import torch from torch import nn, Tensor from typing import Iterable, Dict from ..SentenceTransformer import SentenceTransformer from .. import util import copy import random import math from .. import InputExample import numpy as np class ContrastiveTensionLoss(nn.Module): """ This loss expects as input a batch consisting of multiple mini-batches of sentence pairs (a_1, p_1), (a_2, p_2)..., (a_{K+1}, p_{K+1}) where p_1 = a_1 = a_2 = ... a_{K+1} and p_2, p_3, ..., p_{K+1} are expected to be different from p_1 (this is done via random sampling). The corresponding labels y_1, y_2, ..., y_{K+1} for each mini-batch are assigned as: y_i = 1 if i == 1 and y_i = 0 otherwise. In other words, K represent the number of negative pairs and the positive pair is actually made of two identical sentences. The data generation process has already been implemented in readers/ For tractable optimization, two independent encoders ('model1' and 'model2') are created for encoding a_i and p_i, respectively. For inference, only model2 are used, which gives better performance. The training objective is binary cross entropy. For more information, see: """ def __init__(self, model: SentenceTransformer): """ :param model: SentenceTransformer model """ super(ContrastiveTensionLoss, self).__init__() self.model2 = model # This will be the final model used during the inference time. self.model1 = copy.deepcopy(model) self.criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='sum') def forward(self, sentence_features: Iterable[Dict[str, Tensor]], labels: Tensor): sentence_features1, sentence_features2 = tuple(sentence_features) reps_1 = self.model1(sentence_features1)['sentence_embedding'] # (bsz, hdim) reps_2 = self.model2(sentence_features2)['sentence_embedding'] sim_scores = torch.matmul(reps_1[:,None], reps_2[:,:,None]).squeeze(-1).squeeze(-1) # (bsz,) dot product, i.e. S1S2^T loss = self.criterion(sim_scores, labels.type_as(sim_scores)) return loss class ContrastiveTensionLossInBatchNegatives(nn.Module): def __init__(self, model: SentenceTransformer, scale: float = 20.0, similarity_fct = util.cos_sim): """ :param model: SentenceTransformer model """ super(ContrastiveTensionLossInBatchNegatives, self).__init__() self.model2 = model # This will be the final model used during the inference time. self.model1 = copy.deepcopy(model) self.similarity_fct = similarity_fct self.cross_entropy_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() #self.scale = scale self.logit_scale = nn.Parameter(torch.ones([]) * np.log(scale)) def forward(self, sentence_features: Iterable[Dict[str, Tensor]], labels: Tensor): sentence_features1, sentence_features2 = tuple(sentence_features) embeddings_a = self.model1(sentence_features1)['sentence_embedding'] # (bsz, hdim) embeddings_b = self.model2(sentence_features2)['sentence_embedding'] scores = self.similarity_fct(embeddings_a, embeddings_b) * self.logit_scale.exp() #self.scale labels = torch.tensor(range(len(scores)), dtype=torch.long, device=scores.device) return (self.cross_entropy_loss(scores, labels) + self.cross_entropy_loss(scores.t(), labels))/2 ################# CT Data Loader ################# # For CT, we need batches in a specific format # In each batch, we have one positive pair (i.e. [sentA, sentA]) and 7 negative pairs (i.e. [sentA, sentB]). # To achieve this, we create a custom DataLoader that produces batches with this property class ContrastiveTensionDataLoader: def __init__(self, sentences, batch_size, pos_neg_ratio=8): self.sentences = sentences self.batch_size = batch_size self.pos_neg_ratio = pos_neg_ratio self.collate_fn = None if self.batch_size % self.pos_neg_ratio != 0: raise ValueError(f"ContrastiveTensionDataLoader was loaded with a pos_neg_ratio of {pos_neg_ratio} and a batch size of {batch_size}. The batch size must be devisable by the pos_neg_ratio") def __iter__(self): random.shuffle(self.sentences) sentence_idx = 0 batch = [] while sentence_idx + 1 < len(self.sentences): s1 = self.sentences[sentence_idx] if len(batch) % self.pos_neg_ratio > 0: #Negative (different) pair sentence_idx += 1 s2 = self.sentences[sentence_idx] label = 0 else: #Positive (identical pair) s2 = self.sentences[sentence_idx] label = 1 sentence_idx += 1 batch.append(InputExample(texts=[s1, s2], label=label)) if len(batch) >= self.batch_size: yield self.collate_fn(batch) if self.collate_fn is not None else batch batch = [] def __len__(self): return math.floor(len(self.sentences)/(2*self.batch_size))