--- library_name: keras tags: - burmese - burma - myanmar - snake - classifier --- ## Model description MM DeepSnake is an artificial intelligence project to classify snake species in Myanmar. We collect images all around Myanmar for training our model. Current Version - **Alpha - 1.0.0** Currently our model can understand **10** species of snakes. Some of the snakes are very much in species and hard to classify individual species. Therefore, we took genus as a categories. At the moment, we support - Trimeresurus_sp (Asian Palm Pit vipers) - မြွေစိမ်းမြီးခြောက် - Rhadophis helleri (Heller Red necked keelback) - လည်ပင်းနီမြွေ - Lycodon aulicus (Wolf Snake) - မြွေဝံပုလွေ - Fowlea piscator (Checkered Keelback) - ရေမြွေဗျောက်မ - Daboia siamensis (Eastern Russell's viper) - မြွေပွေး - Chrysopelea ornata (Golden Tree Snake) - ထန်းမြွေ - Bungarus fasciatus (Banded Krait) - ငန်းတော်ကြား - Ophiophagus hannah(King Cobra) - တောကြီးမြွေဟောက် - Laticauda colubrina (Sea Snake) - ဂျက်မြွေ - Naja kaouthia (Cobra) - မြွေဟောက် Here is sample code to use burmese_snake_classifier ```python import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from huggingface_hub import from_pretrained_keras pretrained_model = from_pretrained_keras('jojo-ai-mst/burmese_snake_classifier') class_names = ['Bungarus fasciatus (Banded Krait)', 'Chrysopelea ornata (Golden Tree Snake)', "Daboia siamensis (Eastern Russell's viper)", 'Fowlea piscator (Checkered Keelback)', 'Laticauda colubrina (Sea Snake)', 'Lycodon aulicus (Wolf Snake)', 'Naja kaouthia(Cobra)', 'Ophiophagus_hannah(King Cobra)', 'Rhadophis helleri (Heller Red necked keelback)', 'Trimeresurus_sp (Asian Palm Pit vipers)'] def softmax_stable(x): return(np.exp(x - np.max(x)) / np.exp(x - np.max(x)).sum()) def predict_img(input_img): img_array = np.expand_dims(input_img, 0) predictions = pretrained_model.predict(img_array) score = tf.nn.softmax(predictions[0]) result = "This image most likely belongs to {} with a {:.2f} percent confidence.".format(class_names[np.argmax(score)], 100 * np.max(score)) return result ``` ## Intended uses & limitations This model is open source for open source projects. Project that modifies, extends, derives from this model must mention the original model **jojo-ai-mst/burmese_snake_classifier**. Commercial use needs to be requested to the model contributor **jojo-ai-mst**. We strongly alert that every **snake bite** case should go to professional medical staffs. ## Training and evaluation data More information needed ## Training procedure ### Training hyperparameters The following hyperparameters were used during training: | Hyperparameters | Value | | :-- | :-- | | name | Adam | | weight_decay | None | | clipnorm | None | | global_clipnorm | None | | clipvalue | None | | use_ema | False | | ema_momentum | 0.99 | | ema_overwrite_frequency | None | | jit_compile | False | | is_legacy_optimizer | False | | learning_rate | 9.999999747378752e-06 | | beta_1 | 0.9 | | beta_2 | 0.999 | | epsilon | 1e-07 | | amsgrad | False | | training_precision | float32 | ## Model Plot
View Model Plot ![Model Image](./model.png)