diff --git "a/romansh_sursilvan_training_script.ipynb" "b/romansh_sursilvan_training_script.ipynb"
new file mode 100644--- /dev/null
+++ "b/romansh_sursilvan_training_script.ipynb"
@@ -0,0 +1,8486 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "ZG_P29nKcSeI"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "# HuggingFace challenge - Debugger notebook\n",
+ "Run this notebook to verify your libraries versions, check GPU config and run a quick training"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "YacvHugMc1Ka"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# %%capture\n",
+ "# !pip install https://github.com/kpu/kenlm/archive/master.zip pyctcdecode\n",
+ "# !pip install datasets==1.18.1\n",
+ "# !pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git\n",
+ "# !pip install huggingface_hub==0.1\n",
+ "# !pip install torchaudio==0.10.0+cu113 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113/torch_stable.html\n",
+ "# !pip install jiwer\n",
+ "# !pip install -U git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "vy63SoiZbnB5",
+ "outputId": "17391c60-b894-4571-b8a4-d46b18cb42e2"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Collecting git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git\n",
+ " Cloning https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git to /tmp/pip-req-build-i45amciw\n",
+ " Running command git clone -q https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git /tmp/pip-req-build-i45amciw\n",
+ " Installing build dependencies ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n",
+ " Getting requirements to build wheel ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n",
+ " Preparing wheel metadata ... \u001b[?25l\u001b[?25hdone\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (0.1.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (3.4.2)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: importlib-metadata in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (4.10.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers!=0.11.3,>=0.10.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (0.11.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: sacremoses in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (0.0.47)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (1.19.5)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.27 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (4.62.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (2.23.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (6.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (21.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: regex!=2019.12.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (2019.12.20)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.1.0->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing!=3.0.5,>=2.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from packaging>=20.0->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (3.0.7)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: zipp>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from importlib-metadata->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (3.7.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (2.10)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (2021.10.8)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: chardet<4,>=3.0.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (3.0.4)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from requests->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (1.24.3)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from sacremoses->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (1.15.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: joblib in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from sacremoses->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (1.1.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: click in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (from sacremoses->transformers==4.17.0.dev0) (7.1.2)\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# !pip install -U git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.git"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "T2utsYSKszvv"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import platform\n",
+ "import multiprocessing\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import torch\n",
+ "import transformers\n",
+ "import datasets\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import soundfile"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "ejKNEyJEcSeO"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "## Print main infos"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "5P6I-W9ts-kR",
+ "outputId": "bd0c00d8-91c9-4b1a-8f2c-24182c2b227f"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Platform: Linux-5.11.0-37-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.10\n",
+ "CPU cores: 60\n",
+ "Python version: 3.8.8\n",
+ "PyTorch version: 1.10.1+cu102\n",
+ "GPU is visible: True\n",
+ "Transformers version: 4.16.0.dev0\n",
+ "Datasets version: 1.17.1.dev0\n",
+ "soundfile version: 0.10.3\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "print(f\"Platform: {platform.platform()}\")\n",
+ "print(f\"CPU cores: {multiprocessing.cpu_count()}\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(f\"Python version: {platform.python_version()}\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(f\"PyTorch version: {torch.__version__}\")\n",
+ "print(f\"GPU is visible: {torch.cuda.is_available()}\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(f\"Transformers version: {transformers.__version__}\")\n",
+ "print(f\"Datasets version: {datasets.__version__}\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(f\"soundfile version: {soundfile.__version__}\")"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "_VUKw21PcSeQ"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "## Check your GPU informations (if any)\n",
+ "If you launched an AI Training job with GPU resources, they should be listed below (Tesla V100s 32GB).\n",
+ "Driver and CUDA version "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "YT7fRnKctggU",
+ "outputId": "1fb2c851-11c3-4fcd-ad23-9032f25d7f8d"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Sat Jan 29 03:27:00 2022 \n",
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "| NVIDIA-SMI 470.57.02 Driver Version: 470.57.02 CUDA Version: 11.4 |\n",
+ "|-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+\n",
+ "| GPU Name Persistence-M| Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |\n",
+ "| Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |\n",
+ "| | | MIG M. |\n",
+ "|===============================+======================+======================|\n",
+ "| 0 Tesla V100S-PCI... Off | 00000000:00:06.0 Off | 0 |\n",
+ "| N/A 35C P0 26W / 250W | 4MiB / 32510MiB | 0% Default |\n",
+ "| | | N/A |\n",
+ "+-------------------------------+----------------------+----------------------+\n",
+ " \n",
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n",
+ "| Processes: |\n",
+ "| GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory |\n",
+ "| ID ID Usage |\n",
+ "|=============================================================================|\n",
+ "| No running processes found |\n",
+ "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!nvidia-smi"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 241,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "50a1252082d942b09bfc620a9fa9d1d0",
+ "e270b7c82f784ebbbba4b17fb07c310d",
+ "32eb83bb6fd34c56bb345368e47e8f6f",
+ "34417f648cd54ed5b6d91f53af3e2713",
+ "7518572223ac480b89af2ab71f38b2ed",
+ "ce8bb7d0fb744e7b9ce2ff35cfdbc679",
+ "aa47a09bf444413ba95322d979c1908c",
+ "0b83a8775ea1441980d8ba945be752fe",
+ "127389ec566e423ab9a8f60a9d61caaa",
+ "4e4bc5550505497ba35f6bd7dde2893f",
+ "e5124c5171e04625b70795e4b7a18819",
+ "e410e7aecf23433f880a0f7169a8ce97",
+ "0f6b3cf1d33f46f594934874170bcd83",
+ "e549178ba75f4939aba6ae1cf743722a",
+ "9c28978adf974326a21259ae56f47fe9",
+ "7d3231a0b7794b11af662170b352d9e0"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "3Wj2W4tWcSeR",
+ "outputId": "ad4eb63f-d643-45bd-b8d7-6adfefd9f773"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Login successful\n",
+ "Your token has been saved to /root/.huggingface/token\n",
+ "\u001b[1m\u001b[31mAuthenticated through git-crendential store but this isn't the helper defined on your machine.\n",
+ "You will have to re-authenticate when pushing to the Hugging Face Hub. Run the following command in your terminal to set it as the default\n",
+ "\n",
+ "git config --global credential.helper store\u001b[0m\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from huggingface_hub import notebook_login\n",
+ "\n",
+ "notebook_login()"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "wHpUxFQPeWE2"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "%%capture\n",
+ "!apt install git-lfs"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "TorMtpwPv6RQ"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "## Quick training run with a dummy model and data\n",
+ "more information on https://github.com/huggingface/transformers/tree/master/examples/pytorch/speech-recognition"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "fevoJD15u4Ss",
+ "outputId": "64745ecf-65b0-494d-a88d-52826eaae0f8"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "--2022-01-28 09:12:30-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huggingface/transformers/master/examples/research_projects/robust-speech-event/run_speech_recognition_ctc_bnb.py\n",
+ "Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...\n",
+ "Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.\n",
+ "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n",
+ "Length: 31209 (30K) [text/plain]\n",
+ "Saving to: ‘run_speech_recognition_ctc.py’\n",
+ "\n",
+ "run_speech_recognit 100%[===================>] 30.48K --.-KB/s in 0.001s \n",
+ "\n",
+ "2022-01-28 09:12:30 (21.4 MB/s) - ‘run_speech_recognition_ctc.py’ saved [31209/31209]\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!wget -O run_speech_recognition_ctc.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huggingface/transformers/master/examples/pytorch/speech-recognition/run_speech_recognition_ctc.py\n",
+ "# !wget -O run_speech_recognition_ctc.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huggingface/transformers/master/examples/research_projects/robust-speech-event/run_speech_recognition_ctc_bnb.py"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "XJRA51HjcSeT"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# \t--learning_rate=\"7.5e-5\" \\\n",
+ "# 84.5"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "hZOB6ZAnsvDX",
+ "outputId": "7b6a85b5-950c-46a1-c005-b885f8a9bd17"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "nvcc: NVIDIA (R) Cuda compiler driver\n",
+ "Copyright (c) 2005-2020 NVIDIA Corporation\n",
+ "Built on Mon_Oct_12_20:09:46_PDT_2020\n",
+ "Cuda compilation tools, release 11.1, V11.1.105\n",
+ "Build cuda_11.1.TC455_06.29190527_0\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!nvcc --version"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "NKlgW0E-sldT",
+ "outputId": "b925521a-29d2-4787-dd5b-6520dda688e4"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Collecting bitsandbytes-cuda111\n",
+ " Downloading bitsandbytes_cuda111-0.26.0-py3-none-any.whl (4.0 MB)\n",
+ "\u001b[K |████████████████████████████████| 4.0 MB 4.3 MB/s \n",
+ "\u001b[?25hInstalling collected packages: bitsandbytes-cuda111\n",
+ "Successfully installed bitsandbytes-cuda111-0.26.0\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip install bitsandbytes-cuda111"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "remove special characters from datasets: 100%|█| 2675/2675 [00:00<00:00, 3936.07\n",
+ "remove special characters from datasets: 100%|█| 1240/1240 [00:00<00:00, 5068.96\n",
+ "loading configuration file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m/resolve/main/config.json from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/dabc27df63e37bd2a7a221c7774e35f36a280fbdf917cf54cadfc7df8c786f6f.a3e4c3c967d9985881e0ae550a5f6f668f897db5ab2e0802f9b97973b15970e6\n",
+ "Model config Wav2Vec2Config {\n",
+ " \"_name_or_path\": \"facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m\",\n",
+ " \"activation_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"adapter_kernel_size\": 3,\n",
+ " \"adapter_stride\": 2,\n",
+ " \"add_adapter\": false,\n",
+ " \"apply_spec_augment\": true,\n",
+ " \"architectures\": [\n",
+ " \"Wav2Vec2ForPreTraining\"\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"attention_dropout\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"bos_token_id\": 1,\n",
+ " \"classifier_proj_size\": 256,\n",
+ " \"codevector_dim\": 768,\n",
+ " \"contrastive_logits_temperature\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"conv_bias\": true,\n",
+ " \"conv_dim\": [\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"conv_kernel\": [\n",
+ " 10,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"conv_stride\": [\n",
+ " 5,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"ctc_loss_reduction\": \"sum\",\n",
+ " \"ctc_zero_infinity\": false,\n",
+ " \"diversity_loss_weight\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"do_stable_layer_norm\": true,\n",
+ " \"eos_token_id\": 2,\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_activation\": \"gelu\",\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_norm\": \"layer\",\n",
+ " \"feat_proj_dropout\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"feat_quantizer_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"final_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"gradient_checkpointing\": false,\n",
+ " \"hidden_act\": \"gelu\",\n",
+ " \"hidden_dropout\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"hidden_size\": 1024,\n",
+ " \"initializer_range\": 0.02,\n",
+ " \"intermediate_size\": 4096,\n",
+ " \"layer_norm_eps\": 1e-05,\n",
+ " \"layerdrop\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_length\": 10,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_min_masks\": 0,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_prob\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_length\": 10,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_min_masks\": 2,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_prob\": 0.075,\n",
+ " \"model_type\": \"wav2vec2\",\n",
+ " \"num_adapter_layers\": 3,\n",
+ " \"num_attention_heads\": 16,\n",
+ " \"num_codevector_groups\": 2,\n",
+ " \"num_codevectors_per_group\": 320,\n",
+ " \"num_conv_pos_embedding_groups\": 16,\n",
+ " \"num_conv_pos_embeddings\": 128,\n",
+ " \"num_feat_extract_layers\": 7,\n",
+ " \"num_hidden_layers\": 24,\n",
+ " \"num_negatives\": 100,\n",
+ " \"output_hidden_size\": 1024,\n",
+ " \"pad_token_id\": 0,\n",
+ " \"proj_codevector_dim\": 768,\n",
+ " \"tdnn_dilation\": [\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 1\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"tdnn_dim\": [\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 1500\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"tdnn_kernel\": [\n",
+ " 5,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 1\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"torch_dtype\": \"float32\",\n",
+ " \"transformers_version\": \"4.16.0.dev0\",\n",
+ " \"use_weighted_layer_sum\": false,\n",
+ " \"vocab_size\": 32,\n",
+ " \"xvector_output_dim\": 512\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 6.29ba/s]\n",
+ "100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 21.18ba/s]\n",
+ "Didn't find file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/tokenizer.json. We won't load it.\n",
+ "loading file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/vocab.json\n",
+ "loading file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/tokenizer_config.json\n",
+ "loading file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/added_tokens.json\n",
+ "loading file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/special_tokens_map.json\n",
+ "loading file None\n",
+ "Adding to the vocabulary\n",
+ "Adding to the vocabulary\n",
+ "loading configuration file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m/resolve/main/config.json from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/dabc27df63e37bd2a7a221c7774e35f36a280fbdf917cf54cadfc7df8c786f6f.a3e4c3c967d9985881e0ae550a5f6f668f897db5ab2e0802f9b97973b15970e6\n",
+ "Model config Wav2Vec2Config {\n",
+ " \"_name_or_path\": \"facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m\",\n",
+ " \"activation_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"adapter_kernel_size\": 3,\n",
+ " \"adapter_stride\": 2,\n",
+ " \"add_adapter\": false,\n",
+ " \"apply_spec_augment\": true,\n",
+ " \"architectures\": [\n",
+ " \"Wav2Vec2ForPreTraining\"\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"attention_dropout\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"bos_token_id\": 1,\n",
+ " \"classifier_proj_size\": 256,\n",
+ " \"codevector_dim\": 768,\n",
+ " \"contrastive_logits_temperature\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"conv_bias\": true,\n",
+ " \"conv_dim\": [\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"conv_kernel\": [\n",
+ " 10,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"conv_stride\": [\n",
+ " 5,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"ctc_loss_reduction\": \"sum\",\n",
+ " \"ctc_zero_infinity\": false,\n",
+ " \"diversity_loss_weight\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"do_stable_layer_norm\": true,\n",
+ " \"eos_token_id\": 2,\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_activation\": \"gelu\",\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_norm\": \"layer\",\n",
+ " \"feat_proj_dropout\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"feat_quantizer_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"final_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"gradient_checkpointing\": false,\n",
+ " \"hidden_act\": \"gelu\",\n",
+ " \"hidden_dropout\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"hidden_size\": 1024,\n",
+ " \"initializer_range\": 0.02,\n",
+ " \"intermediate_size\": 4096,\n",
+ " \"layer_norm_eps\": 1e-05,\n",
+ " \"layerdrop\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_length\": 10,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_min_masks\": 0,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_prob\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_length\": 10,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_min_masks\": 2,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_prob\": 0.075,\n",
+ " \"model_type\": \"wav2vec2\",\n",
+ " \"num_adapter_layers\": 3,\n",
+ " \"num_attention_heads\": 16,\n",
+ " \"num_codevector_groups\": 2,\n",
+ " \"num_codevectors_per_group\": 320,\n",
+ " \"num_conv_pos_embedding_groups\": 16,\n",
+ " \"num_conv_pos_embeddings\": 128,\n",
+ " \"num_feat_extract_layers\": 7,\n",
+ " \"num_hidden_layers\": 24,\n",
+ " \"num_negatives\": 100,\n",
+ " \"output_hidden_size\": 1024,\n",
+ " \"pad_token_id\": 0,\n",
+ " \"proj_codevector_dim\": 768,\n",
+ " \"tdnn_dilation\": [\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 1\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"tdnn_dim\": [\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 1500\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"tdnn_kernel\": [\n",
+ " 5,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 1\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"torch_dtype\": \"float32\",\n",
+ " \"transformers_version\": \"4.16.0.dev0\",\n",
+ " \"use_weighted_layer_sum\": false,\n",
+ " \"vocab_size\": 32,\n",
+ " \"xvector_output_dim\": 512\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "loading feature extractor configuration file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m/resolve/main/preprocessor_config.json from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/6fb028b95b394059e7d3b367bbca2382b576c66aebe896f04d2cd34e1b575f5b.d4484dc1c81456a2461485e7168b04347a7b9a4e3b1ef3aba723323b33e12326\n",
+ "Feature extractor Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor {\n",
+ " \"do_normalize\": true,\n",
+ " \"feature_extractor_type\": \"Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor\",\n",
+ " \"feature_size\": 1,\n",
+ " \"padding_side\": \"right\",\n",
+ " \"padding_value\": 0,\n",
+ " \"return_attention_mask\": true,\n",
+ " \"sampling_rate\": 16000\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "loading weights file https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m/resolve/main/pytorch_model.bin from cache at /workspace/.cache/huggingface/transformers/1e6a6507f3b689035cd4b247e2a37c154e27f39143f31357a49b4e38baeccc36.1edb32803799e27ed554eb7dd935f6745b1a0b17b0ea256442fe24db6eb546cd\n",
+ "Some weights of the model checkpoint at facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m were not used when initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC: ['project_hid.weight', 'quantizer.weight_proj.weight', 'project_q.bias', 'project_q.weight', 'quantizer.weight_proj.bias', 'quantizer.codevectors', 'project_hid.bias']\n",
+ "- This IS expected if you are initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC from the checkpoint of a model trained on another task or with another architecture (e.g. initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForPreTraining model).\n",
+ "- This IS NOT expected if you are initializing Wav2Vec2ForCTC from the checkpoint of a model that you expect to be exactly identical (initializing a BertForSequenceClassification model from a BertForSequenceClassification model).\n",
+ "Some weights of Wav2Vec2ForCTC were not initialized from the model checkpoint at facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m and are newly initialized: ['lm_head.bias', 'lm_head.weight']\n",
+ "You should probably TRAIN this model on a down-stream task to be able to use it for predictions and inference.\n",
+ "preprocess datasets: 100%|██████████████████| 2675/2675 [00:29<00:00, 90.68ex/s]\n",
+ "preprocess datasets: 100%|██████████████████| 1240/1240 [00:12<00:00, 97.50ex/s]\n",
+ "100%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 3/3 [00:00<00:00, 765.71ba/s]\n",
+ "100%|████████████████████████████████████████████| 2/2 [00:00<00:00, 988.06ba/s]\n",
+ "Configuration saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "tokenizer config file saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/tokenizer_config.json\n",
+ "Special tokens file saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/special_tokens_map.json\n",
+ "added tokens file saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/added_tokens.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/config.json\n",
+ "loading feature extractor configuration file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "loading configuration file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/config.json\n",
+ "Model config Wav2Vec2Config {\n",
+ " \"_name_or_path\": \"./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan\",\n",
+ " \"activation_dropout\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"adapter_kernel_size\": 3,\n",
+ " \"adapter_stride\": 2,\n",
+ " \"add_adapter\": false,\n",
+ " \"apply_spec_augment\": true,\n",
+ " \"architectures\": [\n",
+ " \"Wav2Vec2ForPreTraining\"\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"attention_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"bos_token_id\": 1,\n",
+ " \"classifier_proj_size\": 256,\n",
+ " \"codevector_dim\": 768,\n",
+ " \"contrastive_logits_temperature\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"conv_bias\": true,\n",
+ " \"conv_dim\": [\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"conv_kernel\": [\n",
+ " 10,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"conv_stride\": [\n",
+ " 5,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 2\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"ctc_loss_reduction\": \"mean\",\n",
+ " \"ctc_zero_infinity\": false,\n",
+ " \"diversity_loss_weight\": 0.1,\n",
+ " \"do_stable_layer_norm\": true,\n",
+ " \"eos_token_id\": 2,\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_activation\": \"gelu\",\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"feat_extract_norm\": \"layer\",\n",
+ " \"feat_proj_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"feat_quantizer_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"final_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"hidden_act\": \"gelu\",\n",
+ " \"hidden_dropout\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"hidden_size\": 1024,\n",
+ " \"initializer_range\": 0.02,\n",
+ " \"intermediate_size\": 4096,\n",
+ " \"layer_norm_eps\": 1e-05,\n",
+ " \"layerdrop\": 0.0,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_length\": 64,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_min_masks\": 0,\n",
+ " \"mask_feature_prob\": 0.25,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_length\": 10,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_min_masks\": 2,\n",
+ " \"mask_time_prob\": 0.75,\n",
+ " \"model_type\": \"wav2vec2\",\n",
+ " \"num_adapter_layers\": 3,\n",
+ " \"num_attention_heads\": 16,\n",
+ " \"num_codevector_groups\": 2,\n",
+ " \"num_codevectors_per_group\": 320,\n",
+ " \"num_conv_pos_embedding_groups\": 16,\n",
+ " \"num_conv_pos_embeddings\": 128,\n",
+ " \"num_feat_extract_layers\": 7,\n",
+ " \"num_hidden_layers\": 24,\n",
+ " \"num_negatives\": 100,\n",
+ " \"output_hidden_size\": 1024,\n",
+ " \"pad_token_id\": 37,\n",
+ " \"proj_codevector_dim\": 768,\n",
+ " \"tdnn_dilation\": [\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 2,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 1\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"tdnn_dim\": [\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 512,\n",
+ " 1500\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"tdnn_kernel\": [\n",
+ " 5,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 3,\n",
+ " 1,\n",
+ " 1\n",
+ " ],\n",
+ " \"torch_dtype\": \"float32\",\n",
+ " \"transformers_version\": \"4.16.0.dev0\",\n",
+ " \"use_weighted_layer_sum\": false,\n",
+ " \"vocab_size\": 40,\n",
+ " \"xvector_output_dim\": 512\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "loading feature extractor configuration file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Feature extractor Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor {\n",
+ " \"do_normalize\": true,\n",
+ " \"feature_extractor_type\": \"Wav2Vec2FeatureExtractor\",\n",
+ " \"feature_size\": 1,\n",
+ " \"padding_side\": \"right\",\n",
+ " \"padding_value\": 0,\n",
+ " \"return_attention_mask\": true,\n",
+ " \"sampling_rate\": 16000\n",
+ "}\n",
+ "\n",
+ "Didn't find file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/tokenizer.json. We won't load it.\n",
+ "loading file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/vocab.json\n",
+ "loading file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/tokenizer_config.json\n",
+ "loading file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/added_tokens.json\n",
+ "loading file ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/special_tokens_map.json\n",
+ "loading file None\n",
+ "Adding to the vocabulary\n",
+ "Adding to the vocabulary\n",
+ "/workspace/votic_training/./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan is already a clone of https://huggingface.co/infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan. Make sure you pull the latest changes with `repo.git_pull()`.\n",
+ "Using amp half precision backend\n",
+ "The following columns in the training set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/transformers/optimization.py:306: FutureWarning: This implementation of AdamW is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use thePyTorch implementation torch.optim.AdamW instead, or set `no_deprecation_warning=True` to disable this warning\n",
+ " warnings.warn(\n",
+ "***** Running training *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 2675\n",
+ " Num Epochs = 120\n",
+ " Instantaneous batch size per device = 32\n",
+ " Total train batch size (w. parallel, distributed & accumulation) = 32\n",
+ " Gradient Accumulation steps = 1\n",
+ " Total optimization steps = 10080\n",
+ " 20%|██████▋ | 2000/10080 [1:05:32<5:02:13, 2.24s/it]The following columns in the evaluation set don't have a corresponding argument in `Wav2Vec2ForCTC.forward` and have been ignored: input_length.\n",
+ "***** Running Evaluation *****\n",
+ " Num examples = 1240\n",
+ " Batch size = 1\n",
+ "\n",
+ " 0%| | 0/1240 [00:00, ?it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 0%| | 3/1240 [00:00<00:43, 28.65it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 0%|▏ | 6/1240 [00:00<00:59, 20.75it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 1%|▎ | 9/1240 [00:00<01:07, 18.28it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 1%|▎ | 11/1240 [00:00<01:06, 18.60it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 1%|▍ | 13/1240 [00:00<01:09, 17.68it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 1%|▍ | 15/1240 [00:00<01:08, 17.77it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 1%|▌ | 17/1240 [00:00<01:08, 17.91it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 2%|▋ | 19/1240 [00:01<01:09, 17.57it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 2%|▋ | 21/1240 [00:01<01:12, 16.91it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 2%|▊ | 23/1240 [00:01<01:17, 15.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 2%|▊ | 25/1240 [00:01<01:13, 16.48it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 2%|▉ | 27/1240 [00:01<01:18, 15.47it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 2%|▉ | 29/1240 [00:01<01:15, 16.14it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 2%|█ | 31/1240 [00:01<01:12, 16.75it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 3%|█ | 33/1240 [00:01<01:17, 15.53it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 3%|█▏ | 35/1240 [00:02<01:16, 15.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 3%|█▏ | 37/1240 [00:02<01:17, 15.58it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 3%|█▎ | 39/1240 [00:02<01:27, 13.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 3%|█▎ | 41/1240 [00:02<01:28, 13.57it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 3%|█▍ | 43/1240 [00:02<01:23, 14.29it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 4%|█▍ | 45/1240 [00:02<01:22, 14.47it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 4%|█▌ | 47/1240 [00:02<01:19, 14.92it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 4%|█▌ | 49/1240 [00:03<01:18, 15.19it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 4%|█▋ | 51/1240 [00:03<01:19, 14.98it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 4%|█▊ | 53/1240 [00:03<01:18, 15.03it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 4%|█▊ | 55/1240 [00:03<01:20, 14.66it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 5%|█▉ | 57/1240 [00:03<01:22, 14.40it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 5%|█▉ | 59/1240 [00:03<01:22, 14.35it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 5%|██ | 61/1240 [00:03<01:21, 14.42it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 5%|██ | 63/1240 [00:04<01:25, 13.76it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 5%|██▏ | 65/1240 [00:04<01:24, 13.83it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 5%|██▏ | 67/1240 [00:04<01:21, 14.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 6%|██▎ | 69/1240 [00:04<01:17, 15.05it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 6%|██▎ | 71/1240 [00:04<01:13, 15.81it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 6%|██▍ | 73/1240 [00:04<01:11, 16.29it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 6%|██▍ | 75/1240 [00:04<01:09, 16.76it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 6%|██▌ | 77/1240 [00:04<01:06, 17.47it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 6%|██▌ | 79/1240 [00:04<01:07, 17.16it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 7%|██▋ | 81/1240 [00:05<01:06, 17.46it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 7%|██▋ | 83/1240 [00:05<01:09, 16.70it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 7%|██▊ | 85/1240 [00:05<01:10, 16.32it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 7%|██▉ | 87/1240 [00:05<01:08, 16.80it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 7%|██▉ | 89/1240 [00:05<01:09, 16.50it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 7%|███ | 92/1240 [00:05<01:04, 17.90it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 8%|███▏ | 95/1240 [00:05<01:02, 18.35it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 8%|███▏ | 97/1240 [00:05<01:02, 18.42it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 8%|███▏ | 100/1240 [00:06<01:04, 17.66it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 8%|███▎ | 102/1240 [00:06<01:05, 17.24it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 8%|███▎ | 104/1240 [00:06<01:08, 16.47it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 9%|███▍ | 106/1240 [00:06<01:10, 16.14it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 9%|███▍ | 108/1240 [00:06<01:10, 16.01it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 9%|███▌ | 110/1240 [00:06<01:10, 16.01it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 9%|███▌ | 112/1240 [00:06<01:09, 16.13it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 9%|███▋ | 114/1240 [00:07<01:12, 15.43it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 9%|███▋ | 116/1240 [00:07<01:09, 16.23it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 10%|███▊ | 118/1240 [00:07<01:09, 16.24it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 10%|███▊ | 120/1240 [00:07<01:07, 16.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 10%|███▉ | 122/1240 [00:07<01:04, 17.36it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 10%|████ | 124/1240 [00:07<01:02, 17.92it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 10%|████ | 126/1240 [00:07<01:03, 17.63it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 10%|████▏ | 128/1240 [00:07<01:03, 17.38it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 11%|████▏ | 131/1240 [00:08<01:02, 17.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 11%|████▎ | 133/1240 [00:08<01:01, 17.90it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 11%|████▎ | 135/1240 [00:08<01:01, 18.11it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 11%|████▍ | 137/1240 [00:08<01:00, 18.31it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 11%|████▍ | 139/1240 [00:08<01:03, 17.36it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 11%|████▌ | 141/1240 [00:08<01:03, 17.36it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 12%|████▌ | 143/1240 [00:08<01:02, 17.62it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 12%|████▋ | 145/1240 [00:08<01:06, 16.46it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 12%|████▋ | 147/1240 [00:08<01:04, 16.96it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 12%|████▊ | 149/1240 [00:09<01:02, 17.42it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 12%|████▊ | 151/1240 [00:09<01:03, 17.21it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 12%|████▉ | 153/1240 [00:09<01:00, 17.88it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 12%|█████ | 155/1240 [00:09<00:59, 18.15it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 13%|█████ | 157/1240 [00:09<01:03, 17.18it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 13%|█████▏ | 159/1240 [00:09<01:02, 17.20it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 13%|█████▏ | 161/1240 [00:09<01:01, 17.43it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 13%|█████▎ | 163/1240 [00:09<01:02, 17.23it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 13%|█████▎ | 165/1240 [00:10<01:02, 17.10it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 13%|█████▍ | 167/1240 [00:10<01:06, 16.08it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 14%|█████▍ | 169/1240 [00:10<01:05, 16.35it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 14%|█████▌ | 171/1240 [00:10<01:02, 17.23it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 14%|█████▌ | 173/1240 [00:10<01:04, 16.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 14%|█████▋ | 175/1240 [00:10<01:04, 16.64it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 14%|█████▋ | 178/1240 [00:10<01:00, 17.43it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 15%|█████▊ | 180/1240 [00:10<01:00, 17.59it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 15%|█████▊ | 182/1240 [00:11<01:01, 17.11it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 15%|█████▉ | 184/1240 [00:11<01:02, 16.82it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 15%|██████ | 186/1240 [00:11<01:04, 16.33it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 15%|██████ | 188/1240 [00:11<01:05, 16.15it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 15%|██████▏ | 190/1240 [00:11<01:02, 16.92it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 16%|██████▏ | 193/1240 [00:11<00:55, 18.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 16%|██████▎ | 195/1240 [00:11<00:56, 18.37it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 16%|██████▎ | 197/1240 [00:11<00:56, 18.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 16%|██████▍ | 199/1240 [00:11<00:55, 18.81it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 16%|██████▍ | 201/1240 [00:12<00:55, 18.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 16%|██████▌ | 203/1240 [00:12<00:58, 17.73it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 17%|██████▌ | 205/1240 [00:12<00:58, 17.80it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 17%|██████▋ | 207/1240 [00:12<00:58, 17.77it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 17%|██████▋ | 209/1240 [00:12<01:00, 16.97it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 17%|██████▊ | 211/1240 [00:12<00:59, 17.24it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 17%|██████▊ | 213/1240 [00:12<00:59, 17.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 17%|██████▉ | 215/1240 [00:12<00:59, 17.30it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 18%|███████ | 217/1240 [00:13<00:59, 17.14it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 18%|███████ | 219/1240 [00:13<00:58, 17.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 18%|███████▏ | 221/1240 [00:13<00:59, 17.20it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 18%|███████▏ | 223/1240 [00:13<00:58, 17.47it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 18%|███████▎ | 225/1240 [00:13<00:55, 18.13it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 18%|███████▎ | 228/1240 [00:13<00:53, 18.88it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 19%|███████▍ | 230/1240 [00:13<00:53, 19.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 19%|███████▍ | 232/1240 [00:13<00:55, 18.30it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 19%|███████▌ | 234/1240 [00:13<00:54, 18.30it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 19%|███████▌ | 236/1240 [00:14<00:55, 18.01it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 19%|███████▋ | 239/1240 [00:14<00:53, 18.81it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 19%|███████▊ | 241/1240 [00:14<00:54, 18.39it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 20%|███████▊ | 243/1240 [00:14<00:56, 17.55it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 20%|███████▉ | 245/1240 [00:14<00:54, 18.10it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 20%|███████▉ | 247/1240 [00:14<00:55, 18.01it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 20%|████████ | 249/1240 [00:14<00:53, 18.42it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 20%|████████ | 251/1240 [00:14<00:54, 18.23it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 20%|████████▏ | 253/1240 [00:14<00:55, 17.87it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 21%|████████▏ | 255/1240 [00:15<00:58, 16.93it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 21%|████████▎ | 257/1240 [00:15<00:55, 17.59it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 21%|████████▍ | 260/1240 [00:15<00:52, 18.65it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 21%|████████▍ | 262/1240 [00:15<00:52, 18.60it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 21%|████████▌ | 265/1240 [00:15<00:54, 18.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 22%|████████▌ | 267/1240 [00:15<00:52, 18.36it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 22%|████████▋ | 269/1240 [00:15<00:54, 17.77it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 22%|████████▋ | 271/1240 [00:16<00:58, 16.43it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 22%|████████▊ | 273/1240 [00:16<00:58, 16.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 22%|████████▊ | 275/1240 [00:16<00:55, 17.28it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 22%|████████▉ | 277/1240 [00:16<00:57, 16.71it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 22%|█████████ | 279/1240 [00:16<00:58, 16.32it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 23%|█████████ | 281/1240 [00:16<00:57, 16.58it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 23%|█████████▏ | 283/1240 [00:16<01:00, 15.91it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 23%|█████████▏ | 285/1240 [00:16<00:59, 16.07it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 23%|█████████▎ | 287/1240 [00:16<00:59, 16.11it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 23%|█████████▎ | 289/1240 [00:17<00:56, 16.97it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 23%|█████████▍ | 291/1240 [00:17<00:55, 17.25it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 24%|█████████▍ | 293/1240 [00:17<00:55, 16.97it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 24%|█████████▌ | 295/1240 [00:17<00:55, 16.88it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 24%|█████████▌ | 297/1240 [00:17<00:53, 17.59it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 24%|█████████▋ | 299/1240 [00:17<00:53, 17.57it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 24%|█████████▋ | 301/1240 [00:17<00:53, 17.39it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 24%|█████████▊ | 303/1240 [00:17<00:52, 17.86it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 25%|█████████▊ | 305/1240 [00:18<00:52, 17.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 25%|█████████▉ | 307/1240 [00:18<00:54, 17.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 25%|█████████▉ | 309/1240 [00:18<00:52, 17.71it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 25%|██████████ | 312/1240 [00:18<00:49, 18.68it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 25%|██████████▏ | 315/1240 [00:18<00:47, 19.33it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 26%|██████████▎ | 318/1240 [00:18<00:47, 19.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 26%|██████████▎ | 320/1240 [00:18<00:48, 18.82it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 26%|██████████▍ | 322/1240 [00:18<00:49, 18.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 26%|██████████▍ | 324/1240 [00:19<00:49, 18.43it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 26%|██████████▌ | 327/1240 [00:19<00:45, 20.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 27%|██████████▌ | 329/1240 [00:19<00:47, 19.32it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 27%|██████████▋ | 331/1240 [00:19<00:49, 18.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 27%|██████████▋ | 333/1240 [00:19<00:49, 18.26it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 27%|██████████▊ | 335/1240 [00:19<00:53, 16.86it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 27%|██████████▊ | 337/1240 [00:19<00:54, 16.54it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 27%|██████████▉ | 339/1240 [00:19<00:55, 16.25it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 28%|███████████ | 341/1240 [00:20<00:53, 16.72it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 28%|███████████ | 343/1240 [00:20<00:56, 15.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 28%|███████████▏ | 346/1240 [00:20<00:50, 17.69it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 28%|███████████▏ | 348/1240 [00:20<00:50, 17.57it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 28%|███████████▎ | 350/1240 [00:20<00:49, 18.10it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 28%|███████████▎ | 352/1240 [00:20<00:51, 17.27it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 29%|███████████▍ | 354/1240 [00:20<00:51, 17.25it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 29%|███████████▍ | 356/1240 [00:20<00:50, 17.65it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 29%|███████████▌ | 358/1240 [00:20<00:49, 17.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 29%|███████████▌ | 360/1240 [00:21<00:50, 17.31it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 29%|███████████▋ | 363/1240 [00:21<00:46, 18.78it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 29%|███████████▊ | 365/1240 [00:21<00:46, 18.82it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 30%|███████████▊ | 367/1240 [00:21<00:48, 17.98it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 30%|███████████▉ | 369/1240 [00:21<00:50, 17.11it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 30%|███████████▉ | 371/1240 [00:21<00:49, 17.45it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 30%|████████████ | 373/1240 [00:21<00:53, 16.21it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 30%|████████████ | 375/1240 [00:21<00:51, 16.73it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 30%|████████████▏ | 377/1240 [00:22<00:53, 16.14it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 31%|████████████▏ | 379/1240 [00:22<00:51, 16.86it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 31%|████████████▎ | 381/1240 [00:22<00:49, 17.48it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 31%|████████████▍ | 384/1240 [00:22<00:45, 18.63it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 31%|████████████▍ | 386/1240 [00:22<00:47, 17.89it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 31%|████████████▌ | 388/1240 [00:22<00:48, 17.49it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 32%|████████████▌ | 391/1240 [00:22<00:48, 17.58it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 32%|████████████▋ | 394/1240 [00:22<00:44, 18.91it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 32%|████████████▊ | 397/1240 [00:23<00:43, 19.45it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 32%|████████████▊ | 399/1240 [00:23<00:43, 19.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 32%|████████████▉ | 402/1240 [00:23<00:43, 19.09it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 33%|█████████████ | 404/1240 [00:23<00:45, 18.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 33%|█████████████ | 406/1240 [00:23<00:45, 18.39it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 33%|█████████████▏ | 408/1240 [00:23<00:44, 18.72it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 33%|█████████████▏ | 410/1240 [00:23<00:47, 17.65it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 33%|█████████████▎ | 413/1240 [00:24<00:44, 18.46it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 34%|█████████████▍ | 416/1240 [00:24<00:42, 19.26it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 34%|█████████████▍ | 418/1240 [00:24<00:42, 19.21it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 34%|█████████████▌ | 420/1240 [00:24<00:44, 18.64it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 34%|█████████████▌ | 422/1240 [00:24<00:47, 17.40it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 34%|████████��████▋ | 424/1240 [00:24<00:47, 17.21it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 34%|█████████████▋ | 426/1240 [00:24<00:47, 17.29it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 35%|█████████████▊ | 428/1240 [00:24<00:45, 17.68it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 35%|█████████████▊ | 430/1240 [00:24<00:47, 17.22it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 35%|█████████████▉ | 432/1240 [00:25<00:45, 17.92it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 35%|██████████████ | 434/1240 [00:25<00:45, 17.89it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 35%|██████████████ | 436/1240 [00:25<00:45, 17.54it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 35%|██████████████▏ | 438/1240 [00:25<00:46, 17.37it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 35%|██████████████▏ | 440/1240 [00:25<00:45, 17.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 36%|██████████████▎ | 442/1240 [00:25<00:43, 18.31it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 36%|██████████████▎ | 444/1240 [00:25<00:43, 18.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 36%|██████████████▍ | 446/1240 [00:25<00:45, 17.38it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 36%|██████████████▍ | 448/1240 [00:25<00:47, 16.82it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 36%|██████████████▌ | 450/1240 [00:26<00:44, 17.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 36%|██████████████▌ | 452/1240 [00:26<00:47, 16.72it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 37%|██████████████▋ | 454/1240 [00:26<00:49, 15.76it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 37%|██████████████▋ | 457/1240 [00:26<00:45, 17.27it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 37%|██████████████▊ | 460/1240 [00:26<00:42, 18.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 37%|██████████████▉ | 463/1240 [00:26<00:39, 19.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 38%|███████████████ | 465/1240 [00:26<00:41, 18.80it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 38%|███████████████ | 467/1240 [00:27<00:44, 17.27it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 38%|███████████████▏ | 469/1240 [00:27<00:47, 16.35it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 38%|███████████████▏ | 472/1240 [00:27<00:43, 17.70it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 38%|███████████████▎ | 475/1240 [00:27<00:41, 18.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 38%|███████████████▍ | 477/1240 [00:27<00:41, 18.21it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 39%|███████████████▍ | 480/1240 [00:27<00:41, 18.45it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 39%|███████████████▌ | 482/1240 [00:27<00:41, 18.17it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 39%|███████████████▌ | 484/1240 [00:27<00:41, 18.03it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 39%|███████████████▋ | 487/1240 [00:28<00:40, 18.76it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 39%|███████████████▊ | 489/1240 [00:28<00:40, 18.37it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 40%|███████████████▊ | 492/1240 [00:28<00:39, 19.03it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 40%|███████████████▉ | 494/1240 [00:28<00:40, 18.23it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 40%|████████████████ | 496/1240 [00:28<00:40, 18.54it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 40%|████████████████ | 498/1240 [00:28<00:40, 18.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 40%|████████████████▏ | 500/1240 [00:28<00:39, 18.63it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 40%|████████████████▏ | 502/1240 [00:28<00:40, 18.33it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 41%|████████████████▎ | 504/1240 [00:29<00:39, 18.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 41%|████████████████▎ | 507/1240 [00:29<00:38, 19.10it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 41%|████████████████▍ | 509/1240 [00:29<00:45, 16.07it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 41%|█��██████████████▍ | 511/1240 [00:29<00:43, 16.64it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 41%|████████████████▌ | 514/1240 [00:29<00:40, 17.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 42%|████████████████▋ | 516/1240 [00:29<00:40, 17.71it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 42%|████████████████▋ | 518/1240 [00:29<00:41, 17.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 42%|████████████████▊ | 521/1240 [00:30<00:37, 19.20it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 42%|████████████████▉ | 524/1240 [00:30<00:34, 20.62it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 42%|█████████████████ | 527/1240 [00:30<00:37, 19.25it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 43%|█████████████████ | 529/1240 [00:30<00:37, 19.15it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 43%|█████████████████▏ | 531/1240 [00:30<00:38, 18.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 43%|█████████████████▏ | 533/1240 [00:30<00:40, 17.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 43%|█████████████████▎ | 535/1240 [00:30<00:43, 16.05it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 43%|█████████████████▎ | 537/1240 [00:30<00:45, 15.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 44%|█████████████████▍ | 540/1240 [00:31<00:40, 17.22it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 44%|█████████████████▌ | 543/1240 [00:31<00:39, 17.80it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 44%|█████████████████▌ | 545/1240 [00:31<00:42, 16.38it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 44%|█████████████████▋ | 548/1240 [00:31<00:39, 17.49it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 44%|█████████████████▋ | 550/1240 [00:31<00:39, 17.60it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 45%|█████████████████▊ | 552/1240 [00:31<00:38, 17.67it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 45%|█████████████████▊ | 554/1240 [00:31<00:40, 17.10it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 45%|█████████████████▉ | 556/1240 [00:32<00:43, 15.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 45%|██████████████████ | 558/1240 [00:32<00:42, 16.15it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 45%|██████████████████ | 560/1240 [00:32<00:45, 15.10it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 45%|██████████████████▏ | 562/1240 [00:32<00:46, 14.70it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 45%|██████████████████▏ | 564/1240 [00:32<00:48, 13.93it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 46%|██████████████████▎ | 566/1240 [00:32<00:47, 14.18it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 46%|██████████████████▎ | 568/1240 [00:32<00:47, 14.23it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 46%|██████████████████▍ | 570/1240 [00:33<00:46, 14.48it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 46%|██████████████████▍ | 572/1240 [00:33<00:47, 14.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 46%|██████████████████▌ | 574/1240 [00:33<00:44, 14.92it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 46%|██████████████████▌ | 576/1240 [00:33<00:45, 14.68it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 47%|██████████████████▋ | 578/1240 [00:33<00:43, 15.23it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 47%|██████████████████▋ | 580/1240 [00:33<00:45, 14.58it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 47%|██████████████████▊ | 582/1240 [00:33<00:43, 15.13it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 47%|██████████████████▊ | 584/1240 [00:33<00:43, 15.17it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 47%|██████████████████▉ | 586/1240 [00:34<00:41, 15.86it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 47%|██████████████████▉ | 588/1240 [00:34<00:41, 15.84it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 48%|███████████████████ | 590/1240 [00:34<00:45, 14.28it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 48%|███████████████████ | 592/1240 [00:34<00:41, 15.53it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 48%|███████████████████▏ | 594/1240 [00:34<00:40, 16.02it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 48%|███████████████████▏ | 596/1240 [00:34<00:40, 15.75it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 48%|███████████████████▎ | 598/1240 [00:34<00:38, 16.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 48%|███████████████████▎ | 600/1240 [00:34<00:39, 16.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 49%|███████████████████▍ | 602/1240 [00:35<00:38, 16.47it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 49%|███████████████████▌ | 605/1240 [00:35<00:33, 18.90it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 49%|███████████████████▌ | 607/1240 [00:35<00:34, 18.26it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 49%|███████████████████▋ | 609/1240 [00:35<00:34, 18.03it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 49%|███████████████████▋ | 611/1240 [00:35<00:34, 18.25it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 49%|███████████████████▊ | 613/1240 [00:35<00:35, 17.68it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 50%|███████████████████▊ | 615/1240 [00:35<00:34, 18.06it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 50%|███████████████████▉ | 617/1240 [00:35<00:35, 17.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 50%|████████████████████ | 620/1240 [00:36<00:32, 19.14it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 50%|████████████████████ | 623/1240 [00:36<00:31, 19.80it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 50%|████████████████████▏ | 626/1240 [00:36<00:30, 20.25it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 51%|████████████████████▎ | 629/1240 [00:36<00:29, 20.68it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 51%|████████████████████▍ | 632/1240 [00:36<00:29, 20.37it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 51%|████████████████████▍ | 635/1240 [00:36<00:28, 20.96it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 51%|████████████████████▌ | 638/1240 [00:36<00:27, 21.93it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 52%|████████████████████▋ | 641/1240 [00:37<00:28, 21.28it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 52%|████████████████████▊ | 644/1240 [00:37<00:29, 20.30it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 52%|████████████████████▊ | 647/1240 [00:37<00:32, 18.29it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 52%|████████████████████▉ | 649/1240 [00:37<00:35, 16.84it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 52%|█████████████████████ | 651/1240 [00:37<00:37, 15.70it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 53%|█████████████████████ | 653/1240 [00:37<00:37, 15.70it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 53%|█████████████████████▏ | 656/1240 [00:37<00:34, 16.94it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 53%|█████████████████████▏ | 658/1240 [00:38<00:34, 17.12it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 53%|█████████████████████▎ | 660/1240 [00:38<00:35, 16.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 53%|█████████████████████▎ | 662/1240 [00:38<00:34, 16.90it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 54%|█████████████████████▍ | 664/1240 [00:38<00:34, 16.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 54%|█████████████████████▍ | 666/1240 [00:38<00:34, 16.78it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 54%|█████████████████████▌ | 669/1240 [00:38<00:31, 18.08it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 54%|█████████████████████▋ | 671/1240 [00:38<00:31, 18.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 54%|█████████████████████▋ | 674/1240 [00:38<00:29, 18.92it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 55%|█████████████████████▊ | 676/1240 [00:39<00:30, 18.73it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 55%|████████��████████████▊ | 678/1240 [00:39<00:29, 18.89it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 55%|█████████████████████▉ | 680/1240 [00:39<00:29, 19.13it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 55%|██████████████████████ | 683/1240 [00:39<00:29, 19.03it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 55%|██████████████████████ | 685/1240 [00:39<00:29, 19.06it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 55%|██████████████████████▏ | 688/1240 [00:39<00:28, 19.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 56%|██████████████████████▎ | 690/1240 [00:39<00:28, 19.06it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 56%|██████████████████████▎ | 693/1240 [00:39<00:29, 18.85it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 56%|██████████████████████▍ | 695/1240 [00:40<00:29, 18.76it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 56%|██████████████████████▍ | 697/1240 [00:40<00:29, 18.63it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 56%|██████████████████████▌ | 700/1240 [00:40<00:28, 18.88it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 57%|██████████████████████▋ | 702/1240 [00:40<00:28, 19.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 57%|██████████████████████▋ | 704/1240 [00:40<00:28, 19.12it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 57%|██████████████████████▊ | 707/1240 [00:40<00:27, 19.43it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 57%|██████████████████████▊ | 709/1240 [00:40<00:27, 19.27it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 57%|██████████████████████▉ | 712/1240 [00:40<00:26, 20.18it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 58%|███████████████████████ | 715/1240 [00:41<00:26, 20.07it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 58%|███████████████████████▏ | 718/1240 [00:41<00:27, 18.66it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 58%|███████████████████████▎ | 721/1240 [00:41<00:27, 19.03it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 58%|███████████████████████▎ | 724/1240 [00:41<00:26, 19.76it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 59%|███████████████████████▍ | 727/1240 [00:41<00:24, 20.65it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 59%|███████████████████████▌ | 730/1240 [00:41<00:26, 19.22it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 59%|███████████████████████▌ | 732/1240 [00:41<00:26, 19.10it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 59%|███████████████████████▋ | 734/1240 [00:42<00:27, 18.71it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 59%|███████████████████████▊ | 737/1240 [00:42<00:25, 19.72it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 60%|███████████████████████▊ | 739/1240 [00:42<00:25, 19.38it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 60%|███████████████████████▉ | 741/1240 [00:42<00:26, 19.15it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 60%|████████████████████████ | 744/1240 [00:42<00:25, 19.83it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 60%|████████████████████████ | 746/1240 [00:42<00:25, 19.17it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 60%|████████████████████████▏ | 748/1240 [00:42<00:26, 18.59it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 60%|████████████████████████▏ | 750/1240 [00:42<00:27, 17.94it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 61%|████████████████████████▎ | 752/1240 [00:43<00:27, 17.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 61%|████████████████████████▎ | 755/1240 [00:43<00:25, 19.01it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 61%|████████████████████████▍ | 757/1240 [00:43<00:26, 18.49it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 61%|████████████████████████▍ | 759/1240 [00:43<00:26, 18.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 61%|████████████████████████▌ | 761/1240 [00:43<00:25, 18.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 62%|████████████████████████▌ | 763/1240 [00:43<00:25, 18.71it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 62%|████████████████████████▋ | 766/1240 [00:43<00:24, 18.97it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 62%|████████████████████████▊ | 769/1240 [00:43<00:23, 20.14it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 62%|████████████████████████▉ | 772/1240 [00:44<00:23, 19.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 62%|█████████████████████████ | 775/1240 [00:44<00:23, 19.48it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 63%|█████████████████████████ | 778/1240 [00:44<00:23, 19.37it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 63%|█████████████████████████▏ | 780/1240 [00:44<00:23, 19.47it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 63%|█████████████████████████▏ | 782/1240 [00:44<00:23, 19.55it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 63%|█████████████████████████▎ | 785/1240 [00:44<00:23, 19.50it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 64%|█████████████████████████▍ | 788/1240 [00:44<00:22, 20.26it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 64%|█████████████████████████▌ | 791/1240 [00:45<00:23, 19.26it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 64%|█████████████████████████▌ | 794/1240 [00:45<00:22, 19.42it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 64%|█████████████████████████▋ | 797/1240 [00:45<00:23, 19.20it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 65%|█████████████████████████▊ | 800/1240 [00:45<00:22, 19.95it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 65%|█████████████████████████▉ | 803/1240 [00:45<00:22, 19.59it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 65%|█████████████████████████▉ | 805/1240 [00:45<00:22, 19.42it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 65%|██████████████████████████ | 808/1240 [00:45<00:21, 19.67it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 65%|██████████████████████████▏ | 810/1240 [00:46<00:23, 18.31it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 66%|██████████████████████████▏ | 813/1240 [00:46<00:22, 19.17it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 66%|██████████████████████████▎ | 815/1240 [00:46<00:23, 18.21it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 66%|██████████████████████████▎ | 817/1240 [00:46<00:23, 18.11it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 66%|██████████████████████████▍ | 820/1240 [00:46<00:21, 19.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 66%|██████████████████████████▌ | 823/1240 [00:46<00:20, 20.06it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 67%|██████████████████████████▌ | 825/1240 [00:46<00:21, 19.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 67%|██████████████████████████▋ | 828/1240 [00:46<00:20, 20.16it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 67%|██████████████████████████▊ | 831/1240 [00:47<00:21, 18.70it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 67%|██████████████████████████▊ | 833/1240 [00:47<00:22, 18.30it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 67%|██████████████████████████▉ | 835/1240 [00:47<00:22, 18.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 68%|███████████████████████████ | 837/1240 [00:47<00:21, 18.62it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 68%|███████████████████████████ | 840/1240 [00:47<00:21, 18.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 68%|███████████████████████████▏ | 842/1240 [00:47<00:22, 17.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 68%|███████████████████████████▎ | 845/1240 [00:47<00:20, 18.98it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 68%|███████████████████████████▎ | 847/1240 [00:48<00:22, 17.19it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 68%|��██████████████████████████▍ | 849/1240 [00:48<00:23, 16.42it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 69%|███████████████████████████▍ | 851/1240 [00:48<00:23, 16.48it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 69%|███████████████████████████▌ | 853/1240 [00:48<00:23, 16.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 69%|███████████████████████████▌ | 855/1240 [00:48<00:22, 17.06it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 69%|███████████████████████████▋ | 857/1240 [00:48<00:22, 17.01it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 69%|███████████████████████████▋ | 859/1240 [00:48<00:22, 17.07it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 70%|███████████████████████████▊ | 862/1240 [00:48<00:21, 17.95it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 70%|███████████████████████████▊ | 864/1240 [00:49<00:21, 17.66it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 70%|███████████████████████████▉ | 867/1240 [00:49<00:19, 18.92it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 70%|████████████████████████████ | 869/1240 [00:49<00:21, 16.98it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 70%|████████████████████████████ | 871/1240 [00:49<00:23, 16.01it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 70%|████████████████████████████▏ | 873/1240 [00:49<00:23, 15.93it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 71%|████████████████████████████▏ | 875/1240 [00:49<00:22, 15.96it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 71%|████████████████████████████▎ | 877/1240 [00:49<00:21, 16.81it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 71%|████████████████████████████▍ | 880/1240 [00:50<00:21, 17.12it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 71%|████████████████████████████▍ | 882/1240 [00:50<00:20, 17.71it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 71%|████████████████████████████▌ | 884/1240 [00:50<00:20, 17.10it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 71%|████████████████████████████▌ | 886/1240 [00:50<00:21, 16.77it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 72%|████████████████████████████▋ | 889/1240 [00:50<00:20, 17.50it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 72%|████████████████████████████▊ | 892/1240 [00:50<00:18, 18.32it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 72%|████████████████████████████▊ | 895/1240 [00:50<00:17, 19.18it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 72%|████████████████████████████▉ | 898/1240 [00:50<00:16, 20.20it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 73%|█████████████████████████████ | 901/1240 [00:51<00:19, 17.72it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 73%|█████████████████████████████▏ | 903/1240 [00:51<00:20, 16.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 73%|█████████████████████████████▏ | 905/1240 [00:51<00:19, 16.99it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 73%|█████████████████████████████▎ | 907/1240 [00:51<00:19, 16.94it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 73%|█████████████████████████████▎ | 910/1240 [00:51<00:18, 18.13it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 74%|█████████████████████████████▍ | 912/1240 [00:51<00:18, 18.19it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 74%|█████████████████████████████▍ | 914/1240 [00:51<00:18, 18.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 74%|█████████████████████████████▌ | 916/1240 [00:52<00:18, 17.13it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 74%|█████████████████████████████▌ | 918/1240 [00:52<00:18, 17.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 74%|█████████████████████████████▋ | 920/1240 [00:52<00:19, 16.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 74%|████████████��████████████████▋ | 922/1240 [00:52<00:19, 16.35it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 75%|█████████████████████████████▊ | 924/1240 [00:52<00:19, 15.84it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 75%|█████████████████████████████▊ | 926/1240 [00:52<00:19, 15.94it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 75%|█████████████████████████████▉ | 928/1240 [00:52<00:19, 15.85it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 75%|██████████████████████████████ | 930/1240 [00:52<00:18, 16.70it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 75%|██████████████████████████████ | 932/1240 [00:53<00:17, 17.37it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 75%|██████████████████████████████▏ | 934/1240 [00:53<00:17, 17.46it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 75%|██████████████████████████████▏ | 936/1240 [00:53<00:17, 17.77it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 76%|██████████████████████████████▎ | 938/1240 [00:53<00:18, 16.00it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 76%|██████████████████████████████▎ | 941/1240 [00:53<00:17, 17.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 76%|██████████████████████████████▍ | 943/1240 [00:53<00:17, 17.15it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 76%|██████████████████████████████▍ | 945/1240 [00:53<00:17, 17.07it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 76%|██████████████████████████████▌ | 947/1240 [00:53<00:16, 17.57it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 77%|██████████████████████████████▌ | 949/1240 [00:53<00:16, 17.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 77%|██████████████████████████████▋ | 951/1240 [00:54<00:16, 17.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 77%|██████████████████████████████▊ | 954/1240 [00:54<00:15, 18.28it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 77%|██████████████████████████████▊ | 956/1240 [00:54<00:16, 17.15it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 77%|██████████████████████████████▉ | 958/1240 [00:54<00:16, 17.40it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 77%|██████████████████████████████▉ | 960/1240 [00:54<00:16, 17.13it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 78%|███████████████████████████████ | 962/1240 [00:54<00:15, 17.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 78%|███████████████████████████████ | 964/1240 [00:54<00:15, 17.36it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 78%|███████████████████████████████▏ | 966/1240 [00:54<00:16, 17.12it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 78%|███████████████████████████████▎ | 969/1240 [00:55<00:14, 18.17it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 78%|███████████████████████████████▎ | 971/1240 [00:55<00:15, 17.58it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 78%|███████████████████████████████▍ | 973/1240 [00:55<00:15, 17.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 79%|███████████████████████████████▍ | 975/1240 [00:55<00:16, 16.47it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 79%|███████████████████████████████▌ | 977/1240 [00:55<00:15, 16.71it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 79%|███████████████████████████████▌ | 979/1240 [00:55<00:15, 16.35it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 79%|███████████████████████████████▋ | 981/1240 [00:55<00:17, 14.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 79%|███████████████████████████████▋ | 983/1240 [00:56<00:16, 15.42it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 79%|███████████████████████████████▊ | 985/1240 [00:56<00:16, 15.35it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 80%|███████████████████████████████▊ | 987/1240 [00:56<00:16, 15.62it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 80%|███████████████████████████████▉ | 989/1240 [00:56<00:15, 15.84it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 80%|███████████████████████████████▉ | 991/1240 [00:56<00:15, 16.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 80%|████████████████████████████████ | 993/1240 [00:56<00:15, 15.67it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 80%|████████████████████████████████ | 995/1240 [00:56<00:17, 14.33it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 80%|████████████████████████████████▏ | 997/1240 [00:56<00:16, 14.76it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 81%|████████████████████████████████▏ | 999/1240 [00:57<00:18, 13.32it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 81%|███████████████████████████████▍ | 1001/1240 [00:57<00:19, 11.99it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 81%|███████████████████████████████▌ | 1003/1240 [00:57<00:19, 12.24it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 81%|███████████████████████████████▌ | 1005/1240 [00:57<00:18, 12.87it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 81%|███████████████████████████████▋ | 1007/1240 [00:57<00:17, 13.39it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 81%|███████████████████████████████▋ | 1009/1240 [00:57<00:17, 13.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 82%|███████████████████████████████▊ | 1011/1240 [00:58<00:16, 13.96it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 82%|███████████████████████████████▊ | 1013/1240 [00:58<00:16, 13.97it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 82%|███████████████████████████████▉ | 1015/1240 [00:58<00:16, 13.94it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 82%|███████████████████████████████▉ | 1017/1240 [00:58<00:15, 14.13it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 82%|████████████████████████████████ | 1019/1240 [00:58<00:14, 15.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 82%|████████████████████████████████ | 1021/1240 [00:58<00:13, 16.31it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 82%|████████████████████████████████▏ | 1023/1240 [00:58<00:13, 16.55it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 83%|████████████████████████████████▏ | 1025/1240 [00:58<00:12, 17.03it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 83%|████████████████████████████████▎ | 1028/1240 [00:59<00:11, 18.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 83%|████████████████████████████████▍ | 1030/1240 [00:59<00:11, 17.99it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 83%|████████████████████████████████▍ | 1032/1240 [00:59<00:11, 17.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 83%|████████████████████████████████▌ | 1034/1240 [00:59<00:11, 17.33it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 84%|████████████████████████████████▌ | 1036/1240 [00:59<00:12, 16.87it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 84%|████████████████████████████████▋ | 1038/1240 [00:59<00:11, 17.05it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 84%|████████████████████████████████▋ | 1040/1240 [00:59<00:11, 17.14it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 84%|████████████████████████████████▊ | 1042/1240 [00:59<00:11, 16.61it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 84%|████████████████████████████████▊ | 1044/1240 [01:00<00:12, 16.06it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 84%|████████████████████████████████▉ | 1046/1240 [01:00<00:12, 16.15it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 85%|████████████████████████████████▉ | 1048/1240 [01:00<00:11, 16.35it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 85%|█████████████████████████████████ | 1050/1240 [01:00<00:11, 16.08it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 85%|█████████████████████████████████ | 1052/1240 [01:00<00:11, 16.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 85%|█████████████████████████████████▏ | 1054/1240 [01:00<00:11, 15.89it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 85%|█████████████████████████████████▏ | 1056/1240 [01:00<00:10, 16.79it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 85%|█████████████████████████████████▎ | 1058/1240 [01:00<00:10, 17.09it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 85%|█████████████████████████████████▎ | 1060/1240 [01:00<00:10, 16.64it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 86%|█████████████████████████████████▍ | 1062/1240 [01:01<00:10, 16.93it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 86%|█████████████████████████████████▍ | 1064/1240 [01:01<00:10, 16.54it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 86%|█████████████████████████████████▌ | 1066/1240 [01:01<00:10, 16.05it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 86%|█████████████████████████████████▌ | 1068/1240 [01:01<00:10, 16.37it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 86%|█████████████████████████████████▋ | 1070/1240 [01:01<00:09, 17.07it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 86%|█████████████████████████████████▋ | 1072/1240 [01:01<00:10, 16.38it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 87%|█████████████████████████████████▊ | 1075/1240 [01:01<00:09, 17.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 87%|█████████████████████████████████▊ | 1077/1240 [01:02<00:09, 16.91it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 87%|█████████████████████████████████▉ | 1080/1240 [01:02<00:09, 17.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 87%|██████████████████████████████████ | 1082/1240 [01:02<00:09, 16.63it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 87%|██████████████████████████████████ | 1084/1240 [01:02<00:09, 16.64it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 88%|██████████████████████████████████▏ | 1086/1240 [01:02<00:09, 16.87it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 88%|██████████████████████████████████▏ | 1088/1240 [01:02<00:09, 16.82it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 88%|██████████████████████████████████▎ | 1090/1240 [01:02<00:08, 16.85it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 88%|██████████████████████████████████▎ | 1092/1240 [01:02<00:09, 16.31it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 88%|██████████████████████████████████▍ | 1095/1240 [01:03<00:08, 17.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 88%|██████████████████████████████████▌ | 1097/1240 [01:03<00:08, 16.99it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 89%|██████████████████████████████████▌ | 1099/1240 [01:03<00:08, 17.49it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 89%|██████████████████████████████████▋ | 1101/1240 [01:03<00:08, 16.40it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 89%|██████████████████████████████████▋ | 1103/1240 [01:03<00:08, 16.72it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 89%|██████████████████████████████████▊ | 1105/1240 [01:03<00:08, 16.59it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 89%|██████████████████████████████████▊ | 1107/1240 [01:03<00:07, 17.39it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 89%|██████████████████████████████████▉ | 1109/1240 [01:03<00:07, 16.69it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 90%|██████████████████████████████████▉ | 1111/1240 [01:04<00:07, 16.78it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 90%|█████████████████████████████████���█ | 1113/1240 [01:04<00:07, 16.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 90%|███████████████████████████████████ | 1116/1240 [01:04<00:06, 17.97it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 90%|███████████████████████████████████▏ | 1118/1240 [01:04<00:06, 18.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 90%|███████████████████████████████████▏ | 1120/1240 [01:04<00:06, 18.27it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 90%|███████████████████████████████████▎ | 1122/1240 [01:04<00:06, 17.40it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 91%|███████████████████████████████████▎ | 1124/1240 [01:04<00:06, 18.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 91%|███████████████████████████████████▍ | 1126/1240 [01:04<00:06, 18.23it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 91%|███████████████████████████████████▍ | 1128/1240 [01:04<00:06, 17.70it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 91%|███████████████████████████████████▌ | 1130/1240 [01:05<00:06, 17.27it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 91%|███████████████████████████████████▌ | 1132/1240 [01:05<00:06, 17.60it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 91%|███████████████████████████████████▋ | 1134/1240 [01:05<00:06, 17.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 92%|███████████████████████████████████▋ | 1136/1240 [01:05<00:06, 17.20it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 92%|███████████████████████████████████▊ | 1138/1240 [01:05<00:05, 17.91it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 92%|███████████████████████████████████▊ | 1140/1240 [01:05<00:05, 16.85it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 92%|███████████████████████████████████▉ | 1142/1240 [01:05<00:06, 15.82it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 92%|███████████████████████████████████▉ | 1144/1240 [01:05<00:06, 15.94it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 92%|████████████████████████████████████ | 1146/1240 [01:06<00:05, 16.44it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 93%|████████████████████████████████████ | 1148/1240 [01:06<00:05, 17.30it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 93%|████████████████████████████████████▏ | 1150/1240 [01:06<00:05, 17.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 93%|████████████████████████████████████▏ | 1152/1240 [01:06<00:04, 17.78it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 93%|████████████████████████████████████▎ | 1154/1240 [01:06<00:05, 16.69it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 93%|████████████████████████████████████▎ | 1156/1240 [01:06<00:05, 16.75it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 93%|████████████████████████████████████▍ | 1158/1240 [01:06<00:04, 16.81it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 94%|████████████████████████████████████▍ | 1160/1240 [01:06<00:04, 16.29it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 94%|████████████████████████████████████▌ | 1162/1240 [01:06<00:04, 16.56it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 94%|████████████████████████████████████▌ | 1164/1240 [01:07<00:04, 16.89it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 94%|████████████████████████████████████▋ | 1166/1240 [01:07<00:04, 16.40it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 94%|████████████████████████████████████▋ | 1168/1240 [01:07<00:04, 16.48it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 94%|████████████████████████████████████▊ | 1170/1240 [01:07<00:04, 17.22it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 95%|████████████████████████████████████▊ | 1172/1240 [01:07<00:04, 16.74it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 95%|███���████████████████████████████████▉ | 1174/1240 [01:07<00:03, 17.50it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 95%|████████████████████████████████████▉ | 1176/1240 [01:07<00:03, 16.06it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 95%|█████████████████████████████████████ | 1178/1240 [01:07<00:03, 16.89it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 95%|█████████████████████████████████████ | 1180/1240 [01:08<00:03, 17.26it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 95%|█████████████████████████████████████▏ | 1182/1240 [01:08<00:03, 17.32it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 95%|█████████████████████████████████████▏ | 1184/1240 [01:08<00:03, 17.75it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 96%|█████████████████████████████████████▎ | 1186/1240 [01:08<00:03, 17.30it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 96%|█████████████████████████████████████▍ | 1189/1240 [01:08<00:02, 18.80it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 96%|█████████████████████████████████████▍ | 1192/1240 [01:08<00:02, 19.33it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 96%|█████████████████████████████████████▌ | 1194/1240 [01:08<00:02, 18.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 96%|█████████████████████████████████████▌ | 1196/1240 [01:08<00:02, 18.57it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 97%|█████████████████████████████████████▋ | 1198/1240 [01:09<00:02, 17.57it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 97%|█████████████████████████████████████▊ | 1201/1240 [01:09<00:02, 18.32it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 97%|█████████████████████████████████████▊ | 1203/1240 [01:09<00:02, 18.02it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 97%|█████████████████████████████████████▉ | 1205/1240 [01:09<00:01, 18.38it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 97%|█████████████████████████████████████▉ | 1208/1240 [01:09<00:01, 19.45it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 98%|██████████████████████████████████████ | 1210/1240 [01:09<00:01, 18.34it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 98%|██████████████████████████████████████ | 1212/1240 [01:09<00:01, 17.31it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 98%|██████████████████████████████████████▏| 1214/1240 [01:09<00:01, 17.97it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 98%|██████████████████████████████████████▏| 1216/1240 [01:10<00:01, 17.21it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 98%|██████████████████████████████████████▎| 1218/1240 [01:10<00:01, 16.67it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 98%|██████████████████████████████████████▎| 1220/1240 [01:10<00:01, 16.62it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 99%|██████████████████████████████████████▍| 1222/1240 [01:10<00:01, 16.87it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 99%|██████████████████████████████████████▍| 1224/1240 [01:10<00:00, 17.65it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 99%|██████████████████████████████████████▌| 1226/1240 [01:10<00:00, 18.04it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 99%|██████████████████████████████████████▌| 1228/1240 [01:10<00:00, 18.41it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 99%|██████████████████████████████████████▋| 1231/1240 [01:10<00:00, 18.95it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " 99%|██████████████████████████████████████▊| 1233/1240 [01:10<00:00, 18.09it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ "100%|██████████████████████████████████████▊| 1235/1240 [01:11<00:00, 18.58it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ "100%|██████████████████████████████████████▉| 1237/1240 [01:11<00:00, 18.52it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " \u001b[A\n",
+ " 20%|██████▋ | 2000/10080 [1:06:44<5:02:13, 2.24s/it]\n",
+ "100%|███████████████████████████████████████| 1240/1240 [01:12<00:00, 18.30it/s]\u001b[A\n",
+ " \u001b[ASaving model checkpoint to ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/checkpoint-2000\n",
+ "Configuration saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/checkpoint-2000/config.json\n",
+ "Model weights saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/checkpoint-2000/pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "Configuration saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/checkpoint-2000/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "Configuration saved in ./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ " 30%|██████████ | 3000/10080 [1:40:00<2:28:58, 1.26s/it]"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!python run_speech_recognition_ctc.py \\\n",
+ "\t--dataset_name=\"mozilla-foundation/common_voice_7_0\" \\\n",
+ "\t--model_name_or_path=\"facebook/wav2vec2-xls-r-300m\" \\\n",
+ "\t--dataset_config_name=\"rm-sursilv\" \\\n",
+ "\t--output_dir=\"./wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan\" \\\n",
+ "\t--overwrite_output_dir \\\n",
+ "\t--num_train_epochs=\"120\" \\\n",
+ "\t--per_device_train_batch_size=\"32\" \\\n",
+ "\t--per_device_eval_batch_size=\"1\" \\\n",
+ "\t--gradient_accumulation_steps=\"1\" \\\n",
+ "\t--learning_rate=\"7e-5\" \\\n",
+ "\t--warmup_steps=\"2000\" \\\n",
+ "\t--length_column_name=\"input_length\" \\\n",
+ "\t--evaluation_strategy=\"steps\" \\\n",
+ "\t--text_column_name=\"sentence\" \\\n",
+ "\t--chars_to_ignore , ? . ! \\- \\; \\: \\\" “ % ‘ ” � — ’ … – \\' \\\n",
+ "\t--save_steps=\"2000\" \\\n",
+ "\t--eval_steps=\"2000\" \\\n",
+ "\t--logging_steps=\"100\" \\\n",
+ "\t--layerdrop=\"0.0\" \\\n",
+ "\t--activation_dropout=\"0.1\" \\\n",
+ "\t--save_total_limit=\"2\" \\\n",
+ "\t--freeze_feature_encoder \\\n",
+ "\t--feat_proj_dropout=\"0.0\" \\\n",
+ "\t--mask_time_prob=\"0.75\" \\\n",
+ "\t--mask_time_length=\"10\" \\\n",
+ "\t--mask_feature_prob=\"0.25\" \\\n",
+ "\t--mask_feature_length=\"64\" \\\n",
+ "\t--gradient_checkpointing \\\n",
+ "\t--use_auth_token \\\n",
+ "\t--fp16 \\\n",
+ "\t--group_by_length \\\n",
+ "\t--do_train --do_eval \\\n",
+ " --push_to_hub > out.log"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "0zBb4QMVcSeV"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# !rm -rf wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-bashkir"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "jxvhTTQ2cSeV"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "!ls -ltr"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "okCO9-XTcSeV",
+ "outputId": "a47bb25e-904a-4c1e-8871-d996a16b6bcc"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on\n",
+ "overlay 3.5T 1.2T 2.2T 34% /\n",
+ "tmpfs 64M 0 64M 0% /dev\n",
+ "tmpfs 87G 0 87G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup\n",
+ "tmpfs 87G 0 87G 0% /dev/shm\n",
+ "/dev/md0 3.5T 1.2T 2.2T 34% /etc/group\n",
+ "tmpfs 87G 12K 87G 1% /proc/driver/nvidia\n",
+ "/dev/vda1 49G 6.5G 42G 14% /usr/bin/nvidia-smi\n",
+ "udev 87G 0 87G 0% /dev/nvidia0\n",
+ "tmpfs 87G 0 87G 0% /proc/acpi\n",
+ "tmpfs 87G 0 87G 0% /proc/scsi\n",
+ "tmpfs 87G 0 87G 0% /sys/firmware\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!df -h"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "axSDvjOMdkxW"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# !pip install -U datasets"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 238,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "7c34d36b28e54989b0c509eae1bd9a0f",
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+ "7bf164fec94c40858cf5280937f8e00a",
+ "0e1672eeb5244df9bf0cbd095625d68a",
+ "ee80362b77ef4375bb931af34bc16d07",
+ "fed5fdea500f46618789c44aef2bff3b",
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+ "c51fb67419ed47f98c5ed4ad4e33aeff",
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+ "f3891dcc62b74ccd8d5a61b0ca761b2a",
+ "9958cd546fbe477092527a14bb3bfe21",
+ "639f180d5e02425dba7d4c4bca07c59b",
+ "4da0d9054bd74fb2a77bb40371c99a7b",
+ "3f8a5e226fbf4175b4fa7f39a2a9d290",
+ "41515b22976648aabe660b8df3506c4c",
+ "b2a72b0caf104aee8dd95bff01cc52a4",
+ "6b8769a26838449e9d7d45fc5cc7a6f6",
+ "50862512d9c14dbd92f8cc3d795d4cd2",
+ "352fc0a527024af8a284c53f4d521fec",
+ "67653ac95966464994b1e0a889cfc5d9",
+ "778d0a9a7de243eba8dd1c0caf3aa82e",
+ "14eb779636914797867b7315f347839d",
+ "25a5802292874e49bb42a1489ff54b31",
+ "89a05d4149534d78935e169c6623f458",
+ "49f46100f43346d2bdb402e2fd1a1951",
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+ "c319fa946f3e4380864aed6d3fbb77e7"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "82uZWUF_cSeW",
+ "outputId": "e78215f2-d452-4d92-a94c-0a469f8760d4"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Downloading and preparing dataset common_voice/rm-sursilv to /workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/mozilla-foundation___common_voice/rm-sursilv/7.0.0/fe20cac47c166e25b1f096ab661832e3da7cf298ed4a91dcaa1343ad972d175b...\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "fd10a268a68f4da6bf049ef5cc0220d0",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/282M [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "0 examples [00:00, ? examples/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Dataset common_voice downloaded and prepared to /workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/mozilla-foundation___common_voice/rm-sursilv/7.0.0/fe20cac47c166e25b1f096ab661832e3da7cf298ed4a91dcaa1343ad972d175b. Subsequent calls will reuse this data.\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Reusing dataset common_voice (/workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/mozilla-foundation___common_voice/rm-sursilv/7.0.0/fe20cac47c166e25b1f096ab661832e3da7cf298ed4a91dcaa1343ad972d175b)\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "2675\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from datasets import load_dataset, load_metric, Audio\n",
+ "\n",
+ "common_voice_train = load_dataset(\"mozilla-foundation/common_voice_7_0\", \"rm-sursilv\", use_auth_token=True, split=\"train+validation\")\n",
+ "common_voice_test = load_dataset(\"mozilla-foundation/common_voice_7_0\", \"rm-sursilv\", use_auth_token=True, split=\"test\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(len(common_voice_train))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "1Qa9wKa4cSeW",
+ "outputId": "da721286-89ac-421c-a269-e779449488c6"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Dataset({\n",
+ " features: ['client_id', 'path', 'audio', 'sentence', 'up_votes', 'down_votes', 'age', 'gender', 'accent', 'locale', 'segment'],\n",
+ " num_rows: 2675\n",
+ "})"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "H_KRIMbEcSeX",
+ "outputId": "90601843-d465-4cd3-dff0-9d2302e02699"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "10031.25"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 5,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "len(common_voice_train) * 120 / 32"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "ZUc_UAMbcSeX"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train = common_voice_train.remove_columns([\"accent\", \"age\", \"client_id\", \"down_votes\", \"gender\", \"locale\", \"segment\", \"up_votes\"])\n",
+ "common_voice_test = common_voice_test.remove_columns([\"accent\", \"age\", \"client_id\", \"down_votes\", \"gender\", \"locale\", \"segment\", \"up_votes\"])"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 7,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "OKxWKzjMcSeX"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "from datasets import ClassLabel\n",
+ "import random\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "from IPython.display import display, HTML\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def show_random_elements(dataset, num_examples=10):\n",
+ " assert num_examples <= len(dataset), \"Can't pick more elements than there are in the dataset.\"\n",
+ " picks = []\n",
+ " for _ in range(num_examples):\n",
+ " pick = random.randint(0, len(dataset)-1)\n",
+ " while pick in picks:\n",
+ " pick = random.randint(0, len(dataset)-1)\n",
+ " picks.append(pick)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " df = pd.DataFrame(dataset[picks])\n",
+ " display(HTML(df.to_html()))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 8,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 363
+ },
+ "id": "uR3e--0AcSeY",
+ "outputId": "efb84606-2717-4040-ca02-86975a2f4824"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " sentence | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " Meinsvart gronds sco pulits vadials. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " Tochen primavera sundel jeu eligius sco mistral e cheu dat ei nuot da marcadar. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " El vegn a restar. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " Meins aultas ein las frequenzas tier ils films dils carschi stadas. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " Ses egls eran tut cotschens dil bargir. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " La veta d’ina battaria cuoza entuorn quater onns. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
+ " La distribuziun fina el Grischun viva dalla glieud che va ellas apotecas dalla regiun. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
+ " Dalla vart dils umens eran las largias pli grondas. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
+ " Gia biars han empruau ei, mo negin ei puspei turnaus a casa. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
+ " Miu bab ha capiu da svegliar en mei l’amur per nies lungatg romontsch. | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "show_random_elements(common_voice_train.remove_columns([\"path\", \"audio\"]), num_examples=10)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 9,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "x_zfqqoVcSeY"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "import re\n",
+ "chars_to_remove_regex = '[\\,\\?\\.\\!\\-\\;\\:\\\"\\“\\%\\‘\\”\\�\\—\\’\\…\\–\\']'\n",
+ "\n",
+ "def remove_special_characters(batch):\n",
+ " batch[\"sentence\"] = re.sub(chars_to_remove_regex, '', batch[\"sentence\"]).lower()\n",
+ " return batch"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 81,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "d8426e73abce4cbaa58a89aef1fce8b7",
+ "ae51183c24fe42809d080fd15c298f92",
+ "21c9c4302a76449784f314c15ca59bea",
+ "fcc23e29fde64cde92f2ae57d7cabd78",
+ "61ac7115c9b24ebb855343cc01b1d3f4",
+ "90b3e47068e747c7be958d22fb56fe4f",
+ "820d84c1afc7416e9368a246ab8d5ce9",
+ "07447e6083b04bfeb04e5a601fe475bd",
+ "822d95bb43c44a4394441d92e25120d7",
+ "138580d9724141448ff8a5e11ef415ce",
+ "1a03059af7bb40da924ecf3e709d7e0d",
+ "b9d888877a7e4a24b07f4fb91ceda179",
+ "36db5c636fcf46518685b91a168d9c11",
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+ "72fee1a44b5343a7add71c9649139317",
+ "9b22b13729bf4f20b8b96da540cfaa3f",
+ "90bde27c6e564ca285a65d6b594d6865",
+ "256669df6862481cbd0bbcee229e2efe",
+ "07b40214652e48adbae525787288795d",
+ "57e054662b5d497b8e1f3d99fb72034f",
+ "81a7889575ed4e0293f7ce56032e6edb",
+ "00a619827a094be4ae891726e44ddd97"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "BQfNU564cSeZ",
+ "outputId": "6ca3ff91-8acb-4096-d746-aed7edb4055a"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "bdb213ed6aab4c1b8e36f39f145f73e4",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/2675 [00:00, ?ex/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "9118ed7bfda24b15878279a5dd8fea64",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/1240 [00:00, ?ex/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train = common_voice_train.map(remove_special_characters)\n",
+ "common_voice_test = common_voice_test.map(remove_special_characters)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 11,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "liHWiYx9cSeZ"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# start_with_ar = common_voice_train.filter(lambda example: \"⅛\" in example['sentence'])\n",
+ "# start_with_ar[0]"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 12,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "gdGzeDEVcSeZ"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "# start_with_ar"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 13,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "d9Fe6xH1cSea"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def replace_hatted_characters(batch):\n",
+ "# batch[\"sentence\"] = re.sub('[â]', 'a', batch[\"sentence\"])\n",
+ "# batch[\"sentence\"] = re.sub('[î]', 'i', batch[\"sentence\"])\n",
+ "# batch[\"sentence\"] = re.sub('[ô]', 'o', batch[\"sentence\"])\n",
+ "# batch[\"sentence\"] = re.sub('[û]', 'u', batch[\"sentence\"])\n",
+ "# batch[\"sentence\"] = re.sub('&', 'and', batch[\"sentence\"])\n",
+ " return batch"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 14,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 81,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "e106fee906b8408ebba822b4ff70693f",
+ "af14186997de449f997936a81d69876b",
+ "2d251c97292c4824a6cb218548c17353",
+ "fcf8a57a02ec44398b95f4a64ad2f0fe",
+ "8aaba2878c2c484e8fbf9d81354f924f",
+ "95c3ba1f3cef4ca887dd8461db595c0a",
+ "7092d73471c44875b496924bc82858df",
+ "2d63896d07f64d91abb45c257ace72db",
+ "781d2e3803574e2c841acfd1e090b84f",
+ "d43443cf2579467a9cc3e9f05c607615",
+ "19b70fdd00dc47f8b79f0d3acc68d11a",
+ "992b23b615fb4e88a92782c64ad60cc2",
+ "46031a26e4ff42819f1169eb07718b46",
+ "0c8b1327b27449a49f9b71fdc80d831c",
+ "c22392fb7cf0489caf741568e796fc9d",
+ "b17ceb2a58d64747aafd29836e681e02",
+ "cb8b0320a4794b278f86c33bbfc9825f",
+ "1e7f593023d544e1afe46359567abfca",
+ "33fffaf4bc4a405187a2dd4eaa7ffc67",
+ "173c6246acdb4a3bbf6dce2e236499a2",
+ "478464758f2b455bb8848ef4046ed11d",
+ "ce845667dcf54353b02299f85dcda29d"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "f8K35VABcSea",
+ "outputId": "3c0f55b5-3d44-4058-b362-896ebb58901c"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "46bf3dc04b214ebebfa87e0df4dfbfbe",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/2675 [00:00, ?ex/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "a7d33c176a3c4988b3aa1b53086bdfab",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/1240 [00:00, ?ex/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "common_voice_train = common_voice_train.map(replace_hatted_characters)\n",
+ "common_voice_test = common_voice_test.map(replace_hatted_characters)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 15,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "DOIBoakvcSea"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def extract_all_chars(batch):\n",
+ " all_text = \" \".join(batch[\"sentence\"])\n",
+ " vocab = list(set(all_text))\n",
+ " return {\"vocab\": [vocab], \"all_text\": [all_text]}"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 16,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 81,
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "43a3718f19944ea7bda27a96e3816a78",
+ "2ec6b96f3d8449c08a8b62b85ccb57dc",
+ "8137d055bfd14a058a8755d00e5fe260",
+ "6fa1c2f06d0c43c38c76a7ace7c178a5",
+ "d8593055a0ea45f5ab13377c18e2b1e0",
+ "85ff02f4cd7141a4aba5e1e83bb144d2",
+ "fe412730e037441b961a664573d02ae7",
+ "a33fe3bf150949fd9679ff1fe91d4433",
+ "49aa86ddf29944b281b830b99e1ac4fe",
+ "efb5e6e4970f43d1b6197e4aaedac0b7",
+ "6e1517cd2bed4a35b52de6cdc812b75c",
+ "557ddd52295c43a69b6fd2689edb46b4",
+ "19630b62bebe4a8f9e775e59ee46fb9c",
+ "4256584d0f934678901c4c1ac7f73d42",
+ "0120e6cb1edc429ebf0a6437dc3378fe",
+ "d9c616f1d67c4590a55bf797d8ab1904",
+ "2d96a892d0a94a89b756e23ff19a1c1f",
+ "c87e36307bf84cf4970afce9e496117d",
+ "20d3b7a6a43143419d9cb64e557b3acc",
+ "16dd9300014545caa901274f385e6a91",
+ "c6c51e30cbb1472f9e1a49bc0f5bb2cc",
+ "002decc6fb504205ae9f61a4871e1532"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "ZvFltuhucSea",
+ "outputId": "fb969f7f-7172-4d82-8116-3dab25bd85a2"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "2f09ddfb67134b2eb340ef55354838b0",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/1 [00:00, ?ba/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "5b052409ca654eaebf73297ea9026cdc",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ " 0%| | 0/1 [00:00, ?ba/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_train = common_voice_train.map(extract_all_chars, batched=True, batch_size=-1, keep_in_memory=True, remove_columns=common_voice_train.column_names)\n",
+ "vocab_test = common_voice_test.map(extract_all_chars, batched=True, batch_size=-1, keep_in_memory=True, remove_columns=common_voice_test.column_names)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 17,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "FJD7IXLkcSeb"
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_list = list(set(vocab_train[\"vocab\"][0]) | set(vocab_test[\"vocab\"][0]))"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "e50XUYe3cSeb",
+ "outputId": "769619ae-7ad5-4504-f454-34a24d642534"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "{' ': 0,\n",
+ " 'a': 1,\n",
+ " 'b': 2,\n",
+ " 'c': 3,\n",
+ " 'd': 4,\n",
+ " 'e': 5,\n",
+ " 'f': 6,\n",
+ " 'g': 7,\n",
+ " 'h': 8,\n",
+ " 'i': 9,\n",
+ " 'j': 10,\n",
+ " 'k': 11,\n",
+ " 'l': 12,\n",
+ " 'm': 13,\n",
+ " 'n': 14,\n",
+ " 'o': 15,\n",
+ " 'p': 16,\n",
+ " 'q': 17,\n",
+ " 'r': 18,\n",
+ " 's': 19,\n",
+ " 't': 20,\n",
+ " 'u': 21,\n",
+ " 'v': 22,\n",
+ " 'w': 23,\n",
+ " 'x': 24,\n",
+ " 'y': 25,\n",
+ " 'z': 26,\n",
+ " '«': 27,\n",
+ " '»': 28,\n",
+ " 'à': 29,\n",
+ " 'ä': 30,\n",
+ " 'è': 31,\n",
+ " 'é': 32,\n",
+ " 'ò': 33,\n",
+ " 'ö': 34,\n",
+ " 'ü': 35}"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 18,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_dict = {v: k for k, v in enumerate(sorted(vocab_list))}\n",
+ "vocab_dict"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 128
+ },
+ "id": "wWofPlfMcSeb",
+ "outputId": "cf9d5cdb-ffe1-46d5-af5c-f7c34cb4b59d"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "38\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "file ./config.json not found\n",
+ "Special tokens have been added in the vocabulary, make sure the associated word embeddings are fine-tuned or trained.\n",
+ "/opt/conda/lib/python3.8/site-packages/huggingface_hub/hf_api.py:1001: FutureWarning: `create_repo` now takes `token` as an optional positional argument. Be sure to adapt your code!\n",
+ " warnings.warn(\n",
+ "Cloning https://huggingface.co/infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan into local empty directory.\n",
+ "To https://huggingface.co/infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan\n",
+ " 00e5ead..0c47ae0 main -> main\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "'https://huggingface.co/infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan/commit/0c47ae07e50d16537a12a7574e6e2f077d11cd3d'"
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "vocab_dict[\"|\"] = vocab_dict[\" \"]\n",
+ "del vocab_dict[\" \"]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "vocab_dict[\"[UNK]\"] = len(vocab_dict)\n",
+ "vocab_dict[\"[PAD]\"] = len(vocab_dict)\n",
+ "print(len(vocab_dict))\n",
+ "\n",
+ "import json\n",
+ "with open('./vocab.json', 'w') as vocab_file:\n",
+ " json.dump(vocab_dict, vocab_file)\n",
+ " \n",
+ "from transformers import Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer\n",
+ "\n",
+ "tokenizer = Wav2Vec2CTCTokenizer.from_pretrained(\"./\", unk_token=\"[UNK]\", pad_token=\"[PAD]\", word_delimiter_token=\"|\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "repo_name = \"wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-romansh-sursilvan\"\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# tokenizer.save_pretrained(repo_name)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "tokenizer.push_to_hub(repo_name)"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 66,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/"
+ },
+ "id": "1XVJcIykcSeb",
+ "outputId": "67c53812-24ce-4dee-bb95-608971d61338"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "--2022-01-30 07:10:29-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huggingface/transformers/master/examples/research_projects/robust-speech-event/eval.py\n",
+ "Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)...,,, ...\n",
+ "Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)||:443... connected.\n",
+ "HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK\n",
+ "Length: 4738 (4.6K) [text/plain]\n",
+ "Saving to: ‘eval.py’\n",
+ "\n",
+ "eval.py 100%[===================>] 4.63K --.-KB/s in 0s \n",
+ "\n",
+ "2022-01-30 07:10:29 (16.6 MB/s) - ‘eval.py’ saved [4738/4738]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "total 1232584\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 300 Jan 30 02:51 vocab.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 260 Jan 30 02:51 tokenizer_config.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 309 Jan 30 02:51 special_tokens_map.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 23 Jan 30 02:51 added_tokens.json\n",
+ "drwxr-xr-x 2 ovh ovh 4096 Jan 30 04:36 checkpoint-500\n",
+ "drwxr-xr-x 2 ovh ovh 4096 Jan 30 06:22 checkpoint-1000\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 2521 Jan 30 07:06 trainer_state.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 197 Jan 30 07:06 train_results.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 224 Jan 30 07:06 eval_results.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 2033 Jan 30 07:06 config.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 398 Jan 30 07:06 all_results.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 1262063089 Jan 30 07:06 pytorch_model.bin\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 212 Jan 30 07:06 preprocessor_config.json\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 3055 Jan 30 07:06 training_args.bin\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 1709 Jan 30 07:08 README.md\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 4738 Jan 30 07:10 eval.py\n",
+ "-rw-r--r-- 1 ovh ovh 30348 Jan 30 07:10 run_speech_recognition_ctc.py\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!wget -O eval.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huggingface/transformers/master/examples/research_projects/robust-speech-event/eval.py\n",
+ "!cp eval.py wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-irish\n",
+ "!cp run_speech_recognition_ctc.py wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-irish\n",
+ "!ls -ltr wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-irish"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 67,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "OLB-MXricSec",
+ "outputId": "784016e5-2c0a-4235-b432-96bf126b33ba"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Error: mkl-service + Intel(R) MKL: MKL_THREADING_LAYER=INTEL is incompatible with libgomp-a34b3233.so.1 library.\n",
+ "\tTry to import numpy first or set the threading layer accordingly. Set MKL_SERVICE_FORCE_INTEL to force it.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!cd wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-i;python eval.py \\\n",
+ " --model_id ./ --dataset mozilla-foundation/common_voice_7_0 --config kmr --split test --log_outputs"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 68,
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "aoMHnv5ocSec"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Error: mkl-service + Intel(R) MKL: MKL_THREADING_LAYER=INTEL is incompatible with libgomp-a34b3233.so.1 library.\n",
+ "\tTry to import numpy first or set the threading layer accordingly. Set MKL_SERVICE_FORCE_INTEL to force it.\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!cd wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-irish; python eval.py \\\n",
+ " --model_id ./ --dataset speech-recognition-community-v2/dev_data \\\n",
+ " --config kmr --split validation --chunk_length_s 10 --stride_length_s 1"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "24592b0be30e4eafb1949cf09d1c4fb4",
+ "f9bf2ab0d2fa4d3f9235cc6d1ab772f1",
+ "b0791474a34043da8057e06741472ade",
+ "1ccbd582d616458b87c76ac8dc5b6b36"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "5vvo9g7HcSec",
+ "outputId": "c2cab8b0-2b67-4039-b8ca-9ab13c9629c3"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "24592b0be30e4eafb1949cf09d1c4fb4",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/260 [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "f9bf2ab0d2fa4d3f9235cc6d1ab772f1",
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+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/574 [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "b0791474a34043da8057e06741472ade",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/23.0 [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "1ccbd582d616458b87c76ac8dc5b6b36",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/309 [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# from transformers import AutoModelForCTC, Wav2Vec2Processor\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# model = AutoModelForCTC.from_pretrained(\"infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-bashkir\")\n",
+ "# processor = Wav2Vec2Processor.from_pretrained(\"infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-bashkir\")\n",
+ "\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "referenced_widgets": [
+ "013fabff2ea243a0a728a79b8f54ae09",
+ "a8d9ca6d024f46f58301bfbcc475e41a",
+ "b336e2647c05466d87a11dfa326e30d6",
+ "8e6962320ad944439261482617be4869",
+ "99de2ef750aa49fd986965d66853a5ea",
+ "765670f93e5f4c2e849c98d53e616f38",
+ "812abafc8f6b49e3a498718d034a379b"
+ ]
+ },
+ "id": "9yVf94nEcSec",
+ "outputId": "60fbb3b8-692c-4418-c222-c734e48c4db1"
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "013fabff2ea243a0a728a79b8f54ae09",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/1.99k [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/1.18G [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
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+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/212 [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "8e6962320ad944439261482617be4869",
+ "version_major": 2,
+ "version_minor": 0
+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/260 [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "99de2ef750aa49fd986965d66853a5ea",
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+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/520 [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": {
+ "model_id": "765670f93e5f4c2e849c98d53e616f38",
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+ },
+ "text/plain": [
+ "Downloading: 0%| | 0.00/23.0 [00:00, ?B/s]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
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+ "ename": "AssertionError",
+ "evalue": "55",
+ "output_type": "error",
+ "traceback": [
+ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m",
+ "\u001b[0;31mAssertionError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)",
+ "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 10\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlogits\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m=\u001b[0m \u001b[0mmodel\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0minput_values\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mlogits\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 11\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m---> 12\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0;32massert\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlogits\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mshape\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m==\u001b[0m \u001b[0;36m32\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m,\u001b[0m \u001b[0mlogits\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m.\u001b[0m\u001b[0mshape\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m[\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m-\u001b[0m\u001b[0;36m1\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m]\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m",
+ "\u001b[0;31mAssertionError\u001b[0m: 55"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# from transformers import AutoModelForCTC, AutoProcessor\n",
+ "# from datasets import load_dataset\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# model = AutoModelForCTC.from_pretrained(\"infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-bashkir\")\n",
+ "# processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained(\"infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-bashkir\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# input_values = processor(common_voice_test[0][\"audio\"][\"array\"], return_tensors=\"pt\", sampling_rate=16_000).input_values\n",
+ "# # input_values = input_values.to(\"cuda\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# logits = model(input_values).logits\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# assert logits.shape[-1] == 32, logits.shape[-1]"
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+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stderr",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Reusing dataset common_voice (/workspace/.cache/huggingface/datasets/mozilla-foundation___common_voice/lv/7.0.0/fe20cac47c166e25b1f096ab661832e3da7cf298ed4a91dcaa1343ad972d175b)\n"
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+ " 0%| | 0/10 [00:00, ?ex/s]"
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+ "name": "stdout",
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+ "text": [
+ "['nebija nekā tīra ko uzvilkt', 'cēlonis tam ne viens vien', 'visi vilki nav pelēki', 'iedzert aukstu alu būtu labi', 'vai mani mati bija glīti', 'lēnām nesasteidz', 'nerunā man rupjības', 'es vairs nevaru būt tavs elks', 'es atradu mūsu zemes gabalu', 'ko tas sīkais sūds ar mani darītu']\n",
+ "['Nebija nekā tīra, ko uzvilkt?', 'Cēlonis tam - ne viens vien.', 'Visi vilki nav pelēki.', 'Iedzert aukstu alu būtu labi.', 'Vai mani mati bija glīti?', 'Lēnām, nesasteidz.', 'Nerunā man rupjības.', 'Es vairs nevaru būt tavs elks.', 'Es atradu mūsu zemes gabalu.', 'Ko tas sīkais sūds ar mani darītu?']\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "from datasets import Audio, Dataset, load_dataset, load_metric\n",
+ "from transformers import AutoFeatureExtractor, pipeline\n",
+ "\n",
+ "dataset = load_dataset(\"mozilla-foundation/common_voice_7_0\", \"lv\", use_auth_token=True, split=\"train+validation\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# for testing: only process the first two examples as a test\n",
+ "dataset = dataset.select(range(10))\n",
+ "\n",
+ "repo_name = 'infinitejoy/wav2vec2-large-xls-r-300m-latvian'\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# load processor\n",
+ "feature_extractor = AutoFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained(repo_name)\n",
+ "# feature_extractor = processor_with_lm.feature_extractor\n",
+ "sampling_rate = feature_extractor.sampling_rate\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# resample audio\n",
+ "dataset = dataset.cast_column(\"audio\", Audio(sampling_rate=sampling_rate))\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# load eval pipeline\n",
+ "asr = pipeline(\"automatic-speech-recognition\", model=repo_name, feature_extractor=feature_extractor)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# map function to decode audio\n",
+ "def map_to_pred(batch):\n",
+ " prediction = asr(\n",
+ " batch[\"audio\"][\"array\"])\n",
+ "\n",
+ " batch[\"prediction\"] = prediction[\"text\"]\n",
+ " batch[\"target\"] = batch[\"sentence\"]\n",
+ " return batch\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# run inference on all examples\n",
+ "result = dataset.map(map_to_pred, remove_columns=dataset.column_names)\n",
+ "print(result[\"prediction\"])\n",
+ "\n",
+ "print(result['target'])"
+ ]
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+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "\"e'ess' qted j'ms' ' ɓ'jhm s' s'm' jtj' jtr'm 'v' ɓ'x'\""
+ ]
+ },
+ "execution_count": 6,
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "execute_result"
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "result[0][\"prediction\"].replace('[UNK]', '')"
+ ]
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