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and celestial bodies.": 1, "a photo with a breathtaking view of a spiral galaxy resplendent with a bright core and swirling arms adorned with star clusters dust and gases.": 1, "a stunning photo of a galaxy filled with a multitude of stars and colorful nebulae set against the backdrop of space.": 1, "a stunning photo of a galaxy showcasing the radiant core and the spiral arms adorned with star clusters. it captures the intricate dance of light and cosmic dust against the backdrop of space highlighting the awe-inspiring complexity of the universe. the surrounding darkness speckled with distant stars and galaxies adds to the enigmatic charm of this celestial scene. it’s a beautiful representation of the vastness and beauty of space.": 1, "a stunning photo of a nebula showcasing a vibrant mix of colors and textures that illustrate the complexity and beauty of space.": 1, "a stunning photo of a spiral galaxy a cosmic structure composed of stars dust and gas arranged in a swirling pattern around a bright central core.": 1, "a stunning photo of a spiral galaxy characterized by its luminous core and beautifully structured spiral arms.": 1, "a stunning photo of a spiral galaxy with a brightly illuminated core and swirling arms that are richly adorned with stars dust and gas.": 1, "a stunning view of a galaxy rich with a multitude of stars set against the backdrop of cosmic dust and gas.": 1, "at its center the galaxy shines brightly shedding light on the surrounding space and revealing a complex array of stellar formations.": 1, "black background": 16, "by hubble": 24, "by jwst": 4, "by_hubble": 1, "cropped": 7, "interspersed throughout are clusters of red nebulae akin to blossoming flowers signifying areas of intense star formation.": 1, "it features a radiant core surrounded by swirling arms filled with stars dust and gas clouds.": 1, "it features the planet’s iconic cloud bands in shades of green white and brown with varying textures and patterns that showcase the turbulent atmosphere.": 1, "it portrays the vastness and mystery of the universe with galaxies of various sizes and shapes adding to the awe-inspiring scene.": 1, "it showcases a rich tapestry of colors and intricate structures with threads and billows of blue and red hues that highlight the nebula’s delicate veils and hollows.": 1, "it’s a beautiful example of the vast and intricate structures that make up our universe highlighting the grandeur and enigma of the cosmos.": 1, "it’s a beautiful representation of the universe’s complexity and grandeur.": 1, "it’s a captivating image that captures the awe-inspiring beauty and mystery of outer space.": 2, "it’s a captivating image that evokes a sense of mystery and the grandeur of the cosmos.": 1, "it’s a sprawling expanse of star clusters and cosmic dust set against the vast darkness of space.": 1, "it’s a stunning representation of the intricate structures that make up the cosmos.": 1, "it’s a stunning representation of the vastness and beauty of the universe highlighting the intricate structures and star-forming regions within the galaxy.": 1, "jupiter’s polar region is hinted at the top covered in a greenish hue with complex swirling patterns.": 1, "ngc 346": 1, "photo of a galaxy teeming with a myriad of stars dust and gas.": 1, "scattered throughout are numerous stars that add a twinkling effect against the nebula’s radiant glow.": 2, "simple background": 5, "stars scattered throughout the scene add a sense of depth and scale emphasizing the nebula’s grandeur.": 1, "surrounding the galaxy faint celestial bodies hint at the vastness of space making this a captivating snapshot of the universe’s grandeur.": 1, "the arms of the galaxy are dotted with bright star clusters and veiled by dark interstellar material showcasing the galaxy’s vastness and the intricate patterns that compose its celestial grandeur.": 1, "the background is dark with a subtle red hue suggesting the vastness of outer space.": 1, "the bright core serves as a beacon casting light across the galaxy’s arms and revealing the intricate patterns formed by cosmic dust and star clusters.": 1, "the central region is obscured by interstellar dust adding to the visual depth and complexity.": 1, "the colors and patterns suggest motion and energy offering a glimpse into the vastness of space.": 1, "the colors within the galaxy indicate various elements and temperatures offering a glimpse into the complexity and grandeur of our universe.": 1, "the core’s intense brightness surrounded by stars dust and gases illustrates the dynamic processes within the galaxy.": 1, "the dark space around these elements serves to highlight their luminosity and the intricate details of this cosmic landscape.": 1, "the galaxy is a vibrant tapestry of stars dust and gas punctuated by glowing red nebulae signaling regions where new stars are being born.": 1, "the galaxy’s arms rich with star-forming regions are beautifully highlighted by dark dust lanes and punctuated by sparkling clusters of stars creating a breathtaking visual spectacle that speaks to the vastness and beauty of our universe.": 1, "the galaxy’s arms richly adorned with multicolored stars and celestial bodies weave through the cosmos.": 1, "the galaxy’s core radiates a warm golden light surrounded by intricate patterns of stars gas and dust.": 1, "the galaxy’s core shines brightly suggesting a dense concentration of stellar activity while the surrounding space is filled with nebulous formations and dark dust lanes that create a striking contrast.": 1, "the galaxy’s core shines brightly suggesting intense activity while the arms dotted with stars and dark dust lanes spiral outwards showcasing the dynamic and ongoing processes of star formation and galactic evolution.": 1, "the galaxy’s glow casts a captivating aura with the diverse stages of stellar evolution contributing to a rich tapestry of colors illustrating the grandeur and complexity of the cosmos.": 1, "the galaxy’s radiant glow is accentuated by a spectrum of colors from white to blue to pink each hue signifying different elements and temperatures within.": 1, "the galaxy’s spiraled structure is highlighted by dark lanes of interstellar dust creating a striking contrast against the backdrop of bright nebulae and star clusters.": 1, "the galaxy’s vibrant core shines brilliantly casting light on the spiraling arms that are dotted with luminous star clusters and shadowy cosmic dust trails.": 1, "the great red spot is also visible as an oval-shaped storm with a lighter center and darker reddish-brown hues around it.": 1, "the hues range from white and golden to faint blues highlighting regions of star formation and dense cosmic material.": 1, "the image depicts a breathtaking spiral galaxy a cosmic spectacle of stars dust and gas elegantly arranged in swirling arms around a luminous core.": 1, "the image depicts a galaxy brimming with stars gas and dust arranged in a spiral structure that radiates from the luminous core.": 1, "the image depicts a galaxy filled with a myriad of stars and celestial elements presenting a breathtaking view of the universe.": 1, "the image depicts a galaxy teeming with stars dust and gas forming a breathtaking spiral structure.": 1, "the image depicts a galaxy with a radiant core and surrounding stars highlighting the universe’s complexity and beauty.": 1, "the image depicts a stunning nebula that is a cosmic cloud of gas and dust illuminated by the light of nearby stars.": 1, "the image depicts a stunning spiral galaxy rich in detail and color.": 1, "the image is a beautiful representation of the intricate structures and radiant colors found in these celestial phenomena.": 1, "the image is illuminated in a way that accentuates these details with an ethereal glow around the edges especially bright at the top left corner.": 1, "the image presents a stunning galaxy with a luminous cluster of stars at its center casting a gentle golden light across space.": 1, "the image presents a stunning view of a galaxy brimming with countless stars that dot the cosmic landscape.": 1, "the image presents a stunning view of a galaxy highlighting its radiant core and the sweeping arms that spiral outward.": 1, "the image showcases a galaxy teeming with billions of stars its core radiating intense light.": 1, "the interstellar dust lanes that meander through the galaxy’s arms offer a striking contrast to the bright stellar formations highlighting the galaxy’s dynamic and intricate composition.": 1, "the left side of the image represents the optical light.": 1, "the myriad of stars dotting the image adds to the celestial splendor contrasting against the dark backdrop of space.": 1, "the nebula is illuminated in blues whites yellows and oranges with intricate textures and wispy structures weaving through it.": 2, "the outer regions are dotted with bright stars against the dark expanse of space while clusters of stars add a radiant glow showcasing the galaxy’s complex structure.": 1, "the planet’s outline is also highlighted in white contrasting sharply against the blackness of space.": 1, "the right side of the image represents nircam and miri images taken by jwst.": 1, "the stars twinkle against the dark backdrop while the vibrant colors emanating from the celestial bodies create a dynamic and vivid picture.": 1, "the striking contrast of red and white against the dark backdrop of space creates a visual spectacle that underscores the immensity and enigma of the universe.": 1, "the vibrant turquoise galactic clouds and subtle space dust add depth to the scene creating a truly awe-inspiring celestial spectacle.": 1, "these arms are adorned with a multitude of stars varying in color and brightness indicative of their different stages of evolution.": 1, "these features highlight the active star formation occurring within the galaxy offering a snapshot of the dynamic and ongoing evolution that characterizes these colossal celestial structures.": 1, "these features highlight the dynamic nature of cosmic entities and the ethereal appearance of gas streams or energy emissions from stellar activities.": 2, "this celestial structure is adorned with a multitude of stars creating a dazzling display against the dark backdrop of space.": 1, "this central body is surrounded by numerous stars some of which are casting radiant beams of light.": 1, "this cosmic spectacle is set against a backdrop filled with distant stars and galaxies highlighting the vastness and beauty of the universe.": 1, "this cosmic spectacle is set against the backdrop of space dotted with distant stars and galaxies creating a stunning portrait of the universe’s enigmatic beauty.": 1, "this image captures two distinct views of a nebula which is a vast cloud of gas and dust in space.": 1, "this image truly illustrates the enigmatic beauty and boundless expanse of our universe.": 1, "this is a photo of jupiter highlighting its mesmerizing beauty.": 1, "this nebula likely represents the aftermath of a supernova explosion highlighting the dynamic and complex processes of the cosmos.": 1, "this patch is most intense at its center and becomes less distinct as it extends towards the left.": 1, "this photo depicts a vibrant celestial scene possibly a nebula or galaxy with a central formation that resembles an eye due to its circular shape and concentric layers of color.": 1, "this photo is a breathtaking view of a spiral galaxy showcasing its luminous core and the gracefully winding arms that surround it.": 1, "this photo of uranus is a striking visual with a deep blue hue dominated by a large bright white patch on the right side that gradually fades into the surrounding blue.": 1, "this portrayal of a galaxy not only highlights the intricate patterns created by cosmic elements but also reflects the immense scale and beauty inherent in the cosmos.": 1, "this portrayal of uranus showcases its unique coloration and atmospheric features providing a glimpse into the dynamic nature of this distant ice giant.": 1, "this representation of jupiter captures the planet’s magnificent atmospheric dynamics and unique celestial characteristics.": 1 }, "1_by_jwst": { "a bright star radiating beams of light serves as the focal point amidst the cosmic scenery.": 1, "a captivating photo of a nebula in the vast expanse of space.": 1, "a photo depicting a stunning galaxy characterized by a luminous blue core encircled by swirling patterns of red and orange representing cosmic dust and gases.": 1, "a photo that captures the stunning complexity of a galaxy highlighting the vibrant dance of colors and patterns that adorn the cosmos.": 1, "a stunning photo of a galaxy highlighted by a vibrant mix of golden and reddish hues against the deep black of space.": 1, "a stunning photo of a nebula a cosmic cloud of gas and dust where new stars are born.": 1, "a stunning photo of a nebula showcasing a vibrant array of colors with dominant hues of orange and yellow which illuminate the intricate textures and formations within.": 1, "a stunning photo of a nebula which is a large cloud of gas and dust in space.": 1, "a stunning view of outer space densely populated with numerous galaxies and stars and other celestial bodies.": 1, "a stunning view of outer space showcasing a multitude of stars and galaxies scattered across the dark expanse.": 1, "act-cl-j0102-4915": 1, "at its heart lies a swirling formation reminiscent of a cosmic whirlpool surrounded by radiant reds and oranges that light up the dark expanse of space.": 1, "at the center there’s a luminous spiraling structure radiating intense light illuminating the space around it.": 1, "black background": 13, "blue stars": 1, "bright spots suggest the presence of stars or other celestial bodies within the swirling clouds of gas and dust.": 1, "by jwst": 24, "by_jwst": 2, "darker areas within the image suggest the vastness of space providing a dramatic contrast to the bright central formation.": 1, "dominated by vibrant orange and gold hues it offers a glimpse into the dynamic processes of stellar formation and destruction in the distant cosmos.": 1, "it appears to be a visual representation of a galaxy or star formation where the forces of the universe are at play creating intricate patterns of energy and matter.": 1, "it features a radiant core that emits intense light surrounded by intricate patterns of red and orange hues indicative of heated gases and stellar activities.": 1, "it features a radiant swirl at the center surrounded by golden hues and speckles of light that create a sense of depth and mystery.": 1, "it’s a stunning representation of the universe’s vastness with radiant celestial bodies casting a glow across the starry expanse.": 1, "it’s illuminated with a beautiful array of colors predominantly red orange and yellow with hints of deep blues and blacks.": 1, "photo of a nebula which is a colorful and expansive cloud of gas and dust in space.": 1, "photo of a star-forming region characterized by intense orange and red hues.": 1, "radiant hues of pink and orange stand out against the black backdrop while stars twinkle like distant beacons.": 1, "simple background": 3, "stars dot the scene twinkling like distant lights in this captivating interplay of luminosity and shadow highlighting the beauty and contrast inherent in cosmic phenomena.": 1, "stars punctuate the space between galaxies emitting bright light that radiates in all directions creating a captivating visual effect.": 2, "stars twinkle amidst the swirling gases and dust creating a dynamic contrast of light and dark.": 1, "stars twinkle throughout adding a sparkling contrast to the scene and evoking a profound sense of wonder at the universe’s vast mysteries.": 1, "stars twinkle throughout this cosmic landscape adding a sense of depth and grandeur to the scene.": 1, "stars within the nebula add a soft glow to the scene accentuating the intricate textures and structures.": 1, "the abstract shapes formed within the nebula add to its enigmatic allure.": 1, "the background is dominated by the dark void of space accentuating the brightness and colors of the stars and galaxies.": 2, "the central star shines brightly casting light on the surrounding patterns of orange and red creating a stunning cosmic spectacle reminiscent of flames.": 1, "the colors are a stunning mix of deep reds and vibrant oranges creating a dynamic and awe-inspiring visual spectacle.": 1, "the contrasting colors set against the dark void of space accentuate the galaxy’s intricate details and dynamic structure.": 1, "the dynamic interplay of light and shadow adds depth emphasizing the tumultuous and awe-inspiring nature of space phenomena.": 1, "the fluid patterns within the nebula suggest a sense of movement and life offering a glimpse into the ethereal beauty and cosmic wonders that lie beyond our planet.": 1, "the galaxies scattered throughout the image display distinct shapes and sizes including spiral galaxies with their arms elegantly stretched out and elliptical galaxies showcasing a more rounded appearance.": 2, "the galaxy’s core glows intensely drawing the eye to the center of the swirling gaseous formations that spiral gracefully around it.": 1, "the galaxy’s core shines brilliantly a testament to the awe-inspiring phenomena that exist beyond our world.": 1, "the image captures the vibrant energy and transformation occurring within the cosmos offering a glimpse into the complex processes that shape galaxies and star systems.": 1, "the image depicts a breathtaking celestial scene centered around a luminous star cluster that casts its brilliant light across the surrounding space.": 1, "the image depicts a celestial body possibly a galaxy with a radiant core that shines brightly casting light on the intricate swirls of gas and dust around it.": 1, "the image depicts a galaxy with a radiant spiral core surrounded by nebulous formations and twinkling stars.": 1, "the image presents a breathtaking spiral galaxy resplendent with vibrant red and orange hues that highlight its swirling arms.": 1, "the image presents a breathtaking view of a nebula a cosmic cloud of gas and dust illuminated by the light of nearby stars.": 1, "the image presents a stunning celestial scene highlighted by a radiant core and surrounded by a dance of red and orange hues.": 1, "the image showcases a breathtaking celestial scene featuring a vibrant tapestry of orange and red nebulae set against the cosmic backdrop of space.": 1, "the image you’ve shared captures a stunning celestial scene likely depicting a galaxy or star cluster characterized by a radiant core and swirling patterns of gas and dust.": 1, "the interplay of light and darkness creates a dynamic and intricate visual experience.": 1, "the interplay of light and shadow throughout the scene highlights the awe-inspiring complexity and beauty of the universe.": 1, "the mix of colors visible is due to the different temperatures and compositions of the celestial bodies warmer colors like red and orange indicate older stars or galaxies while cooler tones like blue signify younger stars.": 1, "the mix of colors visible is due to the different temperatures and compositions of the celestial bodies; warmer colors like red and orange indicate older stars or galaxies while cooler tones like blue signify younger stars.": 1, "the nebula appears dynamic with swirling patterns that suggest movement within this celestial body.": 1, "the nebula is illuminated by the light of nearby stars creating a vibrant display of reds oranges blues and whites.": 1, "the nebula’s intricate patterns of glowing gas weave through the darkness of space creating a stunning visual spectacle.": 1, "the photo depicts a stunning celestial event characterized by vibrant red and orange hues that suggest a dynamic and powerful cosmic occurrence.": 1, "the photo presents a captivating view of a star encircled by a vibrant display of glowing gases and dust.": 1, "the reddish hues of the nebulae add a dramatic effect to the scene.": 1, "the scene is further enhanced by the scattering of bright white stars which contrast beautifully against the nebula’s vibrant colors.": 1, "the surrounding space is dotted with blue and white stars adding depth and contrast to the fiery tones of the nebula.": 1, "the surrounding space is dotted with distant stars adding to the mystique and grandeur of the scene.": 1, "these colors create a dynamic scene that suggests the vastness and activity of the universe with patterns that remind us of the swirling nebulae and galaxies far beyond our world.": 1, "these nebulae with their intricate and dynamic structures are interspersed with clusters of stars that add a sparkling contrast to the fiery hues.": 1, "this celestial dance of stars gas and dust creates an awe-inspiring structure that shines brilliantly highlighting the majesty and mystery of the universe.": 1, "this celestial display is a beautiful representation of the enigmatic and mesmerizing wonders of the cosmos.": 1, "this celestial formation is a testament to the dynamic and complex nature of our universe with distant stars twinkling in the vast expanse of space.": 1, "this celestial phenomenon’s glowing gases and dust are a testament to the awe-inspiring complexity of our universe.": 1, "this cosmic spectacle showcases the intricate beauty of the universe with stars dotting the galaxy’s arms like jewels against the vast canvas of space.": 1, "this image offers a glimpse into the vastness and beauty of our universe.": 1, "this is a photo of a stunning view of a cosmic event characterized by a radiant burst of light at its center surrounded by a whirl of fiery red and orange hues.": 1, "this light reveals the intricate dance of interstellar gas and dust creating a dynamic tableau of orange and red hues against the dark backdrop of the universe.": 1, "this nebula with its intricate blend of pink purple and yellow hues forms abstract shapes that appear to float amidst the cosmos.": 1, "this photo depicts a stunning celestial scene of a galaxy bathed in vibrant red and orange tones that evoke a sense of cosmic fire.": 1, "this photo presents a breathtaking view of outer space showcasing a vibrant tapestry of stars galaxies and cosmic phenomena.": 1, "this photo shows a galaxy.": 1, "this scene is set against a backdrop of distant stars adding a sense of depth and wonder to the image which captures the beauty and mystery of the cosmos.": 1, "this visual spectacle likely captured by a space telescope offers a glimpse into the enigmatic beauty of the cosmos.": 1 } }, "ss_text_encoder_lr": 0.0001, "ss_total_batch_size": 192, "ss_training_comment": null, "ss_training_finished_at": 1712663486.162759, "ss_training_started_at": 1712647177.1985323, "ss_unet_lr": 0.0001, "ss_v2": false, "ss_zero_terminal_snr": false, "sshs_legacy_hash": "93888dc3", 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