import os import json import random from collections import defaultdict from smart_open import smart_open # URL to the dataset we're using. dataset_url = "" # Select the subset of data for each of our experts. experts = { "qa": [ "quiz", "multiple_choice", "contextual", "counterfactual_contextual" ], "creative": [ "card", "writing", "experience", "song", "roleplay", "gtkm", "rp", "detailed_writing", "joke" ], "code": [ "coding" ], "reasoning": [ "cot", "theory_of_mind", "riddle", "orca" ], "function": [ "agent", "plan" ], "general": [ "wordgame", "trivia", "general" ] } # Map all of our training data into the categories per expert. categories = defaultdict(list) with smart_open(dataset_url, "r") as infile: for line in infile.readlines(): item = json.loads(line) if not item.get("category"): continue categories[item["category"]].append(item) # Include a random sampling of each expert's data in each other expert's dataset. samples = {} for expert, expert_cats in experts.items(): samples[expert] = [] for category in expert_cats: samples[expert] += random.sample(categories[category], int(len(categories[category]) * 0.15) or 1) # Save the split datasets. if not os.path.exists("training_data"): os.mkdir("training_data") if not os.path.exists("routing_data"): os.mkdir("routing_data") for expert, expert_cats in experts.items(): with open(f"training_data/expert_{expert}.jsonl", "w") as outfile: # Also, be sure to include stylized responses so it adapts to system prompt well. for category in expert_cats + ["stylized_response"]: for item in categories[category]: outfile.write(json.dumps(item) + "\n") for other in samples: if other == expert: continue for item in samples[other]: outfile.write(json.dumps(item) + "\n") with open(f"routing_data/expert_{expert}.jsonl", "w") as outfile: for category in expert_cats: for item in categories[category]: outfile.write(json.dumps({"instruction": item.get("system", "A chat.") + " " + item["instruction"]}) + "\n")