--- language: - dv license: apache-2.0 --- # BERT base for Dhivehi Pretrained model on Dhivehi language using masked language modeling (MLM). ## Tokenizer The *WordPiece* tokenizer uses several components: * **Normalization**: lowercase and then NFKD unicode normalization. * **Pretokenization**: splits by whitespace and punctuation. * **Postprocessing**: single sentences are output in format `[CLS] sentence A [SEP]` and pair sentences in format `[CLS] sentence A [SEP] sentence B [SEP]`. ## Training Training was performed over 16M+ Dhivehi sentences/paragraphs put together by [@ashraq](https://huggingface.co/ashraq). An Adam optimizer with weighted decay was used with following parameters: * Learning rate: 1e-5 * Weight decay: 0.1 * Warmup steps: 10% of data