--- license: apache-2.0 --- # Welcome to CLIP-as-service! [GitHub: clip-as-service](https://github.com/jina-ai/clip-as-service) [Docs: clip-as-service](https://clip-as-service.jina.ai/#) CLIP-as-service is a low-latency high-scalability service for embedding images and text. It can be easily integrated as a microservice into neural search solutions. ⚡ Fast: Serve CLIP models with TensorRT, ONNX runtime and PyTorch w/o JIT with 800QPS[*]. Non-blocking duplex streaming on requests and responses, designed for large data and long-running tasks. 🫐 Elastic: Horizontally scale up and down multiple CLIP models on single GPU, with automatic load balancing. 🐥 Easy-to-use: No learning curve, minimalist design on client and server. Intuitive and consistent API for image and sentence embedding. 👒 Modern: Async client support. Easily switch between gRPC, HTTP, WebSocket protocols with TLS and compression. 🍱 Integration: Smooth integration with neural search ecosystem including Jina and DocArray. Build cross-modal and multi-modal solutions in no time. [*] with default config (single replica, PyTorch no JIT) on GeForce RTX 3090. ## Try it! ## Install [PyPI](https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/clip_client?color=%23ffffff&label=%20) is the latest version. Make sure you are using Python 3.7+. You can install the client and server independently. It is **not required** to install both: e.g. you can install `clip_server` on a GPU machine and `clip_client` on a local laptop. Client ```bash pip install clip-client ``` Server (PyTorch) ``` pip install clip-server ``` Server (ONNX) ``` pip install "clip_server[onnx]" ``` Server (TensorRT) ``` pip install nvidia-pyindex pip install "clip_server[tensorrt]" ``` Server on [Google Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/github/jina-ai/clip-as-service/blob/main/docs/hosting/cas-on-colab.ipynb) ## Quick check After installing, you can run the following commands for a quick connectivity check. ### Start the server Start PyTorch Server ```bash python -m clip_server ``` Start ONNX Server ```bash python -m clip_server onnx-flow.yml ``` Start TensorRT Server ```bash python -m clip_server tensorrt-flow.yml ``` At the first time starting the server, it will download the default pretrained model, which may take a while depending on your network speed. Then you will get the address information similar to the following: ```text ╭────────────── 🔗 Endpoint ───────────────╮ │ 🔗 Protocol GRPC │ │ 🏠 Local │ │ 🔒 Private │ | 🌍 Public | ╰──────────────────────────────────────────╯ ``` This means the server is ready to serve. Note down the three addresses shown above, you will need them later. ### Connect from client ```{tip} Depending on the location of the client and server. You may use different IP addresses: - Client and server are on the same machine: use local address, e.g. `` - Client and server are connected to the same router: use private network address, e.g. `` - Server is in public network: use public network address, e.g. `` ``` Run the following Python script: ```python from clip_client import Client c = Client('grpc://') c.profile() ``` will give you: ```text Roundtrip 16ms 100% ├── Client-server network 8ms 49% └── Server 8ms 51% ├── Gateway-CLIP network 2ms 25% └── CLIP model 6ms 75% {'Roundtrip': 15.684750003856607, 'Client-server network': 7.684750003856607, 'Server': 8, 'Gateway-CLIP network': 2, 'CLIP model': 6} ``` It means the client and the server are now connected. Well done!