--- library_name: keras tags: - time series --- ## Model description Demonstrates how to do timeseries forecasting using a [LSTM model.](https://keras.io/api/layers/recurrent_layers/lstm/) ## Climate Data Time-Series We will be using Jena Climate dataset recorded by the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. The dataset consists of 14 features such as temperature, pressure, humidity etc, recorded once per 10 minutes. Location: Weather Station, [Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry](https://www.bgc-jena.mpg.de/wetter/) in Jena, Germany. Time-frame Considered: Jan 10, 2009 - December 31, 2016 The table below shows the column names, their value formats, and their description. | Index | Features | Format | Description | Selected Features | |-------|-----------------|---------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------| | 1 | Date Time | 01.01.2009 00:10:00 | Date-time reference | | | 2 | p (mbar) | 996.52 | The pascal SI derived unit of pressure used to quantify internal pressure. Meteorological reports typically state atmospheric pressure in millibars. | + | | 3 | T (degC) | -8.02 | Temperature in Celsius | + | | 4 | Tpot (K) | 265.4 | Temperature in Kelvin | - | | 5 | Tdew (degC) | -8.9 | Temperature in Celsius relative to humidity. Dew Point is a measure of the absolute amount of water in the air, the DP is the temperature at which the air cannot hold all the moisture in it and water condenses. | - | | 6 | rh (%) | 93.3 | Relative Humidity is a measure of how saturated the air is with water vapor, the %RH determines the amount of water contained within collection objects. | - | | 7 | VPmax (mbar) | 3.33 | Saturation vapor pressure | + | | 8 | VPact (mbar) | 3.11 | Vapor pressure | - | | 9 | VPdef (mbar) | 0.22 | Vapor pressure deficit | + | | 10 | sh (g/kg) | 1.94 | Specific humidity | + | | 11 | H2OC (mmol/mol) | 3.12 | Water vapor concentration | - | | 12 | rho (g/m ** 3) | 1307.75 | Airtight | + | | 13 | wv (m/s) | 1.03 | Wind Speed | + | | 14 | max. wv (m/s) | 1.75 | Maximum wind speed | - | | 15 | wd (deg) | 152.3 | Wind direction in degrees | - | ## Intended uses & limitations More information needed ## Training and evaluation data More information needed ## Training procedure ### Training hyperparameters The following hyperparameters were used during training: | name | learning_rate | decay | beta_1 | beta_2 | epsilon | amsgrad | training_precision | |----|-------------|-----|------|------|-------|-------|------------------| |Adam|0.0010000000474974513|0.0|0.8999999761581421|0.9990000128746033|1e-07|False|float32| ## Model Plot
View Model Plot ![Model Image](./model.png)