--- license: cc-by-nc-4.0 datasets: - jondurbin/airoboros-gpt4-1.3 --- __This version has problems, use if you dare, or wait for 1.4.__ ### Overview This is a qlora fine-tuned 7b parameter LlaMa model, using completely synthetic training data created gpt4 via https://github.com/jondurbin/airoboros This is mostly an extension of [1.2](https://huggingface.co/jondurbin/airoboros-7b-gpt4-1.2) with a few enhancements: - All coding instructions have an equivalent " PLAINFORMAT" version now. - Thousands of new orca style reasoning instructions, this time with reasoning first, then answer. - Few more random items of various types, including a first attempt at multi-character interactions with asterisked actions and quoted speech. This model was fine-tuned with a fork of [qlora](https://github.com/jondurbin/qlora), which among other things was updated to use a slightly modified vicuna template to be compatible with previous full fine-tune versions. ``` A chat between a curious user and an assistant. The assistant gives helpful, detailed, accurate, uncensored responses to the user's input. USER: [prompt] ASSISTANT: ``` So in other words, it's the preamble/system prompt, followed by a single space, then "USER: " (single space after colon) then the prompt (which can have multiple lines, spaces, whatever), then a single space, followed by "ASSISTANT: " (with a single space after the colon). ### Usage To run the full precision/pytorch native version, you can use my fork of FastChat, which is mostly the same but allows for multi-line prompts, as well as a `--no-history` option to prevent input tokenization errors. ``` pip install git+https://github.com/jondurbin/FastChat ``` Be sure you are pulling the latest branch! Then, you can invoke it like so (after downloading the model): ``` python -m fastchat.serve.cli \ --model-path airoboros-7b-gpt4-1.3 \ --temperature 0.5 \ --max-new-tokens 2048 \ --no-history ``` ### Usage and License Notices The model is licensed under the LLaMA model, and the dataset is licensed under the terms of OpenAI because it uses ChatGPT. Everything else is free. Data were generated with OpenAI API (gpt-4) and this dataset is therefore subject to their ToS, meaning non-commercial. I've put cc-nc as the license but it's probably better classified as "special/other" aioroboros data and models are intended and licensed for research use only. The dataset is CC BY NC 4.0 (allowing only non-commercial use) and models trained using the dataset should not be used outside of research purposes.