--- license: apache-2.0 language: - multilingual - en - ru - es - fr - de - it - pt - pl - nl - vi - tr - sv - id - ro - cs - zh - hu - ja - th - fi - fa - uk - da - el - "no" - bg - sk - ko - ar - lt - ca - sl - he - et - lv - hi - sq - ms - az - sr - ta - hr - kk - is - ml - mr - te - af - gl - fil - be - mk - eu - bn - ka - mn - bs - uz - ur - sw - yue - ne - kn - kaa - gu - si - cy - eo - la - hy - ky - tg - ga - mt - my - km - tt - so - ku - ps - pa - rw - lo - ha - dv - fy - lb - ckb - mg - gd - am - ug - ht - grc - hmn - sd - jv - mi - tk - ceb - yi - ba - fo - or - xh - su - kl - ny - sm - sn - co - zu - ig - yo - pap - st - haw - as - oc - cv - lus - tet - gsw - sah - br - rm - sa - bo - om - se - ce - cnh - ilo - hil - udm - os - lg - ti - vec - ts - tyv - kbd - ee - iba - av - kha - to - tn - nso - fj - zza - ak - ada - otq - dz - bua - cfm - ln - chm - gn - krc - wa - hif - yua - srn - war - rom - bik - pam - sg - lu - ady - kbp - syr - ltg - myv - iso - kac - bho - ay - kum - qu - za - pag - ngu - ve - pck - zap - tyz - hui - bbc - tzo - tiv - ksd - gom - min - ang - nhe - bgp - nzi - nnb - nv - zxx - bci - kv - new - mps - alt - meu - bew - fon - iu - abt - mgh - mnw - tvl - dov - tlh - ho - kw - mrj - meo - crh - mbt - emp - ace - ium - mam - gym - mai - crs - pon - ubu - fip - quc - gv - kj - btx - ape - chk - rcf - shn - tzh - mdf - ppk - ss - gag - cab - kri - seh - ibb - tbz - bru - enq - ach - cuk - kmb - wo - kek - qub - tab - bts - kos - rwo - cak - tuc - bum - cjk - gil - stq - tsg - quh - mak - arn - ban - jiv - sja - yap - tcy - toj - twu - xal - amu - rmc - hus - nia - kjh - bm - guh - mas - acf - dtp - ksw - bzj - din - zne - mad - msi - mag - mkn - kg - lhu - ch - qvi - mh - djk - sus - mfe - srm - dyu - ctu - gui - pau - inb - bi - mni - guc - jam - wal - jac - bas - gor - skr - nyu - noa - sda - gub - nog - cni - teo - tdx - sxn - rki - nr - frp - alz - taj - lrc - cce - rn - jvn - hvn - nij - dwr - izz - msm - bus - ktu - chr - maz - tzj - suz - knj - bim - gvl - bqc - tca - pis - prk - laj - mel - qxr - niq - ahk - shp - hne - spp - koi - krj - quf - luz - agr - tsc - mqy - gof - gbm - miq - dje - awa - bjj - qvz - sjp - tll - raj - kjg - bgz - quy - cbk - akb - oj - ify - mey - ks - cac - brx - qup - syl - jax - ff - ber - tks - trp - mrw - adh - smt - srr - ffm - qvc - mtr - ann - kaa - aa - noe - nut - gyn - kwi - xmm - msb library_name: transformers tags: - text2text-generation - text-generation-inference datasets: - allenai/MADLAD-400 pipeline_tag: translation widget: - text: "<2en> Como vai, amigo?" example_title: "Translation to English" - text: "<2de> Do you speak German?" example_title: "Translation to German" --- # Model Card for MADLAD-400-3B-MT # Table of Contents 0. [TL;DR](#TL;DR) 1. [Model Details](#model-details) 2. [Usage](#usage) 3. [Uses](#uses) 4. [Bias, Risks, and Limitations](#bias-risks-and-limitations) 5. [Training Details](#training-details) 6. [Evaluation](#evaluation) 7. [Environmental Impact](#environmental-impact) 8. [Citation](#citation) # TL;DR MADLAD-400-3B-MT is a multilingual machine translation model based on the T5 architecture that was trained on 1 trillion tokens covering over 450 languages using publicly available data. It is competitive with models that are significantly larger. **Disclaimer**: [Juarez Bochi](https://huggingface.co/jbochi), who was not involved in this research, converted the original weights and wrote the contents of this model card based on the original paper and Flan-T5. # Model Details ## Model Description - **Model type:** Language model - **Language(s) (NLP):** Multilingual (400+ languages) - **License:** Apache 2.0 - **Related Models:** [All MADLAD-400 Checkpoints](https://huggingface.co/models?search=madlad) - **Original Checkpoints:** [All Original MADLAD-400 Checkpoints](https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/madlad_400) - **Resources for more information:** - [Research paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2309.04662) - [GitHub Repo](https://github.com/google-research/t5x) - [Hugging Face MADLAD-400 Docs (Similar to T5) ](https://huggingface.co/docs/transformers/model_doc/MADLAD-400) - [Pending PR](https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/pull/27471) # Usage Find below some example scripts on how to use the model: ## Using the Pytorch model with `transformers` ### Running the model on a CPU or GPU
Click to expand ```python from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration, T5Tokenizer, GenerationConfig model_name = 'jbochi/madlad400-3b-mt' model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name, device="auto") tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) text = "<2pt> I love pizza!" input_ids = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt").input_ids.to(model.device) outputs = model.generate(input_ids=input_ids) tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True) # Eu adoro pizza! ```
## Running the model with Candle
Click to expand Usage with [candle](https://github.com/huggingface/candle): ```bash $ cargo run --example t5 --release -- \ --model-id "jbochi/madlad400-3b-mt" \ --prompt "<2de> How are you, my friend?" \ --decode --temperature 0 ``` We also provide a quantized model (1.65 GB vs the original 11.8 GB file): ``` cargo run --example quantized-t5 --release -- \ --model-id "jbochi/madlad400-3b-mt" --weight-file "model-q4k.gguf" \ --prompt "<2de> How are you, my friend?" \ --temperature 0 ... Wie geht es dir, mein Freund? ```
# Uses ## Direct Use and Downstream Use > Primary intended uses: Machine Translation and multilingual NLP tasks on over 400 languages. > Primary intended users: Research community. ## Out-of-Scope Use > These models are trained on general domain data and are therefore not meant to > work on domain-specific models out-of-the box. Moreover, these research models have not been assessed > for production usecases. # Bias, Risks, and Limitations > We note that we evaluate on only 204 of the languages supported by these models and on machine translation > and few-shot machine translation tasks. Users must consider use of this model carefully for their own > usecase. ## Ethical considerations and risks > We trained these models with MADLAD-400 and publicly available data to create baseline models that > support NLP for over 400 languages, with a focus on languages underrepresented in large-scale corpora. > Given that these models were trained with web-crawled datasets that may contain sensitive, offensive or > otherwise low-quality content despite extensive preprocessing, it is still possible that these issues to the > underlying training data may cause differences in model performance and toxic (or otherwise problematic) > output for certain domains. Moreover, large models are dual use technologies that have specific risks > associated with their use and development. We point the reader to surveys such as those written by > Weidinger et al. or Bommasani et al. for a more detailed discussion of these risks, and to Liebling > et al. for a thorough discussion of the risks of machine translation systems. ## Known Limitations More information needed ## Sensitive Use: More information needed # Training Details > We train models of various sizes: a 3B, 32-layer parameter model, > a 7.2B 48-layer parameter model and a 10.7B 32-layer parameter model. > We share all parameters of the model across language pairs, > and use a Sentence Piece Model with 256k tokens shared on both the encoder and decoder > side. Each input sentence has a <2xx> token prepended to the source sentence to indicate the target > language. See the [research paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.04662.pdf) for further details. ## Training Data > For both the machine translation and language model, MADLAD-400 is used. For the machine translation > model, a combination of parallel datasources covering 157 languages is also used. Further details are > described in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.04662.pdf). ## Training Procedure See the [research paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.04662.pdf) for further details. # Evaluation ## Testing Data, Factors & Metrics > For evaluation, we used WMT, NTREX, Flores-200 and Gatones datasets as described in Section 4.3 in the [paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.04662.pdf). > The translation quality of this model varies based on language, as seen in the paper, and likely varies on > domain, though we have not assessed this. ## Results ![image/png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64b7f632037d6452a321fa15/EzsMD1AwCuFH0S0DeD-n8.png) ![image/png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64b7f632037d6452a321fa15/CJ5zCUVy7vTU76Lc8NZcK.png) ![image/png](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/64b7f632037d6452a321fa15/NK0S-yVeWuhKoidpLYh3m.png) See the [research paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2309.04662.pdf) for further details. # Environmental Impact More information needed # Citation **BibTeX:** ```bibtex @misc{kudugunta2023madlad400, title={MADLAD-400: A Multilingual And Document-Level Large Audited Dataset}, author={Sneha Kudugunta and Isaac Caswell and Biao Zhang and Xavier Garcia and Christopher A. Choquette-Choo and Katherine Lee and Derrick Xin and Aditya Kusupati and Romi Stella and Ankur Bapna and Orhan Firat}, year={2023}, eprint={2309.04662}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} } ```