from transformers.models.whisper.english_normalizer import BasicTextNormalizer from audiomentations import Compose, TimeStretch, PitchShift from datasets import Audio from datasets import load_dataset, DatasetDict import jiwer import warnings import pandas as pd from io import StringIO from datasets import Dataset, IterableDatasetDict, load_dataset, interleave_datasets, Audio import evaluate import torch import string from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union from transformers import WhisperForConditionalGeneration from transformers import WhisperProcessor from transformers import Seq2SeqTrainingArguments from transformers import Seq2SeqTrainer from transformers import WhisperTokenizer from transformers import WhisperFeatureExtractor #import wandb #from IPython.display import clear_output from audiomentations import Compose, AddGaussianNoise, TimeStretch, PitchShift, Shift import numpy as np #from huggingface_hub import notebook_login from transformers import TrainerCallback from transformers.integrations import WandbCallback from transformers.trainer_pt_utils import IterableDatasetShard from import IterableDataset from datasets import load_dataset, Audio from pathlib import Path import numpy as np #import holoviews as hv #import panel as pn import tempfile #from bokeh.resources import INLINE #hv.extension("bokeh", logo=False) #warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') #clear_output() torch.cuda.is_available() """## Load Dataset Loading MS-MY Dataset from FLEURS. Combine train and validation set. """ # notebook_login() fleurs = DatasetDict() fleurs["train"] = load_dataset( "google/fleurs", "ps_af", split="train+validation", use_auth_token=True) fleurs["test"] = load_dataset( "google/fleurs", "ps_af", split="test", use_auth_token=True) fleurs = fleurs.remove_columns( ["id", "num_samples", "path", "raw_transcription", "gender", "lang_id", "language", "lang_group_id"]) print(fleurs) feature_extractor = WhisperFeatureExtractor.from_pretrained( "openai/whisper-small") tokenizer = WhisperTokenizer.from_pretrained( "openai/whisper-small", language="Pashto", task="transcribe") """### Combine To Create A WhisperProcessor""" processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained( "openai/whisper-small", language="Pashto", task="transcribe") """### Prepare Data""" fleurs = fleurs.cast_column("audio", Audio(sampling_rate=16000)) augment_waveform = Compose([ TimeStretch(min_rate=0.8, max_rate=1.25, p=0.3, leave_length_unchanged=False), PitchShift(min_semitones=-4, max_semitones=4, p=0.3), ]) def augment_dataset(batch): #return batch audio = batch["audio"]["array"] # apply augmentation augmented_audio = augment_waveform(samples=audio, sample_rate=16000) batch["audio"]["array"] = augmented_audio return batch print('Augment train set:') fleurs['train'] = fleurs['train'].map(augment_dataset, num_proc=10) """We can apply the data preparation function to all of our training examples using dataset's `.map` method. The argument `num_proc` specifies how many CPU cores to use. Setting `num_proc` > 1 will enable multiprocessing. If the `.map` method hangs with multiprocessing, set `num_proc=1` and process the dataset sequentially.""" do_lower_case = True do_remove_punctuation = True normalizer = BasicTextNormalizer() def prepare_dataset(batch): #return batch # load and (possibly) resample audio data to 16kHz audio = batch["audio"] # compute log-Mel input features from input audio array batch["input_features"] = processor.feature_extractor( audio["array"], sampling_rate=audio["sampling_rate"]).input_features[0] # compute input length of audio sample in seconds batch["input_length"] = len(audio["array"]) / audio["sampling_rate"] # optional pre-processing steps transcription = batch["transcription"] if do_lower_case: transcription = transcription.lower() if do_remove_punctuation: transcription = normalizer(transcription).strip() # encode target text to label ids batch["labels"] = processor.tokenizer(transcription).input_ids return batch print('Extract features and normalize data:') fleurs = prepare_dataset, remove_columns=fleurs.column_names['train'], num_proc=10).with_format('torch') """Finally, we filter any training data with audio samples longer than 30s. These samples would otherwise be truncated by the Whisper feature-extractor which could affect the stability of training. We define a function that returns `True` for samples that are less than 30s, and `False` for those that are longer:""" max_input_length = 30.0 def is_audio_in_length_range(length): return length < max_input_length """We apply our filter function to all samples of our training dataset through 🤗 Datasets' `.filter` method:""" fleurs['train'] = fleurs['train'].filter( is_audio_in_length_range, input_columns=["input_length"], ) fleurs["train"] = fleurs["train"].shuffle(seed=42, writer_batch_size=100) @dataclass class DataCollatorSpeechSeq2SeqWithPadding: processor: Any def __call__(self, features: List[Dict[str, Union[List[int], torch.Tensor]]]) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: # split inputs and labels since they have to be of different lengths and need different padding methods # first treat the audio inputs by simply returning torch tensors input_features = [{"input_features": feature["input_features"]} for feature in features] batch = self.processor.feature_extractor.pad( input_features, return_tensors="pt") # get the tokenized label sequences label_features = [{"input_ids": feature["labels"]} for feature in features] # pad the labels to max length labels_batch = self.processor.tokenizer.pad( label_features, return_tensors="pt") # replace padding with -100 to ignore loss correctly labels = labels_batch["input_ids"].masked_fill(, -100) # if bos token is appended in previous tokenization step, # cut bos token here as it's append later anyways if (labels[:, 0] == self.processor.tokenizer.bos_token_id).all().cpu().item(): labels = labels[:, 1:] batch["labels"] = labels return batch """Let's initialise the data collator we've just defined:""" data_collator = DataCollatorSpeechSeq2SeqWithPadding(processor=processor) """### Evaluation Metrics We'll use the word error rate (WER) metric, the 'de-facto' metric for assessing ASR systems. For more information, refer to the WER [docs]( We'll load the WER metric from 🤗 Evaluate: """ wer_metric = evaluate.load("wer") cer_metric = evaluate.load("cer") #  evaluate with the 'normalised' WER do_normalize_eval = True def compute_metrics(pred): pred_ids = pred.predictions label_ids = pred.label_ids # replace -100 with the pad_token_id label_ids[label_ids == -100] = processor.tokenizer.pad_token_id # we do not want to group tokens when computing the metrics pred_str = processor.tokenizer.batch_decode( pred_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) label_str = processor.tokenizer.batch_decode( label_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) if do_normalize_eval: pred_str = [normalizer(pred) for pred in pred_str] label_str = [normalizer(label) for label in label_str] wer = 100 * wer_metric.compute(predictions=pred_str, references=label_str) cer = 100 * cer_metric.compute(predictions=pred_str, references=label_str) return {"wer": wer, "cer": cer} """### Load a Pre-Trained Checkpoint """ model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("openai/whisper-small") """Override generation arguments - no tokens are forced as decoder outputs (see [`forced_decoder_ids`](, no tokens are suppressed during generation (see [`suppress_tokens`]( Set `use_cache` to False since we're using gradient checkpointing, and the two are incompatible:""" model.config.forced_decoder_ids = None model.config.suppress_tokens = [] model.config.use_cache = False """### Define the Training Configuration In the final step, we define all the parameters related to training. For more detail on the training arguments, refer to the Seq2SeqTrainingArguments [docs]( """ training_args = Seq2SeqTrainingArguments( output_dir="./", per_device_train_batch_size=16, # increase by 2x for every 2x decrease in batch size gradient_accumulation_steps=4, learning_rate=1e-5, warmup_steps=30, max_steps=700, gradient_checkpointing=True, fp16=True, evaluation_strategy="steps", per_device_eval_batch_size=8, predict_with_generate=True, generation_max_length=225, save_steps=100, eval_steps=100, logging_steps=10, report_to=["tensorboard"], load_best_model_at_end=True, metric_for_best_model="wer", greater_is_better=False, push_to_hub=True, #optim='adamw_bnb_8bit', # 'adamw_bnb_8bit', overwrite_output_dir="False", resume_from_checkpoint="True" ) trainer = Seq2SeqTrainer( args=training_args, model=model, train_dataset=fleurs['train'], eval_dataset=fleurs['test'], data_collator=data_collator, compute_metrics=compute_metrics, tokenizer=processor.feature_extractor ) trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint = True) """We'll save the processor object once before starting training. Since the processor is not trainable, it won't change over the course of training:""" processor.save_pretrained(training_args.output_dir) trainer.train() """We can label our checkpoint with the `whisper-event` tag on push by setting the appropriate key-word arguments (kwargs):""" kwargs = { "dataset_tags": "google/fleurs", "dataset": "google/fleurs", # a 'pretty' name for the training dataset "language": "ps", "model_name": "Whisper Small Pashto - Augmented", # a 'pretty' name for your model "finetuned_from": "openai/whisper-small", "tasks": "automatic-speech-recognition", "tags": "whisper-event", } """The training results can now be uploaded to the Hub. To do so, execute the `push_to_hub` command and save the preprocessor object we created:""" trainer.push_to_hub(**kwargs)