from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os from io import BytesIO import json import logging import base64 import random from typing import Callable, List, Tuple, Union, NamedTuple from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageFile import as data from .languages.prompt_engineering import prompt_engineering from .tsv_file import TSVFile, CompositeTSVFile ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = True logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TSVDataset(data.Dataset): def __init__(self, tsv_file: Union[str, List[str]], transform: Callable = None, map_file: str = None, token_file: str = None, is_train: bool = True, azcopy_path: str = None): self.transform = transform self._chunk_sizes = None self.label2idx = self._load_map(map_file) self.class_selector = list(self.label2idx.keys()) if self.label2idx else None if isinstance(tsv_file, str): if os.path.splitext(tsv_file)[1] == '.tsv': self.tsv_file = TSVFile( tsv_file, class_selector=self.class_selector ) else: self.tsv_file = CompositeTSVFile( tsv_file, class_selector=self.class_selector, is_train=is_train, sas_token_path=token_file, azcopy_path=azcopy_path ) self._chunk_sizes = self.tsv_file.get_chunk_size() elif isinstance(tsv_file, list): self.tsv_file = CompositeTSVFile( tsv_file, class_selector=self.class_selector, is_train=is_train, sas_token_path=token_file, azcopy_path=azcopy_path ) self._chunk_sizes = self.tsv_file.get_chunk_size() else: raise ValueError("Invalid input! Please check the tsv filenames") logger.debug('=> {}\titems: {}'.format(tsv_file, len(self.tsv_file))) def fetch_blob(self, idx): image_tsv = self.tsv_file.file_list[idx] self.tsv_file.blob_storage.fetch_blob(image_tsv) def num_classes(self): return len(self.class_selector) def get_chunk_sizes(self): return self._chunk_sizes def get_class_boundaries(self): # The samples of each class are organized class-by-class. # _class_boundaries stores the lower- and upper-bound of each class. return self.tsv_file.get_class_boundaries() def get_filenames(self): filenames = [ self.tsv_file.get_key(i) for i in range(self.tsv_file.num_rows()) ] return filenames def _load_map(self, map_file: str): if not map_file: return None label2idx = {} with open(map_file) as f: for line in f: items = line.strip().split('\t') label2idx[items[0]] = int(items[1]) return label2idx def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]): items = self.tsv_file[index] _, target, img = self._decode_data(items) if self.transform: img = self.transform(img) return img, target def _decode_data(self, items: Tuple[str, str, str]): key = items[0] label = self._get_label(items[1]) image =[2]))).convert('RGB') return key, label, image def _get_label(self, item: str): if not self.label2idx: return int(item) js = json.loads(item) return self.label2idx[js[0]['class']] def __len__(self): return len(self.tsv_file) class TSVMeta(NamedTuple): source: str num_classes: int task: str class TSVImageTextDatasetV2(data.Dataset): """ This class is intended for encapsulating Image/Text pair data for contrastive learning described in the following paper, "Learning Transferable Visual Models From Natural Language Supervision" (a.k.a CLIP) V2: support image text pairs and supervised classification data """ def __init__(self, image_tsv_file: Union[str, List[str]], text_tsv_file: Union[str, List[str]], transform: Callable = None, tokenize: Callable = None, context_length: int = 77, num_captions: int = 1, text_format: str = 'txt', is_train: bool = True, sas_token_path: str = None, azcopy_path: str = None, metas: List[NamedTuple] = None, prompt_engineering=True, concat_queries=False): self.transform = transform self.tokenize = tokenize self._chunk_sizes = None self.context_length = context_length self.num_captions = num_captions self.text_format = text_format self.tsv_file_list = [] self.metas = metas self.label_offsets = self.build_label_offsets() self.prompt_engineering = prompt_engineering self.concat_queries = concat_queries if isinstance(image_tsv_file, str) and isinstance(text_tsv_file, str): # single tsv file if ( os.path.splitext(image_tsv_file)[1].lower() == '.tsv' and os.path.splitext(text_tsv_file)[1].lower() == '.tsv' ): self.tsv_file_list.append((image_tsv_file, text_tsv_file)) self.image_tsv_file = TSVFile( image_tsv_file, if_generate_lineidx=True ) self.text_tsv_file = TSVFile( text_tsv_file, if_generate_lineidx=True ) else: raise ValueError("Invalid input! Please check the tsv filenames.") # multiple tsv files specified in a list elif ( isinstance(image_tsv_file, list) and isinstance(text_tsv_file, list) ): assert len(image_tsv_file) == len(text_tsv_file), \ "Inconsistent number of Image/Text tsv files!" self.tsv_file_list = [ (txt, img) for img, txt in zip(image_tsv_file, text_tsv_file) ] self.image_tsv_file = CompositeTSVFile( image_tsv_file, is_train=is_train, sas_token_path=sas_token_path, azcopy_path=azcopy_path ) self.text_tsv_file = CompositeTSVFile( text_tsv_file, is_train=is_train, sas_token_path=sas_token_path, azcopy_path=azcopy_path ) self._chunk_sizes = self.image_tsv_file.get_chunk_size() else: raise ValueError("Invalid input! Please check the tsv filenames.") assert len(self.image_tsv_file) == len(self.text_tsv_file), \ "Inconsistent size of Image/Text ({}/{}) data!".format( len(self.image_tsv_file), len(self.text_tsv_file) ) def build_label_offsets(self): if self.metas is None: return None label_offsets = {} offset = 1 for meta in self.metas: print(meta) print(label_offsets) label_offsets[meta.source] = offset offset += meta.num_classes return label_offsets def fetch_blob(self, idx): # image_tsv, text_tsv = self.tsv_file_list[idx] image_tsv = self.image_tsv_file.file_list[idx] text_tsv = self.text_tsv_file.file_list[idx] self.image_tsv_file.blob_storage.fetch_blob(image_tsv) self.text_tsv_file.blob_storage.fetch_blob(text_tsv) def get_chunk_sizes(self): return self._chunk_sizes def __getitem__(self, index: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]): if index is None: import torch return torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.float32), \ torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.int64), \ torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.int64) items_image = self.image_tsv_file[index] items_text = self.text_tsv_file[index] assert items_text[0] == items_image[0], \ 'keys do not match for image and text {} vs {}'.format( items_text[0], items_image[0] ) _, img = self._decode_image(items_image) _, txt, label = self._decode_text(items_text) if self.transform: img = self.transform(img) tokens = self.tokenize( txt, padding='max_length', truncation=True, max_length=self.context_length, return_tensors='pt' ) if self.tokenize else txt tokens['input_ids'].squeeze_() tokens['attention_mask'].squeeze_() return img, tokens, label def _decode_image(self, items: Tuple[str, str]): key = items[0] image =[1]))).convert('RGB') return key, image def _decode_text(self, items: Tuple[str, Union[str, dict]]): key = items[0] text = '' if self.text_format != 'json': raise ValueError('Only support json format') # Do some reasonable handing of occasionally bad data. try: js = json.loads(items[1]) except Exception as e: # empty dictionary js = {} # Record the data error in the log."JSON parsing error on: " + items[1]) # do not raise the exception # raise e # put some text in and continue processing data (do not kill job) sstr = items[1].find("\"") if (sstr < 0): sstr = 0 estr = items[1][sstr:].find("\"") if (estr < 0): estr = len(items[1]) text = items[1][sstr:estr] if (len(text) < 2): text = "A picture showing some content." label = 0 if 'captions' in js: captions = js['captions'] if isinstance(captions, list): if self.num_captions == 1: text = random.choice(captions) else: text = captions if len(captions) > self.num_captions: text = captions[:self.num_captions] elif isinstance(captions, str): text = captions else: raise ValueError('captions should be str or list') label = 0 elif 'tags' in js: text = prompt_engineering(js['tags']) label = 0 elif 'task' in js and js['task'] == 'classification': if (self.prompt_engineering): text = prompt_engineering(js['class_name']) else: text = js['class_name'] label = js['class_id'] if (self.label_offsets is not None): if (js['source'] in self.label_offsets): label += self.label_offsets[js['source']] if (self.concat_queries): if ('queries' in js) and (len(js['queries']) > 0): q = '' for item in js['queries']: q = q + item + ' ' text = q + ', ' + text return key, text, label def __len__(self): return len(self.image_tsv_file)