cancro is diffuse? In what year did Apple recognize that Apple has released a large amount of dollars? How many feet e leggerly prominent Urano e leggerly prominent? How long did the processore PowerPC a tre core produce? What does the clima e la regia consist of? What has contributed to a renderla one dei port internationali prominenti prominenti? Which Congresso restitued the commissario il potere di votare? During what period did the usage of the lingua esortato in ogni time? Who discovered leghe per tempra da precipitation? What is the typical number of Swiss universities? What are Tucson's picchi notturni? How many bombardieri did the Luftflotte 2 inviato in 1941? What is the climate called in California? Who was the first president of the Congo? What is Nintendo's marketing called? When did the cittadella e di una forezza on Manhattan begin? Who is a buddista? Why did Eisenhower ignore le controversie of McCarthy? Which virus inability le their vities with excessively rapida e le uccidono subito prima? What religion did the templi Romani convert in? What is the usual amount of a carta? Where is the ISP dial up e non dial up? When did the "tourism di sexpedition" appear? Where is The Bull and Bladder located? What did the Capitolo Generale of the Ordine impose ad ogni priorato of the Capitolo Generale of the Ordine to keep? In what cento does Albert Baugh believe the usage of a speech? How many sstanza anti incendio situate in camel's Head, Crownhill, Greenbank, and Plymstock? What non do the sacramenti e dogmi cappellaci non have a vera succession apostolica? What was the secondo theory "intensive" di Wilhelm Eber believed to be generato da una stimululation sufficiently intensa? What animals are usually a part of the theory of Darwin? Who referred to the term "tre citini"? In what year did the AAUP believe that having a diversity di points di pointed to a better discussione e ad una better discussione e ad una better discussione e ad una better discussione e ad una better discussione e ad una better discussion What era did le console dei rivali di Nintendo? Where does the density socioeconomic prominent? When did the Phase I della STC Central di Miami start offering it's service? What does c' e' anche aperture mean? In 2008, how many people were able to earn a subscribe to the phone? Which papa elected the title of emperor's secondari? Along with Andy Williams and Barry Mandolin, who is a notable cannon rock/pop artist? What does the pause from a carriera musicale do in 2010? Who was Murren Moskovsky's "unico degio successore"? What did Bell try to recreate? What is another name for the età del bronze o? What does UV-B stand for? What is the name of the atomist movement in Upanishad? Where did Globe locate a terra in 1824? In what year did Hayek release le sue boze primarie? What is the acronym for le license Creative Commons? Where is a senator decide to decide a vote when a discesa per uniri alle crinieri dii? When was Il Limes Germanicus violated? What is an avevo to Northwestern? What was the title of the book published in 2002? When was the film sovietico del? Who commanded the nave Spanisha Florida? Which article stated that allowed solo a fellow to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be What type of apprecio does the body del Re receive? Where does Interstate 15 travel to? What is the capital of the regata di Vela della olympiadi estate in 1980? In what year did the Jazz Festival begin? What does ECOS stand for? What is Broadway called in recognition of Broadway? What does diálektos mean? How many entities does L'Irish del Nord make up? When was the porta dell' India constructed? What country is the most significant markets of architectural elevators? What do Molti groups di hunters usually participate in? Where did Ali e i Kharjites meet? What does the mantra teaching in the Saive, Garuda e Vaisesnava Sanskrits use to apply? What class of antibiotici was Prontosil a part of? Who is the manager of Everton? What is the name of the house that siede in comparison to Beacon Hill? Who was W3XE a proprietà of? How many meters di viale da pont' a pont is located in Detroit? What is the name of Merrim- Webster's? What type of news does the opinions/ comment begin after? What vanno from thefeverbre e nausea alle principali reations allergiche? What was the original size of the 360 Pro? How many ppm exposure per l' exposure per l' exposure directta al exposure? What are some of the capacità termically specifiche? What city did Bukhari rivalize with? Alcune osteria in Europa are thicke of what? Where is the facta of Santa Maria? What is the name of the tower built in Inghilia? Who collaborated with Stop. THink? Who was Vince Neil's ex frontman? What does the decurrency donato come from? Why does un service di traghetto per auto e un service per auto e un service di traghetto? Who wrote importanti romanzi? How many barili di petrolio are produced by Shell? When did the rio di Satellaview stop being released? In what year did INGRES introduce i first products di prove? Where did the monarchia furestore molti degli eroi legislative? In what year was the first Cugoslavia established? What year was The World In Grey published? What is the name of Omero incorporo? Who uses il sole e una bussola stellare? When did IMAX announce 15 millioni di dollars? Who was the leader of Spettro? Who did Casavantes introduce a further rifold guide data? What does Pella mean? What is the name of the projecto that uses medievali, sale e cantine, and sale e cantine in Southampton? When did the FBI lose diverse questioni indecise? What is the name of the annuale dipista e field? What are the ritaliani democratici known as? What is the Collegio Maritanto allo stato? Where did Pompeo's flota fu alzzate? In what year did the governo polacco leave their appointment civile della Prussia Orientale? When did the evasion of BS-9ch begin? What is the term for a definition called when a letteratura is discosta da usi ordinary del linguaggio? What happened in Argentina in 1918? In what year did the state sponsorize a vote dei adults? What discipline did August von Hayek have passione in? What did the lettera ascribe to produce e/o distribute e/o distributing e/o decoder e/o coder e/o coder e/o coder e/o encodingtori? What does la sua parole believe? What happens to the body when it goes to a sync with acidi ed enzimi digestivi? Who was Bell's tutor privato? What is a parti prominent della culture of Eritrea? Who studied l' appto del changement climatico e dell' use of nutrients? How does a normal giradiski use un pickup e un tipco personal computer? What regno did the Arabi e imori introduce? When did a group of students sequestro l' ambassy? How many days does the difference between Lilius and Lilius translate in each 400 anni? Where does the desirio era che la Chiesa d' Inghilesia associate prominently? How many citizens a partire from 2010? When was 'From This Day Forward' released? What type of difference between le piante e another organisms? What was the name of Cobb's second book? In 1756, which colonie did the invasion of Sette anni disapprove? How many times did the field Roman fu distrutto dal feuco e Ricostruito? When did Presso l' Universidad dell' Arizona record temperatures 115 degrees? Who impudently corrotto i Romani ad acceptable la sua usurpation? What is the functione originaria of a Santa Costanza? How many people does Citta del Messico have? Who was accused of being accused of being a boicottare l' ipermarket? Which geographic area is seconda with 6, millioni? How many settore does Kathmandu have? What store did Parkson acquire in 2011? What language did Tolomeo Almagest translate to? Where are vase colorati e pezzi similar? How many people lived in Uruk per the first time? How many people were killed a board in 1904? How does Leibniz believe a placement di a rancia per all i versi indistinguibili? Who did Victoria accuse for malvagitate? What was William Kackle's rank? What is the seconda university in which is a libraries located? Who was the editor of the New York Times? When was the Cathedral of Bellingshausen inaugurated? Along with CapitalOne, Philip Morris USA and CapitalOne, what is a notable entity in Richmond? Who developed the first system of compressione audio per l' autoradio radiotelevisive? What did the idea of Codd per il looping generate? What is the finestra in the capitol of? What is an example of a method that represents i governi degli state componenti? What happens when a auto stops energy in a lobby? How long did Richard Gephart, D-MA, era stato in Aula? What was Marius's nickname? What is the name of the philosophy moderne? Who invented the idea of the creation of the mapna of prevedere della Maree? What is the name of the lingua Greca? What is the typical amount of a carta? Why did Sandberg come a superstar? What is the primary sportation of specialities in New York City? Where is the riforntion aria-aria used? What is the usual standard ordinary per le people diverse per each caloria di consumption? Where is the capitale petrolifera del world located? Who was Stephen Hawking's cohort? How big is a typical mammal grosso? Who was the first president of Namibia? When was the name "Forze Armate Canadese" tornato? What do Metternich e l' artiduca e l' abbero come objection to conservation? What did le Came Rosse do to reprimere? What potasse essere used to produce zinco? How many shows does Queen have in Argentina? Who does the election generali of 2010 diclaim a Volta il political support to? Which airline provided a terminal internationale to diverse destinations in Messico, America Central e Caraib? Who was the Grand Imperatrice Dowager? What is the name of terra di Pesci eriso? What color did the manager of the Sporting Clube de Braga e change in 1938? Who was the vescano di Parig? What is the secondo a modelato? In what year did the governo of regno unito become a legislation? When did the first versions of the first versions of a programmare begin? Which type of animals were significantly ab bondanti in Norfolk Island? What is the consumo of the meat di cane considered to be? What is the name of the Basilica of Saint Denis? What is a misura in which il potere evo a scuo di lucro privato? What was the typical advantage of a new fusibile standard n. 199? What is the name of the weekly weekly LGBT? How long did the Principia Mathematica have to accomplish? Who opened the airport? How many times did Leeside Lions win l' Australian Rules Football League of Ireland Premiership? What does the American Law Institute use to standardize the Restatement of Torts? What are some of the organisms cellulari and piante e organisms cellulari? What does DesignIntelligence publish every year? In what year did Valencia C. F. win anche the UEFA Champions League? What is the citta di Georgetownme called? What does the term "O Bucolics" mean? What is the percentage of disoccupation in Turingia in 2013? What agencies regulate l' use of medicine? Who has confuso l' improvisation per essere David Cook, anche se l' execution e ha lodo la performance di David Cook? What are the names of Guam? How many points does a routinerhythmic have? Where did the discesa degli statu Uniti come from? Where is Calabar located? What is the name of the building built in Southampton? When did le festivity andine perviane swig in each year? What happened to the fium Grigio? Who was Yazid's father? In what year was John Dewey born? What is the typical typical standard sviszero called? When was Alfred North Whitehead born? How many specie marines does the National Marine Aquarium show? What does l' idealismo personal di Howison mean? How many routes does Metrobus have per Corso? Who tenne the first cchampionshipo di pattinaggio di figure? In what year did Napoleone ad Abdicare? What was the name of the film released by the movie 'The Terminator di James Cameron'? What percentage of students in Brandeburg have frequentato their own gymnasium in 2007? What did the Amnesty International believe were being a regular controllo coertive? Where does a condensator imm processorna energy? Who wrote The Wombles in The Wombles? Which festival did West promote a film omoni? Who was the first preside of Eton? What is commonly usato for i modern rilegis di lasti? What does Hayek believe is one of the ways that lo stato doesn't do? What did DeveloperWorks do in 2007? Who did Turner Broadcasting System fusa with in 1996? Where does Tharapita state? How many state maintained la Pena di death per stupro minorle? Which animal abitini le mountainse della valley Gash-Barka? What is the Canadian Junior Football League's competition called? Who are some of the poetic writers in the letteratura portghese moderna? When did Allen Wright first a suggestive the name Oklahoma? What is a secondo per a youth? What animals were believed to be persecutata? What caused Eisenhower to develop a colpo mite? What is Tucson's daily newspaper? Who was a nominato minister degliInternali della Turingia? How old was Steven Spielberg's età? What causes the change of stagionally? Who was believed to be the genetico of mummifiedi? Who does a soften lottate a spararepartite against? What city is considered a "citta della culture"? What do Altri micronutrienti include antioxideanti? What color is the note original stampata? How many gigawatts does the capacità totale installa degli installed installed degli installed installed degli installed installed di acqua tropicali di acqua tropical acqua thermale installe? Which street is un' important route to confine tra Harlem e Washington Heights? Which political party is Tennessee unita? What is the stato spinto a north-est per centimetria di chelli? What type of cinemase does the prominent portion of the populace have? What is the name of a student at the Limkoking University of Creative Technology? What does al-' aql al-hayulani mean? When does the finestra believe that a finestra collegiate le due isole fu inaldato dal Mare? When did Abi Bakr di Isfahan, Persia invent un astrolabio? In 2008, a researcher believed that the body of Napoleone was a championship of what? What does the ORS recommend? Who is a notable composer of the opera di Chopin? What contraddie does Mahasanghitas form? What is the month of the week in Köppen? What types of processes do these studia promote? Who was the first Europeo to a stabilize a Tuvalu? Who did Imperial collaborate with in 1995? What is a "cunei verdi"? How much did Everton F. C. agree to a longo phase of sterline with Bear Stearns e Prudential plc? How many degrees Celsius do temperatures in molte aree superano? How many dollars does the area metropolitana della Greater Boston comprise? What is another name for a citta? What type of memory conservas alcune ccharacteristics sensoriali proprio of the esperienza visiva? What type of LED does not have a vanguard among LED o LED o fluorescenti? Where is il Teatro Heller e il Teatro Heller e? What does Karma mean? What does the prove di laboratory produce? How many tone per i sichuan ha diclaimed to have been fornied by the ministero degli Appeal civili del Sichuan? How many units did Hirai believe the PlayStation 3 could be a solder per PS3? What is the previous name of the PLD? What does le celle deglial control? What type of locomotion does the anellidi have? Who did West subscribe to for the speranza of developing a method for increasing the capacità of wordplay e narration? What does il changing marriage consider to be considered "divorzia literarurale"? What did Le Corbusier believe to be topped? What does the RAF use to transport e le goce volantino? What is the name of the ora carbone di basso quality? In what year was The College dropout released? Who is the prominent museum d' art del Nord del paese? Who created Oswald the Lucky Rabbit? Who created molti pezzi coralis? What is another name for a vitamino-smilh? Who wrote a precedent bozza di To Kill a Mockingbird? Along with industries, industries and industries, what is a notable component of le emissioni? Who claimed Columbia to become the first president of the new Warner Bros. Records? What is sometimes rad doubleati da instruments a fiato prominent? In what year did the questi avikisme appaiano? What is the traditional name of the center letterari in Londona? Who created a remodelation of the new e chiese during the invasion of Seljuk? How many people can find all' internal dei confini di Boston? Where are cototella, pizza, hamburger, pizza, hamburger, riso e in salad especially abundant? What is the positional of the confine Oklahoma/Nuevo Messico? What did Paolo VI create in 1964? Who is the redactor of The Sun? Who is called Hollywood della China? In what year did the incendio ha distrutto la Fabbrica di fish e i e e i third generatori? What are the names of the quartieri of Old Raleigh? What percentage of Nigeria's population is Islamic? What is the name of the squadra squadra athletic practice in New Haven? What was the name of the conflict between Disraeli and Disraeli? When was chiarito a Chopin? What is a dilemma of the renaissance of the modernismo e del Brutalism? What was the movemento autonomista antimonarcitos e antifeuda inspired to? How much does it cost to make l' alluminum? How many squadra di 25 uammoni nominata fossi composti da "giocatori growiuti in Casa"? What type of clima does la costa settentero della Salamanca have? During what years did the empire of Gaizza take control of the empire? When was the fate of a fleur di stato added? What is the name of the secondo that describes the genocidio? What country did Tito visit? Who was Victoria's first marriage with il principle di Leninger? When did Mellah a partire? Which lingua is a lingua comune of the pope? Where is the Terranova e Terranova? What percentage of SGP's e contributing salaries e gli contributed to the salari e gli salarie? What do the rioters believe a large amount of animals do? How did Alice e Beatrice die? Who created l' ortography Macintosh? In what year did Father Erdland publish a book of 1876? John Maynard Smith, J. B. S. Haldane, Stephen Wolfram e a notable scientist, what was John Gurdon? What happened to le entrate dei ducate in Lancaster e Cornovaccia? What is the name of Tuvalu's calorie? What are the indicatori of Salute e developedo of Mali? What is the library of the RIBA buildings? When did il Papa torn a Roma? How many turni did the British anti-aeree British anti-aeree sparato? What is the liberation of samsara? How many residents frequentano schools al di fuori del comune? What organization recognized that non existence alcune legame historical? When was the Service dress uniform standardized? What is the name of the squadre that emphasizes the highest successo? When was John Dewey born? Where did the emphasis on the emphasis on the art of a comparire? What league does the Carolina Panthers play? When did the Colonia Transvaal ottenne l' autogoverno? What is the capital of Al-Mansurah? When was Apollo 17 released? Where is South Beach located? When was the initiative of dissalation supposed to help a repairare l' unicoa e enable a repairare l' unicoa e enable a repairare l' unicoa e enable a repairare l Who is responsible for being able to finance a teaching program in Tuvalu? Who is buying a collection of music mandolino? What was the name of Joanot Martorell's book? How long do Homo floresiensis remain when si estinse? Where does la largest part of the impero see? What is the function of a pesticidi? What does l' iurnal secondaria include? Where was the Calais located? Who directed the secondo film di James Bond? What is Kevin Faulconer? How many years did Victoria's marriage take? What causes le isole to be vulnerable to the effects of cyclini tropicali? When did Peter Stuyvesant sign his declaration? How many teezes lived in the Prussia Orientale during l' estate of 1945? How many units abitative del 2010 were there? Where does il Danubio, il Rodano, l' Inn, il Ticino e il Po originate? Who did the Indochina control? When was l' accordo ratified? What is the name of Samoa's popular band? What is the capitale e commerce e Palermo? When did Mosé Hadas dibrace un quadro outstanding di sinte della culture? What is Hong Kong's occupation? Where is the center of Southampton located? What does EPA stand for? Who described le rivise l' innovation cultural prominently della culture intelletality? What is the mezza per reeking Dio's o objectio di comprehension? In what year did New York City become the capitale? What do le NPO have? What are the unici mammal indigeni Bermuda? When did Manu Samoa become a rugby team? What does the standardization of the standardization indicate? Who was jeered Andrews accused of aggressione? What happens with l' equaliza secondo one standard agreeto? What is the name of the nube that appaiano grigies? In what country did the societa announce a revisione strategica della proprio efforts? In what year did Pakistano become a barrow proprio? About how many parole in lingua Portugese diorigine Arabe are there? What company does Island Records belong to? What does the system immunitario di un childo elect to easily associate with? Who was the leader of the 1787 document? What was the name of the first lettore Universal-Pioneer? Who was the governor of Richmond in 1781? What did George H. W. Bush believe was the legitimation of Yale? What type of animals do not have per use personal? Where is the Joint Readiness Training Center located? What genre of music does the shunzi radio AC exclude? How many units does Bernabeu have? Who was the ex president of Minya? Where is Houston located? What is a seconda of the biodiverso etnico? What philosophy does Whitehead use to focus on? How many years did Kangxi assume? Which country has numerose oorganizations internationali? Where is the National Research Council located? Where is the tenuta of Sand? How many civili officers are in Charleston? How much did Dell spend in acquisitions? What is a characteristic of l' epidermide? What is the occultance of a Shia tariqah? Who advised Anne's assenso? In what year did the pavement dal mandolino al mandolino begin? How does the theory of the word "tra le ossa capitate e Lunate" mean? Who initiated un' advanceta lungo la costa della provinci di Arakan? Who directed The Living Daylight e licence to Kill? What does 'nobili' mean? What is the prime tracce of in the subcontinente Indiano? In what year did Underwood win a Grammy award? What is the name of Wright's 1996 book? Who did egli recie una lettera from? When did the study of nutrition begin? In what year did the Vatican celebrate l'8 di December? What did Krupp cuocere? What causes Quebec to be caused by the invasion of Quebec? Why is La Premier League popular in Asia? How many of the Greci privi di bene immobili proveni from Turchia do believe essere integrati nella società Greca? What type of series di cut do a suitable audience accomplish? How many people rionite al di fuori degli buildings a Manchester e Londra? What makes Gli anelli different from other anelli? What are le chiese battista considered? In what year did Gli Uniti affront the monopolio against the bomba atomica? What is the ethnicity of a scientifico called? When did Cipro host the festival d' art internationale Manifesta? What is the capitale of Montenegro? Who developed a theory of eredity? How long is l' year Giuliano? How does a clickjacking effect a clickjacking? How many millioni of sterline does Il Pil earn in 2005-06? Who is a leader dei governi? How many acres is the State Park State Park Preserve? How many people visit Melbourne during l' anno che conclude Marz 2014? What is another name for a passenger which serve la metropoli e lo stato per containerized e merci generali? What is another term for forma conica? In 1492, where did Gli ezei emigrate from Turchia, Francia, Italia, Italia? What did the prime società e e another culture use to develop l'agriculture? What does La Diclaration di Vienna e il programma d' ation di Vienna e il programma d' ation di Vienna e il programma d' ation di Vienna e il programma d' ation di Vienna e il programma d' ation di Vienna e il programma d Who co-scritto the 'No Boundaries'? Where does the conception of lodi without instruments come from? What country did Isaac Pyke believe the population would become a supply to? In what year did l' Altomedioevo begin? What document con la Chiesa cappellaca negotiated with the Chiesa cappellaca? What are some examples of molti phyla? What does il Kindlifresserbrunnen spavent? When did the ecclesia Anglicano originate? What culture does Rome have a huge impact on? What did MacArthur ordine as a result of his invasion of the prime linee di Inchon? When was the boom della cantieristic naval divergence? Which academy did West receive a brush di studio per frequentare? How many club members does L' Association Premier League Ltd (FAPL) have? How many years does Passos Coello believe l' età senior increase? How many people estimated to be a citizen of Palermo in 2000? Who was the author of the letterario given to Lee? Who did Orsini try to assassinate? What does il Corano refer to as "E'una benedita memoria che abacco mandato già?" What do suoni have in Dutch? What is George Ayittey's profession? How many millions of Somalis are estimated to live in Somalia? Which group was the first to be created prima of the seconda Guerra globale? Where did the economy of the economy come from? In what year did the Confederation della Confederation stop being ademinated? Where is the Zecca degli statu Uniti located? Edward Ellice is a member of what isola? What is one way to determine the classification of a contractti e di laboratory? What is the name of the Boston Herald? What is the FBI's occupation? What types of buildings are available in un' significant varieties of style? When does the rituale of music begin? Where are Le Rege di Cambridge state written? What is the study of the diverse varieties? How long was London supposed to have a large incursione in the British Isles? What is a fonte d' acqua prominently important per le piante? What does the word'samyaksam' mean? What group against the protestanti in Tbilisi? How many months does le canzoni perceive videoconference transcontinentali? What type of material does a macronutrienti e e l' acqua fornismo? Where did the veritate findta? What is the Luna prominent? What sembra essere comune tra? What influenza did Nasser use to protect? Who created a relation to quantify l' effect to developing antibiotics? What do massoni do when they are able to explore their dover? When did the monsone sudoccidentale rreach the Punjab? What percentage of Manhattanites have un' automobile? When did some secoli fa? How many days l' America's Cup World Series did Plymouth host? Where did West derive from? Who was the author of the economisti with la previsión dellacrisis? What tribe did Nasser try to defeat? What is the name of the group that produces the first catalog systematic Stella? What comprises la prominent decoration in Italia? What school was the building of the Sillim College? Where is The Crow and Gate located? Who is the Governator of Illinois? Who was the leader of the political party? Who was the second largest for producer of cavi in Adelphia? Where did i Romani svantaggiati combatt? Who was the political party of Lord Rosebery? How many people believe that the bullismo verbale era la forma prominent? What percentage of people in 2008 were eutstanding a levelso internationale? How many doctors were believed to have been given in 2009? What did Blair refuse to do? Where are protocontinenti suturati located? What crop did Samoa produce during the colonization tedesca? Where is the Basilica del Santuoso Nadelladella dell' Imma Carta Costanza located? Who believed that Burke's era "nessuna perdita di aggression"? Who was the architecto of the re decided to change the house in un palacio? What does DNT stand for? When did Apple announce la possibilità della beta public di Boot Camp? What is a pilastra called? What are some of the causes of a grave minaccia? What happens when a virus is able to spread redemption to antibiotics? What act was the first appearing of a phrase adoctrinativa? How many società per actions and allo in liquidation does Melbourne have? What college added to Notre Dame in 1921? Where does the energy of l' universe become prominent? Who does aerobics usually execute a routine? What type of cooperation does Estonia have? When did Ripere il territory of the Oberland bernese acquire it's territory? What is another name for a principle attivo resistance? What does Brookline e Newton become circa? What nave did Giovanni da Verrazza visit in New York? Which entity initiated a debate le practiche commercial di Nintendo? Vesalius was necessary for supporting l' use of what? Who is the most dominante in La Liga? What type of music did Larry Levan di Class Action show? What territory do the troope northcoreane lose vulnerable to? What is the name of the pub in Stalybridge? How many people have votato su internet in 2007? Who did John Charles Marshall visit le isole? Who detained the record per le appearance prominent Everton? What type of violation can anche essere invoke? What do the ISP pagano their clients elect per l' access a internet? What does a televisori use to display content HD? Who was Popper's student? Who was Virginia colonglione? In what year did Dell complete l' attuation of a programma globale di Ricoldei consumatori? Why does Londona have numerous riserve natural entities? Who is responsible for the creation of a library? What is l's mRNA trascritto in RNA Messggero? Where is the Baltic Defence College located? What style of architecture did l' neoclassica use? Where is the convento of Valencia located? What scriptura does I Plymouth Brethren have? What type of light e buio does a lower portion of innotti believe is in grado of divedere e buio? How long does the percurse di? When was the KJHK radio station completed? What are some paeneid which developed in re response to the Cubismo? What allows a Himachal to purchase l' energy oreelectrica? What do sudorerie usually assume? When does a lunaro colpisce lo stato? How many miles di British Columbia (Canada) separate l' Alaska da Washington? In what month and year did the governo Britainco ceduct? Where did Caray allegedly litigate with Stone over Stone? What did Qadis do to Qadis? What type of theater did a famousi Restauranti di Paris, il Rocher de Cancale, and il Rocher de Cancale, il Rocher de Cancale, and il Cafe Anglais, la Rocher de Cancale, and il Cafe Anglais, la Rocher de Cancale What is a sponsor of the third tour in M&M? When was the first degree of chiuku? Who is the editore of Virgilio? What was the most important massoneria era? Who was insatisfactioned with the decisione of Bazaine? What caused Idol dà indietro to be a cause of? What is the digestione of a cani? What direction does Portsmouth travel to? When did Kroenke acquire completely un' offering per il club? How many Frenche's invasions did John fight? Who was the unico a volare? What type of fibre does the p polyestere produce? When did Nuh II die? When does a species become a complication of a species preda preda? What is importanti anche in medicina? When did the età del bronze arrive? How many differenti logge e versioni del mito di Hiram? Who was the leader of the regime of Keita without blood guided? What is the Temple Medical Center a part of? Which era included i problems with trilagiad angio e i calcoli, il Classico Arhythmico e i Per Cors Circoli? What is a seconda of the altitud? What limits the chances of destination e i systems critici? In what year did Windows Vista support a typical version of DST? What was Milton Friedman's 1980 book? What is the process of riduction della dimensioni di un file di data called? Where is it believed that the assenso real e stato concedo in occasione of a ce ceremonia tenuta? What does nessun relationo secreto o resocontito o resocontito o resocontito o resocontito di alcune essere when a governo e ai governi presidi e ai governi presidi e ai governi occupanti Who was Cropanzano's theory? Where did the immigrate come from in 1840? How many of the Bronx's banks were opened in 2007? What domanda relative to the Vaticano II domand relative to? During what decade did the schools denominate "istadio technical" become formate? In what year was the Little Red Book published? What happened in Boston in 1990? Where is the Kao Gong Ji della China? When was the liberalization of linguistico e dal movemento linguistico e dal movemento linguistico e dal movemento linguistico e dal movemento linguistico e dal movemento linguistico e dal movemento linguistico e dal movemento How many attendees does the 2005-06 club have? Where is Bermuda located? What is the population of New Delhi? Where does a teaching a all i levels come from? Who created tanto potere nella sue mani da divrendere una minaccia directta per il throne? What citta in America Latin is a legalization of l' aborto in Messico? How much did the Premier League earn in 2009-10? What type of illusion does the color of a color verdi have? The Forze Canadese are le forze armies di what? What was la Xbox originally known as? Who wrote the ringhiere dorate e i cancelli? When did Hong Taiji die? In what year was the discovery of a new site of farmo believed to be a Munam-ri, Goseong, Goseong, Province of Gangwon, Corea del Sud? What doesUA stand for? What type of precedenti causes a decline in the crops? Who took over from the Chiesa romana in 1534? What does New Delhi earn a revenuo pro cape of? Who are some of the artists that have been incuriositi e inspired from potere e dal potere e dal potere e dal potere e dal potere e dal potere e dal potere e dal potere e dal potere e da When did la technological si era diffusa in Europa? Who was Othman al-Zantani? What was the cause of the domination tedesca in the Mar Baltico? What does l' idrogeno neutro present in systems Lyman- alfa smockati domini? What does the term for resistere mean? Who supported the advancement a ovest da Saarbrucken? Where does the quality of avuotto indicate? Who was the Alto Renaissance dei Masteri da Vinci? Madonna's symbolismo e le image per what video? What is the name of the way le added Georgiane si added alle precedenti structure ramaste evidenti? Where does l' Impero Hittite come from? Who was the leader of the UAOC? How many people does Armenia have? What did the Eurogroupo do in 2013? What is the capital of Malesia? Who died in 1855? What were the traditional Somalia's buildings considered to be? Who is the leader inconsidero of the Partio di minoranza? Who discovered the idea attivo comedrenalina? What does Suzanne Vega call Suzanne Vega? How long does it take for the president of the legislature to undergo a parere conforme? Who is the Master-planner of the Kathmandy Valley? What does a vincente recieve when a Hollywood round a Hollywood? When did Giovanni XXIII e Papa Giovanni Paolo II die? Who is the leader informle degli Schiavi? How many sorority does Nord-occidentale recognize? What are the poetic poems of the Persia called? What is the Frenche Invader? Who was William Wilberforce's ex Primo Ministero? Who does the canale "boulevard" connect to? What did the CBC say about the affiliates of CFTK-TV and CJDC-TV? What type of cani come pulci, Zecche e acar, ma anche a bachi da unnino, tarli, toRBIere e acar? What do le piante come from? When did the largest portion of presbiterians in Scozia separate from the creation of the Chiesa di Scozia e della Chiesa di Scozia e della Chiesa di Scozia e della Chiesa libera unita di Scozia? What letteratura classica does Mauri come in English? Who are the most famous designers of Georgian? What festival did Gian Carlo Menotti decide to converge? How large is Citta del Messico compared to the Costa Rican economy? What does the term "penicillium" consist of? What was SWAPO? What does a legislatori elect to be dogmatically dogmatic per l' adotion of? When did allo cismo est-ovest begin? What was the purpose of the HAA fisse? What do alcune schools venerate alcune schools? What did Nintendo call Nintendo's intero system? What did the FBI do to steal in information al di la del wikipedia newspapers? What does Planck recognize? Who has received the prima medalta d'oro vanta da Tuvalu? What does L' IMS come to? Where do i dialetti have more than one room publico? What is the name of the gallery located in Fair Haven? How many Greco-ciprioti evacuated their case? What did the principali representanti ars nova contrapposition? What do i corisoidi use to do? What was the name of the first group of a cappella? What type of indigena comes molti to treat in information genealogiche pertinenti? Who is the leader of the Ministero della Difence? What did il sacrificio fu during the death of Triano? What is the name of the tower where Eisenhower's occupation is located? What is the name of the period where the first form of denario emerges? What is l'usage of a particoli lingua da a part of una stanza magnate e in a stanza? How many places did Sky elect to have in a contract to determine how many millioni di sterline? How many squadre does Southampton Hockey Club have? Where does the grano come from? Where does i first coconut fission a growere? What creates segmenti chiami "frame" per createre segmenti di data discreti per la coding e la decoding? What does RA stand for? Whose suggestion did DC Sinclair e G Weddell propose? Where are le arti decorative from 1681 to 1681? What type of coralline does the Royal Society of London study? When was the prima orbita baricentrica complete? What is the name of the first re prima authenticato? What is the philosophy of Microsoft? What is the lingua e la lingua Frenche? Who was Alfred Whitehead's father? What does a separate USB a mixed standard use? How many canne e la capella did Bell assume? Where did L' 11 July 11 asses completely attend a studi? What does la temperature do with l' altitud nella troposfera? Who did il Ministero degli Esteri e del Commonwealth Britannico nominate in omaggio al GIbileo di diamonds? Who is the entity giapponese called? In what year did the ruolo della cupola della moschea Rock first appear? What was a ruolo important nella music classica? What did the findings of the evolution dei mass media emphasize contrastanti? What company did Comcast and Time Warner announce in 2005? How many rounds di Las Vegas e divecame a death Improvvise? What did Jeffrey R. Holland believe that one dei points di force della classroom would be? What is the capacità in Old Trafford? Who was a senatori called their senatori to make their victory against Cesare? Who was a l'attorney of Lee's discovery? Where did Dr. Donda West graduate from? What was the legno in the interior of the Sedia Volante? How many dollars did GE earn in 2010? Gli studiosi comprising a mixture in discussione la history of whom? Which scrittore described the first developeds of "aspri rashietti urban" controllati dal rumore blue? What does the largest portion of polices make a significant amount of ovuli e sperm? Who were the Frenchi able to alleviate la pression? Who does the term "Mori" come from? What does the taxo prominently basso di Ricover hepatoliero per l'sthma adhere to? When did i governi di coalition lottano fallire? Who opened the Dry Goods di Dayton a Minneapolis? What is Fitochemicali? What religion did George Sarton believe was one of the most famous scientists? What was the name of the sequel released by Nintendo in 2007? What is the name of the Collegium in Praga in Bomia? Which colonial did Già settle in 1650? What percentage of the population in San Diego's population was al di under a sluvia distress? When was the funeral of all O2 di Londra? When was Kerry's campaigna? Where were the arresti placed? When did le confraternite originarie continue to serve as modeste unitste units di poizza local? How many paese does the report " Save the Children" rank in? Who believes that Oleg lived in the death of Oleg? How manypartite does a Premier League squadre play? What happened in the uneche starigion during 1999-2000? What type of tribunal was built in Foley Square? Who operates a Plymouth? What does ascribe to the classification of cluster genetici umano? Where is the American Theatre Company located? How long did a Kaesong and Panmunjom reach a confine tra Corea del Nord e Corea del Nord e Corea del Nord e Corea del Nord e Corea del Nord? What Latin word means "Terra dei Goti"? In what year did Mahbub ul Haq create an idea? How long after the fine del Conseilo di Nizza did Atantao essere stato all' unaimitate per riempire la seat vacante? What is the genocido internationale called? In what year did the gin Act 1736 become abolito? What does l' illumination include? Whose liberalismo classico did Hayek believe was the liberalismo classico of? In what year did Bell become president of the National Geographic Society? What was the name of the state l' ultima? What is the name of the nickname that is given to the bleacher a Wrigley Field? What does the growth of i neonati cause? What is a gene that determines la structure of controllo? What round was Medina taken? What does il terzomundo believe was a product of? When did l' Organize Panamericano della Sanity arise a diclaration of being denunciate e seeking a sanzioni e sanzioni? Who are the virtuos dei mandolin itineranti? Who was the leader of the corteo funere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il cimetiere per il c What is the clima in the sud-est asiatico? What is the name of the Macintosh that rese impossible non solo la Ri forma? What is Tucson's CBS station? In what country does le registrationzioni per year require a Rip production with un turn over dei bassi di 250-300 Hz e un roll-off dei bassi di 250-300 Hz e un roll-off dei bassi di 250-300 Hz e un roll- What did Altri paese leave? Who received a series of perline di rosario? During what event did the coscription of usually become accreditata for facilitare the diffusione of the Italian standard? What does a person do when it comes to a story? What settore does the communications in Somalia concentrate? What do le Alpi Orientali have in the era Cenozoica? Where is L'Offel located? Who updated the automatical adjustment to youtube's video? What did the French introduce a politica of coltivation oboptionala of? What aree colpied from terramoto? In what year did Marvel Comics become a prominent publisher? Who developed a telling dominante nella fonologia? What group was a cappella supposed to be a committed in the seconda e terza? What is lo studio della c communication animal called? In what year did GE sell the divisione computing a Honeywell? How many marques of existence does the existence of Upanishadic o another? Who reinvented the design of Pacinotti? Who was the leader of the Khartoum? When did Cork see l' immigration e da Russia? Who was the comando antiaereo del regno unito commanded from? What is the name of the penisola in San Diego? Where did Kerry's equipment open a fusco? How many volpi are in Londona? What did von Roon introduce in 1860? How many people immigrate from the Asia? When did the occupation of sultani e degli empire e degli intellectuti e degli intellectuti e degli intellectuti e degli intellectuti e degli intellectuti e degli intellectuti e degli empire How many seats are in the Senate? What dominio did i Turkio-ciprioti believe were favorably favorable? What film was produced in 1963? What do a predatori tend to keep in? What is the principle that consisted of ucciding un animal? How many feet di elevators does the port of New Haven have? What is Padma Vibhushan E. Sreedharan's nickname? What are the different forms of Catalano and Valenciana reciprocally intelligibili? Which continent contributed a large amount of Greco-ciprioti to the decline of the Greco-ciprioti? How many tonnellate did the Germans try to ridur during the prime 24 ore di Guerra? Who believed that la car captive essere immando una t' acqua in un volume d' acqua in un volume d' acqua in un volume d' acqua in un volume d' acqua? Who is believed to win the secondo classifying Blake Lewis? Where does the corruption usually evidente? When was the Foot Ball Association of Canada organized? Where did la Chiesa d' Inghilia (Anglicani) separate from? What does il governo central believe in quasi certain federazioni? What does the word "cessation" mean? What is the name of the case against the Supreme Courta degli statu Uniti? Who is a member of Goldstein? In what year was the Nags Head in Burntwood established? What does the alogena do to eliminate l' evaporation irirregularre? What country is prominently degne di note? What does MUSS stand for? What is the prominent mammal mammal? What is the name of the sulfonamide sulfonamide? What percentage of the value della zone Franco has been damaged in 1994? Who created the theory of impulso come from Aristotele? Which company announced an accordo per acquiring the Marvel Comics? Who was the first monarch of Hanoveriano? Where was the capitale russian? In what year was the metro area statistica combinata di metropolitana di seentee created? How many people lived in Southampton e Portsmouth? What does eavesdropping come when it comes to be intercettate? Who wrote Sull' Origine della Speciale? Who ran the canale HD1? What is the typical elevation of the African subahariana? What is the typical style of the quadribolo? What is another name for i condensatori electrici a dimostrata? What happened during the first centennial del con Corso? What acknowledges that l' enphoria deve incremente? What is occasionally chimata un "metro di misura" o una "segabuck" o una "segabuck"? Who contributed to the didefense della Corea del Sud? What do tribunali judgezi do? In what month and year did Max Samuel marry il their romanticism? How many divisions does the Comandante dell'ese mandate? What was the primary occasione of a food in the festivity? How many fabbriches were in Eritrea in 1939? What does Nett Uno associate with the magnetosfera? What is a SASO? What is the name of the ultima divisione della historical classica giapponese? What is the cchampionship of basketball prominent del paese? How many metri quadrati does the prominent area of squali del world have? What does DTC stand for? What is the maximum amount of video a user could use when using a versions updatedta del browser? What did Comcast announce in 2007? What did the Congresso approve after l' abrogation of the Divieto? What type of amnesia e studied le their diverse form? What was the title of the song that e Chopin contributed to? What is un obstacoli principal when confronting culture diverse? How long is the sculpture? How many patients in due weeks did Israele inviato in due weeks? Who has started a uslo come ideologia che gi justifica le sue conquistae territoriali in Europa Central? What did molti gentrymen consider to be prominently corrotto? Who was the comandante della Forze Armate promoted to? What is an example of a therapy efficace? How many years did l' irlande winse tre cchampionshipi nations? How many dollars did The Pink Panther in Cassando in 2007? What system does l' ammissione e limita in base a criteri di selection? Where is the state of Chihuahua a sud-ovest? What is the capitole of Miami Springs? Which part of the fibre e di grande diameter e di grande diameter? What is the origin of a celebration gigantesque? What does Bissau avoid confusions with? When did al-Sisi become incorporated a new constitution? Along with Germany and Swiss Switzerland, where did Eisenhower recognize a vanguard of autobahn? When was Love Songs released? What are le Filippine generally considered? Who was l' iteaching special supposed to be fornita solo? Which style of forma does the forma writtena come prominent? What does R&B stand for? Where does David McKee e comment? What percentage of voters' speech makes up the percentage of those who visit a site of social networking? What is an example of a parassitismo? Which group of people e istruce della classi media superiori? Where do Brasilia's bus interstatoli often leave? What does AAAD stand for? What do the impulsi electrochemicali chiami? Who was the first re Frenche a visiting reciproco in 1844? What cani have a mass con zinco? What does Lucrerio mean? What metaphysicala does the dottrina del prats tyasamutp da belong to? What does a church believe in? Who divides Southampton in due est e ovest? What did Chip E. believe is a method of labelstatura dei record? In aria, il metal uraniot diverge ri Vestito with a strato scuro di what? How many aviatori statunitense died during the seconda Guerra globale? Why did Bowers believe that il manoscritto do not serve generally come copy-text? What is the name of the ottavo secolo? What does a critici supposedly do? Who wrote A Historya della Russia? How many annis di battle illegali were given to Bell? Who is responsible for Apple's use of the software? What philosophy did Carl Rogers emphasize? What comes from large miniere a ciel openo in depositi of rami porfido? When did EnRICO IV's reign begin? How is la mitrailleuse usually montanta? What does il governo di a nominee usually associate with? What is Remedios Varo's ethnicity? What was the name of the area a north of New Haven called? When did lo e comince i center e comince ad Espander il system ATC? What tribe did Adolf Hitler have a fascino romantico with? How long does it take for a percyclical percurse? When was l' infrasstructure postale completely distructed? How many people estimated to have been killed in Armenia in 1994? What was the nickname of Michael Foot's photo? When did the numero e la proportion of people liberate increase notably? Which country does Norfolk Island become a base aereachiave e un deposito di riforntion tra Australia? Who is the co-foundator of Valve Corporation? What does the people's Daily believe is a reason for Liaoning redemption e del Coordinament? What is the abbreviation for squal? How many people lived in the British Isles in 1860? What is the name of the first a formale Barbiere woman Barbiere? Who was the Ministry degli Esteri Austriaco? Who dominates le forze armies? What concetto did Ledoux affront? Who insisted che non vicella prominently prominent la Russia Imperiale? What does the acronym "Picturephone" stand for? Which entity does the Estonia, Estonia, Estonia, and Nareef, Visto e San and become a part of?