diff --git "a/train_output.log" "b/train_output.log" --- "a/train_output.log" +++ "b/train_output.log" @@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ wer : 17.568850902184234 with <<[' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air cer : 7.145310889728615 with <<[' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' When you are through write a clean report.', ' The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', ' On occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', ' Pick that guard for one gallon of gas.', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' A long flowing beard clings to his chin.', ' He further proposed grants of an unexc - okay sorry.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', " That's what I thought it was at first.", ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' grandfather likes to be modern in his language', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown.", ' Within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Travel is about the only leisure we have.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Most precincts had a third of the votes counted.', ' Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', ' Both figures would go higher in later years.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under.', ' I looked up and noticed two old men.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' He dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' A single kick made it spring open shuddering.', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', " At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", ' No question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate.', ' This he added brought out about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' He nearly crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' Those people are much quicker than I am.', ' The toddler found a clamshell near the camp site.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We selected places where families will be welcome.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', ' day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to.', ' Even then if he took one step forward he could catch her.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' He has never done himself anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' A haunted house hit two houses ending on the job of Max.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' Internal national responsibility now but truism need not be documented.', ' internal national responsibility there are truism needs not be documented', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', ' On an occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', " Hi so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', " To keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet I heard 'em was going to loose herdin'", " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' These he had a wealth of among people just as he said. They had personal grievances.', " Like enough we'll all be up and tapped by Suntown.", ' He did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually they are coming to', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', ' Even if she took one step forward he could catch her.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " High so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' The haunted house was a hit due to a outstanding audio visual effects.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' Like an earth will all be up on top by sundown.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' shell shock caused by shrapnel is a bit easy to clear through clings', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', " To keep 'em scattered some water and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", ' Two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing.', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' His selection on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' We now provide for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' It also provides funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' Two cars came over a crest their glass flashing.', ' Why not not compare roadway to little shuddering leaves no longer wash?', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We have an ancient team.', ' The dolphins swam around our boat.', ' I can play this weekend.', ' Nobody expects to evacuate.', ' The pair of shoes was new.', " I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", ' he had your dark suit in greasy white water all year', ' Valuetze schoolhouse is too empty.', ' It was just in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice proposed that', ' A good attitude is unbeatable.', " Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's?", ' We have often done something more flowing and smoke less.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", " but indeed we're doing that same thing.", ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental half-roof.', ' When all else fails use force.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', ' She rode one place long over her.', ' Where were you while we were away?', ' Well he is nearly ninety-three years old.', ' The box came to take three sweaters.', ' This was easy for us.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' The group browned for experimental lazy dog.', ' two other cases always were under advisement.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers me all', ' Their house is grey and white.', ' The job of proposed proposed to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', ' If you are losing water replace it immediately.', ' Some museum hires musicians every evening.', ' people participate in athletic activities.', ' Why yell or worry over silly items?', ' He will allow a rare lie.', ' He will allow a rare lie.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', " You're used to being on the field.", ' The humidity is overwhelming there.', ' accept the window. Accept the window when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' I looked up and added to our turn.', ' We rode horseback to the farm.', ' He is very proud of his grandfather and his academic job for experimentalized medicine.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Being able to tell can help too.', ' The first swam across the pond.', ' The wait for wait can be very long.', ' If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Like a gun?', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', ' She is thinner than I am.', " I expect we'll bounce back this week.", ' The wait for wait can be a real deal again.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' It was a good win for us.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' The island is sparsely populated.', ' Being able to dance can help too.', ' The house is grey and white.', ' Day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Nobody really expects to even do that.', ' Nobody really expects to evacuate.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Even though I'm a warm canter with gingham feelings of the utmost respect."]>> <<['he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'this is not a program of socialized medicine', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'When you are through write a clean report.', 'The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'Beg that guard for one gallon of gas.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'A long flowing beard clings to his chin ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', "That's what I thought it was at first.", 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'Grandfather likes to be modern in his language.', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'Travel is about the only leisure we have.', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'most precincts had a third of the votes counted', 'Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', 'Both figures would go higher in later years.', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'a single kick made it spring open shuddering', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', "At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", 'no question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'Those people are much quicker than I am.', 'the toddler found a clamshell near the camp site', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We selected places where families will be welcome.', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We have an excellent team.', 'The dolphins swam around our boat.', 'I can play this weekend.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'The pair of shoes was new.', "I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The little schoolhouse stood empty.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'A good attitude is unbeatable.', "Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's? ", 'We have often urged him to walk more and smoke less', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'Both injuries were to the same leg.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'When all else fails use force.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'I just try to do my best.', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', 'She wore warm fleecy woolen overalls.', 'Where were you while we were away? ', 'Well he is nearly ninety-three years old; ', 'The box contained three sweaters.', 'This was easy for us. ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil!', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', 'If you are losing water replace it immediately.', 'The museum hires musicians every evening.', 'Young people participate in athletic activities.', 'Why yell or worry over silly items?', 'He will allow a rare lie.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', "You're used to being on the field.", 'The humidity is overwhelming there.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'We rode horseback to the farm.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'The fish swam across the pond.', 'The wait for work can be very long.', 'If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'I can', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', 'She is thinner than I am. ', "I expect we'll bounce back this week.", 'The wait for work can be very do it again', 'I just try to do my best.', 'It was a good win for us.', 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The islands are sparsely populated.', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.']>> wer : 17.426400759734094 with <<[' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' When you are through write a clean report.', ' The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', ' On occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', ' pick that card from one gallon of gas', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' A long flowing beard clings to his chin.', ' He further proposed grants of an unexc / un okay type', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', " That's what I thought it was at first.", ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' grandfather likes to be modern in his language', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown.", ' Within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Travel is about the only leisure we have.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Most precincts had a third of the votes counted.', ' Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', ' Both figures would go higher in later years.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under.', ' I looked up and noticed two old men.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' He dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' A single kick made it spring open shuddering.', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', " At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", ' No question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate.', ' This he added brought out about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' He nearly crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' Those people are much quicker than I am.', ' The toddler found a clamshell near the camp site.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We selected places where families will be welcome.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', ' day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to.', ' Even then if he took one step forward he could catch her.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' He has never done himself anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' A haunted house hit two houses ending on the job of Max.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' Internal national responsibility now but truism need not be documented.', ' internal national responsibility there are truism needs not be documented', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', ' On an occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', " Hi so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', " To keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet I heard 'em was going to loose herdin'", " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' These he had a wealth of among people just as he said. They had personal grievances.', " Like enough we'll all be up and tapped by Suntown.", ' He did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually they are coming to', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', ' Even if she took one step forward he could catch her.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " High so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' The haunted house was a hit due to a outstanding audio visual effects.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' Like an earth will all be up on top by sundown.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' shell shock caused by shrapnel is a bit easy to clear through clings', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', " To keep 'em scattered some water and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", ' Two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing.', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' His selection on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' We now provide for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' It also provides funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' Two cars came over a crest their glass flashing.', ' Why not not compare roadway to little shuddering leaves no longer wash?', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We have an ancient team.', ' The dolphins swam around our boat.', ' I can play this weekend.', ' Nobody expects to evacuate.', ' The pair of shoes was new.', " I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", ' he had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', ' Valuetze schoolhouse is too empty.', ' It was just in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice proposed that.', ' A good attitude is unbeatable.', " Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's?", ' We have often done something more flowing and smoke less.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", " but indeed we're doing that same thing.", ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental half-roof.', ' When all else fails use force.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', ' She rode one place one over her.', ' Where were you while we were away?', ' Well he is nearly ninety-three years old.', ' The box came to take three sweaters.', ' This was easy for us.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' The group browned for experimental lazy dog.', ' two other cases always were under advisement.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers me all', ' Their house is grey and white.', ' The job provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', ' If you are losing water replace it immediately.', ' Some museum hires musicians every evening.', ' people participate in athletic activities.', ' Why yell or worry over silly items?', ' He will allow a rare lie.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', " You're used to being on the field.", ' The humidity is overwhelming there.', ' Accept the window. Accept the window when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' I looked up and added to our turn.', ' We rode horseback to the farm.', ' He is very proud of his grandfather and his academic job for experimentalized medicine.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Being able to tell can help too.', ' The first swam across the pond.', ' The wait for wait can be very long.', ' If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Like a gun?', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', ' She is thinner than I am.', " I expect we'll bounce back this week.", ' The wait for wait can be a real deal again.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' It was a good win for us.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' The island is sparsely populated.', ' Being able to dance can help too.', ' The house is grey and white.', ' Day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Nobody really expects to even do that.', ' Nobody really expects to evacuate.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Even though I'm a warm canter with gingham feelings of the utmost respect."]>> <<['he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'this is not a program of socialized medicine', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'When you are through write a clean report.', 'The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'Beg that guard for one gallon of gas.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'A long flowing beard clings to his chin ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', "That's what I thought it was at first.", 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'Grandfather likes to be modern in his language.', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'Travel is about the only leisure we have.', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'most precincts had a third of the votes counted', 'Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', 'Both figures would go higher in later years.', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'a single kick made it spring open shuddering', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', "At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", 'no question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'Those people are much quicker than I am.', 'the toddler found a clamshell near the camp site', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We selected places where families will be welcome.', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We have an excellent team.', 'The dolphins swam around our boat.', 'I can play this weekend.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'The pair of shoes was new.', "I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The little schoolhouse stood empty.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'A good attitude is unbeatable.', "Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's? ", 'We have often urged him to walk more and smoke less', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'Both injuries were to the same leg.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'When all else fails use force.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'I just try to do my best.', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', 'She wore warm fleecy woolen overalls.', 'Where were you while we were away? ', 'Well he is nearly ninety-three years old; ', 'The box contained three sweaters.', 'This was easy for us. ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil!', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', 'If you are losing water replace it immediately.', 'The museum hires musicians every evening.', 'Young people participate in athletic activities.', 'Why yell or worry over silly items?', 'He will allow a rare lie.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', "You're used to being on the field.", 'The humidity is overwhelming there.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'We rode horseback to the farm.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'The fish swam across the pond.', 'The wait for work can be very long.', 'If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'I can', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', 'She is thinner than I am. ', "I expect we'll bounce back this week.", 'The wait for work can be very do it again', 'I just try to do my best.', 'It was a good win for us.', 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The islands are sparsely populated.', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.']>> cer : 7.025077293026451 with <<[' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' When you are through write a clean report.', ' The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', ' On occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', ' pick that card from one gallon of gas', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' A long flowing beard clings to his chin.', ' He further proposed grants of an unexc / un okay type', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', " That's what I thought it was at first.", ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' grandfather likes to be modern in his language', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown.", ' Within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Travel is about the only leisure we have.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Most precincts had a third of the votes counted.', ' Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', ' Both figures would go higher in later years.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under.', ' I looked up and noticed two old men.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' He dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' A single kick made it spring open shuddering.', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', " At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", ' No question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate.', ' This he added brought out about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' He nearly crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' Those people are much quicker than I am.', ' The toddler found a clamshell near the camp site.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We selected places where families will be welcome.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', ' day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to.', ' Even then if he took one step forward he could catch her.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' He has never done himself anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' A haunted house hit two houses ending on the job of Max.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' Internal national responsibility now but truism need not be documented.', ' internal national responsibility there are truism needs not be documented', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', ' On an occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', " Hi so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', " To keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet I heard 'em was going to loose herdin'", " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' These he had a wealth of among people just as he said. They had personal grievances.', " Like enough we'll all be up and tapped by Suntown.", ' He did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually they are coming to', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', ' Even if she took one step forward he could catch her.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " High so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' The haunted house was a hit due to a outstanding audio visual effects.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' Like an earth will all be up on top by sundown.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' shell shock caused by shrapnel is a bit easy to clear through clings', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', " To keep 'em scattered some water and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", ' Two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing.', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' His selection on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' We now provide for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' It also provides funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' Two cars came over a crest their glass flashing.', ' Why not not compare roadway to little shuddering leaves no longer wash?', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We have an ancient team.', ' The dolphins swam around our boat.', ' I can play this weekend.', ' Nobody expects to evacuate.', ' The pair of shoes was new.', " I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", ' he had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', ' Valuetze schoolhouse is too empty.', ' It was just in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice proposed that.', ' A good attitude is unbeatable.', " Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's?", ' We have often done something more flowing and smoke less.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", " but indeed we're doing that same thing.", ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental half-roof.', ' When all else fails use force.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', ' She rode one place one over her.', ' Where were you while we were away?', ' Well he is nearly ninety-three years old.', ' The box came to take three sweaters.', ' This was easy for us.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' The group browned for experimental lazy dog.', ' two other cases always were under advisement.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers me all', ' Their house is grey and white.', ' The job provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', ' If you are losing water replace it immediately.', ' Some museum hires musicians every evening.', ' people participate in athletic activities.', ' Why yell or worry over silly items?', ' He will allow a rare lie.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', " You're used to being on the field.", ' The humidity is overwhelming there.', ' Accept the window. Accept the window when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' I looked up and added to our turn.', ' We rode horseback to the farm.', ' He is very proud of his grandfather and his academic job for experimentalized medicine.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Being able to tell can help too.', ' The first swam across the pond.', ' The wait for wait can be very long.', ' If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Like a gun?', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', ' She is thinner than I am.', " I expect we'll bounce back this week.", ' The wait for wait can be a real deal again.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' It was a good win for us.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' The island is sparsely populated.', ' Being able to dance can help too.', ' The house is grey and white.', ' Day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Nobody really expects to even do that.', ' Nobody really expects to evacuate.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Even though I'm a warm canter with gingham feelings of the utmost respect."]>> <<['he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'this is not a program of socialized medicine', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'When you are through write a clean report.', 'The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'Beg that guard for one gallon of gas.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'A long flowing beard clings to his chin ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', "That's what I thought it was at first.", 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'Grandfather likes to be modern in his language.', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'Travel is about the only leisure we have.', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'most precincts had a third of the votes counted', 'Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', 'Both figures would go higher in later years.', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'a single kick made it spring open shuddering', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', "At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", 'no question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'Those people are much quicker than I am.', 'the toddler found a clamshell near the camp site', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We selected places where families will be welcome.', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We have an excellent team.', 'The dolphins swam around our boat.', 'I can play this weekend.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'The pair of shoes was new.', "I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The little schoolhouse stood empty.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'A good attitude is unbeatable.', "Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's? ", 'We have often urged him to walk more and smoke less', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'Both injuries were to the same leg.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'When all else fails use force.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'I just try to do my best.', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', 'She wore warm fleecy woolen overalls.', 'Where were you while we were away? ', 'Well he is nearly ninety-three years old; ', 'The box contained three sweaters.', 'This was easy for us. ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil!', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', 'If you are losing water replace it immediately.', 'The museum hires musicians every evening.', 'Young people participate in athletic activities.', 'Why yell or worry over silly items?', 'He will allow a rare lie.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', "You're used to being on the field.", 'The humidity is overwhelming there.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'We rode horseback to the farm.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'The fish swam across the pond.', 'The wait for work can be very long.', 'If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'I can', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', 'She is thinner than I am. ', "I expect we'll bounce back this week.", 'The wait for work can be very do it again', 'I just try to do my best.', 'It was a good win for us.', 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The islands are sparsely populated.', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.']>> +wer : 17.61633428300095 with <<[' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' When you are through write a clean report.', ' The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', ' On occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', ' pick that card from one gallon of gas', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' A long flowing beard clings to his chin.', ' He further proposed grants of an unexc / un okay type', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', " That's what I thought it was at first.", ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' grandfather likes to be modern in his language', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown.", ' Within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Travel is about the only leisure we have.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Most precincts had a third of the votes counted.', ' Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', ' Both figures would go higher in later years.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under.', ' I looked up and noticed two old men.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' He dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' A single kick made it spring open shuddering.', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', " At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", ' No question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate.', ' This he added brought out about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' He nearly crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' Those people are much quicker than I am.', ' The toddler found a clamshell near the camp site.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We selected places where families will be welcome.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', ' day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to.', ' Even then if he took one step forward he could catch her.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' He has never done himself anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' A haunted house hit two houses ending on the job of Max.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' Internal national responsibility now but truism need not be documented.', ' internal national responsibility there are truism needs not be documented', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', ' On an occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', " Hi so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', " To keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet I heard 'em was going to loose herdin'", " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' These he had a wealth of among people just as he said. They had personal grievances.', " Like enough we'll all be up and tapped by Suntown.", ' He did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually they are coming to', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', ' Even if she took one step forward he could catch her.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " High so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' The haunted house was a hit due to a outstanding audio visual effects.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' Like an earth will all be up on top by sundown.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' shell shock caused by shrapnel is an easy one', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', " To keep 'em scattered some water and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", ' Two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing.', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' His selection on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' We now provide for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' It also provides funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' Two cars came over a crest their glass flashing.', ' Why not not compare roadway to little shuddering leaves no longer wash?', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We have an ancient team.', ' The dolphins swam around our boat.', ' I can play this weekend.', ' Nobody expects to evacuate.', ' The pair of shoes was new.', " I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", ' he had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', ' Valuetze schoolhouse is too empty.', ' It was just in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice proposed that.', ' A good attitude is unbeatable.', " Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's?", ' We have often done something more flowing and smoke less.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", " but indeed we're doing that same thing.", ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' When all else fails use force.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', ' She wore warm fleecy woolen overall.', ' Where were you while we were away?', ' Well he is nearly ninety-three years old.', ' The box came to take three sweaters.', ' This was easy for us.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' The group browned for experimental exam.', ' two other cases always were under advisement.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers me all', ' Their house is grey and white.', ' The job provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', ' If you are losing water replace it immediately.', ' Some museum hires musicians every evening.', ' people participate in athletic activities.', ' Why yell or worry over silly items?', ' He will allow a rare lie.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', " You're used to being on the field.", ' The humidity is overwhelming there.', ' Accept the window. Accept the window when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' I looked up and added to her turn.', ' We rode horseback to the farm.', ' He is very proud of his grandfather and is a young for example as a choice.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Being able to tell can help too.', ' The first swam across the pond.', ' The wait for wait can be very long.', ' If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Like a gun?', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', ' She is thinner than I am.', " I expect we'll bounce back this week.", ' The wait for wait can be a real deal again.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' It was a good win for us.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' The island has a party.', ' Being able to dance can help too.', ' The house is grey and white.', ' Day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Nobody really expects to even do that.', ' Nobody really expects to evacuate.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Even though I'm a warm canter with gingham buildings and I'm off with my home."]>> <<['he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'this is not a program of socialized medicine', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'When you are through write a clean report.', 'The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'Beg that guard for one gallon of gas.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'A long flowing beard clings to his chin ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', "That's what I thought it was at first.", 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'Grandfather likes to be modern in his language.', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'Travel is about the only leisure we have.', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'most precincts had a third of the votes counted', 'Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', 'Both figures would go higher in later years.', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'a single kick made it spring open shuddering', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', "At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", 'no question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'Those people are much quicker than I am.', 'the toddler found a clamshell near the camp site', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We selected places where families will be welcome.', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We have an excellent team.', 'The dolphins swam around our boat.', 'I can play this weekend.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'The pair of shoes was new.', "I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The little schoolhouse stood empty.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'A good attitude is unbeatable.', "Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's? ", 'We have often urged him to walk more and smoke less', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'Both injuries were to the same leg.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'When all else fails use force.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'I just try to do my best.', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', 'She wore warm fleecy woolen overalls.', 'Where were you while we were away? ', 'Well he is nearly ninety-three years old; ', 'The box contained three sweaters.', 'This was easy for us. ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil!', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', 'If you are losing water replace it immediately.', 'The museum hires musicians every evening.', 'Young people participate in athletic activities.', 'Why yell or worry over silly items?', 'He will allow a rare lie.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', "You're used to being on the field.", 'The humidity is overwhelming there.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'We rode horseback to the farm.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'The fish swam across the pond.', 'The wait for work can be very long.', 'If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'I can', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', 'She is thinner than I am. ', "I expect we'll bounce back this week.", 'The wait for work can be very do it again', 'I just try to do my best.', 'It was a good win for us.', 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The islands are sparsely populated.', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.']>> +cer : 7.28272071453109 with <<[' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' When you are through write a clean report.', ' The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', ' On occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', ' pick that card from one gallon of gas', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' A long flowing beard clings to his chin.', ' He further proposed grants of an unexc / un okay type', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', " That's what I thought it was at first.", ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' grandfather likes to be modern in his language', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " Like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown.", ' Within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Travel is about the only leisure we have.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Most precincts had a third of the votes counted.', ' Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' I had no desire to change my ways.', ' Both figures would go higher in later years.', ' The blue spot is on the key again.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under.', ' I looked up and noticed two old men.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The job also covers a number of other items.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', ' He dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', " Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", ' A single kick made it spring open shuddering.', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', ' The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', " At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", ' No question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate.', ' This he added brought out about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' He nearly crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' Those people are much quicker than I am.', ' The toddler found a clamshell near the camp site.', ' They used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' He slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We selected places where families will be welcome.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', ' Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', ' day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to.', ' Even then if he took one step forward he could catch her.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', ' The revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform.', ' He has never done himself anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' A haunted house hit two houses ending on the job of Max.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' Internal national responsibility now but truism need not be documented.', ' internal national responsibility there are truism needs not be documented', ' We did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', ' On an occupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash.', " Hi so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', " To keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet I heard 'em was going to loose herdin'", " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' This he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' Clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm.', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' These he had a wealth of among people just as he said. They had personal grievances.', " Like enough we'll all be up and tapped by Suntown.", ' He did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually they are coming to', ' While waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times.', ' even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', ' Even if she took one step forward he could catch her.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' Some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town.', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', " High so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof.", ' The haunted house was a hit due to a outstanding audio visual effects.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has.', ' Like an earth will all be up on top by sundown.', ' He has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' shell shock caused by shrapnel is an easy one', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', " To keep 'em scattered some water and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", ' Two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing.', ' A crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him.', ' His selection on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' The haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects.', ' his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' Shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy.', ' We now provide for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' It also provides funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' He took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck.', ' The prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', ' Coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones.', ' His election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars.', ' Two cars came over a crest their glass flashing.', ' Why not not compare roadway to little shuddering leaves no longer wash?', ' You do that or take you out a permit right now.', ' prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor.', ' The diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried.', ' We have an ancient team.', ' The dolphins swam around our boat.', ' I can play this weekend.', ' Nobody expects to evacuate.', ' The pair of shoes was new.', " I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", ' he had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', ' Valuetze schoolhouse is too empty.', ' It was just in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice proposed that.', ' A good attitude is unbeatable.', " Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's?", ' We have often done something more flowing and smoke less.', ' This is not a program of socialized medicine.', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", " but indeed we're doing that same thing.", ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' When all else fails use force.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', ' She wore warm fleecy woolen overall.', ' Where were you while we were away?', ' Well he is nearly ninety-three years old.', ' The box came to take three sweaters.', ' This was easy for us.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' The group browned for experimental exam.', ' two other cases always were under advisement.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers me all', ' Their house is grey and white.', ' The job provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', ' he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat.', ' If you are losing water replace it immediately.', ' Some museum hires musicians every evening.', ' people participate in athletic activities.', ' Why yell or worry over silly items?', ' He will allow a rare lie.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Two other cases also were under advisement.', " You're used to being on the field.", ' The humidity is overwhelming there.', ' Accept the window. Accept the window when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', ' I looked up and added to her turn.', ' We rode horseback to the farm.', ' He is very proud of his grandfather and is a young for example as a choice.', ' He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', ' he will allow a rare lie.', ' Being able to tell can help too.', ' The first swam across the pond.', ' The wait for wait can be very long.', ' If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', ' Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", ' Like a gun?', ' Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', ' She is thinner than I am.', " I expect we'll bounce back this week.", ' The wait for wait can be a real deal again.', ' I just try to do my best.', ' It was a good win for us.', ' She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', ' The island has a party.', ' Being able to dance can help too.', ' The house is grey and white.', ' Day after day some new episode is reported.', ' Nobody really expects to even do that.', ' Nobody really expects to evacuate.', ' but he always answers Banana oil!', " Even though I'm a warm canter with gingham buildings and I'm off with my home."]>> <<['he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'this is not a program of socialized medicine', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'When you are through write a clean report.', 'The eastern coast is a place for pure pleasure and excitement.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'There is definitely some ligament damage in his knee.', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'Beg that guard for one gallon of gas.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'Chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift.', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'A long flowing beard clings to his chin ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.', "That's what I thought it was at first.", 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'Grandfather likes to be modern in his language.', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'within a system however the autonomy of each member library is preserved', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'Travel is about the only leisure we have.', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'most precincts had a third of the votes counted', 'Help Greg to pick a peck of potatoes.', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'I had no desire to change my ways.', 'Both figures would go higher in later years.', 'The blue spot is on the key again.', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'The job also covers a number of other items.', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'The structures housing the apartments are of masonry and frame construction.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', "Last year's gas shortage caused steep price increases.", 'a single kick made it spring open shuddering', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'The legislature met to judge the state of public education.', "At twilight on the twelfth day we'll have Chablis.", 'no question ruffles him or causes him to hesitate', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'He really crucified him; he nailed it for a yard loss.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'Those people are much quicker than I am.', 'the toddler found a clamshell near the camp site', 'they used an aggressive policeman to flag thoughtless motorists', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he slowly takes a short walk in the open air each day.', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We selected places where families will be welcome.', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'The staff deserves a lot of credit working down here under real obstacles.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'palm oil protects the surfaces of steel sheets before they are plated with tin', 'the revised procedure was acclaimed as a long overdue reform', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'internal national responsibility now a truism need not be documented', 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'beer generally fermented from barley is an old alcoholic beverage', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'she had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'clapping spurs to the bronc he set off at a sharp canter with growing alarm', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'this he added brought about petty jealousies and petty personal grievances', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'we did not accept the diagnosis at once but gradually we are coming to', 'while waiting for chipper she crisscrossed the square many times', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'even then if she took one step forward he could catch her', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'some observers speculated that this might be his revenge on his home town', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', "high so it only bounce harmlessly but loudly off a car's steel roof", 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', "like enough we'll all be up on top by sundown", 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', "to keep 'em scattered somewhat and yet herd 'em was called loose herdin'", 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'a crab challenged me but a quick stab vanquished him', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'the haunted house was a hit due to outstanding audio visual effects', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', "don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that", 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'shell shock caused by shrapnel is sometimes cured through group therapy', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'it also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories', 'he took his mask from his forehead and threw it unexpectedly across the deck', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'he has never himself done anything for which to be hated which of us has', 'coffee is grown on steep jungle like slopes in temperate zones', 'his election on the other hand would unquestionably strengthen the regulars', 'two cars came over a crest their chrome and glass flashing', 'on unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash', 'you do that or take you out a permit right now', 'the prospect of cutting back spending is an unpleasant one for any governor', 'the diagnosis was discouraging however he was not overly worried', 'We have an excellent team.', 'The dolphins swam around our boat.', 'I can play this weekend.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'The pair of shoes was new.', "I'm willing to experiment for the first time.", 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The little schoolhouse stood empty.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'A good attitude is unbeatable.', "Are your grades higher or lower than Nancy's? ", 'We have often urged him to walk more and smoke less', 'This is not a program of socialized medicine.', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'Both injuries were to the same leg.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'When all else fails use force.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'I just try to do my best.', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our little organ.', 'She wore warm fleecy woolen overalls.', 'Where were you while we were away? ', 'Well he is nearly ninety-three years old; ', 'The box contained three sweaters.', 'This was easy for us. ', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil!', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'It also provides for funds to clear slums and help colleges build dormitories.', 'he dresses himself in an ancient black frock coat ', 'If you are losing water replace it immediately.', 'The museum hires musicians every evening.', 'Young people participate in athletic activities.', 'Why yell or worry over silly items?', 'He will allow a rare lie.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Two other cases also were under advisement. ', "You're used to being on the field.", 'The humidity is overwhelming there.', 'Except in the winter when the ooze or snow or ice prevents', 'I looked up and noticed two old men.', 'We rode horseback to the farm.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He further proposed grants of an unspecified sum for experimental hospitals.', 'He will allow a rare lie. ', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'The fish swam across the pond.', 'The wait for work can be very long.', 'If you destroy confidence in banks you do something to the economy he said.', 'Nothing has been done yet to take advantage of the enabling legislation.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', "Don't ask me to carry an oily rag like that.", 'I can', 'Twice each day he plays skillfully and with zest upon our small organ.', 'She is thinner than I am. ', "I expect we'll bounce back this week.", 'The wait for work can be very do it again', 'I just try to do my best.', 'It was a good win for us.', 'She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.', 'The islands are sparsely populated.', 'Being able to dance can help too.', 'Their house is grey and white.', 'Day after day some new episode is reported.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'Nobody really expects to evacuate.', 'but he always answers Banana oil! ', 'giving those who observe him a pronounced feeling of the utmost respect.']>>