from transformers import Pipeline import numpy as np import torch from nltk.chunk import conlltags2tree from nltk import pos_tag from nltk.tree import Tree import string import torch.nn.functional as F import re def tokenize(text): # print(text) for punctuation in string.punctuation: text = text.replace(punctuation, " " + punctuation + " ") return text.split() def find_entity_indices(article, entity): """ Find all occurrences of an entity in the article and return their indices. :param article: The complete article text. :param entity: The entity to search for. :return: A list of tuples (lArticleOffset, rArticleOffset) for each occurrence. """ # normalized_target = normalize_text(entity) # normalized_document = normalize_text(article) entity_indices = [] for match in re.finditer(re.escape(entity), article): start_idx = match.start() end_idx = match.end() entity_indices.append((start_idx, end_idx)) return entity_indices def get_entities(tokens, tags, confidences, text): tags = [tag.replace("S-", "B-").replace("E-", "I-") for tag in tags] pos_tags = [pos for token, pos in pos_tag(tokens)] conlltags = [(token, pos, tg) for token, pos, tg in zip(tokens, pos_tags, tags)] ne_tree = conlltags2tree(conlltags) entities = [] idx: int = 0 for subtree in ne_tree: # skipping 'O' tags if isinstance(subtree, Tree): original_label = subtree.label() original_string = " ".join([token for token, pos in subtree.leaves()]) for indices in find_entity_indices(text, original_string): entity_start_position = indices[0] entity_end_position = indices[1] entities.append( { "entity": original_label, "score": np.average(confidences[idx : idx + len(subtree)]), "index": idx, "word": original_string, "start": entity_start_position, "end": entity_end_position, } ) assert ( text[entity_start_position:entity_end_position] == original_string ) idx += len(subtree) # Update the current character position # We add the length of the original string + 1 (for the space) else: token, pos = subtree # If it's not a named entity, we still need to update the character # position idx += 1 return entities def realign( text_sentence, out_label_preds, softmax_scores, tokenizer, reverted_label_map ): preds_list, words_list, confidence_list = [], [], [] word_ids = tokenizer(text_sentence, is_split_into_words=True).word_ids() for idx, word in enumerate(text_sentence): beginning_index = word_ids.index(idx) try: preds_list.append(reverted_label_map[out_label_preds[beginning_index]]) confidence_list.append(max(softmax_scores[beginning_index])) except Exception as ex: # the sentence was longer then max_length preds_list.append("O") confidence_list.append(0.0) words_list.append(word) return words_list, preds_list, confidence_list class MultitaskTokenClassificationPipeline(Pipeline): def __init__(self, model, tokenizer, label_map, **kwargs): super().__init__(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, **kwargs) self.label_map = label_map self.id2label = { task: {id_: label for label, id_ in labels.items()} for task, labels in label_map.items() } def _sanitize_parameters(self, **kwargs): # Add any additional parameter handling if necessary return kwargs, {}, {} def preprocess(self, text, **kwargs): tokenized_inputs = self.tokenizer( text, padding="max_length", truncation=True, max_length=512 ) text_sentence = tokenize(text) return tokenized_inputs, text_sentence, text def _forward(self, inputs): inputs, text_sentence, text = inputs input_ids = torch.tensor([inputs["input_ids"]], dtype=torch.long).to( self.model.device ) attention_mask = torch.tensor([inputs["attention_mask"]], dtype=torch.long).to( self.model.device ) with torch.no_grad(): outputs = self.model(input_ids, attention_mask) return outputs, text_sentence, text def postprocess(self, outputs, **kwargs): """ Postprocess the outputs of the model :param outputs: :param kwargs: :return: """ tokens_result, text_sentence, text = outputs predictions = {} confidence_scores = {} for task, logits in tokens_result.logits.items(): predictions[task] = torch.argmax(logits, dim=-1).tolist() confidence_scores[task] = F.softmax(logits, dim=-1).tolist() decoded_predictions = {} for task, preds in predictions.items(): decoded_predictions[task] = [ [self.id2label[task][label] for label in seq] for seq in preds ] entities = {} for task, preds in predictions.items(): words_list, preds_list, confidence_list = realign( text_sentence, preds[0], confidence_scores[task][0], self.tokenizer, self.id2label[task], ) entities[task] = get_entities(words_list, preds_list, confidence_list, text) return entities