--- library_name: transformers license: apache-2.0 --- # Model Card for Model ID ## Overview This repository contains the model card for the 🤗 transformers model "hydroxai/hydro-safe-llama2-7b-chat-dinm" that has been published on the Hub. The model card provides detailed information about its development, usage, risks, and more. ## Model Details ### Model Description The "hydroxai/hydro-safe-llama2-7b-chat-dinm" model is a variant of the llama2 architecture, fine-tuned with DINM methods specifically for chat applications. It integrates enhanced safety features to ensure secure and reliable performance in interactive conversational settings. ### Security Enhancements Recent updates have bolstered the model's security framework to mitigate potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with its deployment. Key security enhancements include: - Implementation of robust input sanitization and validation mechanisms. - Incorporation of state-of-the-art encryption protocols for safeguarding sensitive data. - Ongoing security evaluations and updates to address evolving threats. - Adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements to uphold data protection principles. These security measures underscore the "hydroxai/hydro-safe-llama2-7b-chat-dinm" model's commitment to maintaining high standards of safety and reliability, making it suitable for deployment in privacy-sensitive conversational AI applications.