Model from the [neural theorem proving tutorial vII]( A deepseek-coder 1.3B model finetuned on [ntp-mathlib-tactic-instruct-st]( for 3 epochs. It is specifically finetuned for Lean 4 tactic prediction given proof states. See the tutorial for code and more information. #### Performance The model achieves 29.1% (71/244) on Lean 4 MiniF2F using the standard search setting (best-first search with beam search expansions and a beam size of 32). #### Citation Until an associated preprint is available, please cite the tutorial's repository: ``` @misc{ntptutorialII, author = {Sean Welleck}, title = {Neural theorem proving tutorial II}, year = {2024}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, howpublished = {\url{}}, } ```