--- license: mit --- # Gachashit LoRA repository Here you will find the various LoRAs I've trained, typically of Blue Archive characters. ## 🚧 IMPORTANT 🚧 I haven't moved all of my LoRAs over from Mega. Please see the [Mega.co.nz repository](https://mega.nz/folder/SqYwQTRI#GN2SmGTBsV6S4q-L-V4VeA) if a LoRA is missing from here. ## Blue Archive ブルーアーカイブ / 루 아카이브 ### Shizuko Kawawa Shizuko / 河和シズコ / 카와와 시즈코 [![Shizuko](shizuko/chara-shizuko.png)](https://huggingface.co/khanon/lora-training/blob/main/shizuko/README.md)