# Model Card for Diffusion Policy / PushT Diffusion Policy (as per [Diffusion Policy: Visuomotor Policy Learning via Action Diffusion](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.04137)) trained for the `PushT` environment from [gym-pusht](https://github.com/huggingface/gym-pusht). ![demo](demo.gif) ## How to Get Started with the Model See the [LeRobot library](https://github.com/huggingface/lerobot) (particularly the [evaluation script](https://github.com/huggingface/lerobot/blob/main/lerobot/scripts/eval.py)) for instructions on how to load and evaluate this model. ## Training Details TODO commit hash. Trained with [LeRobot@d747195](https://github.com/huggingface/lerobot/tree/d747195c5733c4f68d4bfbe62632d6fc1b605712). The model was trained using [LeRobot's training script](https://github.com/huggingface/lerobot/blob/d747195c5733c4f68d4bfbe62632d6fc1b605712/lerobot/scripts/train.py) and with the [pusht](https://huggingface.co/datasets/lerobot/pusht/tree/v1.3) dataset. Here are the [loss](./train_loss.csv), [evaluation score](./eval_avg_max_reward.csv), [evaluation success rate](./eval_pc_success.csv) (with 50 rollouts) during training. ![](training_curves.png) This took about 7 hours to train on an Nvida RTX 3090. ## Evaluation The model was evaluated on the `PushT` environment from [gym-pusht](https://github.com/huggingface/gym-pusht) and compared to a similar model trained with the original [Diffusion Policy code](https://github.com/real-stanford/diffusion_policy). There are two evaluation metrics on a per-episode basis: - Maximum overlap with target (seen as `eval/avg_max_reward` in the charts above). This ranges in [0, 1]. - Success: whether or not the maximum overlap is at least 95%. Here are the metrics for 500 episodes worth of evaluation. For the succes rate we add an extra row with confidence bounds. This assumes a uniform prior over success probability and computes the beta posterior, then calculates the mean and lower/upper confidence bounds (with a 68.2% confidence interval centered on the mean). The "Theirs" column is for an equivalent model trained on the original Diffusion Policy repository and evaluated on LeRobot (the model weights may be found in the [`original_dp_repo`](https://huggingface.co/lerobot/diffusion_pusht/tree/original_dp_repo) branch of this respository). |Ours|Theirs -|-|- Average max. overlap ratio | 0.959 | 0.957 Success rate for 500 episodes (%) | 63.8 | 64.2 Beta distribution lower/mean/upper (%) | 61.6 / 63.7 / 65.9 | 62.0 / 64.1 / 66.3