base_model: senseable/WestLake-7B-v2 gate_mode: hidden dtype: bfloat16 experts: - source_model: jsfs11/RandomMergeNoNormWEIGHTED-7B-DARETIES positive_prompts: - "Answer this question from the ARC (Argument Reasoning Comprehension)." - "Use common sense and logical reasoning skills." negative_prompts: - "nonsense" - "irrational" - "math" - "code" - source_model: senseable/WestLake-7B-v2 positive_prompts: - "Answer this question from the Winogrande test." - "Use advanced knowledge of culture and humanity" negative_prompts: - "ignorance" - "uninformed" - "creativity" - source_model: mlabonne/OmniBeagle-7B positive_prompts: - "Calculate the answer to this math problem" - "My mathematical capabilities are strong, allowing me to handle complex mathematical queries" - "solve for" negative_prompts: - "incorrect" - "inaccurate" - "creativity" - source_model: vanillaOVO/supermario_v3 positive_prompts: - "Predict the most plausible continuation for this scenario." - "Demonstrate understanding of everyday commonsense in your response." - "Use contextual clues to determine the most likely outcome." - "Apply logical reasoning to complete the given narrative." - "Infer the most realistic action or event that follows." negative_prompts: - "guesswork" - "irrelevant information" - "contradictory response" - "illogical conclusion" - "ignoring context"