--- license: mit metrics: - accuracy tags: - chemistry --- # Molecular BERT Pretrained Using ChEMBL Database This model has been pretrained based on the methodology outlined in the paper [Pushing the Boundaries of Molecular Property Prediction for Drug Discovery with Multitask Learning BERT Enhanced by SMILES Enumeration](https://spj.science.org/doi/10.34133/research.0004). While the original model was initially trained using custom code, it has been adapted for use within the Hugging Face Transformers framework in this project. ## Model Details The model architecture utilized is based on BERT. Here are the key configuration details: ``` BertConfig( vocab_size=70, hidden_size=256, num_hidden_layers=8, num_attention_heads=8, intermediate_size=1024, hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, max_position_embeddings=max_seq_len, type_vocab_size=1, pad_token_id=tokenizer_pretrained.vocab["[PAD]"], position_embedding_type="absolute" ) ``` - Optimizer: AdamW - Learning rate: 1e-4 - Learning rate scheduler: False - Epochs: 50 - AMP: True - GPU: Single Nvidia RTX 3090 ## Pretraining Database The model was pretrained using data from the ChEMBL database, specifically version 33. You can download the database from [ChEMBL](https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/chembl/ChEMBLdb/latest/). Additionally, the dataset is available on the Hugging Face Datasets Hub and can be accessed at [Hugging Face Datasets - ChEMBL_v33_pretraining](https://huggingface.co/datasets/jonghyunlee/ChEMBL_v33_pretraining/viewer/default/train). ## Performance The accuracy score achieved by the pretrained model is 0.9672. The testing dataset used for evaluation constitutes 10% of the ChEMBL dataset.