log_directory: "./log/latent_diffusion" project: "audioldm" precision: "high" # TODO: change this with your project path base_root: "/content/qa-mdt" # TODO: change this with your pretrained path # TODO: pretrained path is also needed in "base_root/offset_pretrained_checkpoints.json" pretrained: clap_music: "./qa-mdt/checkpoints/clap_music" flan_t5: "./qa-mdt/checkpoints/flant5" hifi-gan: "./qa-mdt/checkpoints/hifi-gan/checkpoints" roberta-base: "./qa-mdt/checkpoints/robertabase" # TODO: lmdb dataset that stores pMOS of the training dataset # while in inference, we don't need it !!! # while in inference, we don't need it !!! # while in inference, we don't need it !!! mos_path: "" train_path: train_lmdb_path: [] # path list of training lmdb folders val_path: val_lmdb_path: [] # path list of training lmdb folders val_key_path: [] # path list of training lmdb key files variables: sampling_rate: &sampling_rate 16000 mel_bins: &mel_bins 64 latent_embed_dim: &latent_embed_dim 8 latent_t_size: &latent_t_size 256 # TODO might need to change latent_f_size: &latent_f_size 16 # TODO might need to change in_channels: &unet_in_channels 8 # TODO might need to change optimize_ddpm_parameter: &optimize_ddpm_parameter true optimize_gpt: &optimize_gpt true warmup_steps: &warmup_steps 2000 # we rewrite the dataset so it may not be needed data: train: ["audiocaps"] val: "audiocaps" test: "audiocaps" class_label_indices: "audioset_eval_subset" dataloader_add_ons: ["waveform_rs_48k"] step: validation_every_n_epochs: 10000 save_checkpoint_every_n_steps: 1000 # limit_val_batches: 2 max_steps: 8000000 save_top_k: 1000 preprocessing: audio: sampling_rate: *sampling_rate max_wav_value: 32768.0 duration: 10.24 stft: filter_length: 1024 hop_length: 160 win_length: 1024 mel: n_mel_channels: *mel_bins mel_fmin: 0 mel_fmax: 8000 augmentation: mixup: 0.0 model: target: audioldm_train.modules.latent_diffusion.ddpm.LatentDiffusion params: # Autoencoder first_stage_config: base_learning_rate: 8.0e-06 target: audioldm_train.modules.latent_encoder.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL params: # TODO: change it with your VAE checkpoint reload_from_ckpt: "./qa-mdt/checkpoints/hifi-gan/checkpoints/vae_mel_16k_64bins.ckpt" sampling_rate: *sampling_rate batchsize: 1 monitor: val/rec_loss image_key: fbank subband: 1 embed_dim: *latent_embed_dim time_shuffle: 1 lossconfig: target: audioldm_train.losses.LPIPSWithDiscriminator params: disc_start: 50001 kl_weight: 1000.0 disc_weight: 0.5 disc_in_channels: 1 ddconfig: double_z: true mel_bins: *mel_bins z_channels: 8 resolution: 256 downsample_time: false in_channels: 1 out_ch: 1 ch: 128 ch_mult: - 1 - 2 - 4 num_res_blocks: 2 attn_resolutions: [] dropout: 0.0 # Other parameters base_learning_rate: 8.0e-5 warmup_steps: *warmup_steps optimize_ddpm_parameter: *optimize_ddpm_parameter sampling_rate: *sampling_rate batchsize: 16 linear_start: 0.0015 linear_end: 0.0195 num_timesteps_cond: 1 log_every_t: 200 timesteps: 1000 unconditional_prob_cfg: 0.1 parameterization: eps # [eps, x0, v] first_stage_key: fbank latent_t_size: *latent_t_size latent_f_size: *latent_f_size channels: *latent_embed_dim monitor: val/loss_simple_ema scale_by_std: true unet_config: # TODO: choose your class, Default: MDT_MOS_AS_TOKEN # (Noted: the 2D-Rope, SwiGLU and the MDT are in two classes, when training with all of them, they should be changed and merged) target: audioldm_train.modules.diffusionmodules.PixArt.PixArt_MDT_MOS_AS_TOKEN params: input_size : [256, 16] # patch_size: [16,4] patch_size : [4, 1] overlap_size: [0, 0] in_channels : 8 hidden_size : 1152 depth : 28 num_heads : 16 mlp_ratio : 4.0 class_dropout_prob : 0.1 pred_sigma : True drop_path : 0. window_size : 0 window_block_indexes : None use_rel_pos : False cond_dim : 1024 lewei_scale : 1.0 overlap: [0, 0] use_cfg: true mask_ratio: 0.30 decode_layer: 8 cond_stage_config: crossattn_flan_t5: cond_stage_key: text conditioning_key: crossattn target: audioldm_train.conditional_models.FlanT5HiddenState evaluation_params: unconditional_guidance_scale: 3.5 ddim_sampling_steps: 200 n_candidates_per_samples: 3