--- license: apache-2.0 base_model: bert-base-multilingual-cased tags: - generated_from_trainer metrics: - precision - recall - f1 - accuracy model-index: - name: custom_BERT_NER results: [] datasets: - jamie613/custom_NER widget: - text: >- 20世紀以來作曲家們積極拓展器樂演奏的極限,開發新的樂器演奏方式與音色,形成新的音響體驗。本次音樂會以「日本」為主題,選擇演出多位日裔作曲家的作品,也納入俄國作曲家Tchesnokov的《日本狂想曲》,和日治時期臺灣作曲家江文也的《慶典奏鳴曲》。每首作品使用不同的演奏技巧,呈現長笛演奏的豐富多樣性,以及演奏家們的極佳詮釋能力和長年合作的默契。 - text: >- 作為磨練技巧的工具,練習曲用不同方式,重複讓彈奏者練習特定技巧。聽起來是枯燥的苦功,即便如此,許多題為「練習曲」的作品,已離開琴房,成為音樂會中的精彩曲目。鋼琴博士林聖縈對於練習曲這獨特的現象感到有趣,因此規劃本次節目,以德布西的十二首鋼琴練習曲為主,穿插其他偉大鋼琴作曲家的練習曲,這些不寫情、不畫景的鋼琴獨奏作品,勾勒出鋼琴獨奏會另一種風情。 演出曲目: 巴赫 / 布梭尼:D小調觸技曲與賦格,作品565 Bach / Busoni: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, BWV 565 徹爾尼:C大調練習曲,作品299之9 Czerny: The School of Velocity, Op. 299, No. 9 in C Major 克拉莫:E大調練習曲,選自84首鋼琴練習曲,作品30之41 Cramer: 84 Etudes for Piano, Op. 30, No. 41 in E Major 德布西:12首練習曲 Debussy: Douze Études 斯克里亞賓:升C小調練習曲,作品2之1 Scriabin: Étude in C-sharp Minor, Op. 2, No.1 李斯特:E大調練習曲,選自帕格尼尼練習曲,作品141之4 Liszt: Grandes Études de Paganini, S. 141, No. 4 in E Major 蕭邦:降A大調練習曲,作品25之1 Chopin: Étude in A-flat Major, Op. 25, No. 1 - text: >- 鋼琴家列夫席茲(Konstantin Lifschitz)五歲時,父母將他送到著名的莫斯科格涅辛音樂中學的特殊班(Moscow Gnessin Special Middle School of Music),向柴琳克曼(Tatiana Zelikman)學習鋼琴。之後列夫席茲曾經向顧德曼(Theodor Gutmann)、特洛普(Vladimir Tropp)、布蘭德爾(Alfred Brendel)、傅聰(Fou T'song)、富萊雪(Leon Fleisher)、杜蕾克(Rosalyn Tureck)等鋼琴家學習。1994年,列夫席茲從格涅辛學校畢業,他在畢業音樂會上彈奏了巴赫的《郭德堡變奏曲》,日本Denon哥倫比亞唱片公司聽到這位當時17歲小夥子彈奏出情感詮釋相當纖細的巴赫,大為驚艷,立即將這份演奏灌錄成唱片。這份錄音在1996年發行,立即入圍當年的葛萊美獎,《紐約時報》的樂評羅斯史坦(Edward Rothstein)更是大為讚揚列夫席茲的演奏:「這是繼顧爾德之後,最具影響力的《郭德堡變奏曲》鋼琴詮釋。」9月26日貝多芬:f小調第一號鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品2之1 L. v. Beethoven: Piano Sonata No . 1 in f minor, Op. 2 No. 1 貝多芬:A大調第二號鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品2之2 L. v. Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 2 in A Major, Op. 2 No. 2 ── 中 場 休 息 ── 貝多芬:C大調第三號鋼琴奏鳴曲,作品2之3 L. v. Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 3 in C Major, Op. 2 No. 3 貝多芬:降E大調第四號鋼琴奏鳴曲《大奏鳴曲》,作品7 L. v. Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 4 in E-flat Major 'Grand Sonata', Op. 7 language: - zh --- # custom_BERT_NER This model is a fine-tuned version of [bert-base-multilingual-cased](https://huggingface.co/bert-base-multilingual-cased) on an unknown dataset. It achieves the following results on the evaluation set: - Loss: 0.207071 - Perf P: 0.829268 - Perf R: 0.944444 - Inst P: 0.933333 - Inst R: 0.875000 - Comp P: 0.962617 - Comp R: 0.865546 - Precision: 0.862745 - Recall: 0.846154 - F1: 0.854369 - Accuracy: 0.952260 ## Model description This model is for identifying performers, instrumentation, and composers of the music played in the concert from a brief introduction of a concert. Tags:
PERF: Performer(s)
INST: Instrumentation
COMP: Composer(s)
MUSIC: Music title(s)
PER: Other name(s)
OTH: Other instrument(s)
OTHP: Other music title(s)
ORG: Companies, festivals, orchetras, ensembles, etc.
LOC: Country names, halls, etc.
MISC: Other miscellaneous nouns, including competitions.
## Training and evaluation data This model is trained ane evaluated on a custome dataset: [jamie613/custom_NER](https://huggingface.co/datasets/jamie613/custom_NER)
The set contains 150 samples of concert introductions in Mandarine.
The dataset is divide into training set (135 samples) and evaluation set (15 samples). ### Training hyperparameters The following hyperparameters were used during training: - learning_rate: 2e-05 - train_batch_size: 1 - eval_batch_size: 1 - seed: 42 - optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08 - lr_scheduler_type: linear - num_epochs: 50 - metric_for_best_model = 'eval_f1' - greater_is_better = True - load_best_model_at_end = True - early_stoping_patience = 3 ### Training results | Training Loss | Epoch | Step | Validation Loss | Perf P | Perf R | Inst P | Inst R | Comp P | Comp R | Precision | Recall | F1 | Accuracy | |:-------------:|:-----:|:----:|:---------------:|:------:|:------:|:------:|:------:|:------:|:------:|:---------:|:------:|:------:|:--------:| | 0.8629 | 1.0 | 135 | 0.3555 | 0.6951 | 0.7917 | 0.5176 | 0.6875 | 0.8455 | 0.7815 | 0.6913 | 0.6095 | 0.6478 | 0.8848 | | 0.2867 | 2.0 | 270 | 0.2387 | 0.6275 | 0.8889 | 0.7719 | 0.6875 | 0.93 | 0.7815 | 0.7778 | 0.7663 | 0.7720 | 0.9265 | | 0.1715 | 3.0 | 405 | 0.1832 | 0.8193 | 0.9444 | 0.875 | 0.7656 | 0.8636 | 0.7983 | 0.8186 | 0.8077 | 0.8131 | 0.9446 | | 0.1027 | 4.0 | 540 | 0.2056 | 0.875 | 0.875 | 0.75 | 0.7969 | 0.9630 | 0.8739 | 0.8254 | 0.8180 | 0.8217 | 0.9441 | | 0.0707 | 5.0 | 675 | 0.2007 | 0.825 | 0.9167 | 0.9245 | 0.7656 | 0.9423 | 0.8235 | 0.8378 | 0.8328 | 0.8353 | 0.9468 | | 0.0517 | 6.0 | 810 | 0.2402 | 0.8415 | 0.9583 | 0.8889 | 0.75 | 0.93 | 0.7815 | 0.8311 | 0.8225 | 0.8268 | 0.9403 | | 0.0359 | 7.0 | 945 | 0.2071 | 0.8293 | 0.9444 | 0.9333 | 0.875 | 0.9626 | 0.8655 | 0.8627 | 0.8462 | 0.8544 | 0.9523 | | 0.0269 | 8.0 | 1080 | 0.2171 | 0.8415 | 0.9583 | 0.9608 | 0.7656 | 0.9604 | 0.8151 | 0.8411 | 0.8299 | 0.8354 | 0.9486 | | 0.0196 | 9.0 | 1215 | 0.2317 | 0.8718 | 0.9444 | 0.8788 | 0.9062 | 0.9558 | 0.9076 | 0.8505 | 0.8417 | 0.8461 | 0.9510 | | 0.0126 | 10.0 | 1350 | 0.2578 | 0.8161 | 0.9861 | 0.8923 | 0.9062 | 0.9537 | 0.8655 | 0.8495 | 0.8432 | 0.8463 | 0.9470 | ### Framework versions - Transformers 4.40.0 - Pytorch 2.2.1+cu121 - Datasets 2.19.0 - Tokenizers 0.19.1