--- tags: - bertopic library_name: bertopic pipeline_tag: text-classification --- # bertopic_model_v1 This is a [BERTopic](https://github.com/MaartenGr/BERTopic) model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets. ## Usage To use this model, please install BERTopic: ``` pip install -U bertopic ``` You can use the model as follows: ```python from bertopic import BERTopic topic_model = BERTopic.load("ivanleomk/bertopic_model_v1") topic_model.get_topic_info() ``` ## Topic overview * Number of topics: 25 * Number of training documents: 1358
Click here for an overview of all topics. | Topic ID | Topic Keywords | Topic Frequency | Label | |----------|----------------|-----------------|-------| | -1 | events - invites - national - volunteer - week | 12 | -1_events_invites_national_volunteer | | 0 | gworks - software - hub - the - and | 34 | 0_gworks_software_hub_the | | 1 | upflow - upflows - can - how - and | 226 | 1_upflow_upflows_can_how | | 2 | banking - compliance - are - what - unit | 188 | 2_banking_compliance_are_what | | 3 | canal - canals - for - what - shop | 142 | 3_canal_canals_for_what | | 4 | pricing - roi - details - upflows - of | 135 | 4_pricing_roi_details_upflows | | 5 | sama - task - delivery - annotation - quality | 77 | 5_sama_task_delivery_annotation | | 6 | collection - cash - processes - ar - collections | 68 | 6_collection_cash_processes_ar | | 7 | case - studies - we - have - do | 46 | 7_case_studies_we_have | | 8 | naro - naros - platform - answers - docebo | 40 | 8_naro_naros_platform_answers | | 9 | invoices - invoice - invoicing - upflow - handling | 40 | 9_invoices_invoice_invoicing_upflow | | 10 | recipient - renewal - the - sender - agreement | 39 | 10_recipient_renewal_the_sender | | 11 | payment - upflows - gateway - features - upflow | 39 | 11_payment_upflows_gateway_features | | 12 | builder - tool - audience - presentation - the | 37 | 12_builder_tool_audience_presentation | | 13 | where - found - be - deck - promised | 34 | 13_where_found_be_deck | | 14 | stripe - express - hubspot - billing - payment | 30 | 14_stripe_express_hubspot_billing | | 15 | retention - unit - ottimate - increase - customer | 28 | 15_retention_unit_ottimate_increase | | 16 | netsuite - with - upflow - integration - synchronization | 24 | 16_netsuite_with_upflow_integration | | 17 | email - inbox - ar - success - up | 23 | 17_email_inbox_ar_success | | 18 | chargebee - with - upflow - synchronized - integration | 20 | 18_chargebee_with_upflow_synchronized | | 19 | budget - allocation - iq - plate - ppl | 17 | 19_budget_allocation_iq_plate | | 20 | receivable - accounts - jjjworks - upflow - resources | 16 | 20_receivable_accounts_jjjworks_upflow | | 21 | card - cards - status - program - the | 15 | 21_card_cards_status_program | | 22 | project - projects - growth - roadmap - create | 14 | 22_project_projects_growth_roadmap | | 23 | nps - docebo - employee - scores - improving | 14 | 23_nps_docebo_employee_scores |
## Training hyperparameters * calculate_probabilities: False * language: english * low_memory: False * min_topic_size: 10 * n_gram_range: (1, 1) * nr_topics: None * seed_topic_list: None * top_n_words: 10 * verbose: False * zeroshot_min_similarity: 0.7 * zeroshot_topic_list: None ## Framework versions * Numpy: 1.26.4 * HDBSCAN: 0.8.37 * UMAP: 0.5.6 * Pandas: 2.2.2 * Scikit-Learn: 1.5.0 * Sentence-transformers: 3.0.1 * Transformers: 4.41.2 * Numba: 0.60.0 * Plotly: 5.22.0 * Python: 3.12.3