--- license: mit --- This is an INT4 quantized version of the `Phi-3.5-mini-instruct` model. The Python packages used in creating this model are as follows: ``` onnx==1.16.1 onnxruntime-directml==1.20.0 onnxruntime-genai-directml==0.4.0 torch==2.5.1 transformers==4.45.2 ``` This quantized model is created using the following command: ``` python -m onnxruntime_genai.models.builder -m microsoft/Phi-3.5-mini-instruct -e dml -p int4 --extra_options {"int4_block_size"=128} -o ./Phi-3.5-mini-instruct_onnx_int4 ``` `onnxruntime_genai.models.builder` quantizes the model using `MatMul4BitsQuantizer` from `matmul_4bits_quantizer.py` of `onnxruntime/quantization/` with the `"DEFAULT"` method.