# This is an quote and post library for a specific thread in the WarOnline forum. import WarClient import requests import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import urllib.request as urllib import warnings import schedule import time from tqdm import tqdm warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # Define the login URL and the thread URL login_url = 'https://waronline.org/fora/index.php?login/login' thread_url = 'https://waronline.org/fora/index.php?threads/warbot-playground.17636/' post_url = "https://waronline.org/fora/index.php?threads/warbot-playground.17636/add-reply" # Sending the message (change that!) message = "Test" # Define the login credentials username = 'WarBot' password = 'naP2tion' # Start a session to persist the login cookie across requests session = requests.Session() def compare_pages(url1, url2): #Compares 2 pages and returns True if they are the same return urllib.urlopen(url1).geturl() == urllib.urlopen(url2).geturl() def login(username=username, password=password, thread_url=thread_url): # Log-In to the forum and redirect to thread # Retrieve the login page HTML to get the CSRF token login_page_response = session.get(login_url) soup = BeautifulSoup(login_page_response.text, 'html.parser') csrf_token = soup.find('input', {'name': '_xfToken'})['value'] # Login to the website login_data = { 'login': username, 'password': password, 'remember': '1', '_xfRedirect': thread_url, '_xfToken': csrf_token } response = session.post(login_url, data=login_data) # Check if the login was successful if 'Invalid login' in response.text: print('Login failed!') exit() def post(message=message, thread_url=thread_url, post_url=post_url, quoted_by="",quote_text="",quote_source=""): #Post a message to the forum (with or without the quote #quote_source is in format 'post-3920992' quote_source = quote_source.split('-')[-1] # Take the numbers only if quoted_by: message = f'[QUOTE="{quoted_by}, post: {quote_source}"]{quote_text}[/QUOTE]{message}' # optionally add @{quoted_by} to indent the quoter # Retrieve the thread page HTML response = session.get(thread_url) # Parse the HTML with BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'html.parser') # Extract the _xfToken value from the hidden form field xf_token = soup.find('input', {'name': '_xfToken'}).get('value') # Construct the message data for the POST request message_data = { '_xfToken': xf_token, 'message': message, 'attachment_hash': '', 'last_date': '', '_xfRequestUri': post_url, '_xfWithData': '1', '_xfResponseType': 'json' } response = session.post(post_url, data=message_data) # Check if the post was successful if not response.ok: print('Post failed!') exit() print('Post submitted successfully.') def allQuotesFor(thread_url=thread_url, username=username, startingPage=1): # Returns all the quotes for #username in the specific multi-page thread url allquotes =[] page = startingPage # Counter lastPage = False # Initial values for messangerName and the message ID messengerName = "" messageID = "" # Patterns to search in the last quote. namePattern = re.compile('data-lb-caption-desc="(.*?) ·') messageIDPattern = re.compile('data-lb-id="(.*?)"') while not lastPage: response = requests.get(thread_url + 'page-' + str(page)) if response.status_code == 200: # Core of the function html_content = response.content # Parse the HTML content using BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser') # Find all the message in the thread page messageData = soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'message-userContent'}) for data in messageData: if username in data.text: try: # Get the messager username matchName = namePattern.search(str(data)) if matchName: messengerName = matchName.group(1) # Get the message ID matchID = messageIDPattern.search(str(data)) if matchID: messageID = matchID.group(1) if 'Click' in data.text: reply = data.text.split("Click to expand...")[-1].replace('\n', ' ').strip() elif "Нажмите" in data.text: reply = data.text.split("Нажмите для раскрытия...")[-1].replace('\n', ' ').strip() allquotes.append({'reply': reply, 'messengerName': messengerName, 'messageID': messageID}) except: continue # There was no text in quote, move next #check if that is not a last page if not compare_pages(thread_url + 'page-' + str(page), thread_url + 'page-' + str(page + 1)): page += 1 else: lastPage = True else: lastPage = True return allquotes def WarOnlineBot(): # Get All Quotes quotes = allQuotesFor(thread_url=thread_url, username=username, startingPage=1) repliedMessageIDs = [] for quote in quotes: replies = allQuotesFor(thread_url=thread_url, username=quote['messengerName'], startingPage=1) for reply in replies: # Remove all non-relevant and previously answered replies if reply['messengerName']!=username or reply['messageID'] in repliedMessageIDs: replies.remove(reply) else: repliedMessageIDs.append(reply['messageID']) repliedMessageIDs = list(set(repliedMessageIDs)) # There is still some strange error. Will take a look later message = "" if not replies: # Meaning that there are no answers while not message: message = WarClient.getReply(message=quote['reply']) print('Quote: ', quote['reply']) print('Reply: ',message) post(message=message, thread_url=thread_url, post_url=post_url, quoted_by=quote['messengerName'], quote_text=quote['reply']) print('posted the message to the forum') time.sleep(5) # Standby time for server load release if __name__ == '__main__': timeout = 2 # min #post(message=message, thread_url=thread_url, post_url=post_url,quoted_by='Василий Пупкин',quote_text='Testing the XenForo response mechanism') # Start the scheduler while True: login(username=username, password=password, thread_url=thread_url) print("logged in") WarOnlineBot() p_bar = tqdm(range(60 * timeout)) for i in p_bar: p_bar.update(1) p_bar.refresh() time.sleep(1)