import pytorch_lightning as pl from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TensorBoardLogger from FrameDatamodule import TyphoonDataModule from LightningRegressionModel import LightningRegressionModel from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import ModelCheckpoint import config from argparse import ArgumentParser from datetime import datetime import torch start_time_str = str("%Y_%m_%d-%H.%M.%S")) def custom_parse_args(args): """Argument parser, verify if model_name, device, label, size and cropped arguments are correctly initialized""" args_parsing = "" if args.model_name not in ["resnet18", "resnet50","resnet101", "vgg"]: args_parsing += "Please give model_name among resnet18, 50, 101 or vgg\n" if args.size not in ["512", "224", 512, 224]: args_parsing += "Please give size equals to 512 or 224\n" if args.cropped not in ["False", "True", "false", "true", False, True]: args_parsing += "Please give cropped equals to False or True\n" if torch.cuda.is_available() and int(args.device) not in range(torch.cuda.device_count()): args_parsing += "Please give a device number in the range (0, %d)\n" %torch.cuda.device_count() if args.labels not in ["wind", "pressure"]: args_parsing += "Please give size equals to wind or pressure\n" if args_parsing != "": print(args_parsing) raise ValueError("Some arguments are not initialized correctly") if args.size == '512' or args.size == 512: args.size = (512,512) elif args.size == '224' or args.size == 224: args.size = (224, 224) if args.cropped in ["False", "false"]: args.cropped = False if args.cropped in ["True", "true"]: args.cropped = True if args.device == None: args.device = config.DEVICES else: args.device = [int(args.device)] return args def train(hparam): """Launch a training with the PytorchLightning workflow, the arguments given in the python command and the hyper parameters in the config file""" hparam = custom_parse_args(hparam) logger_name = hparam.labels + "_" + hparam.model_name + "_" + str(hparam.size[0]) if hparam.cropped: logger_name += "_cropped" else : logger_name += "_no-crop" logger = TensorBoardLogger( save_dir="results", name= logger_name, default_hp_metric=False, ) # Log all hyper parameters logger.log_hyperparams({ 'start_time': start_time_str, 'LEARNING_RATE': config.LEARNING_RATE, 'BATCH_SIZE': config.BATCH_SIZE, 'NUM_WORKERS': config.NUM_WORKERS, 'MAX_EPOCHS': config.MAX_EPOCHS, 'WEIGHTS': config.WEIGHTS, 'LABEL' : hparam.labels, 'SPLIT_BY': config.SPLIT_BY, 'LOAD_DATA': config.LOAD_DATA, 'DATASET_SPLIT': config.DATASET_SPLIT, 'STANDARDIZE_RANGE': config.STANDARDIZE_RANGE, 'DOWNSAMPLE_SIZE': hparam.size, 'CROPPED': hparam.cropped, 'NUM_CLASSES': config.NUM_CLASSES, 'ACCELERATOR': config.ACCELERATOR, 'DEVICES': hparam.device, 'DATA_DIR': config.DATA_DIR, 'MODEL_NAME': hparam.model_name, # "Scheduler": "Start from 0.001 and divide by 10 every 15epochs" }) # Set up dataset data_module = TyphoonDataModule( config.DATA_DIR, batch_size=config.BATCH_SIZE, num_workers=config.NUM_WORKERS, labels=hparam.labels, split_by=config.SPLIT_BY, load_data=config.LOAD_DATA, dataset_split=config.DATASET_SPLIT, standardize_range=config.STANDARDIZE_RANGE, downsample_size=hparam.size, cropped=hparam.cropped ) # Model selection regression_model = LightningRegressionModel( learning_rate=config.LEARNING_RATE, weights=config.WEIGHTS, num_classes=config.NUM_CLASSES, model_name = hparam.model_name ) # regression_model = regression_model.load_from_checkpoint("/app/neurips2023-benchmarks/analysis/regression/results/wind_resnet50_512_data_augmentation/version_9/checkpoints/model_epoch=32.ckpt") # Callback for model checkpoint checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint( dirpath= logger.save_dir + '/' + + '/version_%d/checkpoints/' % logger.version, filename='model_{epoch}', monitor='validation_loss', verbose=True, every_n_epochs=1, save_top_k = 5 ) # Setting up the lightning trainer trainer = pl.Trainer( logger=logger, accelerator=config.ACCELERATOR, devices=hparam.device, max_epochs=config.MAX_EPOCHS, enable_progress_bar=False, callbacks=[checkpoint_callback] ) # Launch training session, data_module) return "training finished" # Main execution block if __name__ == "__main__": # Parse command-line arguments using argparse parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--model_name", default='resnet18') parser.add_argument("--size", default=config.DOWNSAMPLE_SIZE) parser.add_argument("--cropped", default=True) # if size is 512, cropped argument doesn't have any impact parser.add_argument("--device", default=config.DEVICES) parser.add_argument("--labels", default=config.LABELS) args = parser.parse_args() print(train(args))