# This is an quote and post library for a specific thread in the WarOnline forum. import WarClient import requests import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib.request as urllib import warnings #import schedule import time #from tqdm import tqdm warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # Define the login URL and the thread URL login_url = 'https://waronline.org/fora/index.php?login/login' thread_url = 'https://waronline.org/fora/index.php?threads/warbot-playground.17636/' post_url = "https://waronline.org/fora/index.php?threads/warbot-playground.17636/add-reply" # Define the login credentials username = 'WarBot' password = 'naP2tion' # Start a session to persist the login cookie across requests session = requests.Session() def fixString(S): # This is a helper function to overcome the bugs of tokenizer S = re.sub(",+", ",", S) S = re.sub("!.", "!", S) S = re.sub(".?", "?", S) S = re.sub(",!", "!", S) S = re.sub(",.", ",", S) S = re.sub(".]", ".", S) S = re.sub(",\)", ")", S) S = re.sub("&", "", S) S = re.sub("&", "", S) S = re.sub("ен,ицхак", "ен-ицхак", S) return S def compare_pages(url1, url2): #Compares 2 pages and returns True if they are the same return urllib.urlopen(url1).geturl() == urllib.urlopen(url2).geturl() def remove_non_english_russian_chars(s): # Regular expression to match all characters that are not in English or Russian pattern = '[^0-9A-Za-zА-Яа-яЁё(),.!?"\s-]' # Replace all matched characters with an empty string return re.sub(pattern, '', s) def login(username=username, password=password, thread_url=thread_url): # Log-In to the forum and redirect to thread # Retrieve the login page HTML to get the CSRF token login_page_response = session.get(login_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(login_page_response.text, 'html.parser') csrf_token = soup.find('input', {'name': '_xfToken'})['value'] # Login to the website login_data = { 'login': username, 'password': password, 'remember': '1', '_xfRedirect': thread_url, '_xfToken': csrf_token } response = session.post(login_url, data=login_data) # Check if the login was successful if 'Invalid login' in response.text: print('Login failed!') exit() def post(message="", thread_url=thread_url, post_url=post_url, quoted_by="",quote_text="",quote_source=""): #Post a message to the forum (with or without the quote #quote_source is in format 'post-3920992' quote_source = quote_source.split('-')[-1] # Take the numbers only if quoted_by: message = f'[QUOTE="{quoted_by}, post: {quote_source}"]{quote_text}[/QUOTE]{message}' # Retrieve the thread page HTML response = session.get(thread_url) # Parse the HTML with BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') # Extract the _xfToken value from the hidden form field xf_token = soup.find('input', {'name': '_xfToken'}).get('value') # Construct the message data for the POST request message_data = { '_xfToken': xf_token, 'message': message, 'attachment_hash': '', 'last_date': '', '_xfRequestUri': post_url, '_xfWithData': '1', '_xfResponseType': 'json' } response = session.post(post_url, data=message_data) # Check if the post was successful if not response.ok: print('Post failed!') exit() print('Post submitted successfully.') def getMessages(thread_url=thread_url, quotedUser="", startingPage=1): # Returns all the quotes for #username in the specific multi-page thread url allquotes =[] page = startingPage # Counter lastPage = False # Initial values for messangerName and the message ID messengerName = "" messageID = "" quotedID = "" # Patterns to search in the last quote. namePattern = re.compile('data-lb-caption-desc="(.*?) ·') messageIDPattern = re.compile('data-lb-id="(.*?)"') quotedIDPattern = re.compile('data-source="(.*?)"') quotedNamePattern = re.compile('data-quote="(.*?)"') while not lastPage: response = requests.get(thread_url + 'page-' + str(page)) if response.status_code == 200: # Core of the function html_content = response.content # Parse the HTML content using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') # Find all the message in the thread page messageData = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'message-userContent lbContainer js-lbContainer'}) for data in messageData: try: # Get the messager username matchName = namePattern.search(str(data)) if matchName: messengerName = matchName.group(1) # Get the quoted ID matchID = quotedIDPattern.search(str(data)) if matchID: quotedID = matchID.group(1) # Get the message ID matchID = messageIDPattern.search(str(data)) if matchID: messageID = matchID.group(1) matchQuotedName = quotedNamePattern.search(str(data)) if matchQuotedName: quotedName = matchQuotedName.group(1) if quotedUser and (quotedUser != quotedName): continue # Make sure that the messages have a quote inside blockquote = data.find('blockquote') if blockquote: # Extract the text text = data.find('div', {'class': 'bbWrapper'}) for bq in text.find_all('blockquote'): bq.extract() reply = text.get_text().replace('\n', ' ').strip() allquotes.append({'reply': reply, 'messengerName': messengerName, 'messageID': messageID, 'quotedID': quotedID}) except: continue # There was no text in quote, move next #check if that is not a last page if not compare_pages(thread_url + 'page-' + str(page), thread_url + 'page-' + str(page + 1)): page += 1 else: lastPage = True else: lastPage = True return allquotes # Core Engine of the Client def WarOnlineBot(): login(username=username, password=password, thread_url=thread_url) #print("logged in") # All messages (with quotes) by ALL users: allMessages = getMessages(thread_url=thread_url, quotedUser='', startingPage=1) # IDs of the quoted messages, replied by the bot: messages_by_bot_IDs = [] for msg in allMessages: # Set a list of replied messages IDs if msg['messengerName'] == username: #message posted by the WarBot messages_by_bot_IDs.append(msg['quotedID'].split(': ')[-1]) # remove empty and repeated elements messages_by_bot_IDs = list(set([elem for elem in messages_by_bot_IDs if elem])) # All messages (with quotes) sent _FOR_ the Bot: messagesForBot = getMessages(thread_url=thread_url, quotedUser=username, startingPage=1) # IDs of the messages, quoting the bot: messages_for_bot_IDs = [] for msg in messagesForBot: # Set a list of posted message IDs messages_for_bot_IDs.append(msg['messageID'].split('-')[-1]) # remove empty elements messages_for_bot_IDs = [elem for elem in messages_for_bot_IDs if elem] # Filter to leave just the unanswered messages IDs: messages_for_bot_IDs = [ID for ID in messages_for_bot_IDs if ID not in messages_by_bot_IDs] # Reply the unanswered messages: for msg in messagesForBot: if msg['messageID'].split('-')[-1] in messages_for_bot_IDs: originalQuote = msg['reply'] if originalQuote == "": # Just images, no text continue else: quote = remove_non_english_russian_chars(msg['reply']) message = "" print('Quote: ', originalQuote) FailureCounter = 0 # In case there is a bug in the model while (not message) and (FailureCounter<3): message = WarClient.getReply(message=quote) FailureCounter+=1 if FailureCounter == 3: continue # Skip that answer # Post-processing fixes: message = fixString(message) print('Reply: ', message) login(username=username, password=password, thread_url=thread_url) time.sleep(1) post(message=message, thread_url=thread_url, post_url=post_url, quoted_by=msg['messengerName'], quote_text=originalQuote, quote_source=msg['messageID']) time.sleep(10) # Standby time for server load release if __name__ == '__main__': timeout = 5 # min # Start the scheduler while True: WarOnlineBot() timer = range(60 * timeout) for t in timer: time.sleep(1)