""" This is just an example of what people would submit for inference. """ from s3prl.downstream.runner import Runner from typing import Dict import torch import os class PreTrainedModel(Runner): def __init__(self, path=""): """ Initialize downstream model. """ ckp_file = os.path.join(path, "model.ckpt") ckp = torch.load(ckp_file, map_location='cpu') ckp["Args"].init_ckpt = ckp_file ckp["Args"].mode = "inference" ckp["Args"].device = "cpu" # Just to try in my computer ckp["Args"].from_hf_hub = True ckp["Config"]["downstream_expert"]["datarc"]["dict_path"]=os.path.join(path,'char.dict') Runner.__init__(self, ckp["Args"], ckp["Config"]) def __call__(self, inputs)-> Dict[str, str]: """ Args: inputs (:obj:`np.array`): The raw waveform of audio received. By default at 16KHz. Return: A :obj:`dict`:. The object return should be liked {"text": "XXX"} containing the detected text from the input audio. """ for entry in self.all_entries: entry.model.eval() inputs = [torch.FloatTensor(inputs)] with torch.no_grad(): features = self.upstream.model(inputs) features = self.featurizer.model(inputs, features) preds = self.downstream.model.inference(features, []) return {"text": preds[0]} """ import subprocess import numpy as np from datasets import load_dataset # This is already done in the Inference API def ffmpeg_read(bpayload: bytes, sampling_rate: int) -> np.array: ar = f"{sampling_rate}" ac = "1" format_for_conversion = "f32le" ffmpeg_command = [ "ffmpeg", "-i", "pipe:0", "-ac", ac, "-ar", ar, "-f", format_for_conversion, "-hide_banner", "-loglevel", "quiet", "pipe:1", ] ffmpeg_process = subprocess.Popen( ffmpeg_command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) output_stream = ffmpeg_process.communicate(bpayload) out_bytes = output_stream[0] audio = np.frombuffer(out_bytes, np.float32).copy() if audio.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError("Malformed soundfile") return audio model = PreTrainedModel() ds = load_dataset("patrickvonplaten/librispeech_asr_dummy", "clean", split="validation") filename = ds[0]["file"] with open(filename, "rb") as f: data = ffmpeg_read(f.read(), 16000) print(model(data)) """