{ "type": "bundle", "id": "bundle--b9d93568-a65f-4769-b59f-b8cf110992af", "spec_version": "2.0", "objects": [ { "id": "attack-pattern--2fc04aa5-48c1-49ec-919a-b88241ef1d17", "created_by_ref": "identity--c78cb6e5-0c4b-4611-8297-d1b8b55e40b5", "name": "Spear phishing messages with text only", "description": "**This technique has been deprecated. Please use [Phishing](https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1566) where appropriate.**\n\nEmails with text only phishing messages do not contain any attachments or links to websites. They are designed to get a user to take a follow on action such as calling a phone number or wiring money. They can also be used to elicit an email response to confirm existence of an account or user. (Citation: Paypal Phone Scam)", "external_references": [ { "source_name": "mitre-pre-attack", "external_id": "T1368", "url": "https://attack.mitre.org/techniques/T1368" }, { "description": "Sophos Labs. (2006, July 7). PayPal phone phish scam uses voice recording to steal money. Retrieved March 29, 2017.", "source_name": "Paypal Phone Scam" } ], "object_marking_refs": [ "marking-definition--fa42a846-8d90-4e51-bc29-71d5b4802168" ], "type": "attack-pattern", "kill_chain_phases": [ { "kill_chain_name": "mitre-pre-attack", "phase_name": "launch" } ], "modified": "2020-03-30T14:26:25.555Z", "created": "2017-12-14T16:46:06.044Z", "x_mitre_is_subtechnique": false, "x_mitre_old_attack_id": "PRE-T1145", "x_mitre_version": "1.0", "x_mitre_difficulty_for_adversary_explanation": "Sending messages with text only should be accepted in most cases (e.g., not being filtered based on source, content).", "x_mitre_difficulty_for_adversary": "Yes", "x_mitre_detectable_by_common_defenses_explanation": "End user training and awareness is the primary defense for flagging a plain text email so the end user does not respond or take any requested action (e.g., calling a designated number).", "x_mitre_deprecated": true, "x_mitre_detectable_by_common_defenses": "No" } ] }